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In this web page we present the publications in refereed journals listed in the Scopus a total of 1982, that have been co-authored by the faculty of the Department of Physics from January 1, 2005 until December 31, 2024. A histogram of these publications, grouped in the corresponding five sections of the Department, is shown bellow. The average number of refereed publications per person per year is ~3.5 if one considers all 19 faculty, as well as 7 Emeriti Professors who, as of February 2025, are still active in research and teaching.


The high quality research performed by our faculty members has been internationally recognized. This can also be seen by the following histograms presenting the refereed papers, citations, and h-index of all 19 faculty members, as well as the 7 Emeriti Professors who are still actively involved in research and teaching, as were on January 17, 2025. (Click on the corresponding images for a larger version). Based on these data, each of the above mentioned members has on average published, throughout her/his career,  ~151 refereed papers, which received ~6000 citations. Their average h-index is 35.3.

Refereed Publications Refereed Citations h-index

Additionally, you may view the continuously updated Google Scholar entries of all members of our Department, sorted by citation, by pressing the icon

The corresponding publications of each Section, in reverse chronological order are listed bellow:

Astrophysics & Space Physics Publications

  1. Kypriotakis J.A., Maharana S., Anche R.M., Rajarshi C.V., Ramaprakash A., Joshi B., Basyrov A., Blinov D., Ghosh T., Gjerløw E., Kiehlmann S., Mandarakas N., Panopoulou G.V., Papadaki K., Pavlidou V., Pearson T.J., Pelgrims V., Potter S.B., Readhead A.C.S., Skalidis R., Tassis K. , "Wide Area Linear Optical Polarimeter North instrument I: Optical design, filter design, and calibration", Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, (2024), 10(4), DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.10.4.044005

  2. Readhead A.C.S., Ravi V., Blandford R.D., Sullivan A.G., Somalwar J., Begelman M.C., Birkinshaw M., Liodakis I., Lister M.L., Pearson T.J., Taylor G.B., Wilkinson P.N., Globus N., Kiehlmann S., Lawrence C.R., Murphy D., O’Neill S., Pavlidou V., Sheldahl E., Siemiginowska A., Tassis K. , "Compact Symmetric Objects. III. Evolution of the High-luminosity Branch and a Possible Connection with Tidal Disruption Events", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 961(2), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0c55

  3. Korkidis G., Pavlidou V. , "Mass scaling relations for dark halos from an analytic universal outer density profile", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 690(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449704

  4. Strantzalis A., Lazarou D., Hatzidimitriou D., Zezas A., Antoniou V., Reskos N. , "A robust automated machine-learning method for the identification of star clusters in the central region of the Small Magellanic Cloud", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 681(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202345959

  5. Konstantinou A., Ntormousi E., Tassis K., Pallottini A. , "Time evolution of the galactic B - ρ relation: The impact of the magnetic field morphology", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 686(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347606

  6. Kammoun E., Papadakis I.E., Dovčiak M., Panagiotou C. , "Broadband X-ray/UV/optical time-resolved spectroscopy of NGC 5548: The origin of the UV/optical variability in active galactic nuclei", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 686(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348686

  7. Donnelly G.P., Smith J.D.T., Draine B.T., Togi A., Lai T.S.-Y., Armus L., Dale D.A., Charmandaris V. , "The Impact of an Active Galactic Nucleus on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in Galaxies: The Case of Ring Galaxy NGC 4138", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 965(1), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad2169

  8. Abend S., Allard B., Alonso I., Antoniadis J., Araujo H., Arduini G., Arnold A.S., Asano T., Augst N., Badurina L., Balaz A., Banks H., Barone M., Barsanti M., Bassi A., Battelier B., Baynham C.F.A., Beaufils Q., Belic A., Beniwal A., Bernabeu J., Bertinelli F., Bertoldi A., Biswas I.A., Blas D., Boegel P., Bogojevic A., Bohm J., Bohringer S., Bongs K., Bouyer P., Brand C., Brimis A., Buchmueller O., Cacciapuoti L., Calatroni S., Canuel B., Caprini C., Caramete A., Caramete L., Carlesso M., Carlton J., Casariego M., Charmandaris V., Chen Y.-A., Chiofalo M.L., Cimbri A., Coleman J., Constantin F.L., Contaldi C.R., Cui Y., Ros E.D., Davies G., Rosendo E.D.P., Deppner C., Derevianko A., de Rham C., De Roeck A., Derr D., Pumpo F.D., Djordjevic G.S., Dobrich B., Domokos P., Dornan P., Doser M., Drougakis G., Dunningham J., Duspayev A., Easo S., Eby J., Efremov M., Ekelof T., Elertas G., Ellis J., Evans D., Fadeev P., Fanì M., Fassi F., Fattori M., Fayet P., Felea D., Feng J., Friedrich A., Fuchs E., Gaaloul N., Gao D., Gardner S., Garraway B., Gauguet A., Gerlach S., Gersemann M., Gibson V., Giese E., Giudice G.F., Glasbrenner E.P., Gundo M., Haehnelt M., Hakulinen T., Hammerer K., Hanımeli E.T., Harte T., Hawkins L., Hees A., Heise J., Henderson V.A., Herrmann S., Hird T.M., Hogan J.M., Holst B., Holynski M., Hussain K., Janson G., Jeglic P., Jelezko F., Kagan M., Kalliokoski M., Kasevich M., Kehagias A., Kilian E., Koley S., Konrad B., Kopp J., Kornakov G., Kovachy T., Kumar M., Kumar P., Lammerzahl C., Landsberg G., Langlois M., Lanigan B., Lellouch S., Leone B., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Lewicki M., Leykauf B., Lezeik A., Lombriser L., Lopez-Gonzalez J.L., Asamar E.L., Monjaraz C.L., Luciano G.G., Mahmoud M.A., Maleknejad A., Krutzik M., Marteau J., Massonnet D., Mazumdar A., McCabe C., Meister M., Menu J., Messineo G., Micalizio S., Millington P., Milosevic M., Mitchell J., Montero M., Morley G.W., Muller J., Mustecapl E., Ni W.-T., Noller J., Odzak S., Daniel K.L., Omar Y., Pahl J., Paling S., Pandey S., Pappas G., Pareek V., Pasatembou E., Pelucchi E., dos Santos F.P., Piest B., Pikovski I., Pilaftsis A., Plunkett R., Poggiani R., Prevedelli M., Puputti J., Veettil V.P., Quenby J., Rafelski J., Rajendran S., Rasel E.M., Sfar H.R., Reynaud S., Richaud A., Rodzinka T., Roura A., Rudolph J., Sabulsky D.O., Safronova M.S., Santamaria L., Schilling M., Schkolnik V., Schleich W.P., Schlippert D., Schneider U., Schreck F., Schubert C., Schwersenz N., Semakin A., Sergijenko O., Shao L., Shipsey I., Singh R., Smerzi A., Sopuerta C.F., Spallicci A.D.A.M., Stefanescu P., Stergioulas N., Strohle J., Struckmann C., Tentindo S., Throssell H., Tino G.M., Tinsley J.N., Mircea O.T., Tkalcec K., Tolley A.J., Tornatore V., Torres-Orjuela A., Treutlein P., Trombettoni A., Tsai Y.-D., Ufrecht C., Ulmer S., Valuch D., Vaskonen V., Vazquez-Aceves V., Vitanov N.V., Vogt C., von Klitzing W., Vukics A., Walser R., Wang J., Warburton N., Webber-Date A., Wenzlawski A., Werner M., Williams J., Windpassinger P., Wolf P., Woerner L., Xuereb A., Yahia M.E., Cruzeiro E.Z., Zarei M., Zhan M., Zhou L., Zupan J., Zupanic E. , "Terrestrial very-long-baseline atom interferometry: Workshop summary", AVS Quantum Science, (2024), 6(2), DOI: 10.1116/5.0185291

  9. Martin-Alvarez S., Lopez-Rodriguez E., Dacunha T., Clark S.E., Borlaff A.S., Beck R., Rodríguez Montero F., Jung S.L., Devriendt J., Slyz A., Roman-Duval J.C., Ntormousi E., Tahani M., Subramanian K., Dale D.A., Marcum P.M., Tassis K., del Moral-Castro I., Tram L.N., Jarvis M.J. , "Extragalactic Magnetism with SOFIA (SALSA Legacy Program). VII. A Tomographic View of Far-infrared and Radio Polarimetric Observations through MHD Simulations of Galaxies", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 966(1), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad2e9e

  10. Pelgrims V., Mandarakas N., Skalidis R., Tassis K., Panopoulou G.V., Pavlidou V., Blinov D., Kiehlmann S., Clark S.E., Hensley B.S., Romanopoulos S., Basyrov A., Eriksen H.K., Falalaki M., Ghosh T., Gjerløw E., Kypriotakis J.A., Maharana S., Papadaki A., Pearson T.J., Potter S.B., Ramaprakash A.N., Readhead A.C.S., Wehus I.K. , "The first degree-scale starlight-polarization-based tomography map of the magnetized interstellar medium", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 684(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202349015

  11. Kiehlmann S., Readhead A.C.S., O’Neill S., Wilkinson P.N., Lister M.L., Liodakis I., Bruzewski S., Pavlidou V., Pearson T.J., Sheldahl E., Siemiginowska A., Tassis K., Taylor G.B. , "Compact Symmetric Objects. II. Confirmation of a Distinct Population of High-luminosity Jetted Active Galaxies", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 961(2), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0cc2

  12. Kylafis N.D., Reig P. , "The role of outflows in black-hole X-ray binaries", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 690(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202450337

  13. Papadakis I.E., Binas-Valavanis V. , "The X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei: Power spectrum and variance analysis of the Swift /BAT light curves", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 685(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347995

  14. Tsouros A., Edenhofer G., Enãblin T., Mastorakis M., Pavlidou V. , "Reconstructing Galactic magnetic fields from local measurements for backtracking ultra-high-energy cosmic rays", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 681(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202346423

  15. Tsouros A., Bendre A.B., Edenhofer G., Enaßlin T., Frank P., Mastorakis M., Pavlidou V. , "Nonparametric Bayesian reconstruction of Galactic magnetic fields using information field theory: The inclusion of line-of-sight information in ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray backtracing", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 690(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449933

  16. Kouroumpatzakis K., Svoboda J., Zezas A., Borkar A., Kyritsis E., Boorman P.G., Daoutis C., Adamcová B., Grossová R. , "Blueberry galaxies up to 200 Mpc and their optical and infrared properties", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 688(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449766

  17. Haldoupis C., Haralambous H., Meek C. , "A Simplified Method of True Height Analysis to Estimate the Real Height of Sporadic E Layers", Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, (2024), 129(4), DOI: 10.1029/2024JA032505

  18. Arcodia R., Merloni A., Comparat J., Dwelly T., Seppi R., Zhang Y., Buchner J., Georgakakis A., Haberl F., Igo Z., Kyritsis E., Liu T., Nandra K., Ni Q., Ponti G., Salvato M., Ward C., Wolf J., Zezas A. , "O Corona, where art thou? eROSITA’s view of UV-optical-IR variability-selected massive black holes in low-mass galaxies", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 681(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347531

  19. Kumari K., Dewangan G.C., Papadakis I.E., Singh K.P. , "Detection of X-ray/UV delay in NGC 4051 using AstroSat obser v ations", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, (2024), 527(3), DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad3444

  20. Loudas N., Kylafis N.D., Trümper J. , "Cyclotron line formation in the radiative shock of an accreting magnetized neutron star", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 685(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348109

  21. Loudas N., Kylafis N.D., Trümper J. , "A quantitative explanation of the cyclotron-line variation in accreting magnetic neutron stars of super-critical luminosity", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 689(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449695

  22. Petrecca V., Papadakis I.E., Paolillo M., De Cicco D., Bauer F.E. , "Ensemble power spectral density of SDSS quasars in UV/optical bands", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 686(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449161

  23. Gliozzi M., Williams J.K., Akylas A., Papadakis I.E., Shuvo O.I., Halavatkar A., Alt A. , "Comparing indirect methods for black hole masses in AGN: The good, the bad, and the ugly", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, (2024), 528(2), DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad3974

  24. Papoutsis M., Papadakis I.E., Panagiotou C., Dovčiak M., Kammoun E. , "X-ray reverberation as an explanation for UV/optical variability in nearby Seyferts", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 691(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348603

  25. Kumar S., Dewangan G.C., Gandhi P., Papadakis I.E., Mithun N.P.S., Singh K.P., Bhattacharya D., Zdziarski A.A., Stewart G.C., Bhattacharyya S., Chandra S. , "Multi-epoch UV-X-Ray Spectral Study of NGC 4151 with AstroSat", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 975(1), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad77ca

  26. Mandarakas N., Panopoulou G.V., Pelgrims V., Potter S.B., Pavlidou V., Ramaprakash A., Tassis K., Blinov D., Kiehlmann S., Koutsiona E., Maharana S., Romanopoulos S., Skalidis R., Vervelaki A., Clark S.E., Kypriotakis J.A., Readhead A.C.S. , "Zero-polarization candidate regions for the calibration of wide-field optical polarimeters", Astronomy and Astrophysics, (2024), 684(), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348099

  27. Ampartzaki M., Tassis K., Kalogiannakis M., Pavlidou V., Christidis K., Chatzoglidou S., Eleftherakis G. , "Assessing the Initial Outcomes of a Blended Learning Course for Teachers Facilitating Astronomy Activities for Young Children †", Education Sciences, (2024), 14(6), DOI: 10.3390/educsci14060606

  28. Paoletti D., Rubino-Martin J.A., Shiraishi M., Molinari D., Chluba J., Finelli F., Baccigalupi C., Errard J., Gruppuso A., Lonappan A.I., Tartari A., Allys E., Anand A., Aumont J., Ballardini M., Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Bartolo N., Bersanelli M., Bortolami M., Brinckmann T., Calabrese E., Campeti P., Carones A., Casas F.J., Cheung K., Clermont L., Columbro F., Conenna G., Coppolecchia A., Cuttaia F., D’Alessandro G., de Bernardis P., Della Torre S., Diego-Palazuelos P., Eriksen H.K., Fuskeland U., Galloni G., Galloway M., Gerbino M., Gervasi M., Ghigna T., Giardiello S., Gimeno-Amo C., Gjerløw E., Grupp F., Hazumi M., Henrot-Versillé S., Hergt L.T., Hivon E., Ichiki K., Ishino H., Kohri K., Komatsu E., Krachmalnicoff N., Lamagna L., Lattanzi M., Lembo M., Levrier F., López-Caniego M., Luzzi G., Martínez-González E., Masi S., Matarrese S., Micheli S., Migliaccio M., Monelli M., Montier L., Morgante G., Mousset L., Nagata R., Namikawa T., Natoli P., Novelli A., Obata I., Occhiuzzi A., Odagiri K., Pagano L., Paiella A., Pascual-Cisneros G., Piacentini F., Piccirilli G., Remazeilles M., Ritacco A., Ruiz-Granda M., Sakurai Y., Scott D., Stever S.L., Sullivan R.M., Takase Y., Tassis K., Terenzi L., Tristram M., Vacher L., van Tent B., Vielva P., Wehus I.K., Weymann-Despres G., Zannoni M., Zhou Y. , "LiteBIRD science goals and forecasts: primordial magnetic fields", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (2024), 2024(7), DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/07/086

  29. Remazeilles M., Douspis M., Rubiño-Martín J.A., Banday A.J., Chluba J., de Bernardis P., De Petris M., Hernández-Monteagudo C., Luzzi G., Macias-Perez J., Masi S., Namikawa T., Salvati L., Tanimura H., Aizawa K., Anand A., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C., Ballardini M., Barreiro R.B., Bartolo N., Basak S., Bersanelli M., Blinov D., Bortolami M., Brinckmann T., Calabrese E., Campeti P., Carinos E., Carones A., Casas F.J., Cheung K., Clermont L., Columbro F., Coppolecchia A., Cuttaia F., de Haan T., de la Hoz E., Della Torre S., Diego-Palazuelos P., D'Alessandro G., Eriksen H.K., Finelli F., Fuskeland U., Galloni G., Galloway M., Gervasi M., Génova-Santos R.T., Ghigna T., Giardiello S., Gimeno-Amo C., Gjerløw E., González González R., Gruppuso A., Hazumi M., Henrot-Versillé S., Hergt L.T., Herranz D., Kohri K., Komatsu E., Lamagna L., Lattanzi M., Leloup C., Levrier F., Lonappan A.I., López-Caniego M., Maffei B., Martínez-González E., Matarrese S., Matsumura T., Micheli S., Migliaccio M., Monelli M., Montier L., Morgante G., Nagano Y., Nagata R., Novelli A., Omae R., Pagano L., Paoletti D., Pavlidou V., Piacentini F., Pinchera M., Polenta G., Porcelli L., Ritacco A., Ruiz-Granda M., Sakurai Y., Scott D., Shiraishi M., Stever S.L., Sullivan R.M., Takase Y., Tassis K., Terenzi L., Tomasi M., Tristram M., Vacher L., van Tent B., Vielva P., Wehus I.K., Westbrook B., Weymann-Despres G., Wollack E.J., Zannoni M., Zhou Y. , "LiteBIRD science goals and forecasts. Mapping the hot gas in the Universe", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (2024), 2024(12), DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/12/026

  30. Leloup C., Patanchon G., Errard J., Franceschet C., Gudmundsson J.E., Henrot-Versillé S., Imada H., Ishino H., Matsumura T., Puglisi G., Wang W., Adler A., Aumont J., Aurlien R., Baccigalupi C., Ballardini M., Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Bartolo N., Basyrov A., Bersanelli M., Blinov D., Bortolami M., Brinckmann T., Campeti P., Carones A., Carralot F., Casas F.J., Cheung K., Clermont L., Columbro F., Conenna G., Coppolecchia A., Cuttaia F., Dachlythra N., D'Alessandro G., de Bernardis P., de Haan T., De Petris M., Della Torre S., Diego-Palazuelos P., Eriksen H.K., Finelli F., Fuskeland U., Galloni G., Galloway M., Georges M., Gerbino M., Gervasi M., Génova-Santos R.T., Ghigna T., Giardiello S., Gimeno-Amo C., Gjerløw E., Gruppuso A., Hazumi M., Hergt L.T., Herranz D., Hivon E., Hoang T.D., Jost B., Kohri K., Krachmalnicoff N., Lee A.T., Lembo M., Levrier F., Lonappan A.I., López-Caniego M., Macias-Perez J., Martínez-González E., Masi S., Matarrese S., Micheli S., Monelli M., Montier L., Morgante G., Mot B., Mousset L., Namikawa T., Natoli P., Novelli A., Noviello F., Obata I., Odagiri K., Pagano L., Paiella A., Paoletti D., Pascual-Cisneros G., Pavlidou V., Piacentini F., Piccirilli G., Pisano G., Poleta G., Raffuzzi N., Remazeilles M., Ritacco A., Rizzieri A., Ruiz-Granda M., Sakurai Y., Shiraishi M., Stever S.L., Takase Y., Tassis K., Terenzi L., Thompson K.L., Tristram M., Vacher L., Vielva P., Wehus I.K., Weymann-Despres G., Zannoni M., Zhou Y. , "Impact of beam far side-lobe knowledge in the presence of foregrounds for LiteBIRD", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (2024), 2024(6), DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/06/011

  31. Lonappan A.I., Namikawa T., Piccirilli G., Diego-Palazuelos P., Ruiz-Granda M., Migliaccio M., Baccigalupi C., Bartolo N., Beck D., Benabed K., Challinor A., Errard J., Farrens S., Gruppuso A., Krachmalnicoff N., Martínez-González E., Pettorino V., Sherwin B., Starck J., Vielva P., Akizawa R., Anand A., Aumont J., Aurlien R., Azzoni S., Ballardini M., Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Bersanelli M., Blinov D., Bortolami M., Brinckmann T., Calabrese E., Campeti P., Carones A., Carralot F., Casas F.J., Cheung K., Clermont L., Columbro F., Conenna G., Coppolecchia A., Cuttaia F., D'Alessandro G., de Bernardis P., De Petris M., Della Torre S., Di Giorgi E., Eriksen H.K., Finelli F., Franceschet C., Fuskeland U., Galloni G., Galloway M., Georges M., Gerbino M., Gervasi M., Génova-Santos R.T., Ghigna T., Giardiello S., Gimeno-Amo C., Gjerløw E., Hazumi M., Henrot-Versillé S., Hergt L.T., Hivon E., Kohri K., Komatsu E., Lamagna L., Lattanzi M., Leloup C., Lembo M., López-Caniego M., Luzzi G., Macias-Perez J., Maffei B., Masi S., Massa M., Matarrese S., Matsumura T., Micheli S., Moggi A., Monelli M., Montier L., Morgante G., Mot B., Mousset L., Nagata R., Natoli P., Novelli A., Obata I., Occhiuzzi A., Pagano L., Paiella A., Paoletti D., Pascual-Cisneros G., Pavlidou V., Piacentini F., Pinchera M., Pisano G., Polenta G., Puglisi G., Remazeilles M., Ritacco A., Rizzieri A., Sakurai Y., Scott D., Shiraishi M., Signorelli G., Stever S.L., Takase Y., Tanimura H., Tartari A., Tassis K., Terenzi L., Tristram M., Vacher L., van Tent B., Wehus I.K., Weymann-Despres G., Zannoni M., Zhou Y. , "LiteBIRD science goals and forecasts: a full-sky measurement of gravitational lensing of the CMB", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (2024), 2024(6), DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/06/009

  32. Moon H., Wik D.R., Antoniou V., Eracleous M., Hornschemeier A.E., Lazzarini M., Lehmer B.D., Vulic N., Williams B.F., Maccarone T.J., Pottschmidt K., Ptak A., Yukita M., Zezas A. , "A NuSTAR Census of the X-Ray Binary Population of the M31 Disk", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 970(2), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad4da4

  33. Bianchin M., Vivian U., Song Y., Lai T.S., Remigio R.P., Barcos-Muñoz L., Díaz-Santos T., Armus L., Inami H., Larson K.L., Evans A.S., Böker T., Kader J.A., Linden S.T., Charmandaris V., Malkan M.A., Rich J., Bohn T., Medling A.M., Stierwalt S., Mazzarella J.M., Law D.R., Privon G.C., Aalto S., Appleton P., Brown M.J.I., Buiten V.A., Finnerty L., Hayward C.C., Howell J., Iwasawa K., Kemper F., Marshall J., McKinney J., Müller-Sánchez F., Murphy E.J., van der Werf P.P., Sanders D.B., Surace J. , "GOALS-JWST: Gas Dynamics and Excitation in NGC 7469 Revealed by NIRSpec", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 965(2), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad2a50

  34. Bohn T., Inami H., Togi A., Armus L., Lai T.S., Barcos-Munoz L., Song Y., Linden S.T., Surace J., Bianchin M., Vivian U., Evans A.S., Böker T., Malkan M.A., Larson K.L., Stierwalt S., Buiten V.A., Charmandaris V., Diaz-Santos T., Howell J.H., Privon G.C., Ricci C., van der Werf P.P., Aalto S., Hayward C.C., Kader J.A., Mazzarella J.M., Muller-Sanchez F., Sanders D.B. , "GOALS-JWST: The Warm Molecular Outflows of the Merging Starburst Galaxy NGC 3256", Astrophysical Journal, (2024), 977(1), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad87d3

  35. Linden S.T., Lai T., Evans A.S., Armus L., Larson K.L., Rich J.A., Vivian U., Privon G.C., Inami H., Song Y., Bianchin M., Bohn T., Buiten V.A., Sanchez-García M., Kader J., Lenkić L., Medling A.M., Böker T., Díaz-Santos T., Charmandaris V., Barcos-Muñoz L., van der Werf P., Stierwalt S., Aalto S., Appleton P., Hayward C.C., Howell J.H., Malkan M.A., Mazzarella J.M., Murphy E.J., Surace J. , "GOALS-JWST: Constraining the Emergence Timescale for Massive Star Clusters in NGC 3256", Astrophysical Journal Letters, (2024), 974(2), DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad7eae

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  25. Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I.E., Brandt, W.N., Bauer, F.E., Lanzuisi, G., Allevato, V., Shemmer, O., Zheng, X.C., De Cicco, D., Gilli, R., Luo, B., Thomas, M., Tozzi, P., Vito, F., Xue, Y.Q., "The universal shape of the X-ray variability power spectrum of AGN up to z ~3", (2023) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 673, art. no. A68, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202245291
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  27. Rich, J., Aalto, S., Evans, A.S., Charmandaris, V., Privon, G.C., Lai, T., Inami, H., Linden, S., Armus, L., Diaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Böker, T., Larson, K.L., Law, D.R., Malkan, M.A., Medling, A.M., Song, Y., Vivian, U., van der Werf, P., Bohn, T., Brown, M.J.I., Finnerty, L., Hayward, C., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Kemper, F., Marshall, J., Mazzarella, J.M., McKinney, J., Muller-Sanchez, F., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D., Soifer, B.T., Stierwalt, S., Surace, J., "GOALS-JWST: Pulling Back the Curtain on the AGN and Star Formation in VV 114", (2023) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 944 (2), art. no. L50, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/acb2b8
  28. Skalidis, R., Gkimisi, K., Tassis, K., Panopoulou, G.V., Pelgrims, V., Tritsis, A., Goldsmith, P.F., "CO enhancement by magnetohydrodynamic waves: Striations in the Polaris Flare", (2023) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 673, art. no. A76, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202345880
  29. Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., Pavlidou, V., "Analytic characterization of sub-Alfvénic turbulence energetics", (2023) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, art. no. L3, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202346072
  30. Stamatis, M., Hatzianastassiou, N., Korras-Carraca, M.-B., Matsoukas, C., Wild, M., Vardavas, I., "An Assessment of Global Dimming and Brightening during 1984–2018 Using the FORTH Radiative Transfer Model and ISCCP Satellite and MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data", (2023) Atmosphere, 14 (8), art. no. 1258, DOI: 10.3390/atmos14081258
  31. West, L., Garofali, K., Lehmer, B.D., Prestwich, A., Eufrasio, R., Luangtip, W., Roberts, T.P., Zezas, A., "The Large Deficit of HMXB Emission from Luminous Infrared Galaxies: The Case of the Circumnuclear Starburst Ring in NGC 7552", (2023) Astrophysical Journal, 952 (1), art. no. 22, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/acd9aa
  32. Wright, N.J., Drake, J.J., Guarcello, M.G., Kashyap, V.L., Zezas, A., "Simulating the Sensitivity to Stellar Point Sources of Chandra X-Ray Observations", (2023) Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 269 (1), art. no. 8, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/acdd63
  33. Zhang, W., Papadakis, I.E., Dovčiak, M., Bursa, M., Karas, V., "A theoretical study of the time lags due to Comptonization and the constraints on the X-ray corona in AGNs", (2023) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519 (4), pp. 4951-4965. ,DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac3625
  1. Akylas, A., Papadakis, I., Georgakakis, A., "Black hole mass estimation using X-ray variability measurements in Seyfert galaxies", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666, art. no. A127, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202244162
  2. Anastasopoulou, K., Zezas, A., Steiner, J.F., Reig, P., "Average bolometric corrections and optical to X-ray flux measurements as a function of accretion rate for X-ray binaries", (2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (1), pp. 1400-1413, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac940
  3. Antonova, A., Baes, M., Burkert, A., Davies, R.L., Dominguez, I., Kaper, L., Kylafis, N.D., Lucatello, S., Meylan, G., Różańska, A., "EAS 2022 takes positive steps forward for sustainable astronomy", (2022) Nature Astronomy, 6 (7), p. 765, DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01732-w
  4. Bernadich, M.C.I., Schwope, A.D., Kovlakas, K., Zezas, A., Traulsen, I., "An expanded ultraluminous X-ray source catalogue", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 659, art. no. A188, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202141560
  5. D'Abrusco, R., Zegeye, D., Fabbiano, G., Cantiello, M., Paolillo, M., Zezas, A., "Spatial Structures in the Globular Cluster Distribution of Fornax Cluster Galaxies", (2022) Astrophysical Journal, 927 (1), art. no. 15, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac4be2
  6. Dey, S., Goyal, A., Małek, K., Galvin, T.J., Seymour, N., Santos, T.D., Piotrowska, J., Charmandaris, V., "Low-frequency Radio Continuum Imaging and SED Modeling of 11 LIRGs: Radio-only and FUV to Radio Bands", (2022) Astrophysical Journal, 938 (2), art. no. 152, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac82f2
  7. Dovčiak, M., Papadakis, I.E., Kammoun, E.S., Zhang, W., "Physical model for the broadband energy spectrum of X-ray illuminated accretion discs: Fitting the spectral energy distribution of NGC 5548", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 661, art. no. A135, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142358
  8. Evans, A.S., Frayer, D.T., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., Inami, H., Surace, J., Linden, S., Soifer, B.T., Diaz-Santos, T., Larson, K.L., Rich, J.A., Song, Y., Barcos-Munoz, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Privon, G.C., Vivian, U., Medling, A.M., Böker, T., Aalto, S., Iwasawa, K., Howell, J.H., van der Werf, P., Appleton, P., Bohn, T., Brown, M.J.I., Hayward, C.C., Hoshioka, S., Kemper, F., Lai, T., Law, D., Malkan, M.A., Marshall, J., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D., Stierwalt, S., "GOALS-JWST: Hidden Star Formation and Extended PAH Emission in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114", (2022) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 940 (1), art. no. L8, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac9971
  9. Inami, H., Surace, J., Armus, L., Evans, A.S., Larson, K.L., Barcos-Munoz, L., Stierwalt, S., Mazzarella, J.M., Privon, G.C., Song, Y., Linden, S.T., Hayward, C.C., Böker, T., Vivian, U., Bohn, T., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Howell, J.H., Lai, T., Medling, A.M., Rich, J.A., Aalto, S., Appleton, P., Brown, M.J.I., Hoshioka, S., Iwasawa, K., Kemper, F., Law, D., Malkan, M.A., Marshall, J., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D., Werf, P.V.D., "GOALS-JWST: Unveiling Dusty Compact Sources in the Merging Galaxy IIZw096", (2022) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 940 (1), art. no. L6, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac9389
  10. Konstantinou, A., Pelgrims, V., Fuchs, F., Tassis, K., "Polarization power spectra and dust cloud morphology", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 663, art. no. A175, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142580
  11. Kopsacheili, M., Zezas, A., Leonidaki, I., "Optical emission-line luminosity function models for populations of supernova remnants", (2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 (3), pp. 3260-3269, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac1415
  12. Kyritsis, E., Maravelias, G., Zezas, A., Bonfini, P., Kovlakas, K., Reig, P., "A new automated tool for the spectral classification of OB stars", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 657, art. no. A62, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202040224
  13. Lai, T.S.-Y., Armus, L., Vivian, U., Díaz-Santos, T., Larson, K.L., Evans, A., Malkan, M.A., Appleton, P., Rich, J., Müller-Sánchez, F., Inami, H., Bohn, T., McKinney, J., Finnerty, L., Law, D.R., Linden, S.T., Medling, A.M., Privon, G.C., Song, Y., Stierwalt, S., van der Werf, P.P., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Smith, J.D.T., Togi, A., Aalto, S., Böker, T., Charmandaris, V., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Kemper, F., Mazzarella, J.M., Murphy, E.J., Brown, M.J.I., Hayward, C.C., Marshall, J., Sanders, D., Surace, J., "GOALS-JWST: Tracing AGN Feedback on the Star-forming Interstellar Medium in NGC 7469", (2022) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 941 (2), art. no. 36, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac9ebf
  14. Liodakis, I., Hovatta, T., Pavlidou, V., Readhead, A.C.S., Blandford, R.D., Kiehlmann, S., Lindfors, E., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pearson, T.J., Petropoulou, M., "The hunt for extraterrestrial high-energy neutrino counterparts", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666, art. no. A36, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202244551
  15. Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Clarke, M., Shenoy, S., Vacca, W., Coude, S., Arneson, R., Ashton, P., Eftekharzadeh, S., Beck, R., Beckman, J.E., Borlaff, A.S., Clark, S.E., Dale, D.A., Martin-Alvarez, S., Ntormousi, E., Reach, W.T., Roman-Duval, J., Tassis, K., Harper, D.A., Marcum, P.M., (2022) Astrophysical Journal, 936 (1), art. no. 65, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac83ac
  16. Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Mao, S.A., Beck, R., Borlaff, A.S., Ntormousi, E., Tassis, K., Dale, D.A., Roman-Duval, J., Subramanian, K., Martin-Alvarez, S., Marcum, P.M., Clark, S.E., Reach, W.T., Harper, D.A., Zweibel, E.G., "Extragalactic Magnetism with SOFIA (SALSA Legacy Program). IV. Program Overview and First Results on the Polarization Fraction", (2022) Astrophysical Journal, 936 (1), art. no. 92, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7f9d
  17. Loudas, N., Pavlidou, V., Casadio, C., Tassis, K., "Discriminating power of milli-lensing observations for dark matter models", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 668, art. no. A166, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202244978
  18. Maharana, S., Anche, R.M., Ramaprakash, A.N., Joshi, B., Basyrov, A., Blinov, D., Casadio, C., Deka, K., Eriksen, H.K., Ghosh, T., Gjerløw, E., Kypriotakis, J.A., Kiehlmann, S., Mandarakas, N., Panopoulou, G.V., Papadaki, K., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., Pelgrims, V., Potter, S.B., Readhead, A.C.S., Skalidis, R., Svalheim, T.L., Tassis, K., Wehus, I.K., "WALOP-South: a four-camera one-shot imaging polarimeter for PASIPHAE survey. Paper II – polarimetric modeling and calibration", (2022) Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 8 (3), art. no. 038004, DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.8.3.038004
  19. Marques Oliveira, J., Sicardy, B., Gomes-Júnior, A.R., Ortiz, J.L., Strobel, D.F., Bertrand, T., Forget, F., Lellouch, E., Desmars, J., Bérard, D., Doressoundiram, A., Lecacheux, J., Leiva, R., Meza, E., Roques, F., Souami, D., Widemann, T., Santos-Sanz, P., Morales, N., Duffard, R., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Castro-Tirado, A.J., Braga-Ribas, F., Morgado, B.E., Assafin, M., Camargo, J.I.B., Vieira-Martins, R., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Santos-Filho, S., Banda-Huarca, M.V., Quispe-Huaynasi, F., Pereira, C.L., Rommel, F.L., Margoti, G., Dias-Oliveira, A., Colas, F., Berthier, J., Renner, S., Hueso, R., Pérez-Hoyos, S., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Rojas, J.F., Beisker, W., Kretlow, M., Herald, D., Gault, D., Bath, K.-L., Bode, H.-J., Bredner, E., Guhl, K., Haymes, T.V., Hummel, E., Kattentidt, B., Klös, O., Pratt, A., Thome, B., Avdellidou, C., Gazeas, K., Karampotsiou, E., Tzouganatos, L., Kardasis, E., Christou, A.A., Xilouris, E.M., Alikakos, I., Gourzelas, A., Liakos, A., Charmandaris, V., Jelínek, M., Štrobl, J., Eberle, A., Rapp, K., Gährken, B., Klemt, B., Kowollik, S., Bitzer, R., Miller, M., Herzogenrath, G., Frangenberg, D., Brandis, L., Pütz, I., Perdelwitz, V., Piehler, G.M., Riepe, P., Von Poschinger, K., Baruffetti, P., Cenadelli, D., Christille, J.-M., Ciabattari, F., Di Luca, R., Alboresi, D., Leto, G., Zanmar Sanchez, R., Bruno, P., Occhipinti, G., Morrone, L., Cupolino, L., Noschese, A., Vecchione, A., Scalia, C., Lo Savio, R., Giardina, G., Kamoun, S., Barbosa, R., Behrend, R., Spano, M., Bouchet, E., Cottier, M., Falco, L., Gallego, S., Tortorelli, L., Sposetti, S., Sussenbach, J., Van Den Abbeel, F., André, P., Llibre, M., Pailler, F., Ardissone, J., Boutet, M., Sanchez, J., Bretton, M., Cailleau, A., Pic, V., Granier, L., Chauvet, R., Conjat, M., Dauvergne, J.L., Dechambre, O., Delay, P., Delcroix, M., Rousselot, L., Ferreira, J., MacHado, P., Tanga, P., Rivet, J.-P., Frappa, E., Irzyk, M., Jabet, F., Kaschinski, M., Klotz, A., Rieugnie, Y., Klotz, A.N., Labrevoir, O., Lavandier, D., Walliang, D., Leroy, A., Bouley, S., Lisciandra, S., Coliac, J.-F., Metz, F., Erpelding, D., Nougayrède, P., Midavaine, T., Miniou, M., Moindrot, S., Morel, P., Reginato, B., Reginato, E., Rudelle, J., Tregon, B., Tanguy, R., David, J., Thuillot, W., Hestroffer, D., Vaudescal, G., Baba Aissa, D., Grigahcene, Z., Briggs, D., Broadbent, S., Denyer, P., Haigh, N.J., Quinn, N., Thurston, G., Fossey, S.J., Arena, C., Jennings, M., Talbot, J., Alonso, S., Román Reche, A., Casanova, V., Briggs, E., Iglesias-Marzoa, R., Abril Ibáñez, J., Díaz Martín, M.C., González, H., Maestre García, J.L., Marchant, J., Ordonez-Etxeberria, I., Martorell, P., Salamero, J., Organero, F., Ana, L., Fonseca, F., Peris, V., Brevia, O., Selva, A., Perello, C., Cabedo, V., Gonçalves, R., Ferreira, M., Marques Dias, F., Daassou, A., Barkaoui, K., Benkhaldoun, Z., Guennoun, M., Chouqar, J., Jehin, E., Rinner, C., Lloyd, J., El Moutamid, M., Lamarche, C., Pollock, J.T., Caton, D.B., Kouprianov, V., Timerson, B.W., Blanchard, G., Payet, B., Peyrot, A., Teng-Chuen-Yu, J.-P., Françoise, J., Mondon, B., Payet, T., Boissel, C., Castets, M., Hubbard, W.B., Hill, R., Reitsema, H.J., Mousis, O., Ball, L., Neilsen, G., Hutcheon, S., Lay, K., Anderson, P., Moy, M., Jonsen, M., Pink, I., Walters, R., Downs, B., "Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton's atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 659, art. no. A136, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202141443
  20. Mastichiadis, A., Petropoulou, M., Kylafis, N.D., "A study of natural frequencies in a dynamic corona-disk system", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 662, art. no. A118, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243397
  21. O'Neill, S., Kiehlmann, S., Readhead, A.C.S., Aller, M.F., Blandford, R.D., Liodakis, I., Lister, M.L., Mróz, P., O'Dea, C.P., Pearson, T.J., Ravi, V., Vallisneri, M., Cleary, K.A., Graham, M.J., Grainge, K.J.B., Hodges, M.W., Hovatta, T., Lähteenmäki, A., Lamb, J.W., Lazio, T.J.W., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Prince, T.A., Reeves, R.A., Tornikoski, M., Vergara De La Parra, P., Zensus, J.A., "The Unanticipated Phenomenology of the Blazar PKS 2131-021: A Unique Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidate", (2022) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 926 (2), art. no. L35, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac504b
  22. Panagiotou, C., Papadakis, I., Kara, E., Kammoun, E., Dovčiak, M., "A Physical Model for the UV/Optical Power Spectra of AGN", (2022) Astrophysical Journal, 935 (2), art. no. 93, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7e4d
  23. Papadakis, I.E., Dovčiak, M., Kammoun, E.S., "X-ray illuminated accretion discs and quasar microlensing disc sizes", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 666, art. no. A11, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142962
  24. Peirson, A.L., Liodakis, I., Readhead, A.C.S., Lister, M.L., Perlman, E.S., Aller, M.F., Blandford, R.D., Grainge, K.J.B., Green, D.A., Gurwell, M.A., Hodges, M.W., Hovatta, T., Kiehlmann, S., Lähteenmäki, A., Max-Moerbeck, W., McAloone, T., O'Neill, S., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., Ravi, V., Reeves, R.A., Scott, P.F., Taylor, G.B., Titterington, D.J., Tornikoski, M., Vedantham, H.K., Wilkinson, P.N., Williams, D.T., Zensus, J.A., "New Tests of Milli-lensing in the Blazar PKS 1413 + 135", (2022) Astrophysical Journal, 927 (1), art. no. 24, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac469e
  25. Pelgrims, V., Ntormousi, E., Tassis, K., "The effect of cosmic variance on the characteristics of dust polarization power spectra", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658, art. no. A134, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202141879
  26. Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., Panopoulou, G.V., Pineda, J.L., Gong, Y., Mandarakas, N., Blinov, D., Kiehlmann, S., Kypriotakis, J.A., "HI-H2transition: Exploring the role of the magnetic field: A case study toward the Ursa Major cirrus", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 665, art. no. A77, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142512
  27. Song, Y., Linden, S.T., Evans, A.S., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Murphy, E.J., Momjian, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Larson, K.L., Privon, G.C., Huang, X., Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Vivian, U., Inami, H., Charmandaris, V., Ricci, C., Emig, K.L., McKinney, J., Yoon, I., Kunneriath, D., Lai, T.S., Rodas-Quito, E.E., Saravia, A., Gao, T., Meynardie, W., Sanders, D.B., "Characterizing Compact 15-33 GHz Radio Continuum Sources in Local U/LIRGs", (2022) Astrophysical Journal, 940 (1), art. no. 52, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac923b
  28. Stamatis, M., Hatzianastassiou, N., Korras-Carraca, M.B., Matsoukas, C., Wild, M., Vardavas, I., "Interdecadal Changes of the MERRA-2 Incoming Surface Solar Radiation (SSR) and Evaluation against GEBA & BSRN Stations", (2022) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12 (19), art. no. 10176, DOI: 10.3390/app121910176
  29. Tassis, K., Pavlidou, V., "Dancing with the stars: Stirring up extraordinary turbulence in Galactic center clouds", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 662, art. no. L1, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243308
  30. Tritsis, A., Bouzelou, F., Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., Enßlin, T., Edenhofer, G., "The musca molecular cloud: The perfect 'filament' is still a sheet", (2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 (3), pp. 3593-3603, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac1572
  31. Tritsis, A., Federrath, C., Willacy, K., Tassis, K., "Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations of subcritical pre-stellar cores with non-equilibrium chemistry", (2022) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510 (3), pp. 4420-4435, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab3740
  32. U., Vivian, Lai, T., Bianchin, M., Remigio, R.P., Armus, L., Larson, K.L., Díaz-Santos, T., Evans, A., Stierwalt, S., Law, D.R., Malkan, M.A., Linden, S., Song, Y., van der Werf, P.P., Gao, T., Privon, G.C., Medling, A.M., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Hayward, C.C., Inami, H., Rich, J., Aalto, S., Appleton, P., Bohn, T., Böker, T., Brown, M.J.I., Charmandaris, V., Finnerty, L., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Kemper, F., Marshall, J., Mazzarella, J.M., McKinney, J., Muller-Sanchez, F., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D., Surace, J., "GOALS-JWST: Resolving the Circumnuclear Gas Dynamics in NGC 7469 in the Mid-infrared", (2022) Astrophysical Journal Letters, 940 (1), art. no. L5, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac961c
  33. Vulic, N., Hornschemeier, A.E., Haberl, F., Basu-Zych, A.R., Kyritsis, E., Zezas, A., Salvato, M., Ptak, A., Bogdan, A., Kovlakas, K., Wilms, J., Sasaki, M., Liu, T., Merloni, A., Dwelly, T., Brunner, H., Lamer, G., Maitra, C., Nandra, K., Santangelo, A., "The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): Presenting the demographics of X-ray emission from normal galaxies", (2022) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 661, art. no. A16, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202141641
  1. Andrews, J.J., Cronin, J., Kalogera, V., Berry, C.P.L., and Zezas, A., "Targeted Modeling of GW150914's Binary Black Hole Source with Dart_board". Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021. 914(2): L32  
  2. Blinov, D., Kiehlmann, S., Pavlidou, V., Panopoulou, G.V., Skalidis, R., Angelakis, E., Casadio, C., Einoder, E.N., Hovatta, T., Kokolakis, K., Kougentakis, A., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Kyritsis, E., Lalakos, A., Liodakis, I., Maharana, S., Makrydopoulou, E., Mandarakas, N., Maragkakis, G.M., Myserlis, I., Papadakis, I., Paterakis, G., Pearson, T.J., Ramaprakash, A.N., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Slowikowska, A., Tassis, K., Xexakis, K., Zejmo, M., and Zensus, J.A., "RoboPol: AGN polarimetric monitoring data". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 501(3) p.3715-3726
  3. Bodaghee, A., Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Tomsick, J.A., Jordan, Z., Jackson, B., Agnew, R., Frechette, E., Hornschemeier, A.E., and Rodriguez, J., "Evidence for Low Kick Velocities among High-mass X-Ray Binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud from the Spatial Correlation Function". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 919(2): 81  
  4. Bonfini, P., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., Willner, S.P., Maragkoudakis, A., Kouroumpatzakis, K., Sell, P.H., and Kovlakas, K., "The star formation reference survey - IV. Stellar mass distribution of local star-forming galaxies". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 504(3) p.3831-3861
  5. Borlaff, A.S., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Beck, R., Stepanov, R., Ntormousi, E., Hughes, A., Tassis, K., Marcum, P.M., Grosset, L., Beckman, J.E., Proudfit, L., Clark, S.E., Diaz-Santos, T., Mao, S.A., Reach, W.T., Roman-Duval, J., Subramanian, K., Tram, L., Zweibel, E.G., and Dale, D., "Extragalactic Magnetism with SOFIA (Legacy Program). I. The Magnetic Field in the Multiphase Interstellar Medium of M51*".Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 921(2): 128  
  6. Casadio, C., Blinov, D., Readhead, A.C.S., Browne, I.W.A., Wilkinson, P.N., Hovatta, T., Mandarakas, N., Pavlidou, V., Tassis, K., Vedantham, H.K., Zensus, J.A., Diamantopoulos, V., Dolapsaki, K.E., Gkimisi, K., Kalaitzidakis, G., Mastorakis, M., Nikolaou, K., Ntormousi, E., Pelgrims, V., and Psarras, K., "SMILE: Search for MIlli-LEnses". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 507(1) p.L6-L10
  7. Daskalopoulou, V., Mallios, S.A., Ulanowski, Z., Hloupis, G., Gialitaki, A., Tsikoudi, I., Tassis, K., and Amiridis, V., "The electrical activity of Saharan dust as perceived from surface electric field observations". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021. 21(2) p.927-949
  8. Dewangan, G.C., Tripathi, P., Papadakis, I.E., and Singh, K.P., "AstroSat/UVIT observations of IC 4329A: constraining the accretion disc inner radius". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 504(3) p.4015-4023
  9. Georgakakis, A., Papadakis, I., and Paolillo, M., "Exploring black hole scaling relations via the ensemble variability of active galactic nuclei". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 508(3) p.3463-3473
  10. Haldoupis, C. and Shalimov, S., "On the altitude dependence and role of zonal and meridional wind shears in the generation of E region metal ion layers". Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2021. 214: 105537  
  11. Horne, K., De Rosa, G., Peterson, B.M., Barth, A.J., Ely, J., Fausnaugh, M.M., Kriss, G.A., Pei, L., Bentz, M.C., Cackett, E.M., Edelson, R., Eracleous, M., Goad, M.R., Grier, C.J., Kaastra, J., Kochanek, C.S., Krongold, Y., Mathur, S., Netzer, H., Proga, D., Tejos, N., Vestergaard, M., Villforth, C., Adams, S.M., Anderson, M.D., Arevalo, P., Beatty, T.G., Bennert, V.N., Bigley, A., Bisogni, S., Borman, G.A., Boroson, T.A., Bottorff, M.C., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Brotherton, M., Brown, J.E., Brown, J.S., Canalizo, G., Carini, M.T., Clubb, K.I., Comerford, J.M., Corsini, E.M., Crenshaw, D.M., Croft, S., Croxall, K.V., Bonta, E.D., Deason, A.J., Dehghanian, M., Lorenzo-Caceres, A.D., Denney, K.D., Dietrich, M., Done, C., Efimova, N.V., Evans, P.A., Ferland, G.J., Filippenko, A.V., Flatland, K., Fox, O.D., Gardner, E., Gates, E.L., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J.M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Greene, J.E., Grupe, D., Gupta, A., Hall, P.B., Henderson, C.B., Hicks, S., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T.W.S., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J.J., Johnson, C.A., Joner, M.D., Jones, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, P.L., Kennea, J.A., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, S.C., King, A., Klimanov, S.A., Korista, K.T., Lau, M.W., Lee, J.C., Leonard, D.C., Li, M., Lira, P., Lochhaas, C., Ma, Z.Y., MacInnis, F., Malkan, M.A., Manne-Nicholas, E.R., Mauerhan, J.C., McGurk, R., McHardy, I.M., Montuori, C., Morelli, L., Mosquera, A., Mudd, D., Muller-Sanchez, F., Nazarov, S.V., Norris, R.P., Nousek, J.A., Nguyen, M.L., Ochner, P., Okhmat, D.N., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Parks, J.R., Penny, M.T., Pizzella, A., Pogge, R.W., Poleski, R., Pott, J.U., Rafter, S.E., Rix, H.W., Runnoe, J., Saylor, D.A., Schimoia, J.S., Schnulle, K., Scott, B., Sergeev, S.G., Shappee, B.J., Shivvers, I., Siegel, M., Simonian, G.V., Siviero, A., Skielboe, A., Somers, G., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Stevens, D.J., Sung, H.I., Tayar, J., Treu, T., Turner, C.S., Uttley, P., Van Saders, J., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.H., Yan, H., Young, S., Yuk, H., Zheng, W., Zhu, W. and Zu, Y., "Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IX. Velocity-Delay Maps for Broad Emission Lines in NGC 5548". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 907(2): 76  
  12. Kammoun, E.S., Dovciak, M., Papadakis, I.E., Caballero-Garcia, M.D., and Karas, V., "UV/Optical Disk Thermal Reverberation in Active Galactic Nuclei: An In-depth Study with an Analytic Prescription for Time-lag Spectra". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 907(1): 20  
  13. Kammoun, E.S., Papadakis, I.E., and Dovciak, M., "Modelling the UV/optical continuum time-lags in AGN". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 503(3) p.4163-4171
  14. Kiehlmann, S., Blinov, D., Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Readhead, A.C.S., Angelakis, E., Casadio, C., Hovatta, T., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Mandarakas, N., Myserlis, I., Panopoulou, G.V., Pearson, T.J., Ramaprakash, A., Reig, P., Skalidis, R., Slowikowska, A., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., "The time-dependent distribution of optical polarization angle changes in blazars". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 507(1) p.225-243
  15. Kopsacheili, M., Zezas, A., Leonidaki, I., and Boumis, P., "The supernova remnant populations of the galaxies NGC45, NGC55, NGC1313, NGC7793: luminosity and excitation functions". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 507(4) p.6020-6036
  16. Kouroumpatzakis, K., Zezas, A., Maragkoudakis, A., Willner, S.P., Bonfini, P., Ashby, M.L.N., Sell, P.H., and Jarrett, T.H., "The Star Formation Reference Survey - V. The effect of extinction, stellar mass, metallicity, and nuclear activity on star-formation rates based on H alpha emission". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 506(2) p.3079-3097
  17. Kouroumpatzakis, K., Zezas, A., Wolter, A., Fruscione, A., Anastasopoulou, K., and Prestwich, A., "Metallicity and X-ray luminosity variations in NGC922". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 500(1) p.962-975
  18. Kovlakas, K., Zezas, A., Andrews, J.J., Basu-Zych, A., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A., Kouroumpatzakis, K., Lehmer, B., and Ptak, A., "The Heraklion Extragalactic Catalogue (HECATE): a value-added galaxy catalogue for multimessenger astrophysics". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 506(2) p.1896-1915
  19. Kylafis, N.D., Trumper, J.E., and Loudas, N.A., "Cyclotron line formation by reflection on the surface of a magnetic neutron star".Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021. 655: A39  
  20. Lehmer, B.D., Eufrasio, R.T., Basu-Zych, A., Doore, K., Fragos, T., Garofali, K., Kovlakas, K., Williams, B.F., Zezas, A., and Santana-Silva, L., "The Metallicity Dependence of the High-mass X-Ray Binary Luminosity Function". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 907(1): 17  
  21. Linden, S.T., Evans, A.S., Larson, K., Privon, G.C., Armus, L., Rich, J., Diaz-Santos, T., Murphy, E.J., Song, Y., Barcos-Munoz, L., Howell, J., Charmandaris, V., Inami, H., Viviaan, U., Surace, J.A., Mazzarella, J.M., and Calzetti, D., "Massive Star Cluster Formation and Destruction in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS. II. An ACS/WFC3 Survey of Nearby LIRGs". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 923(2): 278  
  22. Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Beck, R., Clark, S.E., Hughes, A., Borlaff, A.S., Ntormousi, E., Grosset, L., Tassis, K., Beckman, J.E., Subramanian, K., Dale, D., and Diaz-Santos, T., "Extragalactic Magnetism with SOFIA (Legacy Program)-II: A Magnetically Driven Flow in the Starburst Ring of NGC 1097*". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 923(2): 150  
  23. Loudas, N.A., Kylafis, N.D., and Trumper, J.E., "Cross-sections of relativistic quantum-mechanical versus those of classical magnetic resonant scattering". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021. 655: A38  
  24. Maharana, S., Kypriotakis, J.A., Ramaprakash, A.N., Rajarshi, C., Anche, R.M., Shrish, Blinov, D., Eriksen, H.K., Ghosh, T., Gjerlow, E., Mandarakash, N., Panopoulou, G.V., Pavlidouh, V., Pearson, T.J., Pelgrims, V., Potter, S.B., Readhead, A.C.S., Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., and Wehus, I.K., "WALOP-South: a four-camera one-shot imaging polarimeter for PASIPHAE survey. Paper I-optical design". Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems, 2021. 7(1): 014004  
  25. Mandarakas, N., Blinov, D., Casadio, C., Pelgrims, V., Kiehlmann, S., Pavlidou, V., and Tassis, K., "Local alignments of parsec-scale AGN radiojets". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021. 653: A123  
  26. McKinney, J., Armus, L., Pope, A., Diaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Inami, H., Song, Y., and Evans, A.S., "Regulating Star Formation in Nearby Dusty Galaxies: Low Photoelectric Efficiencies in the Most Compact Systems". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 908(2): 238  
  27. Meyer, A.D., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., Campos, L.F., Jones, D.E., Siemiginowska, A., and Zezas, A., "eBASCS: Disentangling overlapping astronomical sources II, using spatial, spectral, and temporal information". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 506(4) p.6160-6180
  28. Pelgrims, V., Clark, S.E., Hensley, B.S., Panopoulou, G.V., Pavlidou, V., Tassis, K., Eriksen, H.K., and Wehus, I.K., "Evidence for line-of-sight frequency decorrelation of polarized dust emission in Planck data". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021. 647: A16  
  29. Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A.C.S., and Tassis, K., "Lifting the dusty veil over inflation". Nature Astronomy, 2021. 5(5) p.519-519
  30. Readhead, A.C.S., Ravi, V., Liodakis, I., Lister, M.L., Singh, V., Aller, M.F., Blandford, R.D., Browne, I.W.A., Gorjian, V., Grainge, K.J.B., Gurwell, M.A., Hodges, M.W., Hovatta, T., Kiehlmann, S., Lahteenmaki, A., McAloone, T., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., Peirson, A.L., Perlman, E.S., Reeves, R.A., Soifer, B.T., Taylor, G.B., Tornikoski, M., Vedantham, H.K., Werner, M., Wilkinson, P.N., and Zensus, J.A., "The Relativistic Jet Orientation and Host Galaxy of the Peculiar Blazar PKS 1413+135". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 907(2): 61 
  31. Reig, P. and Kylafis, N.D., "Illumination of the accretion disk in black hole binaries: An extended jet as the primary source of hard X-rays". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021. 646: A112  
  32. Ricci, C., Privon, G.C., Pfeifle, R.W., Armus, L., Iwasawa, K., Torres-Alba, N., Satyapal, S., Bauer, F.E., Treister, E., Ho, L.C., Aalto, S., Arevalo, P., Barcos-Munoz, L., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A.S., Gao, T., Inami, H., Koss, M.J., Lansbury, G., Linden, S.T., Medling, A., Sanders, D.B., Song, Y., Stern, D., Ueda, Y., and Yamada, S., "A hard X-ray view of luminous and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies in GOALS - I. AGN obscuration along the merger sequence". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 506(4) p.5935-5950
  33. Santos-Sanz, P., Ortiz, J.L., Sicardy, B., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Morales, N., Fernandez-Valenzuela, E., Duffard, R., Iglesias-Marzoa, R., Lamadrid, J.L., Maicas, N., Perez, L., Gazeas, K., Guirado, J.C., Peris, V., Ballesteros, F.J., Organero, F., Ana-Hernandez, L., Fonseca, F., Alvarez-Candal, A., Jimenez-Teja, Y., Vara-Lubiano, M., Braga-Ribas, F., Camargo, J.I.B., Desmars, J., Assafin, M., Vieira-Martins, R., Alikakos, J., Boutet, M., Bretton, M., Carbognani, A., Charmandaris, V., Ciabattari, F., Delincak, P., Leiva, A.F., Gonzalez, H., Haymes, T., Hellmich, S., Horbowicz, J., Jennings, M., Kattentidt, B., Kiss, C., Komzik, R., Lecacheux, J., Marciniak, A., Moindrot, S., Mottola, S., Pal, A., Paschalis, N., Pastor, S., Perello, C., Pribulla, T., Ratinaud, C., Reyes, J.A., Sanchez, J., Schnabel, C., Selva, A., Signoret, F., Sonbas, E., and Ali-Lagoa, V., "The 2017 May 20 stellar occultation by the elongated centaur (95626) 2002 GZ(32)". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021. 501(4) p.6062-6075
  34. Skalidis, R., Sternberg, J., Beattie, J.R., Pavlidou, V., and Tassis, K., "Why take the square root? An assessment of interstellar magnetic field strength estimation methods". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021. 656: A118  
  35. Skalidis, R. and Tassis, K., "High-accuracy estimation of magnetic field strength in the interstellar medium from dust polarization".Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021. 647: A186  
  36. Song, Y., Linden, S.T., Evans, A.S., Barcos-Munoz, L., Privon, G.C., Yoon, I., Murphy, E.J., Larson, K.L., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Howell, J., Inami, H., Torres-Alba, N., Charmandaris, V., McKinney, J., Kunneriath, D., and Momijian, E., "A Comparison between Nuclear Ring Star Formation in LIRGs and in Normal Galaxies with the Very Large Array". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 916(2): 73 
  37. Tripathi, P., Dewangan, G.C., Papadakis, I.E., and Singh, K.P., "Revealing Thermal Comptonization of Accretion Disk Photons in IC 4329A with AstroSat". Astrophysical Journal, 2021. 915(1): 25  
  38. Wiedner, M.C., Aalto, S., Armus, L., Bergin, E., Birkby, J., Bradford, C.M., Burgarella, D., Caselli, P., Charmandaris, V., Cooray, A., De Beck, E., Desert, J.M., Gerin, M., Goicoechea, J., Griffin, M., Hartogh, P., Helmich, F., Hogerheijde, M., Hunt, L., Karska, A., Kral, Q., Leisawitz, D., Melnick, G., Meixner, M., Matsuura, M., Milam, S., Pearson, C., Pesce, D.W., Pontoppidan, K.M., Pope, A., Rigopoulou, D., Roellig, T., Sakon, I., Staguhn, J., and Stevenson, K., "Origins space telescope: from first light to life". Experimental Astronomy, 2021. 51(3) p.595-624
  39. Xu, C., Gunther, H.M., Kashyap, V.L., Lee, T.C.M., and Zezas, A., "Change-point Detection and Image Segmentation for Time Series of Astrophysical Images". Astronomical Journal, 2021. 161(4): 184 
  • Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., and Soifer, B.T., "Observations of luminous infrared galaxies with the Spitzer Space Telescope". Nature Astronomy, 2020. 4(5) p.467-477
  • Basu-Zych, A.R., Hornschemeier, A.E., Haberl, F., Vulic, N., Wilms, J., Zezas, A., Kovlakas, K., Ptak, A., and Dauser, T., "The next-generation X-ray galaxy survey with eROSITA". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 498(2) p.1651-1667
  • Belloni, T.M., Zhang, L., Kylafis, N.D., Reig, P., and Altamirano, D., "Time lags of the type-B quasi-periodic oscillation in MAXI J1348-630". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 496(4) p.4366-4371
  • Caballero-Garcia, M.D., Papadakis, I.E., Dovciak, M., Bursa, M., Svoboda, J., and Karas, V., "A combined timing/spectral study of IRAS 13224-3809 using XMM-Newton data". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 498(3) p.3184-3192
  • Cappallo, R.C., Laycock, S.G.T., Christodoulou, D.M., Roy, A., Bhattacharya, S., Coe, M.J., and Zezas, A., "On the Geometry of the X-ray emission from pulsars a consistent inclination and beaming solution for the Be/X-ray pulsar SXP 1062". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 495(2) p.2152-2161
  • Cheng, C., Cao, X., Lu, N., Li, R., Yang, C., Rigopoulou, D., Charmandaris, V., Gao, Y., Xu, C.K., van der Werf, P., Diaz Santos, T., Privon, G.C., Zhao, Y., Cao, T., Dai, Y.S., Huang, J.-S., Sanders, D., Wang, C., Wang, Z., and Zhu, L., "ALMA N II 205 mu m Imaging Spectroscopy of the Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy ID 141 at Redshift 4.24". Astrophysical Journal, 2020. 898(1): 33  
  • Ciesla, L., Bethermin, M., Daddi, E., Richard, J., Diaz-Santos, T., Sargent, M.T., Elbaz, D., Boquien, M., Wang, T., Schreiber, C., Yang, C., Zabl, J., Fraser, M., Aravena, M., Assef, R.J., Baker, A.J., Beelen, A., Boselli, A., Bournaud, F., Burgarella, D., Charmandaris, V., Cote, P., Epinat, B., Ferrarese, L., Gobat, R., and Ilbert, O., "A hyper luminous starburst at z=4.72 magnified by a lensing galaxy pair at z=1.48". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 635: A27  
  • Diaz, Y., Arevalo, P., Hernandez-Garcia, L., Bassani, L., Malizia, A., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Ricci, C., Matt, G., Stern, D., May, D., Zezas, A., and Bauer, F.E., "Constraining X-ray reflection in the low-luminosity AGN NGC3718 using NuSTAR and XMM-Newton". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 496(4) p.5399-5413
  • El-Neaj, Y.A., Alpigiani, C., Amairi-Pyka, S., Araujo, H., Balaz, A., Bassi, A., Bathe-Peters, L., Battelier, B., Belic, A., Bentine, E., Bernabeu, J., Bertoldi, A., Bingham, R., Blas, D., Bolpasi, V., Bongs, K., Bose, S., Bouyer, P., Bowcock, T., Bowden, W., Buchmueller, O., Burrage, C., Calmet, X., Canuel, B., Caramete, L.-I., Carroll, A., Cella, G., Charmandaris, V., Chattopadhyay, S., Chen, X., Chiofalo, M.L., Coleman, J., Cotter, J., Cui, Y., Derevianko, A., De Roeck, A., Djordjevic, G.S., Dornan, P., Doser, M., Drougkakis, I., Dunningham, J., Dutan, I., Easo, S., Elertas, G., Ellis, J., El Sawy, M., Fassi, F., Felea, D., Feng, C.-H., Flack, R., Foot, C., Fuentes, I., Gaaloul, N., Gauguet, A., Geiger, R., Gibson, V., Giudice, G., Goldwin, J., Grachov, O., Graham, P.W., Grasso, D., Van der Grinten, M., Guendogan, M., Haehnelt, M.G., Harte, T., Hees, A., Hobson, R., Hogan, J., Holst, B., Holynski, M., Kasevich, M., Kavanagh, B.J., Von Klitzing, W., Kovachy, T., Krikler, B., Krutzik, M., Lewicki, M., Lien, Y.-H., Liu, M., Luciano, G.G., Magnon, A., Mahmoud, M.A., Malik, S., McCabe, C., Mitchell, J., Pahl, J., Pal, D., Pandey, S., Papazoglou, D., Paternostro, M., Penning, B., Peters, A., Prevedelli, M., Puthiya-Veettil, V., Quenby, J., Rasel, E., Ravenhall, S., Ringwood, J., Roura, A., Sabulsky, D., Sameed, M., Sauer, B., Schaffer, S.A., Schiller, S., Schkolnik, V., Schlippert, D., Schubert, C., Sfar, H.R., Shayeghi, A., Shipsey, I., Signorini, C., Singh, Y., Soares-Santos, M., Sorrentino, F., Sumner, T., Tassis, K., Tentindo, S., Tino, G.M., Tinsley, J.N., Unwin, J., Valenzuela, T., Vasilakis, G., Vaskonen, V., Vogt, C., Webber-Date, A., Wenzlawski, A., Windpassinger, P., Woltmann, M., Yazgan, E., Zhan, M.-S., Zou, X. and Zupan, J., "AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space". Epj Quantum Technology, 2020. 7(1): 6  
  • Haldoupis, C., Haralambous, H., and Meek, C., "On the necessity of using fo mu Es instead of foEs in estimating the intensity and variability of sporadic E layers". Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2020. 206: 105327 
  • Hatzianastassiou, N., Ioannidis, E., Korras-Carraca, M.-B., Gavrouzou, M., Papadimas, C.D., Matsoukas, C., Benas, N., Fotiadi, A., Wild, M., and Vardavas, I., "Global Dimming and Brightening Features during the First Decade of the 21st Century". Atmosphere, 2020. 11(3): 308  
  • Iwasawa, K., Ricci, C., Privon, G.C., Torres-Alba, N., Inami, H., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., and Diaz-Santos, T., "A Compton-thick nucleus in the dual active galactic nuclei of Mrk 266". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 640: A95  
  • Jones, T.J., Kim, J.-A., Dowell, C.D., Morris, M.R., Pineda, J.L., Benford, D.J., Berthoud, M., Chuss, D.T., Dale, D.A., Fissel, L.M., Goldsmith, P.F., Hamilton, R.T., Hanany, S., Harper, D.A., Henning, T.K., Lazarian, A., Looney, L.W., Michail, J.M., Novak, G., Santos, F.P., Sheth, K., Siah, J., Stacey, G.J., Staguhn, J., Stephens, I.W., Tassis, K., Trinh, C.Q., Vaillancourt, J.E., Ward-Thompson, D., Werner, M., Wollack, E.J., Zweibel, E.G., and Team, H.S., "HAWC plus Far-infrared Observations of the Magnetic Field Geometry in M51 and NGC 891". Astronomical Journal, 2020. 160(4): 167  
  • Kopsacheili, M., Zezas, A., and Leonidaki, I., "A diagnostic tool for the identification of supernova remnants". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 491(1) p.889-902
  • Korkidis, G., Pavlidou, V., Tassis, K., Ntormousi, E., Tomaras, T.N., and Kovlakas, K., "Turnaround radius of galaxy clusters in N-body simulations". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 639: A122  
  • Kouroumpatzakis, K., Zezas, A., Sell, P., Kovlakas, K., Bonfini, P., Willner, S.P., Ashby, M.L.N., Maragkoudakis, A., and Jarrett, T.H., "Sub-galactic scaling relations between X-ray luminosity, star formation rate, and stellar mass". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 494(4) p.5967-5984
  • Kovlakas, K., Zezas, A., Andrews, J.J., Basu-Zych, A., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A., Lehmer, B., and Ptak, A., "A census of ultraluminous X-ray sources in the local Universe". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 498(4) p.4790-4810
  • Kylafis, N.D., Reig, P., and Papadakis, I., "A quantitative explanation of the type-B QPOs in GX 339-4". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 640: L16  
  • Larson, K.L., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Privon, G.C., Linden, S.T., Evans, A.S., Howell, J., Charmandaris, V., V, U., Sanders, D.B., Stierwalt, S., Barcos-Munoz, L., Rich, J., Medling, A., Cook, D., Oklopcic, A., Murphy, E.J., and Bonfini, P., "Star-forming Clumps in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies". Astrophysical Journal, 2020. 888(2): 92  
  • Liakos, A., Bonanos, A.Z., Xilouris, E.M., Koschny, D., Bellas-Velidis, I., Boumis, P., Charmandaris, V., Dapergolas, A., Fytsilis, A., Maroussis, A., and Moissl, R., "NELIOTA: Methods, statistics, and results for meteoroids impacting the Moon". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 633: A112  
  • Liodakis, I., Blinov, D., Jorstad, S.G., Arkharov, A.A., Di Paola, A., Efimova, N.V., Grishina, T.S., Kiehlmann, S., Kopatskaya, E.N., Larionov, V.M., Larionova, L.V., Larionova, E.G., Marscher, A.P., Morozova, D.A., Nikiforova, A.A., Pavlidou, V., Traianou, E., Troitskaya, Y.V., Troitsky, I.S., Uemura, M., and Weaver, Z.R., "Two Flares with One Shock: The Interesting Case of 3C 454.3". Astrophysical Journal, 2020. 902(1): 61  
  • Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Dowell, C.D., Jones, T.J., Harper, D.A., Berthoud, M., Chuss, D., Dale, D.A., Guerra, J.A., Hamilton, R.T., Looney, L.W., Michail, J.M., Nikutta, R., Novak, G., Santos, F.P., Sheth, K., Siah, J., Staguhn, J., Stephens, I.W., Tassis, K., Trinh, C.Q., Ward-Thompson, D., Werner, M., Wollack, E.J., Zweibel, E.G., and Team, H.S., "SOFIA/HAWC plus Traces the Magnetic Fields in NGC 1068". Astrophysical Journal, 2020. 888(2): 66  
  • Ntormousi, E., Tassis, K., Del Sordo, F., Fragkoudi, F., and Pakmor, R., "A dynamo amplifying the magnetic field of a Milky-Way-like galaxy". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 641: A165  
  • Ortiz, J.L., Santos-Sanz, P., Sicardy, B., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Duffard, R., Morales, N., Braga-Ribas, F., Fernandez-Valenzuela, E., Nascimbeni, V., Nardiello, D., Carbognani, A., Buzzi, L., Aletti, A., Bacci, P., Maestripieri, M., Mazzei, L., Mikuz, H., Skvarc, J., Ciabattari, F., Lavalade, F., Scarfi, G., Mari, J.M., Conjat, M., Sposetti, S., Bachini, M., Succi, G., Mancini, F., Alighieri, M., Dal Canto, E., Masucci, M., Vara-Lubiano, M., Gutierrez, P.J., Desmars, J., Lecacheux, J., Vieira-Martins, R., Camargo, J.I.B., Assafin, M., Colas, F., Beisker, W., Behrend, R., Mueller, T.G., Meza, E., Gomes-Junior, A.R., Roques, F., Vachier, F., Mottola, S., Hellmich, S., Campo Bagatin, A., Alvarez-Candal, A., Cikota, S., Cikota, A., Christille, J.M., Pal, A., Kiss, C., Pribulla, T., Komzik, R., Madiedo, J.M., Charmandaris, V., Alikakos, J., Szakats, R., Farkas-Takacs, A., Varga-Verebelyi, E., Marton, G., Marciniak, A., Bartczak, P., Butkiewicz-Bak, M., Dudzinski, G., Ali-Lagoa, V., Gazeas, K., Paschalis, N., Tsamis, V., Guirado, J.C., Peris, V., Iglesias-Marzoa, R., Schnabel, C., Manzano, F., Navarro, A., Perello, C., Vecchione, A., Noschese, A., and Morrone, L., "The large trans-Neptunian object 2002 TC302 from combined stellar occultation, photometry, and astrometry data". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 639: A134  
  • Osorio-Clavijo, N., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Papadakis, I.E., Masegosa, J., and Hernandez-Garcia, L., "The inner view of NGC1052 using multiple X-ray observations". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 491(1) p.29-38
  • Panagiotou, C., Papadakis, I.E., Kammoun, E.S., and Dovciak, M., "Multiwavelength power-spectrum analysis of NGC 5548". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 499(2) p.1998-2006
  • Paranjpye, D., Mahabal, A., Ramaprakash, A.N., Panopoulou, G.V., Cleary, K., Readhead, A.C.S., Blinov, D., and Tassis, K., "Eliminating artefacts in polarimetric images using deep learning". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 491(4) p.5151-5157
  • Pavlidou, V., Korkidis, G., Tomaras, T.N., and Tanoglidis, D., "Turnaround density as a probe of the cosmological constant". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 638 
  • Politakis, B., Zezas, A., Andrews, J.J., and Williams, S.J., "Vertical distribution of HMXBs in NGC 55: constraining their centre-of-mass velocity". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020. 493(4) p.5369-5381
  • Privon, G.C., Ricci, C., Aalto, S., Viti, S., Armus, L., Diaz-Santos, T., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Iwasawa, K., Jeff, D.L., Treister, E., Bauer, F., Evans, A.S., Garg, P., Herrero-Illana, R., Mazzarella, J.M., Larson, K., Blecha, L., Barcos Munoz, L., Charmandaris, V., Stierwalt, S., and Perez-Torres, M.A., "A Hard X-Ray Test of HCN Enhancements As a Tracer of Embedded Black Hole Growth". Astrophysical Journal, 2020. 893(2): 149  
  • Psychogyios, A., Vika, M., Charmandaris, V., Bamford, S., Fasano, G., Haussler, B., Moretti, A., Poggianti, B., and Vulcani, B., "Multi-wavelength structure analysis of local cluster galaxies: The WINGS project". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020. 633: A104  
  • Williams, P.R., Pancoast, A., Treu, T., Brewer, B.J., Peterson, B.M., Barth, A.J., Malkan, M.A., De Rosa, G., Horne, K., Kriss, G.A., Arav, N., Bentz, M.C., Cackett, E.M., Dalla Bonta, E., Dehghanian, M., Done, C., Ferland, G.J., Grier, C.J., Kaastra, J., Kara, E., Kochanek, C.S., Mathur, S., Mehdipour, M., Pogge, R.W., Proga, D., Vestergaard, M., Waters, T., Adams, S.M., Anderson, M.D., Arevalo, P., Beatty, T.G., Bennert, V.N., Bigley, A., Bisogni, S., Borman, G.A., Boroson, T.A., Bottorff, M.C., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Brotherton, M., Brown, J.E., Brown, J.S., Canalizo, G., Carini, M.T., Clubb, K.I., Comerford, J.M., Corsini, E.M., Crenshaw, D.M., Croft, S., Croxall, K.V., Deason, A.J., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Denney, K.D., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Efimova, N.V., Ely, J., Evans, P.A., Fausnaugh, M.M., Filippenko, A.V., Flatland, K., Fox, O.D., Gardner, E., Gates, E.L., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J.M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Greene, J.E., Grupe, D., Gupta, A., Hall, P.B., Henderson, C.B., Hicks, S., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T.W.S., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J.J., Johnson, C.A., Joner, M.D., Jones, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, P.L., Kennea, J.A., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, S.C., King, A., Klimanov, S.A., Knigge, C., Krongold, Y., Lau, M.W., Lee, J.C., Leonard, D.C., Li, M., Lira, P., Lochhaas, C., Ma, Z., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E.R., Mauerhan, J.C., McGurk, R., McHardy, I.M., Montuori, C., Morelli, L., Mosquera, A., Mudd, D., Muller-Sanchez, F., Nazarov, S.V., Norris, R.P., Nousek, J.A., Nguyen, M.L., Ochner, P., Okhmat, D.N., Papadakis, I., Parks, J.R., Pei, L., Penny, M.T., Pizzella, A., Poleski, R., Pott, J.U., Rafter, S.E., Rix, H.W., Runnoe, J., Saylor, D.A., Schimoia, J.S., Scott, B., Sergeev, S.G., Shappee, B.J., Shivvers, I., Siegel, M., Simonian, G.V., Siviero, A., Skielboe, A., Somers, G., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Stevens, D.J., Sung, H.I., Tayar, J., Tejos, N., Turner, C.S., Uttley, P., Van Saders, J., Vaughan, S.A., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Jr., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.H., Yan, H., Young, S., Yuk, H., Zheng, W., Zhu, W. and Zu, Y., "Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. XII. Broad-line Region Modeling of NGC 5548". Astrophysical Journal, 2020. 902(1): 74  
  • Zhao, Y., Lu, N., Diaz-Santos, T., Gao, Y., Xu, C.K., Charmandaris, V., Inann, H., Rigopoulou, D., Sanders, D.B., Huang, J., and Wang, Z., "ALMA Imaging of the CO (7-6) Line Emission in the Submillimeter Galaxy LESS 073 at z=4.755*". Astrophysical Journal, 2020. 892(2): 145
  1. Anastasopoulou, K., Zezas, A., Gkiokas, V., and Kovlakas, K., "Do sub-galactic regions follow the galaxy-wide X-ray scaling relations? The example of NGC 3310 and NGC 2276". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 483(1) p.711-733
  2. Andre, P., Hughes, A., Guillet, V., Boulanger, F., Bracco, A., Ntormousi, E., Arzoumanian, D., Maury, A.J., Bernard, J.P., Bontemps, S., Ristorcelli, I., Girart, J.M., Motte, F., Tassis, K., Pantin, E., Montmerle, T., Johnstone, D., Gabici, S., Efstathiou, A., Basu, S., Bethermin, M., Beuther, H., Braine, J., Di Francesco, J., Falgarone, E., Ferriere, K., Fletcher, A., Galametz, M., Giard, M., Hennebelle, P., Jones, A., Kepley, A.A., Kwon, J., Lagache, G., Lesaffre, P., Levrier, F., Li, D., Li, Z.Y., Mao, S.A., Nakagawa, T., Onaka, T., Paladino, R., Peretto, N., Poglitsch, A., Reveret, V., Rodriguez, L., Sauvage, M., Soler, J.D., Spinoglio, L., Tabatabaei, F., Tritsis, A., van der Tak, F., Ward-Thompson, D., Wiesemeyer, H., Ysard, N., and Zhang, H., "Probing the cold magnetised Universe with SPICA-POL (B-BOP)". Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2019. 36: e029 
  3. Andrews, J.J. and Zezas, A., "Double neutron star formation: merger times, systemic velocities, and travel distances". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 486(3) p.3213-3227
  4. Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Drake, J.J., Badenes, C., Haberl, F., Wright, N.J., Hong, J., Di Stefano, R., Gaetz, T.J., Long, K.S., Plucinsky, P.P., Sasaki, M., Williams, B.F., Winkler, P.F., and Collaboration, S.X., "Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Formation Efficiency of High-mass X-Ray Binaries". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 887(1): 20  
  5. Bitsakis, T., Sanchez, S.F., Ciesla, L., Bonfini, P., Charmandaris, V., Cervantes Sodi, B., Maragkoudakis, A., Diaz-Santos, T., and Zezas, A., "The integrated properties of the CALIFA galaxies: model-derived galaxy parameters and quenching of star formation". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 483(1) p.370-380
  6. Blinov, D. and Pavlidou, V., "The RoboPol Program: Optical Polarimetric Monitoring of Blazars". Galaxies, 2019. 7(2): 46  
  7. Bonanno, A., Corsaro, E., Del Sordo, F., Palle, P.L., Stello, D., and Hon, M., "Acoustic oscillations and dynamo action in the G8 sub-giant EK Eridani". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 628: A106  
  8. Bonanos, A.Z., Yang, M., Sokolovsky, K.V., Gavras, P., Hatzidimitriou, D., Bellas-Velidis, I., Kakaletris, G., Lennon, D.J., Nota, A., White, R.L., Whitmore, B.C., Anastasiou, K.A., Arevalo, M., Arviset, C., Baines, D., Budavari, T., Charmandaris, V., Chatzichristodoulou, C., Dimas, E., Duran, J., Georgantopoulos, I., Karampelas, A., Laskaris, N., Lianou, S., Livanis, A., Lubow, S., Manouras, G., Moretti, M.I., Paraskeva, E., Pouliasis, E., Rest, A., Salgado, J., Sonnentrucker, P., Spetsieri, Z.T., Taylor, P., and Tsinganos, K., "The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV)". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 630: A92  
  9. Bracco, A., Candelaresi, S., Del Sordo, F., and Brandenburg, A., "Is there a left-handed magnetic field in the solar neighborhood? Exploring helical magnetic fields in the interstellar medium through dust polarization power spectra". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 621: A97  
  10. Brightman, M., Harrison, F.A., Bachetti, M., Xu, Y., Furst, F., Walton, D.J., Ptak, A., Yukita, M., and Zezas, A., "A similar to 60 day Super-orbital Period Originating from the Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsar in M82". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 873(2): 115  
  11. Cappallo, R., Laycock, S.G.T., Christodoulou, D.M., Coe, M.J., and Zezas, A., "On the geometry of the X-ray emission from pulsars: the changing aspect of the Be/X-ray pulsar SXP348". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 486(3) p.3248-3258
  12. Casadio, C., Marscher, A.P., Jorstad, S.G., Blinov, D.A., MacDonald, N.R., Krichbaum, T.P., Boccardi, B., Traianou, E., Gomez, J.L., Agudo, I., Sohn, B.W., Bremer, M., Hodgson, J., Kallunki, J., Kim, J.Y., Williamson, K.E., and Zensus, J.A., "The magnetic field structure in CTA 102 from high-resolution mm-VLBI observations during the flaring state in 2016-2017".Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 622: A158  
  13. Chuss, D.T., Andersson, B.G., Bally, J., Dotson, J.L., Dowell, C.D., Guerra, J.A., Harper, D.A., Houde, M., Jones, T.J., Lazarian, A., Rodriguez, E.L., Michail, J.M., Morris, M.R., Novak, G., Siah, J., Staguhn, J., Vaillancourt, J.E., Volpert, C.G., Werner, M., Wollack, E.J., Benford, D.J., Berthoud, M., Cox, E.G., Crutcher, R., Dale, D.A., Fissel, L.M., Goldsmith, P.F., Hamilton, R.T., Hanany, S., Henning, T.K., Looney, L.W., Moseley, S.H., Santos, F.P., Stephens, I., Tassis, K., Trinh, C.Q., Van Camp, E., Ward-Thompson, D., and Team, H.S., "HAWC plus /SOFIA Multiwavelength Polarimetric Observations of OMC-1". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 872(2): 187 
  14. Fragos, T., Andrews, J.J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Meynet, G., Kalogera, V., Taam, R.E., and Zezas, A., "The Complete Evolution of a Neutron-star Binary through a Common Envelope Phase Using 1D Hydrodynamic Simulations".Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2019. 883(2): L45 
  15. Guerrero, G., Del Sordo, F., Bonanno, A., and Smolarkiewicz, P.K., "Global simulations of Tayler instability in stellar interiors: the stabilizing effect of gravity". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 490(3) p.4281-4291
  16. Haldoupis, C., "An Improved Ionosonde-Based Parameter to Assess Sporadic E Layer Intensities: A Simple Idea and an Algorithm". Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2019. 124(3) p.2127-2134
  17. Herrero-Illana, R., Privon, G.C., Evans, A.S., Diaz-Santos, T., Perez-Torres, M.A., Alberdi, A., Iwasawa, K., Armus, L., Aalto, S., Mazzarella, J., Chu, J., Sanders, D.B., Barcos-Munoz, L., Charmandaris, V., Linden, S.T., Yoon, I., Frayer, D.T., Inami, H., Kim, D.C., Borish, H.J., Conway, J., Murphy, E.J., Song, Y., Stierwalt, S., and Surace, J., "Molecular gas and dust properties of galaxies from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey".Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 628: A71  
  18. in't Zand, J.J.M., Bozzo, E., Qu, J., Li, X.-D., Amati, L., Chen, Y., Donnarumma, I., Doroshenko, V., Drake, S.A., Hernanz, M., Jenke, P.A., Maccarone, T.J., Mahmoodifar, S., de Martino, D., De Rosa, A., Rossi, E.M., Rowlinson, A., Sala, G., Stratta, G., Tauris, T.M., Wilms, J., Wu, X., Zhou, P., Agudo, I., Altamirano, D., Atteia, J.-L., Andersson, N.A., Baglio, M.C., Ballantyne, D.R., Baykal, A., Behar, E., Belloni, T., Bhattacharyya, S., Bianchi, S., Bilous, A., Blay, P., Braga, J., Brandt, S., Brown, E.F., Bucciantini, N., Burderi, L., Cackett, E.M., Campana, R., Campana, S., Casella, P., Cavecchi, Y., Chambers, F., Chen, L., Chen, Y.-P., Chenevez, J., Chernyakova, M., Jin, C., Ciolfi, R., Costantini, E., Cumming, A., D'Ai, A., Dai, Z.-G., D'Ammando, F., De Pasquale, M., Degenaar, N., Del Santo, M., D'Elia, V., Di Salvo, T., Doyle, G., Falanga, M., Fan, X., Ferdman, R.D., Feroci, M., Fraschetti, F., Galloway, D.K., Gambino, A.F., Gandhi, P., Ge, M., Gendre, B., Gill, R., Gotz, D., Gouiffes, C., Grandi, P., Granot, J., Guedel, M., Heger, A., Heinke, C.O., Homan, J., Iaria, R., Iwasawa, K., Izzo, L., Ji, L., Jonker, P.G., Jose, J., Kaastra, J.S., Kalemci, E., Kargaltsev, O., Kawai, N., Keek, L., Komossa, S., Kreykenbohm, I., Kuiper, L., Kunneriath, D., Li, G., Liang, E.-W., Linares, M., Longo, F., Lu, F., Lutovinov, A.A., Malyshev, D., Malzac, J., Manousakis, A., McHardy, I., Mehdipour, M., Men, Y., Mendez, M., Mignani, R.P., Mikusincova, R., Miller, M.C., Miniutti, G., Motch, C., Nattila, J., Nardini, E., Neubert, T., O'Brien, P.T., Orlandini, M., Osborne, J.P., Pacciani, L., Paltani, S., Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I.E., Paul, B., Pellizzoni, A., Peretz, U., Perez Torres, M.A., Perinati, E., Prescod-Weinstein, C., Reig, P., Riggio, A., Rodriguez, J., Rodriguez-Gil, P., Romano, P., Rozanska, A., Sakamoto, T., Salmi, T., Salvaterra, R., Sanna, A., Santangelo, A., Savolainen, T., Schanne, S., Schatz, H., Shao, L., Shearer, A., Shore, S.N., Stappers, B.W., Strohmayer, T.E., Suleimanov, V.F., Svoboda, J., Thielemann, F.K., Tombesi, F., Torres, D.F., Torresi, E., Turriziani, S., Vacchi, A., Vercellone, S., Vink, J., Wang, J.-M., Wang, J., Watts, A.L., Weng, S., Weinberg, N.N., Wheatley, P.J., Wijnands, R., Woods, T.E., Woosley, S.E., Xiong, S., Xu, Y., Yan, Z., Younes, G., Yu, W., Yuan, F., Zampieri, L., Zane, S., Zdziarski, A.A., Zhang, S.-N., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, X. and Zingale, M., "Observatory science with eXTP". Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2019. 62(2): 029506  
  19. Jones, T.J., Dowell, C.D., Rodriguez, E.L., Zweibel, E.G., Berthoud, M., Chuss, D.T., Goldsmith, P.F., Hamilton, R.T., Hanany, S., Harper, D.A., Lazarian, A., Looney, L.W., Michail, J.M., Morris, M.R., Novak, G., Santos, F.P., Sheth, K., Stacey, G.J., Staguhn, J., Stephens, I.W., Tassis, K., Trinh, C.Q., Volpert, C.G., Werner, M., Wollack, E.J., and Team, H.S., "SOFIA Far-infrared Imaging Polarimetry of M82 and NGC 253: Exploring the Supergalactic Wind". Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2019. 870(1): L9  
  20. Kammoun, E.S., Papadakis, I.E., and Dovciak, M., "A Hard Look at Thermal Reverberation and Optical/Ultraviolet Lags in NGC 5548". Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2019. 879(2): L24  
  21. Komis, I., Pavlidou, V., and Zezas, A., "Extragalactic gamma-ray background from star-forming galaxies: Will empirical scalings suffice?". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 483(3) p.4020-4030
  22. Korras-Carraca, M.B., Pappas, V., Hatzianastassiou, N., Vardavas, I., and Matsoukas, C., "Global vertically resolved aerosol direct radiation effect from three years of CALIOP data using the FORTH radiation transfer model". Atmospheric Research, 2019. 224 p.138-156
  23. Lazzarini, M., Williams, B.F., Hornschemeier, A.E., Antoniou, V., Vasilopoulos, G., Haberl, F., Vulic, N., Yukita, M., Zezas, A., Bodaghee, A., Lehmer, B.D., Maccarone, T.J., Ptak, A., Wik, D., Fornasini, F.M., Hong, J., Kennea, J.A., Tomsick, J.A., Venters, T., Udalski, A., and Cassity, A., "Neutron Stars and Black Holes in the Small Magellanic Cloud: The SMC NuSTAR Legacy Survey". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 884(1): 2 
  24. Lehmer, B.D., Eufrasio, R.T., Tzanavaris, P., Basu-Zych, A., Fragos, T., Prestwich, A., Yukita, M., Zezas, A., Hornschemeier, A.E., and Ptak, A., "X-Ray Binary Luminosity Function Scaling Relations for Local Galaxies Based on Subgalactic Modeling". Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2019. 243(1): 3  
  25. Linden, S.T., Song, Y., Evans, A.S., Murphy, E.J., Armus, L., Barcos-Munoz, L., Larson, K., Diaz-Santos, T., Privon, G.C., Howell, J., Surace, J.A., Charmandaris, V., Vivian, U., Medling, A.M., Chu, J., and Momjian, E., "A Very Large Array Survey of Luminous Extranuclear Star-forming Regions in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 881(1): 70  
  26. Ntormousi, E. and Hennebelle, P., "DCore and stellar mass functions in massive collapsing filaments". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019,  625: A82  
  27. Magkos, G. and Pavlidou, V., "Deflections of ultra-high energy cosmic rays by the Milky Way magnetic field: how well can they be corrected?". Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019(2): 004  
  28. Mahajan, S., Ashby, M.L.N., Willner, S.P., Barmby, P., Fazio, G.G., Maragkoudakis, A., Raychaudhury, S., and Zezas, A., "The Star Formation Reference Survey - III. A multiwavelength view of star formation in nearby galaxies". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 482(1) p.560-577
  29. Mandarakas, N., Blinov, D., Liodakis, I., Kouroumpatzakis, K., Zezas, A., Panopoulou, G.V., Myserlis, I., Angelakis, E., Hovatta, T., Kiehlmann, S., Kokolakis, K., Paleologou, E., Pouliasi, A., Skalidis, R., and Pavlidou, V., "Search for AGN counterparts of unidentified Fermi-LAT sources with optical polarimetry Demonstration of the technique". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 623: A61  
  30. Panopoulou, G.V., Hensley, B.S., Skalidis, R., Blinov, D., and Tassis, K., "Extreme starlight polarization in a region with highly polarized dust emission". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 624: L8  
  31. Panopoulou, G.V., Tassis, K., Skalidis, R., Blinov, D., Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Potter, S.B., Ramaprakash, A.N., Readhead, A.C.S., and Wehus, I.K., "Demonstration of Magnetic Field Tomography with Starlight Polarization toward a Diffuse Sightline of the ISM". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 872(1): 56  
  32. Papadakis, I.E., Rigas, A., Markowitz, A., and McHardy, I.M., "The long term X-ray time lags of NGC 4051".Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 485(1) p.1454-1459
  33. Pavlidou, V. and Tomaras, T., "What do the highest-energy cosmic-ray data suggest about possible new physics around 50 TeV?". Physical Review D, 2019. 99(12): 123016  
  34. Pelgrims, V., "Cosmological-scale coherent orientations of quasar optical polarization vectors in the Planck era Investigating the Galactic dust contamination scenario". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 622: A145  
  35. Pouliasis, E., Georgantopoulos, I., Bonanos, A.Z., Yang, M., Sokolovsky, K.V., Hatzidimitriou, D., Mountrichas, G., Gavras, P., Charmandaris, V., Bellas-Velidis, I., Spetsieri, Z.T., and Tsinganos, K., "Robust identification of active galactic nuclei through HST optical variability in GOODS-S: comparison with the X-ray and mid-IR-selected samples". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 487(3) p.4285-4304
  36. Pursimo, T., Ighina, L., Ihanec, N., Mandarakas, N., Skillen, K., and Terefe, S., "Quest to find Changing Look-Quasars". Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, 2019. 49(3) p.539-545
  37. Ramaprakash, A.N., Rajarshi, C.V., Das, H.K., Khodade, P., Modi, D., Panopoulou, G., Maharana, S., Blinov, D., Angelakis, E., Casadio, C., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Kiehlmann, S., King, O.G., Kylafis, N., Kougentakis, A., Kus, A., Mahabal, A., Marecki, A., Myserlis, I., Paterakis, G., Paleologou, E., Liodakis, I., Papadakis, I., Papamastorakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Slowikowska, A., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., "RoboPol: a four-channel optical imaging polarimeter". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 485(2) p.2355-2366
  38. Reig, P. and Kylafis, N.D., "Inclination effects on the X-ray emission of Galactic black-hole binaries". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 625: A90  
  39. Rupke, D.S.N., Coil, A., Geach, J.E., Tremonti, C., Diamond-Stanic, A.M., George, E.R., Hickox, R.C., Kepley, A.A., Leung, G., Moustakas, J., Rudnick, G., and Sell, P.H., "A 100-kiloparsec wind feeding the circumgalactic medium of a massive compact galaxy". Nature, 2019. 574(7780) p.643-+
  40. Santos, F.P., Chuss, D.T., Dowell, C.D., Houde, M., Looney, L.W., Rodriguez, E.L., Novak, G., Ward-Thompson, D., Berthoud, M., Dale, D.A., Guerra, J.A., Hamilton, R.T., Hanany, S., Harper, D.A., Henning, T.K., Jones, T.J., Lazarian, A., Michail, J.M., Morris, M.R., Staguhn, J., Stephens, I.W., Tassis, K., Trinh, C.Q., Van Camp, E., Volpert, C.G., and Wollack, E.J., "The Far-infrared Polarization Spectrum of rho Ophiuchi A from HAWC plus /SOFIA Observations". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 882(2): 113  
  41. Shimajiri, Y., Andre, P., Ntormousi, E., Men'shchikov, A., Arzoumanian, D., and Palmeirim, P., "Probing fragmentation and velocity sub-structure in the massive NGC 6334 filament with ALMA". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 632: A83  
  42. Shimajiri, Y., Andre, P., Palmeirim, P., Arzoumanian, D., Bracco, A., Konyves, V., Ntormousi, E., and Ladjelate, B., "Probing accretion of ambient cloud material into the Taurus B211/B213 filament". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 623: A16  
  43. Skalidis, R. and Pelgrims, V., "Local Bubble contribution to the 353-GHz dust polarized emission". Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019. 631: L11  
  44. Stampoulis, V., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., and Zezas, A., "Multidimensional data-driven classification of emission-line galaxies". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 485(1) p.1085-1102
  45. Strantzalis, A., Hatzidimitriou, D., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Lianou, S., and Tsilia, S., "Discrete star formation events in the central bar of the Small Magellanic Cloud". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019. 489(4) p.5087-5097
  46. Tritsis, A., Federrath, C., and Pavlidou, V., "Magnetic Field Tomography in Two Clouds toward Ursa Major Using H I Fibers". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 873(1): 38  
  47. Tzallas, V., Hatzianastassiou, N., Benas, N., Meirink, J.F., Matsoukas, C., Stackhouse, P., Jr., and Vardavas, I., "Evaluation of CLARA-A2 and ISCCP-H Cloud Cover Climate Data Records over Europe with ECA&D Ground-Based Measurements". Remote Sensing, 2019. 11(2): 212  
  48. Vivian, U., Medling, A.M., Inami, H., Armus, L., Diaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Howell, J., Stierwalt, S., Privon, G.C., Linden, S.T., Sanders, D.B., Max, C.E., Evans, A.S., Barcos-Munoz, L., Chiang, C.W.K., Appleton, P., Canalizo, G., Fazio, G., Iwasawa, K., Larson, K., Mazzarella, J., Murphy, E., Rich, J., and Surace, J., "Keck OSIRIS AO LIRG Analysis (KOALA): Feedback in the Nuclei of Luminous Infrared Galaxies". Astrophysical Journal, 2019. 871(2): 166  
  49. Yang, J., Wik, D.R., Zezas, A., Laycock, S.G.T., Hong, J., and Xu, R., "Evolution of high-mass X-ray binaries in the small magellanic cloud". Astronomische Nachrichten, 2019. 340(1-3) p.46-49
  1. Andrews, J.J., Zezas, A., and Fragos, T., dart_board: Binary Population Synthesis with Markov Chain Monte Carlo.Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2018. 237(1).
  2. Arabsalmani, M., Le Floc'h, E., Dannerbauer, H., Feruglio, C., Daddi, E., Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Japelj, J., Vergani, S.D., Duc, P.A., Basa, S., Bournaud, F., and Elbaz, D., A molecular gas-rich GRB host galaxy at the peak of cosmic star formation.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 476(2): p. 2332-2338.
  3. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Liodakis, I., Panopoulou, G.V., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Hovatta, T., King, O.G., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Maharana, S., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., RoboPol: connection between optical polarization plane rotations and gamma-ray flares in blazars.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 474(1): p. 1296-1306.
  4. Bonanos, A.Z., Avdellidou, C., Liakos, A., Xilouris, E.M., Dapergolas, A., Koschny, D., Bellas-Velidis, I., Boumis, P., Charmandaris, V., Fytsilis, A., and Maroussis, A., NELIOTA: First temperature measurement of lunar impact flashes.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 612.
  5. Bonfini, P., Bitsakis, T., Zezas, A., Duc, P.A., Iodice, E., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Bruzual, G., and Gonzalez Sanoja, A.J., Connecting traces of galaxy evolution: the missing core mass-morphological fine structure relation.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 473(1): p. L94-L100.
  6. Brightman, M., Balokovic, M., Koss, M., Alexander, D.M., Annuar, A., Earnshaw, H., Gandhi, P., Harrison, F.A., Hornschemeier, A.E., Lehmer, B., Powell, M.C., Ptak, A., Rangelov, B., Roberts, T.P., Stern, D., Walton, D.J., and Zezas, A., A Long Hard-X-Ray Look at the Dual Active Galactic Nuclei of M51 with NuSTAR.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 867(2).
  7. Caballero-Garcia, M.D., Papadakis, I.E., Dovciak, M., Bursa, M., Epitropakis, A., Karas, V., and Svoboda, J., Testing the X-ray reverberation model KYNREFREV in a sample of Seyfert 1 Active Galactic Nuclei.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 480(2): p. 2650-2659.
  8. Cao, T., Lu, N., Xu, C.K., Zhao, Y., Madhav Kalari, V., Gao, Y., Charmandaris, V., Diaz Santos, T., van der Werf, P., Cao, C., Wu, H., Inami, H., and Evans, A., ALMA Observation of NGC 5135: The Circumnuclear CO (6-5) and Dust Continuum Emission at 45 pc Resolution.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 866(2).
  9. Dietrich, J., Weiner, A.S., Ashby, M.L.N., Hayward, C.C., Martinez-Galarza, J.R., Padilla, A.F.R., Rosenthal, L., Smith, H.A., Willner, S.P., and Zezas, A., The AGN luminosity fraction in merging galaxies.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 480(3): p. 3562-3583.
  10. Fornasini, F.M., Civano, F., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Marchesi, S., Miyaji, T., and Zezas, A., Low-luminosity AGN and X-Ray Binary Populations in COSMOS Star-forming Galaxies.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 865(1).
  11. Haldoupis, C., Is there a conclusive evidence on lightning-related effects on sporadic E layers?Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2018. 172: p. 117-121.
  12. Inami, H., Armus, L., Matsuhara, H., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Surace, J., Stierwalt, S., Ohyama, Y., Howell, J., Marshall, J., Evans, A.S., Linden, S.T., and Mazzarella, J., The AKARI 2.5-5 micron spectra of luminous infrared galaxies in the local Universe.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 617.
  13. Kammoun, E.S. and Papadakis, I.E., The nature of X-ray spectral variability in SWIFT J2127.4+5654.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 480(3): p. 3412-3423.
  14. Kylafis, N.D. and Reig, P., Correlation of time lag and photon index in GX 339-4.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 614.
  15. Lazzarini, M., Hornschemeier, A.E., Williams, B.F., Wik, D., Vulic, N., Yukita, M., Zezas, A., Lewis, A.R., Durbin, M., Ptak, A., Bodaghee, A., Lehmer, B.D., Antoniou, V., and Maccarone, T., Young Accreting Compact Objects in M31: The Combined Power of NuSTAR, Chandra, and Hubble.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 862(1).
  16. Lu, N., Cao, T., Diaz-Santos, T., Zhao, Y., Privon, G.C., Cheng, C., Gao, Y., Xu, C.K., Charmandaris, V., Rigopoulou, D., van der Werf, P.P., Huang, J., Wang, Z., Evans, A.S., and Sanders, D.B., CO (7-6), C I 370 mu m, and N II 205 mu m Line Emission of the QSO BRI1335-0417 at Redshift 4.407.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 864(1).
  17. Maragkoudakis, A., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., and Willner, S.P., The Star Formation Reference Survey - II. Activity demographics and host-galaxy properties for infrared-selected galaxies.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 475(2): p. 1485-1507.
  18. Marshall, J.A., Elitzur, M., Armus, L., Diaz-Santos, T., and Charmandaris, V., The Nature of Deeply Buried Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: A Unified Model for Highly Obscured Dusty Galaxy Emission.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 858(1).
  19. McHardy, I.M., Connolly, S.D., Horne, K., Cackett, E.M., Gelbord, J., Peterson, B.M., Pahari, M., Gehrels, N., Goad, M., Lira, P., Arevalo, P., Baldi, R.D., Brandt, N., Breedt, E., Chand, H., Dewangan, G., Done, C., Elvis, M., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Fausnaugh, M.M., Kaspi, S., Kochanek, C.S., Korista, K., Papadakis, I.E., Rao, A.R., Uttley, P., Vestergaard, M., and Ward, M.J., X-ray/UV/optical variability of NGC 4593 with Swift: reprocessing of X-rays by an extended reprocessor.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 480(3): p. 2881-2897.
  20. Petric, A.O., Armus, L., Flagey, N., Guillard, P., Howell, J., Inami, H., Charmandaris, V., Evanss, A., Stierwalt, S., Diaz-Santos, T., Lu, N., Spoon, H., Mazzarella, J., Appleton, P., Chan, B., Chu, J., Hand, D., Privon, G., Sanders, D., Surace, J., Xu, K., and Zhao, Y., Warm Molecular Hydrogen in Nearby, Luminous Infrared Galaxies.Astronomical Journal, 2018. 156(6).
  21. Reig, P. and Blinov, D., Warped disks during type II outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries: evidence from optical polarimetry.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 619.
  22. Reig, P., Kylafis, N.D., Papadakis, I.E., and Teresa Costado, M., The photon-index-time-lag correlation in black hole X-ray binaries.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 473(4): p. 4644-4652.
  23. Reig, P. and Zezas, A., Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J06074+2205.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 613.
  24. Skalidis, R., Panopoulou, G.V., Tassis, K., Pavlidou, V., Blinov, D., Komis, I., and Liodakis, I., Local measurements of the mean interstellar polarization at high Galactic latitudes.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 616.
  25. Slowikowska, A., Krzeszowski, K., Zejmo, M., Blinov, D., and Reig, P., Optical linear polarization of helium-rich white dwarfs sample with the RoboPol polarimeter.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 479(4): p. 5312-5324.
  26. Slowikowska, A., Krzeszowski, K., Zejmo, M., Blinov, D., and Reig, P., Optical polarimetry studies of white dwarfs.Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso, 2018. 48(1): p. 245-249.
  27. Tamborra, F., Papadakis, I., Dovciak, M., and Svoboda, J., On the high energy cut-off of accreting sources: Is general relativity relevant?Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 475(2): p. 2045-2050.
  28. Torrejon, J.M., Reig, P., Furst, F., Martinez-Chicharro, M., Postnov, K., and Oskinova, L., NuSTAR rules out a cyclotron line in the accreting magnetar candidate 4U2206+54.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 479(3): p. 3366-3372.
  29. Torres-Alba, N., Iwasawa, K., Diaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Ricci, C., Chu, J.K., Sanders, D.B., Armus, L., Barcos-Munoz, L., Evans, A.S., Howell, J.H., Inami, H., Linden, S.T., Medling, A.M., Privon, G.C., U, V., and Yoon, I., C-GOALS II. Chandra observations of the lower luminosity sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies in GOALS.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 620.
  30. Tritsis, A., Federrath, C., Schneider, N., and Tassis, K., A new method for probing magnetic field strengths from striations in the interstellar medium.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 481(4): p. 5275-5285.
  31. Tritsis, A. and Tassis, K., Magnetic seismology of interstellar gas clouds: Unveiling a hidden dimension.Science, 2018. 360(6389): p. 636-+.
  32. Tritsis, A., Yorke, H., and Tassis, K., Python Radiative Transfer Emission code (PYRATE): non-local thermodynamic equilibrium spectral lines simulations.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 478(2): p. 2056-2064.
  33. Vulic, N., Hornschemeier, A.E., Wik, D.R., Yukita, M., Zezas, A., Ptak, A.F., Lehmer, B.D., Antoniou, V., Maccarone, T.J., Williams, B.F., and Fornasini, F.M., Black Holes and Neutron Stars in Nearby Galaxies: Insights from NuSTAR.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 864(2).
  34. West, L.A., Lehmer, B.D., Wik, D., Yang, J., Walton, D.J., Antoniou, V., Haberl, F., Hornschemeier, A., Maccarone, T.J., Plucinsky, P.P., Ptak, A., Williams, B.F., Vulic, N., Yukita, M., and Zezas, A., On the Nature of the X-Ray Emission from the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source, M33 X-8: New Constraints from NuSTAR and XMM-Newton.Astrophysical Journal, 2018. 869(2).
  35. Xilouris, E.M., Bonanos, A.Z., Bellas-Velidis, I., Boumis, P., Dapergolas, A., Maroussis, A., Liakos, A., Alikakos, I., Charmandaris, V., Dimou, G., Fytsilis, A., Kelley, M., Koschny, D., Navarro, V., Tsiganis, K., and Tsinganos, K., NELIOTA: The wide-field, high-cadence, lunar monitoring system at the prime focus of the Kryoneri telescope.Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018. 619.
  36. Yang, J., Zezas, A., Coe, M.J., Drake, J.J., Hong, J., Laycock, S.G.T., and Wik, D.R., Anticorrelation between X-ray luminosity and pulsed fraction in the Small Magellanic Cloud pulsar SXP 1323.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2018. 479(1): p. L1-L6.
  1. Barta, V., Haldoupis, C., Satori, G., Buresova, D., Chum, J., Pozoga, M., Berenyi, K.A., Bor, J., Popek, M., Kis, A., and Bencze, P., Searching for effects caused by thunderstorms in midlatitude sporadic E layers. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2017. 161: p. 150-159.
  2. Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Lu, N., Stierwalt, S., Stacey, G., Malhotra, S., van der Werf, P.P., Howell, J.H., Privon, G.C., Mazzarella, J.M., Goldsmith, P.F., Murphy, E.J., Barcos-Munoz, L., Linden, S.T., Inami, H., Larson, L., Evans, A.S., Appleton, P., Iwasawa, K., Lord, S., Sanders, D.B., and Surace, J.A., A Herschel/PACS Far-infrared Line Emission Survey of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 846(1).
  3. Epitropakis, A. and Papadakis, I.E., The X-ray continuum time-lags and intrinsic coherence in AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 468(3): p. 3568-3601.
  4. Eufrasio, R.T., Lehmer, B.D., Zezas, A., Dwek, E., Arendt, R.G., Basu-Zych, A., Wiklind, T., Yukita, M., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A.E., Markwardt, L., Ptak, A., and Tzanavaris, P., On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. I. Hybrid UV plus IR Star Formation Laws and IR Emission from Dust Heated by Old Stars. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 851(1).
  5. Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., Grupe, D., Brinkmann, W.P., and Raeth, C., Long-term monitoring of Ark 120 with Swift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 464(4): p. 3955-3964.
  6. Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Armus, L., Carrera, F.J., Charmandaris, V., Efstathiou, A., Egami, E., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Fischer, J., Granato, G.L., Gruppioni, C., Hatziminaoglou, E., Imanishi, M., Isobe, N., Kaneda, H., Koziel-Wierzbowska, D., Malkan, M.A., Martin-Pintado, J., Mateos, S., Matsuhara, H., Miniutti, G., Nakagawa, T., Pozzi, F., Rico-Villas, F., Rodighiero, G., Roelfsema, P., Spinoglio, L., Spoon, H.W.W., Sturm, E., van der Tak, F., Vignali, C., and Wang, L., Feedback and Feeding in the Context of Galaxy Evolution with SPICA: Direct Characterisation of Molecular Outflows and Inflows. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017. 34.
  7. Gruppioni, C., Ciesla, L., Hatziminaoglou, E., Pozzi, F., Rodighiero, G., Santini, P., Armus, L., Baes, M., Braine, J., Charmandaris, V., Clements, D.L., Christopher, N., Dannerbauer, H., Efstathiou, A., Egami, E., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Fontanot, F., Franceschini, A., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Griffin, M., Kaneda, H., Marchetti, L., Monaco, P., Nakagawa, T., Onaka, T., Papadopoulos, A., Pearson, C., Perez-Fournon, I., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Roelfsema, P., Scott, D., Serjeant, S., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., van der Tak, F., Vignali, C., Wang, L., and Wada, T., Tracing the Evolution of Dust Obscured Star Formation and Accretion Back to the Reionisation Epoch with SPICA. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017. 34.
  8. Haldoupis, C., Rycroft, M., Williams, E., and Price, C., Is the "Earth-ionosphere capacitor" a valid component in the atmospheric global electric circuit? Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2017. 164: p. 127-131.
  9. Hong, J., Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Haberl, F., Sasaki, M., Drake, J.J., Plucinsky, P.P., and Laycock, S., Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. II. Timing Analysis of X-Ray Pulsars. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 847(1).
  10. Kammoun, E.S. and Papadakis, I.E., The nature of X-ray spectral variability in MCG-6-30-15. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 472(3): p. 3131-3146.
  11. Kaneda, H., Ishihara, D., Oyabu, S., Yamagishi, M., Wada, T., Armus, L., Baes, M., Charmandaris, V., Czerny, B., Efstathiou, A., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Ferrara, A., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Griffin, M., Gruppioni, C., Hatziminaoglou, E., Imanishi, M., Kohno, K., Kwon, J., Nakagawa, T., Onaka, T., Pozzi, F., Scott, D., Smith, J.D.T., Spinoglio, L., Suzuki, T., van der Tak, F., Vaccari, M., Vignali, C., and Wang, L., Unbiased Large Spectroscopic Surveys of Galaxies Selected by &ITSPICA&IT Using Dust Bands. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017. 34.
  12. Kylafis, N.D., A fraction of a light second away. Nature Astronomy, 2017. 1(12): p. 827-828.
  13. Lehmer, B.D., Eufrasio, R.T., Markwardt, L., Zezas, A., Basu-Zych, A., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A.E., Ptak, A., Tzanavaris, P., and Yukita, M., On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. II. X-Ray Binary Population Evolution. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 851(1).
  14. Lico, R., Giroletti, M., Orienti, M., Costamante, L., Pavlidou, V., D'Ammando, F., and Tavecchio, F., Exploring the connection between radio and GeV-TeV gamma-ray emission in the 1FHL and 2FHL AGN samples. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017. 606.
  15. Liodakis, I., Blinov, D., Papadakis, I., and Pavlidou, V., Estimating the distribution of rest-frame time-scales for blazar jets: a statistical approach. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 465(4): p. 4783-4794.
  16. Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., and Angelakis, E., Detecting the elusive blazar counter-jets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 465(1): p. 180-191.
  17. Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Hovatta, T., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pearson, T.J., Richards, J.L., and Readhead, A.C.S., Bimodal radio variability in OVRO-40 m-monitored blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 467(4): p. 4565-4576.
  18. Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Angelakis, E., Marchili, N., Zensus, J.A., Fuhrmann, L., Karamanavis, V., Myserlis, I., Nestoras, I., Palaiologou, E., and Readhead, A.C.S., Scale Invariant Jets: From Blazars to Microquasars. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 851(2).
  19. Liodakis, I., Zezas, A., Angelakis, E., Hovatta, T., and Pavlidou, V., Reconciling inverse-Compton Doppler factors with variability Doppler factors in blazar jets. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017. 602.
  20. Lu, N., Zhao, Y., Diaz-Santos, T., Kevin Xu, C., Charmandaris, V., Gao, Y., van der Werf, P.P., Privon, G.C., Inami, H., Rigopoulou, D., Sanders, D.B., and Zhu, L., ALMA N II 205 mu m Imaging Spectroscopy of the Interacting Galaxy System BRI 1202-0725 at Redshift 4.7. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017. 842(2).
  21. Lu, N., Zhao, Y., Diaz-Santos, T., Kevin Xu, C., Gao, Y., Armus, L., Isaak, K.G., Mazzarella, J.M., van der Werf, P.P., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A.S., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Leech, J., Lord, S., Petric, A.O., Privon, G.C., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., and Surace, J.A., A Herschel Space Observatory Spectral Line Survey of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies from 194 to 671 Microns. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2017. 230(1).
  22. Maragkoudakis, A., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., and Willner, S.P., The sub-galactic and nuclear main sequences for local star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 466(1): p. 1192-1204.
  23. Mathur, S., Gupta, A., Page, K., Pogge, R.W., Krongold, Y., Goad, M.R., Adams, S.M., Anderson, M.D., Arevalo, P., Barth, A.J., Bazhaw, C., Beatty, T.G., Bentz, M.C., Bigley, A., Bisogni, S., Borman, G.A., Boroson, T.A., Bottorff, M.C., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Brown, J.E., Brown, J.S., Cackett, E.M., Canalizo, G., Carini, M.T., Clubb, K.I., Comerford, J.M., Coker, C.T., Corsini, E.M., Crenshaw, D.M., Croft, S., Croxall, K.V., Dalla Bonta, E., Deason, A.J., Denney, K.D., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., De Rosa, G., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Ely, J., Eracleous, M., Evans, P.A., Fausnaugh, M.M., Ferland, G.J., Filippenko, A.V., Flatland, K., Fox, O.D., Gates, E.L., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J.M., Gorjian, V., Greene, J.E., Grier, C.J., Grupe, D., Hall, P.B., Henderson, C.B., Hicks, S., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T.W.S., Horenstein, D., Horne, K., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J.J., Johnson, C.A., Joner, M.D., Jones, J., Kaastra, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, B.C., Kelly, P.L., Kennea, J.A., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, S.C., King, A., Klimanov, S.A., Kochanek, C.S., Korista, K.T., Kriss, G.A., Lau, M.W., Lee, J.C., Leonard, D.C., Li, M., Lira, P., Ma, Z., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E.R., Malkan, M.A., Mauerhan, J.C., McGurk, R., McHardy, I.M., Montouri, C., Morelli, L., Mosquera, A., Mudd, D., Muller-Sanchez, F., Musso, R., Nazarov, S.V., Netzer, H., Nguyen, M.L., Norris, R.P., Nousek, J.A., Ochner, P., Okhmat, D.N., Ou-Yang, B., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Parks, J.R., Pei, L., Peterson, B.M., Pizzella, A., Poleski, R., Pott, J.U., Rafter, S.E., Rix, H.W., Runnoe, J., Saylor, D.A., Schimoia, J.S., Schnuelle, K., Sergeev, S.G., Shappee, B.J., Shivvers, I., Siegel, M., Simonian, G.V., Siviero, A., Skielboe, A., Somers, G., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Stevens, D.J., Sung, H.I., Tayar, J., Tejos, N., Turner, C.S., Uttley, P., Van Saders, J., Vestergaard, M., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Jr., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.H., Yan, H., Young, S., Yuk, H., Zheng, W., Zhu, W. and Zu, Y., Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 846(1).
  24. Ortiz, J.L., Santos-Sanz, P., Sicardy, B., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Berard, D., Morales, N., Duffard, R., Braga-Ribas, F., Hopp, U., Ries, C., Nascimbeni, V., Marzari, F., Granata, V., Pal, A., Kiss, C., Pribulla, T., Komzik, R., Hornoch, K., Pravec, P., Bacci, P., Maestripieri, M., Nerli, L., Mazzei, L., Bachini, M., Martinelli, F., Succi, G., Ciabattari, F., Mikuz, H., Carbognani, A., Gaehrken, B., Mottola, S., Hellmich, S., Rommel, F.L., Fernandez-Valenzuela, E., Campo Bagatin, A., Cikota, S., Cikota, A., Lecacheux, J., Vieira-Martins, R., Camargo, J.I.B., Assafin, M., Colas, F., Behrend, R., Desmars, J., Meza, E., Alvarez-Candal, A., Beisker, W., Gomes-Junior, A.R., Morgado, B.E., Roques, F., Vachier, F., Berthier, J., Mueller, T.G., Madiedo, J.M., Unsalan, O., Sonbas, E., Karaman, N., Erece, O., Koseoglu, D.T., Ozisik, T., Kalkan, S., Guney, Y., Niaei, S., Satir, O., Yesilyaprak, C., Puskullu, C., Kabas, A., Demircan, O., Alikakos, J., Charmandaris, V., Leto, G., Ohlert, J., Christille, J.M., Szakats, R., Farkas, A.T., Varga-Verebelyi, E., Marton, G., Marciniak, A., Bartczak, P., Santana-Ros, T., Utkiewicz-Bak, M.B., Dudzinski, G., Ali-Lagoa, V., Gazeas, K., Zouganatos, L.T., Paschalis, N., Tsamis, V., Sanchez-Lavega, A., Perez-Hoyos, S., Hueso, R., Guirado, J.C., Peris, V., and Iglesias-Marzoa, R., The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation. Nature, 2017. 550(7675): p. 219-+.
  25. Panopoulou, G.V., Psaradaki, I., Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., and Andrews, J.J., A closer look at the 'characteristic' width of molecular cloud filaments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 466(3): p. 2529-2541.
  26. Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I., Brandt, W.N., Luo, B., Xue, Y.Q., Tozzi, P., Shemmer, O., Allevato, V., Bauer, F.E., Comastri, A., Gilli, R., Koekemoer, A.M., Liu, T., Vignali, C., Vito, F., Yang, G., Wang, J.X., and Zheng, X.C., Tracing the accretion history of supermassive black holes through X-ray variability: results from the Chandra Deep Field-South. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 471(4): p. 4398-4411.
  27. Pawar, P.K., Dewangan, G.C., Papadakis, I.E., Patil, M.K., Pal, M., and Kembhavi, A.K., Complex UV/X-ray variability of 1H 0707-495. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 472(3): p. 2823-2832.
  28. Pei, L., Fausnaugh, M.M., Barth, A.J., Peterson, B.M., Bentz, M.C., De Rosa, G., Denney, K.D., Goad, M.R., Kochanek, C.S., Korista, K.T., Kriss, G.A., Pogge, R.W., Bennert, V.N., Brotherton, M., Clubb, K.I., Dalla Bonta, E., Filippenko, A.V., Greene, J.E., Grier, C.J., Vestergaard, M., Zheng, W., Adams, S.M., Beatty, T.G., Bigley, A., Brown, J.E., Brown, J.S., Canalizo, G., Comerford, J.M., Coker, C.T., Corsini, E.M., Croft, S., Croxall, K.V., Deason, A.J., Eracleous, M., Fox, O.D., Gates, E.L., Henderson, C.B., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T.W.S., Jensen, J.J., Johnson, C.A., Kelly, P.L., Kim, S., King, A., Lau, M.W., Li, M., Lochhaas, C., Ma, Z., Manne-Nicholas, E.R., Mauerhan, J.C., Malkan, M.A., McGurk, R., Morelli, L., Mosquera, A., Mudd, D., Sanchez, F.M., Nguyen, M.L., Ochner, P., Ou-Yang, B., Pancoast, A., Penny, M.T., Pizzella, A., Poleski, R., Runnoe, J., Scott, B., Schimoia, J.S., Shappee, B.J., Shivvers, I., Simonian, G.V., Siviero, A., Somers, G., Stevens, D.J., Strauss, M.A., Tayar, J., Tejos, N., Treu, T., Van Saders, J., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Jr., Yuk, H., Zakamska, N.L., Zhu, W., Anderson, M.D., Arevalo, P., Bazhaw, C., Bisogni, S., Borman, G.A., Bottorff, M.C., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Cackett, E.M., Carini, M.T., Crenshaw, D.M., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Efimova, N.V., Ely, J., Evans, P.A., Ferland, G.J., Flatland, K., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J.M., Grupe, D., Gupta, A., Hall, P.B., Hicks, S., Horenstein, D., Horne, K., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Joner, M.D., Jones, J., Kaastra, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, B.C., Kennea, J.A., Kim, M., Kim, S.C., Klimanov, S.A., Lee, J.C., Leonard, D.C., Lira, P., MacInnis, F., Mathur, S., McHardy, I.M., Montouri, C., Musso, R., Nazarov, S.V., Netzer, H., Norris, R.P., Nousek, J.A., Okhmat, D.N., Papadakis, I., Parks, J.R., Pott, J.U., Rafter, S.E., Rix, H.W., Saylor, D.A., Schnuelle, K., Sergeev, S.G., Siegel, M., Skielboe, A., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Sung, H.I., Teems, K.G., Turner, C.S., Uttley, P., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.H., Yan, H., Young, S. and Zu, Y., Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. V. Optical Spectroscopic Campaign and Emission-line Analysis for NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 837(2).
  29. Tsouros, A. and Kylafis, N.D., The energy distribution of electrons in radio jets. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017. 603.
  30. Vasilopoulos, G., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., and Haberl, F., SXP 15.6: X-ray spectral and temporal properties of a newly discovered pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017. 470(4): p. 4354-4362.
  31. Vedantham, H.K., Readhead, A.C.S., Hovatta, T., Koopmans, L.V.E., Pearson, T.J., Blandford, R.D., Gurwell, M.A., Lahteenmaki, A., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Ravi, V., Reeves, R.A., Richards, J.L., Tornikoski, M., and Zensus, J.A., The Peculiar Light Curve of J1415+1320: A Case Study in Extreme Scattering Events. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 845(2).
  32. Vedantham, H.K., Readhead, A.C.S., Hovatta, T., Pearson, T.J., Blandford, R.D., Gurwell, M.A., Lahteenmaki, A., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Ravi, V., Reeves, R.A., Richards, J.L., Tornikoski, M., and Zensus, J.A., Symmetric Achromatic Variability in Active Galaxies: A Powerful New Gravitational Lensing Probe? Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 845(2).
  33. Vika, M., Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Xilouris, E.M., and Lebouteiller, V., The physical properties of Spitzer/IRS galaxies derived from their UV to 22 mu m spectral energy distribution. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017. 597.
  34. Yang, J., Laycock, S.G.T., Drake, J.J., Coe, M.J., Fingerman, S., Hong, J., Antoniou, V., and Zezas, A., A multi-observatory database of X-ray pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds. Astronomische Nachrichten, 2017. 338(2-3): p. 220-226.
  35. Yukita, M., Ptak, A., Hornschemeier, A.E., Wik, D., Maccarone, T.J., Pottschmidt, K., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Ballhausen, R., Lehmer, B.D., Lien, A., Williams, B., Baganoff, F., Boyd, P.T., Enoto, T., Kennea, J., Page, K.L., and Choi, Y., Identification of the Hard X-Ray Source Dominating the E > 25 keV Emission of the Nearby Galaxy M31. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 838(1).
  36. Zhao, Y., Lu, N., Diaz-Santos, T., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Charmandaris, V., van der Werf, P., Zhang, Z.-Y., and Cao, C., ALMA Maps of Dust and Warm Dense Gas Emission in the Starburst Galaxy IC 5179. Astrophysical Journal, 2017. 845(1).
  1. Anastasopoulou, K., Zezas, A., Ballo, L., and Della Ceca, R., A deep Chandra observation of the interacting star-forming galaxy Arp 299. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 460(4): p. 3570-3586.
  2. Angelakis, E., Hovatta, T., Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Kiehlmann, S., Myserlis, I., Bottcher, M., Mao, P., Panopoulou, G.V., Liodakis, I., King, O.G., Balokovic, M., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Marecki, A., Paleologou, E., Papadakis, I., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Prabhudesai, S., Ramaprakash, A.N., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., Urry, M., and Zensus, J.A., RoboPol: the optical polarization of gamma-ray-loud and gamma-ray-quiet blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 463(3): p. 3365-3380.
  3. Antoniou, V. and Zezas, A., Star formation history and X-ray binary populations: the case of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 459(1): p. 528-553.
  4. Basu-Zych, A.R., Lehmer, B., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A., Yukita, M., Zezas, A., and Ptak, A., EXPLORING THE OVERABUNDANCE OF ULXs IN METAL- AND DUST-POOR LOCAL LYMAN BREAK ANALOGS. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 818(2).
  5. Bhagwan, J., Gupta, A.C., Papadakis, I.E., and Wiita, P.J., Flux and spectral variability of the blazar PKS 2155-304 with XMM-Newton: Evidence of particle acceleration and synchrotron cooling. New Astronomy, 2016. 44: p. 21-28.
  6. Bitsakis, T., Dultzin, D., Ciesla, L., Diaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., Krongold, Y., Guillard, P., Alatalo, K., Zezas, A., Gonzalez, J., and Lanz, L., Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - II. The importance of environment in the suppression of star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 459(1): p. 957-970.
  7. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Liodakis, I., Panopoulou, G.V., Pearson, T.J., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Hovatta, T., Joshi, V., King, O.G., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Marecki, A., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Prabhudesai, S., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., RoboPol: do optical polarization rotations occur in all blazars? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 462(2): p. 1775-1785.
  8. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I.E., Hovatta, T., Pearson, T.J., Liodakis, I., Panopoulou, G.V., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Das, H., Khodade, P., Kiehlmann, S., King, O.G., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Marecki, A., Modi, D., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., RoboPol: optical polarization-plane rotations and flaring activity in blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 457(2): p. 2252-2262.
  9. Brightman, M., Harrison, F., Walton, D.J., Fuerst, F., Hornschemeier, A., Zezas, A., Bachetti, M., Grefenstette, B., Ptak, A., Tendulkar, S., and Yukita, M., SPECTRAL AND TEMPORAL PROPERTIES OF THE ULTRA-LUMINOUS X-RAY PULSAR IN M82 FROM 15 YEARS OF CHANDRA OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYSIS OF THE PULSED EMISSION USING NuSTAR. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 816(2).
  10. Ciesla, L., Boselli, A., Elbaz, D., Boissier, S., Buat, V., Charmandaris, V., Schreiber, C., Bethermin, M., Baes, M., Boquien, M., De Looze, I., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Pappalardo, C., Spinoglio, L., and Viaene, S., The imprint of rapid star formation quenching on the spectral energy distributions of galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 585.
  11. Clemens, D.P., Tassis, K., and Goldsmith, P.F., THE MAGNETIC FIELD OF L1544. I. NEAR-INFRARED POLARIMETRY AND THE NON-UNIFORM ENVELOPE. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 833(2).
  12. Emmanoulopoulos, D., McHardy, I.M., Vaughan, S., and Papadakis, I.E., Extensive X-ray variability studies of NGC 7314 using long XMM-Newton observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 460(3): p. 2413-2431.
  13. Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I.E., Epitropakis, A., Pechacek, T., Dovciak, M., and McHardy, I.M., A search for X-ray reprocessing echoes in the power spectral density functions of AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 461(2): p. 1642-1655.
  14. Epitropakis, A. and Papadakis, I.E., Statistical properties of Fourier-based time-lag estimates. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 591.
  15. Epitropakis, A., Papadakis, I.E., Dovciak, M., Pechacek, T., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Karas, V., and Hardy, I.M.M., Theoretical modelling of the AGN iron line vs. continuum time-lags in the lamp-post geometry. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 594.
  16. Fausnaugh, M.M., Denney, K.D., Barth, A.J., Bentz, M.C., Bottorff, M.C., Carini, M.T., Croxall, K.V., De Rosa, G., Goad, M.R., Horne, K., Joner, M.D., Kaspi, S., Kim, M., Klimanov, S.A., Kochanek, C.S., Leonard, D.C., Netzer, H., Peterson, B.M., Schnulle, K., Sergeev, S.G., Vestergaard, M., Zheng, W.K., Zu, Y., Anderson, M.D., Arevalo, P., Bazhaw, C., Borman, G.A., Boroson, T.A., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Brewer, B.J., Cackett, E.M., Crenshaw, D.M., Dalla Bonta, E., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Efimova, N.V., Ely, J., Evans, P.A., Filippenko, A.V., Flatland, K., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J.M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Grier, C.J., Grupe, D., Hall, P.B., Hicks, S., Horenstein, D., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J.J., Jones, J., Kaastra, J., Kelly, B.C., Kennea, J.A., Kim, S.C., Korista, K.T., Kriss, G.A., Lee, J.C., Lira, P., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E.R., Mathur, S., McHardy, I.M., Montouri, C., Musso, R., Nazarov, S.V., Norris, R.P., Nousek, J.A., Okhmat, D.N., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Parks, J.R., Pei, L., Pogge, R.W., Pott, J.U., Rafter, S.E., Rix, H.W., Saylor, D.A., Schimoia, J.S., Siegel, M., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Sung, H.I., Teems, K.G., Treu, T., Turner, C.S., Uttley, P., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.H., Yan, H., and Young, S., SPACE TELESCOPE AND OPTICAL REVERBERATION MAPPING PROJECT. III. OPTICAL CONTINUUM EMISSION AND BROADBAND TIME DELAYS IN NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 821(1).
  17. Fragos, T., Lehmer, B.D., Naoz, S., Zezas, A., and Basu-Zych, A., ENERGY FEEDBACK FROM X-RAY BINARIES IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE (vol 776, L31, 2013). Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2016. 827(1).
  18. Fuhrmann, L., Angelakis, E., Zensus, J.A., Nestoras, I., Marchili, N., Pavlidou, V., Karamanavis, V., Ungerechts, H., Krichbaum, T.P., Larsson, S., Lee, S.S., Max-Moerbeck, W., Myserlis, I., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Richards, J.L., Sievers, A., and Sohn, B.W., The F-GAMMA programme: multi-frequency study of active galactic nuclei in the Fermi era Programme description and the first 2.5 years of monitoring. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 596.
  19. Giroletti, M., Massaro, F., D'Abrusco, R., Lico, R., Burlon, D., Hurley-Walker, N., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Morgan, J., Pavlidou, V., Bell, M., Bernardi, G., Bhat, R., Bowman, J.D., Briggs, F., Cappallo, R.J., Corey, B.E., Deshpande, A.A., Ewall-Rice, A., Emrich, D., Gaensler, B.M., Goeke, R., Greenhill, L.J., Hazelton, B.J., Hindson, L., Kaplan, D.L., Kasper, J.C., Kratzenberg, E., Feng, L., Jacobs, D., Kudryavtseva, N., Lenc, E., Lonsdale, C.J., Lynch, M.J., McKinley, B., McWhirter, S.R., Mitchell, D.A., Morales, M.F., Morgan, E., Oberoi, D., Offringa, A.R., Ord, S.M., Pindor, B., Prabu, T., Procopio, P., Riding, J., Rogers, A.E.E., Roshi, A., Shankar, N.U., Srivani, K.S., Subrahmanyan, R., Tingay, S.J., Waterson, M., Wayth, R.B., Webster, R.L., Whitney, A.R., Williams, A., and Williams, C.L., High-energy sources at low radio frequency: the Murchison Widefield Array view of Fermi blazars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 588.
  20. Goad, M.R., Korista, K.T., De Rosa, G., Kriss, G.A., Edelson, R., Barth, A.J., Ferland, G.J., Kochanek, C.S., Netzer, H., Peterson, B.M., Bentz, M.C., Bisogni, S., Crenshaw, D.M., Denney, K.D., Ely, J., Fausnaugh, M.M., Grier, C.J., Gupta, A., Horne, K.D., Kaastra, J., Pancoast, A., Pei, L., Pogge, R.W., Skielboe, A., Starkey, D., Vestergaard, M., Zu, Y., Anderson, M.D., Arevalo, P., Bazhaw, C., Borman, G.A., Boroson, T.A., Bottorff, M.C., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Brewer, B.J., Cackett, E.M., Carini, M.T., Croxall, K.V., Dalla Bonta, E., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Dietrich, M., Efimova, N.V., Evans, P.A., Filippenko, A.V., Flatland, K., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J.M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Grupe, D., Hall, P.B., Hicks, S., Horenstein, D., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J.J., Joner, M.D., Jones, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, B.C., Kennea, J.A., Kim, M., Kim, S.C., Klimanov, S.A., Lee, J.C., Leonard, D.C., Lira, P., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E.R., Mathur, S., McHardy, I.M., Montouri, C., Musso, R., Nazarov, S.V., Norris, R.P., Nousek, J.A., Okhmat, D.N., Papadakis, I., Parks, J.R., Pott, J.U., Rafter, S.E., Rix, H.W., Saylor, D.A., Schimoia, J.S., Schnulle, K., Sergeev, S.G., Siegel, M., Spencer, M., Sung, H.I., Teems, K.G., Treu, T., Turner, C.S., Uttley, P., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.H., Yan, H., Young, S. and Zheng, W.K., SPACE TELESCOPE AND OPTICAL REVERBERATION MAPPING PROJECT. IV. ANOMALOUS BEHAVIOR OF THE BROAD ULTRAVIOLET EMISSION LINES IN NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 824(1).
  21. Gordillo-Vazquez, F.J., Luque, A., and Haldoupis, C., Upper D region chemical kineticmodeling of LORE relaxation times. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2016. 121(4): p. 3525-3544.
  22. Hong, J., Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Haberl, F., Drake, J.J., Plucinsky, P.P., Gaetz, T., Sasaki, M., Williams, B., Long, K.S., Blair, W.P., Winkler, P.F., Wright, N.J., Laycock, S., and Udalski, A., SXP 214: AN X-RAY PULSAR IN THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD, CROSSING THE CIRCUMSTELLAR DISK OF THE COMPANION. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 826(1).
  23. Hovatta, T., Lindfors, E., Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Nilsson, K., Kiehlmann, S., Angelakis, E., Ramazani, V.F., Liodakis, I., Myserlis, I., Panopoulou, G.V., and Pursimo, T., Optical polarization of high-energy BL Lacertae objects. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 596.
  24. Hung, C.L., Hayward, C.C., Smith, H.A., Ashby, M.L.N., Lanz, L., Martinez-Galarza, J.R., Sanders, D.B., and Zezas, A., MERGER SIGNATURES IN THE DYNAMICS OF STAR-FORMING GAS. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 816(2).
  25. Lehmer, B.D., Basu-Zych, A.R., Mineo, S., Brandt, W.N., Eufrasio, R.T., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A.E., Luo, B., Xue, Y.Q., Bauer, F.E., Gilfanov, M., Ranalli, P., Schneider, D.P., Shemmer, O., Tozzi, P., Trump, J.R., Vignali, C., Wang, J.X., Yukita, M., and Zezas, A., THE EVOLUTION OF NORMAL GALAXY X-RAY EMISSION THROUGH COSMIC HISTORY: CONSTRAINTS FROM THE 6 MS CHANDRA DEEP FIELD-SOUTH. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 825(1).
  26. Lindfors, E.J., Hovatta, T., Nilsson, K., Reinthal, R., Ramazani, V.F., Pavlidou, V., Max-Moerbeck, W., Richards, J., Berdyugin, A., Takalo, L., Sillanpaa, A., and Readhead, A.C.S., Optical and radio variability of the northern VHE gamma-ray emitting BL Lacertae objects. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 593.
  27. Lisenfeld, U., Braine, J., Duc, P.A., Boquien, M., Brinks, E., Bournaud, F., Lelli, F., and Charmandaris, V., Molecular gas and star formation in the tidal dwarf galaxy VCC 2062. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 590.
  28. Lubinski, P., Beckmann, V., Gibaud, L., Paltani, S., Papadakis, I.E., Ricci, C., Soldi, S., Turler, M., Walter, R., and Zdziarski, A.A., A comprehensive analysis of the hard X-ray spectra of bright Seyfert galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(3): p. 2454-2475.
  29. Maccarone, T.J., Yukita, M., Hornschemeier, A., Lehmer, B.D., Antoniou, V., Ptak, A., Wik, D.R., Zezas, A., Boyd, P., Kennea, J., Page, K.L., Eracleous, M., Williams, B.F., Boggs, S.E., Christensen, F.E., Craig, W.W., Hailey, C.J., Harrison, F.A., Stern, D., and Zhang, W.W., Demonstrating the likely neutron star nature of five M31 globular cluster sources with Swift-NuSTAR spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(4): p. 3633-3643.
  30. Martinez-Galarza, J.R., Smith, H.A., Lanz, L., Hayward, C.C., Zezas, A., Rosenthal, L., Weiner, A., Hung, C., Ashby, M.L.N., and Groves, B., VARIATIONS OF THE ISM COMPACTNESS ACROSS THE MAIN SEQUENCE OF STAR FORMING GALAXIES: OBSERVATIONS AND SIMULATIONS. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 817(1).
  31. Panopoulou, G.V., Psaradaki, I., and Tassis, K., The magnetic field and dust filaments in the Polaris Flare. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 462(2): p. 1517-1529.
  32. Papadakis, I., Pechacek, T., Dovciak, M., Epitropakis, A., Emmanoulopoulos, D., and Karas, V., Signatures of X-ray reverberation in the power spectra of AGN. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 588.
  33. Papadakis, I.E., Nicastro, F., and Panagiotou, C., Modelling the variable broad-band optical/UV/X-ray spectrum of PG1211+143: implications for the ionized outflow. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 591.
  34. Psychogyios, A., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Haan, S., Howell, J., Le Floc'h, E., Petty, S.M., and Evans, A.S., Morphological classification of local luminous infrared galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 591.
  35. Reig, P. and Kylafis, N., The origin of the hard X-ray tail in neutron-star X-ray binaries. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 591.
  36. Reig, P. and Milonaki, F., Accretion regimes in the X-ray pulsar 4U 1901+03. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 594.
  37. Reig, P., Nersesian, A., Zezas, A., Gkouvelis, L., and Coe, M.J., Long-term optical variability of high-mass X-ray binaries II. Spectroscopy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016. 590.
  38. Slowikowska, A., Krzeszowski, K., Zejmo, M., Reig, P., and Steele, I., Calibration of the Liverpool Telescope RINGO3 polarimeter. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(1): p. 759-771.
  39. Storm, S., Mundy, L.G., Lee, K.I., Fernandez-Lopez, M., Looney, L.W., Teuben, P., Arce, H.G., Rosolowsky, E.W., Meisner, A.M., Isella, A., Kauffmann, J., Shirley, Y.L., Kwon, W., Plunkett, A.L., Pound, M.W., Segura-Cox, D.M., Tassis, K., Tobin, J.J., Volgenau, N.H., Crutcher, R.M., and Testi, L., CARMA LARGE AREA STAR FORMATION SURVEY: DENSE GAS IN THE YOUNG L1451 REGION OF PERSEUS. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 830(2).
  40. Tritsis, A. and Tassis, K., Striations in molecular clouds: streamers or MHD waves? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 462(4): p. 3602-3615.
  41. Tritsis, A., Tassis, K., and Willacy, K., Chemistry as a diagnostic of prestellar core geometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(1): p. 789-801.
  42. Yukita, M., Hornschemeier, A.E., Lehmer, B.D., Ptak, A., Wik, D.R., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Maccarone, T.J., Replicon, V., Tyler, J.B., Venters, T., Argo, M.K., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Christensen, F.E., Craig, W.W., Hailey, C., Harrison, F., Krivonos, R., Kuntz, K., Stern, D., and Zhang, W.W., A HARD X-RAY STUDY OF THE NORMAL STAR-FORMING GALAXY M83 WITH NuSTAR. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 824(2).
  43. Zhao, Y.H., Lu, N.Y., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Barcos-Munoz, L., Diaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., van der Werf, P., Evans, A., Cao, C., Inami, H., and Murphy, E., ALMA IMAGING OF THE CO (6-5) LINE EMISSION IN NGC 7130. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 820(2).
  44. Zhao, Y.H., Lu, N.Y., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Lord, S.D., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A., Howell, J., Petric, A.O., van der Werf, P.P., and Sanders, D.B., THE N II 205 mu m EMISSION IN LOCAL LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2016. 819(1).
  1. Alatalo, K., Appleton, P.N., Lisenfeld, U., Bitsakis, T., Lanz, L., Lacy, M., Charmandaris, V., Cluver, M., Dopita, M.A., Guillard, P., Jarrett, T., Kewley, L.J., Nyland, K., Ogle, P.M., Rasmussen, J., Rich, J.A., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Xu, C.K., and Yun, M., STAR FORMATION SUPPRESSION IN COMPACT GROUP GALAXIES: A NEW PATH TO QUENCHING? Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 812(2).
  2. Bitsakis, T., Dultzin, D., Ciesla, L., Krongold, Y., Charmandaris, V., and Zezas, A., Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - I. Nuclear activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 450(3): p. 3114-3126.
  3. Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Panopoulou, G., Liodakis, I., King, O.G., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Das, H., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Myserlis, I., Modi, D., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A., Reig, P., Readhead, A.C.S., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., RoboPol: first season rotations of optical polarization plane in blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 453(2): p. 1669-1683.
  4. Brassington, N.J., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., Lanz, L., Smith, H.A., Willner, S.P., and Klein, C., THE SPITZER INTERACTING GALAXIES SURVEY: A MID-INFRARED ATLAS OF STAR FORMATION. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2015. 218(1).
  5. Chakraborty, N., Pavlidou, V., and Fields, B.D., HIGH ENERGY POLARIZATION OF BLAZARS: DETECTION PROSPECTS. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 798(1).
  6. Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Georgakakis, A., Bernhard, E., Mitchell, P.D., Buat, V., Elbaz, D., LeFloc'h, E., Lacey, C.G., Magdis, G.E., and Xilouris, M., Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 576.
  7. D'Abrusco, R., Fabbiano, G., and Zezas, A., SPATIAL STRUCTURES IN THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER DISTRIBUTION OF THE 10 BRIGHTEST VIRGO GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 805(1).
  8. De Rosa, G., Peterson, B.M., Ely, J., Kriss, G.A., Crenshaw, D.M., Horne, K., Korista, K.T., Netzer, H., Pogge, R.W., Arevalo, P., Barth, A.J., Bentz, M.C., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Brewer, B.J., Bonta, E.D., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Denney, K.D., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Evans, P.A., Fausnaugh, M.M., Gehrels, N., Gelbord, J.M., Goad, M.R., Grier, C.J., Grupe, D., Hall, P.B., Kaastra, J., Kelly, B.C., Kennea, J.A., Kochanek, C.S., Lira, P., Mathur, S., McHardy, I.M., Nousek, J.A., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Pei, L., Schimoia, J.S., Siegel, M., Starkey, D., Treu, T., Uttley, P., Vaughan, S., Vestergaard, M., Villforth, C., Yan, H., Young, S., and Zu, Y., SPACE TELESCOPE AND OPTICAL REVERBERATION MAPPING PROJECT. I. ULTRAVIOLET OBSERVATIONS OF THE SEYFERT 1 GALAXY NGC 5548 WITH THE COSMIC ORIGINS SPECTROGRAPH ON HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 806(1).
  9. Edelson, R., Gelbord, J.M., Horne, K., McHardy, I.M., Peterson, B.M., Arevalo, P., Breeveld, A.A., De Rosa, G., Evans, P.A., Goad, M.R., Kriss, G.A., Brandt, W.N., Gehrels, N., Grupe, D., Kennea, J.A., Kochanek, C.S., Nousek, J.A., Papadakis, I., Siegel, M., Starkey, D., Uttley, P., Vaughan, S., Young, S., Barth, A.J., Bentz, M.C., Brewer, B.J., Crenshaw, D.M., Bonta, E.D., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Denney, K.D., Dietrich, M., Ely, J., Fausnaugh, M.M., Grier, C.J., Hall, P.B., Kaastra, J., Kelly, B.C., Korista, K.T., Lira, P., Mathur, S., Netzer, H., Pancoast, A., Pei, L., Pogge, R.W., Schimoia, J.S., Treu, T., Vestergaard, M., Villforth, C., Yan, H., and Zu, Y., SPACE TELESCOPE AND OPTICAL REVERBERATION MAPPING PROJECT. II. SWIFT AND HST REVERBERATION MAPPING OF THE ACCRETION DISK OF NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 806(1).
  10. Kammoun, E.S., Papadakis, I.E., and Sabra, B.M., Variability of the soft X-ray excess in IRAS 13224-3809. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 582.
  11. Kylafis, N.D. and Belloni, T.M., Accretion and ejection in black-hole X-ray transients. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 574.
  12. Lehmer, B.D., Tyler, J.B., Hornschemeier, A.E., Wik, D.R., Yukita, M., Antoniou, V., Boggs, S., Christensen, F.E., Craig, W.W., Hailey, C.J., Harrison, F.A., Maccarone, T.J., Ptak, A., Stern, D., Zezas, A., and Zhang, W.W., THE 0.3-30 keV SPECTRA OF POWERFUL STARBURST GALAXIES: NuSTAR AND CHANDRA OBSERVATIONS OF NGC 3256 AND NGC 3310. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 806(1).
  13. Leiton, R., Elbaz, D., Okumura, K., Hwang, H.S., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Valtchanov, I., Dickinson, M., Bethermin, M., Schreiber, C., Charmandaris, V., Dole, H., Juneau, S., Le Borgne, D., Pannella, M., Pope, A., and Popesso, P., GOODS-Herschel: identification of the individual galaxies responsible for the 80-290 mu m cosmic infrared background. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 579.
  14. Liodakis, I. and Pavlidou, V., Population statistics of beamed sources - II. Evaluation of Doppler factor estimates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 454(2): p. 1767-1777.
  15. Liodakis, I. and Pavlidou, V., Population statistics of beamed sources - I. A new model for blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 451(3): p. 2434-2446.
  16. Lu, N.Y., Zhao, Y.H., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Diaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Inami, H., Howell, J., Liu, L.J., Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Privon, G.C., Lord, S.D., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., and Van Der Werf, P.P., MEASURING STAR FORMATION RATES AND FAR-INFRARED COLORS OF HIGH-REDSHIFT GALAXIES USING THE CO(7-6) AND N II 205 mu m LINES. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2015. 802(1).
  17. Pannella, M., Elbaz, D., Daddi, E., Dickinson, M., Hwang, H.S., Schreiber, C., Strazzullo, V., Aussel, H., Bethermin, M., Buat, V., Charmandaris, V., Cibinel, A., Juneau, S., Ivison, R.J., Le Borgne, D., Le Floc'h, E., Leiton, R., Lin, L., Magdis, G., Morrison, G.E., Mullaney, J., Onodera, M., Renzini, A., Salim, S., Sargent, M.T., Scott, D., Shu, X., and Wang, T., GOODS-HERSCHEL: STAR FORMATION, DUST ATTENUATION, AND THE FIR-RADIO CORRELATION ON THE MAIN SEQUENCE OF STAR-FORMING GALAXIES UP TO z similar or equal to 4. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 807(2).
  18. Panopoulou, G., Tassis, K., Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., King, O.G., Paleologou, E., Ramaprakash, A., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Das, H.K., Feiler, R., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kiehlmann, S., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Liodakis, I., Mahabal, A., Modi, D., Myserlis, I., Papadakis, I., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., and Zensus, J.A., Optical polarization map of the Polaris Flare with RoboPol. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 452(1): p. 715-726.
  19. Ptak, A., Hornschemeier, A., Zezas, A., Lehmer, B., Yukita, M., Wik, D., Antoniou, V., Argo, M.K., Ballo, L., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Della Ceca, R., Christensen, F.E., Craig, W.W., Hailey, C.J., Harrison, F.A., Krivonos, R., Maccarone, T.J., Stern, D., Tatum, M., Venters, T., and Zhang, W.W., A FOCUSED, HARD X-RAY LOOK AT ARP 299 WITH NuSTAR. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 800(2).
  20. Pyrina, M., Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Fotiadi, A., Papadimas, C.D., Pavlakis, K.G., and Vardavas, I., Cloud effects on the solar and thermal radiation budgets of the Mediterranean basin. Atmospheric Research, 2015. 152: p. 14-28.
  21. Reig, P. and Kylafis, N.D., A jet model for Galactic black-hole X-ray sources: The correlation between cutoff energy and phase lag. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 584.
  22. Rosenberg, M.J.F., van der Werf, P.P., Aalto, S., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A.S., Fischer, J., Gao, Y., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Greve, T.R., Harris, A.I., Henkel, C., Israel, F.P., Isaak, K.G., Kramer, C., Meijerink, R., Naylor, D.A., Sanders, D.B., Smith, H.A., Spaans, M., Spinglio, L., Stacey, G.J., Veenendaal, I., Veilleux, S., Walter, F., Weiss, A., Wiedner, M.C., van der Wiel, M.H.D., and Xilouris, E.M., THE HERSCHEL COMPREHENSIVE (U)LIRG EMISSION SURVEY (HERCULES): CO LADDERS, FINE STRUCTURE LINES, AND NEUTRAL GAS COOLING. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 801(2).
  23. Sloan, G.C., Herter, T.L., Charmandaris, V., Sheth, K., Burgdorf, M., and Houck, J.R., SPECTRAL CALIBRATION IN THE MID-INFRARED: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS. Astronomical Journal, 2015. 149(1).
  24. Tanoglidis, D., Pavlidou, V., and Tomaras, T.N., Testing ACDM cosmology at turnaround: where to look for violations of the bound? Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(12).
  25. Tassis, K. and Pavlidou, V., Searching for inflationary B modes: can dust emission properties be extrapolated from 350 GHz to 150 GHz? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 451(1): p. L90-L94.
  26. Tritsis, A., Panopoulou, G.V., Mouschovias, T.C., Tassis, K., and Pavlidou, V., Magnetic field-gas density relation and observational implications revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 451(4): p. 4384-4396.
  27. Vardoulaki, E., Charmandaris, V., Murphy, E.J., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., Privon, G.C., Stierwalt, S., and Barcos-Munoz, L., Radio continuum properties of luminous infrared galaxies Identifying the presence of an AGN in the radio. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 574.
  28. Xu, C.K., Cao, C., Lu, N., Gao, Y., Diaz-Santos, T., Herrero-Illana, R., Meijerink, R., Privon, G., Zhao, Y.H., Evans, A.S., Konig, S., Mazzarella, J.M., Aalto, S., Appleton, P., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Chu, J., Haan, S., Inami, H., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., and van der Werf, P., ALMA OBSERVATIONS OF WARM DENSE GAS IN NGC 1614-BREAKING OF THE STAR FORMATION LAW IN THE CENTRAL KILOPARSEC. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 799(1).
  29. Zezas, A., Trumper, J.E., and Kylafis, N.D., Broad-band X-ray spectra of anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft. gamma-ray repeaters: pulsars in a weak-accretion regime? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 454(4): p. 3366-3375.
  1. Alatalo, K., Appleton, P.N., Lisenfeld, U., Bitsakis, T., Guillard, P., Charmandaris, V., Cluver, M., Dopita, M.A., Freeland, E., Jarrett, T., Kewley, L.J., Ogle, P.M., Rasmussen, J., Rich, J.A., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Xu, C.K., and Yun, M., STRONG FAR-INFRARED COOLING LINES, PECULIAR CO KINEMATICS, AND POSSIBLE STAR-FORMATION SUPPRESSION IN HICKSON COMPACT GROUP 57. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 795(2).
  2. Aleksic, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L.A., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Bangale, P., de Almeida, U.B., Barrio, J.A., Gonzalez, J.B., Bednarek, W., Berger, K., Bernardini, E., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bock, R.K., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Carrnona, E., Carosi, A., Fidalgo, D.C., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J.L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Caneva, G., De Lotto, B., Mendez, C.D., Doert, M., Dominguez, A., Prester, D.D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Eisenacher, D., Elsaesser, D., Farina, E., Ferene, D., Fonseca, M.V., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Lopez, R.J.G., Garczarczyk, M., Terrats, D.G., Gaug, M., Giavitto, G., Godinovic, N., Munoz, A.G., Gozzini, S.R., Hadasch, D., Hayashida, M., Herrero, A., Hildebrand, D., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Idec, W., Kadenius, V., Kellertnann, H., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Krause, J., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lewandowska, N., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Lopez, M., Lopez-Coto, R., Lopez-Oramas, A., Lorenz, E., Lozano, I., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Mankuzhiyil, N., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martinez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Mencei, M., Miranda, J.M., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., P, M.A., Nakajima, D., Niedzwiecki, A., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Nowak, N., Orito, R., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J.M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Partini, S., Persic, M., Prada, F., Moroni, P.G.P., Prandini, E., Prezinso, S., Puljak, I., Reinthal, R., Rhode, W., Ribo, M., Rico, J., Garcia, J.R., Rugamer, S., Saggion, A., Saito, T., Saito, K., Salvati, M., Satalecka, K., Scalzotto, V., Scapin, V., Schultz, C., Schweizer, T., Shore, S.N., Siilanpaa, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Spanier, F., Stamatescu, V., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Storz, J., Sun, S., Suric, T., Takalo, L., Takarni, H., Taveeehio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Tibolla, O., Torres, D.F., Toyama, T., Trevesu, A., Uellenheck, M., Vogler, P., Wagner, R.M., Zandanel, F., Zanin, R., Cutini, S., Gasparrini, D., Furniss, A., Hovatta, T., Kangas, T., Kankare, E., Kotilainen, J., Lister, M., Lahteemaki, A., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Readhead, A., Richards, J. and Collaboration, M., MAGIC long-term study of the distant TeV blazar PKS 1424+240 in a multiwavelength context. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 567.
  3. Appleton, P.N., Mundell, C., Bitsakis, T., Lacy, M., Alatalo, K., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Duc, P.A., Lisenfeld, U., and Ogle, P., ACCRETION-INHIBITED STAR FORMATION IN THE WARM MOLECULAR DISK OF THE GREEN-VALLEY ELLIPTICAL GALAXY NGC 3226? Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 797(2).
  4. Bhagwan, J., Gupta, A.C., Papadakis, I.E., and Wiita, P.J., Spectral energy distributions of the BL Lac PKS 2155-304 from XMM-Newton. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 444(4): p. 3647-3656.
  5. Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., Appleton, P.N., Diaz-Santos, T., Le Floc'h, E., da Cunha, E., Alatalo, K., and Cluver, M., Herschel observations of Hickson compact groups of galaxies: Unveiling the properties of cold dust. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 565.
  6. Bosinger, T., Demekhov, A.G., Ermakova, E.N., Haldoupis, C., and Zhou, Q., Pulsating nighttime magnetic background noise in the upper ULF band at low latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2014. 119(5): p. 4109-4119.
  7. Buat, V., Heinis, S., Boquien, M., Burgarella, D., Charmandaris, V., Boissier, S., Boselli, A., Le Borgne, D., and Morrison, G., Ultraviolet to infrared emission of z > 1 galaxies: Can we derive reliable star formation rates and stellar masses? Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 561.
  8. Cleridou, N., Benas, N., Matsoukas, C., Croke, B., and Vardavas, I., Water resources of Cyprus under changing climatic conditions: Modelling approach, validation and limitations. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2014. 60: p. 202-218.
  9. D'Abrusco, R., Fabbiano, G., Mineo, S., Strader, J., Fragos, T., Kim, D.W., Luo, B., and Zezas, A., THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL SPATIAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE GLOBULAR CLUSTERS AND LOW-MASS X-RAY BINARIES OF NGC 4649. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 783(1).
  10. Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Stacey, G., Murphy, E.J., Haan, S., Stierwalt, S., Malhotra, S., Appleton, P., Inami, H., Magdis, G.E., Elbaz, D., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., Surace, J.A., van der Werf, P.P., Xu, C.K., Lu, N., Meijerink, R., Howell, J.H., Petric, A.O., Veilleux, S., and Sanders, D.B., EXTENDED C II EMISSION IN LOCAL LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014. 788(1).
  11. Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I.E., Dovciak, M., and McHardy, I.M., General relativistic modelling of the negative reverberation X-ray time delays in AGN(star). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 439(4): p. 3931-3950.
  12. Fernandez-Lopez, M., Arce, H.G., Looney, L., Mundy, L.G., Storm, S., Teuben, P.J., Lee, K., Segura-Cox, D., Isella, A., Tobin, J.J., Rosolowsky, E., Plunkett, A., Kwon, W., Kauffmann, J., Ostriker, E., Tassis, K., Shirley, Y.L., and Pound, M., CARMA LARGE AREA STAR FORMATION SURVEY: OBSERVATIONAL ANALYSIS OF FILAMENTS IN THE SERPENS SOUTH MOLECULAR CLOUD. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014. 790(2).
  13. Fuhrmann, L., Larsson, S., Chiang, J., Angelakis, E., Zensus, J.A., Nestoras, I., Krichbaum, T.P., Ungerechts, H., Sievers, A., Pavlidou, V., Readhead, A.C.S., Max-Moerbeck, W., and Pearson, T.J., Detection of significant cm to sub-mm band radio and gamma-ray correlated variability in Fermi bright blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 441(3): p. 1899-1909.
  14. Gaidos, E., Anderson, D.R., Lepine, S., Colon, K.D., Maravelias, G., Narita, N., Chang, E., Beyer, J., Fukui, A., Armstrong, J.D., Zezas, A., Fulton, B.J., Mann, A.W., West, R.G., and Faedi, F., Trawling for transits in a sea of noise: a search for exoplanets by analysis of WASP optical light curves and follow-up (SEAWOLF). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 437(4): p. 3133-3143.
  15. Gonzalez-Martin, O., Diaz-Gonzalez, D., Acosta-Pulido, J.A., Masegosa, J., Papadakis, I.E., Rodriguez-Espinosa, J.M., Marquez, I., and Hernandez-Garcia, L., Synapses of active galactic nuclei: Comparing X-ray and optical classifications using artificial neural networks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 567.
  16. Hayward, C.C., Lanz, L., Ashby, M.L.N., Fazio, G., Hernquist, L., Martinez-Galarza, J.R., Noeske, K., Smith, H.A., Wuyts, S., and Zezas, A., The total infrared luminosity may significantly overestimate the star formation rate of quenching and recently quenched galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(2): p. 1598-1604.
  17. Hovatta, T., Pavlidou, V., King, O.G., Mahabal, A., Sesar, B., Dancikova, R., Djorgovski, S.G., Drake, A., Laher, R., Levitan, D., Max-Moerbeck, W., Ofek, E.O., Pearson, T.J., Prince, T.A., Readhead, A.C.S., Richards, J.L., and Surace, J., Connection between optical and gamma-ray variability in blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 439(1): p. 690-702.
  18. King, O.G., Blinov, D., Giannios, D., Papadakis, I., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kiehlmann, S., Kylafis, N., Kus, A., Myserlis, I., Modi, D., Panopoulou, G., Papamastorakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A.N., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., Early-time polarized optical light curve of GRB 131030A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. L114-L118.
  19. King, O.G., Blinov, D., Ramaprakash, A.N., Myserlis, I., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kougentakis, A., Kylafis, N., Kus, A., Modi, D., Paleologou, E., Panopoulou, G., Papadakis, I., Papamastorakis, I., Paterakis, G., Pavlidou, V., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Steiakaki, A., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., The RoboPol pipeline and control system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 442(2): p. 1706-1717.
  20. Kylafis, N.D., Trumper, J.E., and Ertan, U., Spectral formation in a radiative shock: application to anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 562.
  21. Lanz, L., Hayward, C.C., Zezas, A., Smith, H.A., Ashby, M.L.N., Brassington, N., Fazio, G.G., and Hernquist, L., SIMULATED GALAXY INTERACTIONS AS PROBES OF MERGER SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 785(1).
  22. Lee, K.I., Fernandez-Lopez, M., Storm, S., Looney, L.W., Mundy, L.G., Segura-Cox, D., Teuben, P., Rosolowsky, E., Arce, H.G., Ostriker, E.C., Shirley, Y.L., Kwon, W., Kauffmann, J., Tobin, J.J., Plunkett, A.L., Pound, M.W., Salter, D.M., Volgenau, N.H., Chen, C.Y., Tassis, K., Isella, A., Crutcher, R.M., Gammie, C.F., and Testi, L., CARMA LARGE AREA STAR FORMATION SURVEY: STRUCTURE AND KINEMATICS OF DENSE GAS IN SERPENS MAIN. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 797(2).
  23. Lehmer, B.D., Berkeley, M., Zezas, A., Alexander, D.M., Basu-Zych, A., Bauer, F.E., Brandt, W.N., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A.E., Kalogera, V., Ptak, A., Sivakoff, G.R., Tzanavaris, P., and Yukita, M., THE X-RAY LUMINOSITY FUNCTIONS OF FIELD LOW-MASS X-RAY BINARIES IN EARLY-TYPE GALAXIES: EVIDENCE FOR A STELLAR AGE DEPENDENCE. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 789(1).
  24. Lu, N., Zhao, Y., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Isaak, K.G., Petric, A.O., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A.S., Howell, J., Appleton, P., Inami, H., Iwasawa, K., Leech, J., Lord, S., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., Surace, J., and van der Werf, P.P., WARM MOLECULAR GAS IN LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014. 787(2).
  25. Maccarone, T.J., Lehmer, B.D., Leyder, J.C., Antoniou, V., Hornschemeier, A., Ptak, A., Wik, D., and Zezas, A., A new candidate Wolf-Rayet X-ray binary in NGC 253. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 439(3): p. 3064-3072.
  26. Maragkoudakis, A., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., and Willner, S.P., Aperture effects on spectroscopic galaxy activity classification. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 441(3): p. 2296-2308.
  27. Maravelias, G., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., and Hatzidimitriou, D., Optical spectra of five new Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the link of the supergiant B e star LHA 115-S 18 with an X-ray source. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 438(3): p. 2005-2025.
  28. Max-Moerbeck, W., Hovatta, T., Richards, J.L., King, O.G., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Reeves, R., Shepherd, M.C., Stevenson, M.A., Angelakis, E., Fuhrmann, L., Grainge, K.J.B., Pavlidou, V., Romani, R.W., and Zensus, J.A., Time correlation between the radio and gamma-ray activity in blazars and the production site of the gamma-ray emission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. 428-436.
  29. Max-Moerbeck, W., Richards, J.L., Hovatta, T., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., and Readhead, A.C.S., A method for the estimation of the significance of cross-correlations in unevenly sampled red-noise time series. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. 437-459.
  30. Mineo, S., Fabbiano, G., D'Abrusco, R., Fragos, T., Kim, D.W., Strader, J., Brodie, J.P., Gallagher, J.S., Zezas, A., and Luo, B., THE RADIAL DISTRIBUTION OF X-RAY BINARIES AND GLOBULAR CLUSTERS IN NGC 4649 AND THEIR RELATION WITH THE LOCAL STELLAR MASS DENSITY. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 780(2).
  31. O'Sullivan, E., Vrtilek, J.M., David, L.P., Giacintucci, S., Zezas, A., Ponman, T.J., Mamon, G.A., Nulsen, P., and Raychaudhury, S., DEEP CHANDRA OBSERVATIONS OF HCG 16. II. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTRA-GROUP MEDIUM IN A SPIRAL-RICH GROUP. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 793(2).
  32. O'Sullivan, E., Zezas, A., Vrtilek, J.M., Giacintucci, S., Trevisan, M., David, L.P., Ponman, T.J., Mamon, G.A., and Raychaudhury, S., DEEP CHANDRA OBSERVATIONS OF HCG 16. I. ACTIVE NUCLEI, STAR FORMATION, AND GALACTIC WINDS. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 793(2).
  33. Oikonomou, C., Haralambous, H., Haldoupis, C., and Meek, C., Sporadic E tidal variabilities and characteristics observed with the Cyprus Digisonde. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2014. 119: p. 173-183.
  34. Panopoulou, G.V., Tassis, K., Goldsmith, P.F., and Heyer, M.H., (CO)-C-13 filaments in the Taurus molecular cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 444(3): p. 2507-2524.
  35. Pavlidou, V., Angelakis, E., Myserlis, I., Blinov, D., King, O.G., Papadakis, I., Tassis, K., Hovatta, T., Pazderska, B., Paleologou, E., Balokovic, M., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Khodade, P., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Modi, D., Panopoulou, G., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., and Zensus, J.A., The RoboPol optical polarization survey of gamma-ray-loud blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 442(2): p. 1693-1705.
  36. Pavlidou, V., Tetradis, N., and Tomaras, T.N., Constraining dark energy through the stability of cosmic structures. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(5).
  37. Pavlidou, V. and Tomaras, T.N., Where the world stands still: turnaround as a strong test of ACDM cosmology. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(9).
  38. Petty, S.M., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A.S., Le Floc'h, E., Bridge, C., Diaz-Santos, T., Howell, J.H., Inami, H., Psychogyios, A., Stierwalt, S., and Surace, J.A., THE FUV TO NEAR-IR MORPHOLOGIES OF LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES IN THE GOALS SAMPLE. Astronomical Journal, 2014. 148(6).
  39. Reig, P., Blinov, D., Papadakis, I., Kylafis, N., and Tassis, K., The high optical polarization in the Be/X-ray binary EXO 2030+375. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(4): p. 4235-4240.
  40. Reig, P., Doroshenko, V., and Zezas, A., The quiescent state of the accreting X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(2): p. 1314-1320.
  41. Reig, P. and Zezas, A., Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J21343+4738. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 442(1): p. 472-478.
  42. Reig, P. and Zezas, A., Disc-loss episode in the Be shell optical counterpart to the high-mass X-ray binary IGR J21343+4738. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 561.
  43. Richards, J.L., Hovatta, T., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., and Readhead, A.C.S., Connecting radio variability to the characteristics of gamma-ray blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 438(4): p. 3058-3069.
  44. Stierwalt, S., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Marshall, J., Evans, A.S., Haan, S., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Kim, D.C., Murphy, E.J., Rich, J.A., Spoon, H.W.W., Inami, H., Petric, A.O., and U, V., MID-INFRARED PROPERTIES OF LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES. II. PROBING THE DUST AND GAS PHYSICS OF THE GOALS SAMPLE. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 790(2).
  45. Storm, S., Mundy, L.G., Fernandez-Lopez, M., Lee, K.I., Looney, L.W., Teuben, P., Rosolowsky, E., Arce, H.G., Ostriker, E.C., Segura-Cox, D.M., Pound, M.W., Salter, D.M., Volgenau, N.H., Shirley, Y.L., Chen, C.Y., Gong, H., Plunkett, A.L., Tobin, J.J., Kwon, W., Isella, A., Kauffmann, J., Tassis, K., Crutcher, R.M., Gammie, C.F., and Testi, L., CARMA LARGE AREA STAR FORMATION SURVEY: PROJECT OVERVIEW WITH ANALYSIS OF DENSE GAS STRUCTURE AND KINEMATICS IN BARNARD 1. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 794(2).
  46. Tassis, K., Willacy, K., Yorke, H.W., and Turner, N.J., Effect of OH depletion on measurements of the mass-to-flux ratio in molecular cloud cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. L56-L59.
  47. Wang, J.F., Nardini, E., Fabbiano, G., Karovska, M., Elvis, M., Pellegrini, S., Max, C., Risaliti, G., Vivian, U., and Zezas, A., FAST AND FURIOUS: SHOCK HEATED GAS AS THE ORIGIN OF SPATIALLY RESOLVED HARD X-RAY EMISSION IN THE CENTRAL 5 kpc OF THE GALAXY MERGER NGC 6240. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 781(1).
  48. Wik, D.R., Lehmer, B.D., Hornschemeier, A.E., Yukita, M., Ptak, A., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Argo, M.K., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Christensen, F., Craig, W., Hailey, C., Harrison, F., Krivonos, R., Maccarone, T.J., Stern, D., Venters, T., and Zhang, W.W., SPATIALLY RESOLVING A STARBURST GALAXY AT HARD X-RAY ENERGIES: NuSTAR, CHANDRA, AND VLBA OBSERVATIONS OF NGC 253. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 797(2).
  49. Xu, C.K., Cao, C., Lu, N., Gao, Y., van der Werf, P., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., Chu, J., Haan, S., Diaz-Santos, T., Meijerink, R., Zhao, Y.H., Appleton, P., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Lord, S., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., and Stierwalt, S., ALMA OBSERVATIONS OF WARM MOLECULAR GAS AND COLD DUST IN NGC 34. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 787(1).
  1. Allevato, V., Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I., and Pinto, C., MEASURING X-RAY VARIABILITY IN FAINT/SPARSELY SAMPLED ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 771(1).
  2. Basu-Zych, A.R., Lehmer, B.D., Hornschemeier, A.E., Bouwens, R.J., Fragos, T., Oesch, P.A., Belczynski, K., Brandt, W.N., Kalogera, V., Luo, B., Miller, N., Mullaney, J.R., Tzanavaris, P., Xue, Y.Q., and Zezas, A., THE X-RAY STAR FORMATION STORY AS TOLD BY LYMAN BREAK GALAXIES IN THE 4 Ms CDF-S. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 762(1).
  3. Benas, N., Mourtzanou, E., Kouvarakis, G., Bais, A., Mihalopoulos, N., and Vardavas, I., Surface ozone photolysis rate trends in the Eastern Mediterranean: Modeling the effects of aerosols and total column ozone based on Terra MODIS data. Atmospheric Environment, 2013. 74: p. 1-9.
  4. Benli, O., Caliskan, S., Ertan, U., Alpar, M.A., Trumper, J.E., and Kylafis, N.D., X-RAY ENHANCEMENT AND LONG-TERM EVOLUTION OF SWIFT J1822.3-1606. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 778(2).
  5. Caliskan, S., Ertan, U., Alpar, M.A., Trumper, J.E., and Kylafis, N.D., On the evolution of the radio pulsar PSR J1734-3333. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 431(2): p. 1136-1142.
  6. Cluver, M.E., Appleton, P.N., Ogle, P., Jarrett, T.H., Rasmussen, J., Lisenfeld, U., Guillard, P., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Antonucci, R., Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., Boulanger, F., Egami, E., Xu, C.K., and Yun, M.S., ENHANCED WARM H-2 EMISSION IN THE COMPACT GROUP MID-INFRARED "GREEN VALLEY". Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 765(2).
  7. D'Abrusco, R., Fabbiano, G., Strader, J., Zezas, A., Mineo, S., Fragos, T., Bonfini, P., Luo, B., Kim, D.W., and King, A., THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROJECTED SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF GLOBULAR CLUSTERS. I. METHOD AND APPLICATION TO NGC 4261. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 773(2).
  8. Del Moro, A., Alexander, D.M., Mullaney, J.R., Daddi, E., Pannella, M., Bauer, F.E., Pope, A., Dickinson, M., Elbaz, D., Barthel, P.D., Garrett, M.A., Brandt, W.N., Charmandaris, V., Chary, R.R., Dasyra, K., Gilli, R., Hickox, R.C., Hwang, H.S., Ivison, R.J., Juneau, S., Le Floc'h, E., Luo, B., Morrison, G.E., Rovilos, E., Sargent, M.T., and Xue, Y.Q., GOODS-Herschel: radio-excess signature of hidden AGN activity in distant star-forming galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013. 549.
  9. Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Stierwalt, S., Murphy, E.J., Haan, S., Inami, H., Malhotra, S., Meijerink, R., Stacey, G., Petric, A.O., Evans, A.S., Veilleux, S., van der Werf, P.P., Lord, S., Lu, N., Howell, J.H., Appleton, P., Mazzarella, J.M., Surace, J.A., Xu, C.K., Schulz, B., Sanders, D.B., Bridge, C., Chan, B.H.P., Frayer, D.T., Iwasawa, K., Melbourne, J., and Sturm, E., EXPLAINING THE C II 157.7 mu m DEFICIT IN LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES-FIRST RESULTS FROM A HERSCHEL/PACS STUDY OF THE GOALS SAMPLE. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 774(1).
  10. Emmanoulopoulos, D., McHardy, I.M., and Papadakis, I.E., Generating artificial light curves: revisited and updated. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 433(2): p. 907-927.
  11. Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I.E., Nicastro, F., and McHardy, I.M., X-ray spectral analysis of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 7213 using long XMM-Newton observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 429(4): p. 3439-3448.
  12. Fragos, T., Lehmer, B., Tremmel, M., Tzanavaris, P., Basu-Zych, A., Belczynski, K., Hornschemeier, A., Jenkins, L., Kalogera, V., Ptak, A., and Zezas, A., X-RAY BINARY EVOLUTION ACROSS COSMIC TIME. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 764(1).
  13. Fragos, T., Lehmer, B.D., Naoz, S., Zezas, A., and Basu-Zych, A., ENERGY FEEDBACK FROM X-RAY BINARIES IN THE EARLY UNIVERSE. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2013. 776(2).
  14. Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., Grupe, D., Brinkmann, W.P., and Rath, C., Long-term monitoring of PKS 0558-504 with Swift: the disc-corona link. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 433(2): p. 1709-1717.
  15. Haan, S., Armus, L., Surace, J.A., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A.S., Diaz-Santos, T., Melbourne, J.L., Mazzarella, J.M., Howell, J.H., Stierwalt, S., Kim, D.C., Vavilkin, T., Sanders, D.B., Petric, A., Murphy, E.J., Braun, R., Bridge, C.R., and Inami, H., The build-up of nuclear stellar cusps in extreme starburst galaxies and major mergers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 434(2): p. 1264-1286.
  16. Haldoupis, C., Cohen, M., Arnone, E., Cotts, B., and Dietrich, S., The VLF fingerprint of elves: Step-like and long-recovery early VLF perturbations caused by powerful +/- CG lightning EM pulses. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2013. 118(8): p. 5392-5402.
  17. Hensley, B.S., Pavlidou, V., and Siegal-Gaskins, J.M., Novel techniques for decomposing diffuse backgrounds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 433(1): p. 591-602.
  18. Inami, H., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Groves, B., Kewley, L., Petric, A., Stierwalt, S., Diaz-Santos, T., Surace, J., Rich, J., Haan, S., Howell, J., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J., Marshall, J., Appleton, P., Lord, S., Spoon, H., Frayer, D., Matsuhara, H., and Veilleux, S., MID-INFRARED ATOMIC FINE-STRUCTURE EMISSION-LINE SPECTRA OF LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES: SPITZER/IRS SPECTRA OF THE GOALS SAMPLE. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 777(2).
  19. Kirkpatrick, A., Pope, A., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Elbaz, D., Hwang, H.S., Pannella, M., Scott, D., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Coia, D., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Dickinson, M., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., and Valtchanov, I., GOODS-HERSCHEL: SEPARATING HIGH-REDSHIFT ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI AND STAR-FORMING GALAXIES USING INFRARED COLOR DIAGNOSTICS. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 763(2).
  20. Lanz, L., Zezas, A., Brassington, N., Smith, H.A., Ashby, M.L.N., da Cunha, E., Fazio, G.G., Hayward, C.C., Hernquist, L., and Jonsson, P., GLOBAL STAR FORMATION RATES AND DUST EMISSION OVER THE GALAXY INTERACTION SEQUENCE. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 768(1).
  21. Lehmer, B.D., Wik, D.R., Hornschemeier, A.E., Ptak, A., Antoniou, V., Argo, M.K., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Christensen, F.E., Craig, W.W., Hailey, C.J., Harrison, F.A., Krivonos, R., Leyder, J.C., Maccarone, T.J., Stern, D., Venters, T., Zezas, A., and Zhang, W.W., NuSTAR AND CHANDRA INSIGHT INTO THE NATURE OF THE 3-40 keV NUCLEAR EMISSION IN NGC 253. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 771(2).
  22. Leonidaki, I., Boumis, P., and Zezas, A., A multiwavelength study of supernova remnants in six nearby galaxies - II. New optically selected supernova remnants. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 429(1): p. 189-220.
  23. Luo, B., Fabbiano, G., Strader, J., Kim, D.W., Brodie, J.P., Fragos, T., Gallagher, J.S., King, A., and Zezas, A., DEEP CHANDRA MONITORING OBSERVATIONS OF NGC 4649. I. CATALOG OF SOURCE PROPERTIES. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2013. 204(2).
  24. Magdis, G.E., Rigopoulou, D., Helou, G., Farrah, D., Hurley, P., Alonso-Herrero, A., Bock, J., Burgarella, D., Chapman, S., Charmandaris, V., Cooray, A., Dai, Y.S., Dale, D., Elbaz, D., Feltre, A., Hatziminaoglou, E., Huang, J.S., Morrison, G., Oliver, S., Page, M., Scott, D., and Shi, Y., Mid- to far-infrared properties of star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013. 558.
  25. Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., Berta, S., Pozzi, F., Elbaz, D., Lutz, D., Dickinson, M., Altieri, B., Andreani, P., Aussel, H., Bethermin, M., Bongiovanni, A., Cepa, J., Charmandaris, V., Chary, R.R., Cimatti, A., Daddi, E., Schreiber, N.M.F., Genzel, R., Gruppioni, C., Harwit, M., Hwang, H.S., Ivison, R.J., Magdis, G., Maiolino, R., Murphy, E., Nordon, R., Pannella, M., Garcia, A.P., Poglitsch, A., Rosario, D., Sanchez-Portal, M., Santini, P., Scott, D., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L.J., and Valtchanov, I., The deepest Herschel-PACS far-infrared survey: number counts and infrared luminosity functions from combined PEP/GOODS-H observations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013. 553.
  26. Meijerink, R., Kristensen, L.E., Weiss, A., van der Werf, P.P., Walter, F., Spaans, M., Loenen, A.F., Fischer, J., Israel, F.P., Isaak, K., Papadopoulos, P.P., Aalto, S., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Dasyra, K.M., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A., Gao, Y., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Gusten, R., Henkel, C., Kramer, C., Lord, S., Martin-Pintado, J., Naylor, D., Sanders, D.B., Smith, H., Spinoglio, L., Stacey, G., Veilleux, S., and Wiedner, M.C., EVIDENCE FOR CO SHOCK EXCITATION IN NGC 6240 FROM HERSCHEL SPIRE SPECTROSCOPY. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2013. 762(2).
  27. Nardini, E., Wang, J.F., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Pellegrini, S., Risaliti, G., Karovska, M., and Zezas, A., THE EXCEPTIONAL SOFT X-RAY HALO OF THE GALAXY MERGER NGC 6240. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 765(2).
  28. Pappas, V., Hatzianastassiou, N., Papadimas, C., Matsoukas, C., Kinne, S., and Vardavas, I., Evaluation of spatio-temporal variability of Hamburg Aerosol Climatology against aerosol datasets from MODIS and CALIOP. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2013. 13(16): p. 8381-8399.
  29. Prestwich, A.H., Tsantaki, M., Zezas, A., Jackson, F., Roberts, T.P., Foltz, R., Linden, T., and Kalogera, V., ULTRA-LUMINOUS X-RAY SOURCES IN THE MOST METAL POOR GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 769(2).
  30. Randles, C.A., Kinne, S., Myhre, G., Schulz, M., Stier, P., Fischer, J., Doppler, L., Highwood, E., Ryder, C., Harris, B., Huttunen, J., Ma, Y., Pinker, R.T., Mayer, B., Neubauer, D., Hitzenberger, R., Oreopoulos, L., Lee, D., Pitari, G., Di Genova, G., Quaas, J., Rose, F.G., Kato, S., Rumbold, S.T., Vardavas, I., Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Yu, H., Zhang, F., Zhang, H., and Lu, P., Intercomparison of shortwave radiative transfer schemes in global aerosol modeling: results from the AeroCom Radiative Transfer Experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2013. 13(5): p. 2347-2379.
  31. Reig, P., Papadakis, I.E., Sobolewska, M.A., and Malzac, J., Evidence for a change in the radiation mechanism in the hard state of GRO J1655-40. Hysteresis in the broad-band noise components. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 435(4): p. 3395-3405.
  32. Silber, I., Price, C., Rodger, C.J., and Haldoupis, C., Links between mesopause temperatures and ground-based VLF narrowband radio signals. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2013. 118(10): p. 4244-4255.
  33. Stierwalt, S., Armus, L., Surace, J.A., Inami, H., Petric, A.O., Diaz-Santos, T., Haan, S., Charmandaris, V., Howell, J., Kim, D.C., Marshall, J., Mazzarella, J.M., Spoon, H.W.W., Veilleux, S., Evans, A., Sanders, D.B., Appleton, P., Bothun, G., Bridge, C.R., Chan, B., Frayer, D., Iwasawa, K., Kewley, L.J., Lord, S., Madore, B.F., Melbourne, J.E., Murphy, E.J., Rich, J.A., Schulz, B., Sturm, E., U, V., Vavilkin, T., and Xu, K., MID-INFRARED PROPERTIES OF NEARBY LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES. I. SPITZER INFRARED SPECTROGRAPH SPECTRA FOR THE GOALS SAMPLE. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2013. 206(1).
  34. Tremmel, M., Fragos, T., Lehmer, B.D., Tzanavaris, P., Belczynski, K., Kalogera, V., Basu-Zych, A.R., Farr, W.M., Hornschemeier, A., Jenkins, L., Ptak, A., and Zezas, A., MODELING THE REDSHIFT EVOLUTION OF THE NORMAL GALAXY X-RAY LUMINOSITY FUNCTION. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 766(1).
  35. Trumper, J.E., Dennerl, K., Kylafis, N.D., Ertan, U., and Zezas, A., AN ACCRETION MODEL FOR THE ANOMALOUS X-RAY PULSAR 4U 0142+61. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 764(1).
  36. Tzanavaris, P., Fragos, T., Tremmel, M., Jenkins, L., Zezas, A., Lehmer, B.D., Hornschemeier, A., Kalogera, V., Ptak, A., and Basu-Zych, A.R., MODELING X-RAY BINARY EVOLUTION IN NORMAL GALAXIES: INSIGHTS FROM SINGS. Astrophysical Journal, 2013. 774(2).
  37. Venters, T.M. and Pavlidou, V., Probing the intergalactic magnetic field with the anisotropy of the extragalactic gamma-ray background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013. 432(4): p. 3485-3494.
  38. Zhao, Y.H., Lu, N.Y., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Lord, S., Howell, J., Isaak, K.G., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P., Evans, A., Iwasawa, K., Leech, J., Mazzarella, J., Petric, A.O., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., Surace, J., and van der Werf, P.P., A HERSCHEL SURVEY OF THE N II 205 mu m LINE IN LOCAL LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES: THE N II 205 mu m EMISSION AS A STAR FORMATION RATE INDICATOR. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2013. 765(1).
  1. Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., Albert, A., Baldini, L., Ballet, J., Barbiellini, G., Bastieri, D., Bechtol, K., Bellazzini, R., Bloom, E.D., Bonamente, E., Borgland, A.W., Brandt, T.J., Bregeon, J., Brigida, M., Bruel, P., Buehler, R., Buson, S., Caliandro, G.A., Cameron, R.A., Caraveo, P.A., Cecchi, C., Charles, E., Chekhtman, A., Chiang, J., Ciprini, S., Claus, R., Cohen-Tanugi, J., Conrad, J., Cuoco, A., Cutini, S., D'Ammando, F., de Palma, F., Dermer, C.D., Digel, S.W., Silva, E.D.E., Drell, P.S., Drlica-Wagner, A., Dubois, R., Favuzzi, C., Fegan, S.J., Ferrara, E.C., Fortin, P., Fukazawa, Y., Fusco, P., Gargano, F., Gasparrini, D., Germani, S., Giglietto, N., Giroletti, M., Glanzman, T., Godfrey, G., Gomez-Vargas, G.A., Gregoire, T., Grenier, I.A., Grove, J.E., Guiriec, S., Gustafsson, M., Hadasch, D., Hayashida, M., Hayashi, K., Hou, X., Hughes, R.E., Johannesson, G., Johnson, A.S., Kamae, T., Knodlseder, J., Kuss, M., Lande, J., Latronico, L., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Linden, T., Lionetto, A.M., Garde, M.L., Longo, F., Loparco, F., Lovellette, M.N., Lubrano, P., Mazziotta, M.N., McEnery, J.E., Mitthumsiri, W., Mizuno, T., Monte, C., Monzani, M.E., Morselli, A., Moskalenko, I.V., Murgia, S., Naumann-Godo, M., Norris, J.P., Nuss, E., Ohsugi, T., Okumura, A., Orienti, M., Orlando, E., Ormes, J.F., Paneque, D., Panetta, J.H., Parent, D., Pavlidou, V., Pesce-Rollins, M., Pierbattista, M., Piron, F., Pivato, G., Raino, S., Rando, R., Reimer, A., Reimer, O., Roth, M., Sbarra, C., Schmitt, J., Sgro, C., Siegal-Gaskins, J., Siskind, E.J., Spandre, G., Spinelli, P., Strong, A.W., Suson, D.J., Takahashi, H., Tanaka, T., Thayer, J.B., Tibaldo, L., Tinivella, M., Torres, D.F., Tosti, G., Troja, E., Usher, T.L., Vandenbroucke, J., Vasileiou, V., Vianello, G., Vitale, V., Waite, A.P., Winer, B.L., Wood, K.S., Wood, M., Yang, Z., Zimmer, S., Komatsu, E. and Fermi, L.A.T.C., Anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background measured by the Fermi LAT (vol 85, 083007, 2012). Physical Review D, 2012. 85(10).
  2. Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., Albert, A., Baldini, L., Ballet, J., Barbiellini, G., Bastieri, D., Bechtol, K., Bellazzini, R., Bloom, E.D., Bonamente, E., Borgland, A.W., Brandt, T.J., Bregeon, J., Brigida, M., Bruel, P., Buehler, R., Buson, S., Caliandro, G.A., Cameron, R.A., Caraveo, P.A., Cecchi, C., Charles, E., Chekhtman, A., Chiang, J., Ciprini, S., Claus, R., Cohen-Tanugi, J., Conrad, J., Cuoco, A., Cutini, S., D'Ammando, F., de Palma, F., Dermer, C.D., Digel, S.W., Silva, E.D.E., Drell, P.S., Drlica-Wagner, A., Dubois, R., Favuzzi, C., Fegan, S.J., Ferrara, E.C., Fortin, P., Fukazawa, Y., Fusco, P., Gargano, F., Gasparrini, D., Germani, S., Giglietto, N., Giroletti, M., Glanzman, T., Godfrey, G., Gomez-Vargas, G.A., Gregoire, T., Grenier, I.A., Grove, J.E., Guiriec, S., Gustafsson, M., Hadasch, D., Hayashida, M., Hayashi, K., Hou, X., Hughes, R.E., Johannesson, G., Johnson, A.S., Kamae, T., Knodlseder, J., Kuss, M., Lande, J., Latronico, L., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Linden, T., Lionetto, A.M., Garde, M.L., Longo, F., Loparco, F., Lovellette, M.N., Lubrano, P., Mazziotta, M.N., McEnery, J.E., Mitthumsiri, W., Mizuno, T., Monte, C., Monzani, M.E., Morselli, A., Moskalenko, I.V., Murgia, S., Naumann-Godo, M., Norris, J.P., Nuss, E., Ohsugi, T., Okumura, A., Orienti, M., Orlando, E., Ormes, J.F., Paneque, D., Panetta, J.H., Parent, D., Pavlidou, V., Pesce-Rollins, M., Pierbattista, M., Piron, F., Pivato, G., Raino, S., Rando, R., Reimer, A., Reimer, O., Roth, M., Sbarra, C., Schmitt, J., Sgro, C., Siegal-Gaskins, J., Siskind, E.J., Spandre, G., Spinelli, P., Strong, A.W., Suson, D.J., Takahashi, H., Tanaka, T., Thayer, J.B., Tibaldo, L., Tinivella, M., Torres, D.F., Tosti, G., Troja, E., Usher, T.L., Vandenbroucke, J., Vasileiou, V., Vianello, G., Vitale, V., Waite, A.P., Winer, B.L., Wood, K.S., Wood, M., Yang, Z., Zimmer, S., Komatsu, E. and Fermi, L.A.T.C., Anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background measured by the Fermi LAT. Physical Review D, 2012. 85(8).
  3. Barnard, R., Galache, J.L., Garcia, M.R., Nooraee, N., Callanan, P.J., Zezas, A., and Murray, S.S., A PERIOD DISTRIBUTION OF X-RAY BINARIES OBSERVED IN THE CENTRAL REGION OF M31 WITH CHANDRA AND THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 756(1).
  4. Bethermin, M., Daddi, E., Magdis, G., Sargent, M.T., Hezaveh, Y., Elbaz, D., Le Borgne, D., Mullaney, J., Pannella, M., Buat, V., Charmandaris, V., Lagache, G., and Scott, D., A UNIFIED EMPIRICAL MODEL FOR INFRARED GALAXY COUNTS BASED ON THE OBSERVED PHYSICAL EVOLUTION OF DISTANT GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2012. 757(2).
  5. Bonfini, P., Zezas, A., Birkinshaw, M., Worrall, D.M., Fabbiano, G., O'Sullivan, E., Trinchieri, G., and Wolter, A., Studying the asymmetry of the globular cluster population of NGC 4261. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012. 421(4): p. 2872-2887.
  6. Brassington, N.J., Fabbiano, G., Zezas, A., Kundu, A., Kim, D.W., Fragos, T., King, A.R., Pellegrini, S., Trinchieri, G., Zepf, S., and Wright, N.J., THE SPECTRAL AND TEMPORAL PROPERTIES OF TRANSIENT SOURCES IN EARLY-TYPE GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 755(2).
  7. Buat, V., Noll, S., Burgarella, D., Giovannoli, E., Charmandaris, V., Pannella, M., Hwang, H.S., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Magdis, G., Reddy, N., and Murphy, E.J., GOODS-Herschel: dust attenuation properties of UV selected high redshift galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012. 545.
  8. Caballero-Garcia, M.D., Papadakis, I.E., Nicastro, F., and Ajello, M., Hard X-ray spectral variability of the brightest Seyfert AGN in the Swift/BAT sample. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012. 537.
  9. Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I.E., McHardy, I.M., Arevalo, P., Calvelo, D.E., and Uttley, P., The harder when brighter' X-ray behaviour of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 7213. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012. 424(2): p. 1327-1334.
  10. Feroci, M., Stella, L., van der Klis, M., Courvoisier, T.J.L., Hernanz, M., Hudec, R., Santangelo, A., Walton, D., Zdziarski, A., Barret, D., Belloni, T., Braga, J., Brandt, S., Budtz-Jorgensen, C., Campana, S., den Herder, J.W., Huovelin, J., Israel, G.L., Pohl, M., Ray, P., Vacchi, A., Zane, S., Argan, A., Attina, P., Bertuccio, G., Bozzo, E., Campana, R., Chakrabarty, D., Costa, E., De Rosa, A., Del Monte, E., Di Cosimo, S., Donnarumma, I., Evangelista, Y., Haas, D., Jonker, P., Korpela, S., Labanti, C., Malcovati, P., Mignani, R., Muleri, F., Rapisarda, M., Rashevsky, A., Rea, N., Rubini, A., Tenzer, C., Wilson-Hodge, C., Winter, B., Wood, K., Zampa, G., Zampa, N., Abramowicz, M.A., Alpar, M.A., Altamirano, D., Alvarez, J.M., Amati, L., Amoros, C., Antonelli, L.A., Artigue, R., Azzarello, P., Bachetti, M., Baldazzi, G., Barbera, M., Barbieri, C., Basa, S., Baykal, A., Belmont, R., Boirin, L., Bonvicini, V., Burderi, L., Bursa, M., Cabanac, C., Cackett, E., Caliandro, G.A., Casella, P., Chaty, S., Chenevez, J., Coe, M.J., Collura, A., Corongiu, A., Covino, S., Cusumano, G., D'Amico, F., Dall'Osso, S., De Martino, D., De Paris, G., Di Persio, G., Di Salvo, T., Done, C., Dovciak, M., Drago, A., Ertan, U., Fabiani, S., Falanga, M., Fender, R., Ferrando, P., Ferreira, D.D., Fraser, G., Frontera, F., Fuschino, F., Galvez, J.L., Gandhi, P., Giommi, P., Godet, O., Gogus, E., Goldwurm, A., Gotz, D., Grassi, M., Guttridge, P., Hakala, P., Henri, G., Hermsen, W., Horak, J., Hornstrup, A., in't Zand, J.J.M., Isern, J., Kalemci, E., Kanbach, G., Karas, V., Kataria, D., Kennedy, T., Klochkov, D., Kluzniak, W., Kokkotas, K., Kreykenbohm, I., Krolik, J., Kuiper, L., Kuvvetli, I., Kylafis, N., Lattimer, J.M., Lazzarotto, F., Leahy, D., Lebrun, F., Lin, D., Lund, N., Maccarone, T., Malzac, J., Marisaldi, M., Martindale, A., Mastropietro, M., McClintock, J., McHardy, I., Mendez, M., Mereghetti, S., Miller, M.C., Mineo, T., Morelli, E., Morsink, S., Motch, C., Motta, S., Munoz-Darias, T., Naletto, G., Neustroev, V., Nevalainen, J., Olive, J.F., Orio, M., Orlandini, M., Orleanski, P., Ozel, F., Pacciani, L., Paltani, S., Papadakis, I., Papitto, A., Patruno, A., Pellizzoni, A., Petracek, V., Petri, J., Petrucci, P.O., Phlips, B., Picolli, L., Possenti, A., Psaltis, D., Rambaud, D., Reig, P., Remillard, R., Rodriguez, J., Romano, P., Romanova, M., Schanz, T., Schmid, C., Segreto, A., Shearer, A., Smith, A., Smith, P.J., Soffitta, P., Stergioulas, N., Stolarski, M., Stuchlik, Z., Tiengo, A., Torres, D., Torok, G., Turolla, R., Uttley, P., Vaughan, S., Vercellone, S., Waters, R., Watts, A., Wawrzaszek, R., Webb, N., Wilms, J., Zampieri, L., Zezas, A. and Ziolkowski, J., The Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT). Experimental Astronomy, 2012. 34(2): p. 415-444.
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  17. Hatzianastassiou, N., Papadimas, C.D., Matsoukas, C., Pavlakis, K., Fotiadi, A., Wild, M., and Vardavas, I., Recent regional surface solar radiation dimming and brightening patterns: inter-hemispherical asymmetry and a dimming in the Southern Hemisphere. Atmospheric Science Letters, 2012. 13(1): p. 43-48.
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  19. Kartaltepe, J.S., Dickinson, M., Alexander, D.M., Bell, E.F., Dahlen, T., Elbaz, D., Faber, S.M., Lotz, J., McIntosh, D.H., Wiklind, T., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Bethermin, M., Bournaud, F., Charmandaris, V., Conselice, C.J., Cooray, A., Dannerbauer, H., Dave, R., Dunlop, J., Dekel, A., Ferguson, H.C., Grogin, N.A., Hwang, H.S., Ivison, R., Kocevski, D., Koekemoer, A., Koo, D.C., Lai, K., Leiton, R., Lucas, R.A., Lutz, D., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Morrison, G., Mozena, M., Mullaney, J., Newman, J.A., Pope, A., Popesso, P., van der Wel, A., Weiner, B., and Wuyts, S., GOODS-HERSCHEL AND CANDELS: THE MORPHOLOGIES OF ULTRALUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES AT z similar to 2. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 757(1).
  20. Kirkpatrick, A., Pope, A., Alexander, D.M., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Dickinson, M., Elbaz, D., Gabor, J., Hwang, H.S., Ivison, R., Mullaney, J., Pannella, M., Scott, D., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Bournaud, F., Buat, V., Coia, D., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Lin, L., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Morrison, G., Popesso, P., and Valtchanov, I., GOODS-HERSCHEL: IMPACT OF ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI AND STAR FORMATION ACTIVITY ON INFRARED SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS AT HIGH REDSHIFT. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 759(2).
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  22. Le Floc'h, E., Charmandaris, V., Gordon, K., Forrest, W.J., Brandl, B., Schaerer, D., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., and Armus, L., THE FIRST INFRARED STUDY OF THE CLOSE ENVIRONMENT OF A LONG GAMMA-RAY BURST. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 746(1).
  23. Luo, B., Fabbiano, G., Fragos, T., Kim, D.W., Belczynski, K., Brassington, N.J., Pellegrini, S., Tzanavaris, P., Wang, J.F., and Zezas, A., PROBING THE X-RAY BINARY POPULATIONS OF THE RING GALAXY NGC 1291. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 749(2).
  24. Magdis, G.E., Daddi, E., Bethermin, M., Sargent, M., Elbaz, D., Pannella, M., Dickinson, M., Dannerbauer, H., da Cunha, E., Walter, F., Rigopoulou, D., Charmandaris, V., Hwang, H.S., and Kartaltepe, J., THE EVOLVING INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM OF STAR-FORMING GALAXIES SINCE z=2 AS PROBED BY THEIR INFRARED SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 760(1).
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  28. Papadimas, C.D., Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Kanakidou, M., Mihalopoulos, N., and Vardavas, I., The direct effect of aerosols on solar radiation over the broader Mediterranean basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012. 12(15): p. 7165-7185.
  29. Pavlidou, V., Richards, J.L., Max-Moerbeck, W., King, O.G., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Reeves, R., Stevenson, M.A., Angelakis, E., Fuhrmann, L., Zensus, J.A., Giroletti, M., Reimer, A., Healey, S.E., Romani, R.W., and Shaw, M.S., ASSESSING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF APPARENT CORRELATIONS BETWEEN RADIO AND GAMMA-RAY BLAZAR FLUXES. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 751(2).
  30. Pellegrini, S., Wang, J.F., Fabbiano, G., Kim, D.W., Brassington, N.J., Gallagher, J.S., Trinchieri, G., and Zezas, A., AGN ACTIVITY AND THE MISALIGNED HOT ISM IN THE COMPACT RADIO ELLIPTICAL NGC 4278. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 758(2).
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  32. Ponti, G., Papadakis, I., Bianchi, S., Guainazzi, M., Matt, G., Uttley, P., and Bonilla, N.F., CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive III. Excess variance analysis. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012. 542.
  33. Prestwich, A.H., Galache, J.L., Linden, T., Kalogera, V., Zezas, A., Roberts, T.P., Kilgard, R., Wolter, A., and Trinchieri, G., CHANDRA OBSERVATIONS OF THE COLLISIONAL RING GALAXY NGC 922. Astrophysical Journal, 2012. 747(2).
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  3. Benas, N., Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Fotiadi, A., Mihalopoulos, N., and Vardavas, I., Aerosol shortwave direct radiative effect and forcing based on MODIS Level 2 data in the Eastern Mediterranean (Crete). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011. 11(24): p. 12647-12662.
  4. Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., da Cunha, E., Diaz-Santos, T., Le Floc'h, E., and Magdis, G., A mid-IR study of Hickson compact groups II. Multiwavelength analysis of the complete GALEX-Spitzer sample. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 533.
  5. Boquien, M., Lisenfeld, U., Duc, P.A., Braine, J., Bournaud, F., Brinks, E., and Charmandaris, V., Studying the spatially resolved Schmidt-Kennicutt law in interacting galaxies: the case of Arp 158. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 533.
  6. Boselli, A., Boissier, S., Heinis, S., Cortese, L., Ilbert, O., Hughes, T., Cucciati, O., Davies, J., Ferrarese, L., Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M.P., Baes, M., Balkowski, C., Brosch, N., Chapman, S.C., Charmandaris, V., Clemens, M.S., Dariush, A., De Looze, I., Alighieri, S.D., Duc, P.A., Durrell, P.R., Emsellem, E., Erben, T., Fritz, J., Garcia-Appadoo, D.A., Gavazzi, G., Grossi, M., Jordan, A., Hess, K.M., Huertas-Company, M., Hunt, L.K., Kent, B.R., Lambas, D.G., Lancon, A., MacArthur, L.A., Madden, S.C., Magrini, L., Mei, S., Momjian, E., Olowin, R.P., Papastergis, E., Smith, M.W.L., Solanes, J.M., Spector, O., Spekkens, K., Taylor, J.E., Valotto, C., van Driel, W., Verstappen, J., Vlahakis, C., Vollmer, B., and Xilouris, E.M., The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS) I. The UV luminosity function of the central 12 sq. deg. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 528.
  7. Buat, V., Giovannoli, E., Heinis, S., Charmandaris, V., Coia, D., Daddi, E., Dickinson, M., Elbaz, D., Hwang, H.S., Morrison, G., Dasyra, K., Aussel, H., Altieri, B., Dannerbauer, H., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., and Popesso, P., GOODS-Herschel: evidence of a UV extinction bump in galaxies at z > 1. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 533.
  8. Civano, F., Brusa, M., Comastri, A., Elvis, M., Salvato, M., Zamorani, G., Capak, P., Fiore, F., Gilli, R., Hao, H., Ikeda, H., Kakazu, Y., Kartaltepe, J.S., Masters, D., Miyaji, T., Mignoli, M., Puccetti, S., Shankar, F., Silverman, J., Vignali, C., Zezas, A., and Koekemoer, A.M., THE POPULATION OF HIGH-REDSHIFT ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI IN THE CHANDRA-COSMOS SURVEY. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 741(2).
  9. Diaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., Stierwalt, S., Haan, S., Mazzarella, J.M., Howell, J.H., Veilleux, S., Murphy, E.J., Petric, A.O., Appleton, P., Evans, A.S., Sanders, D.B., and Surace, J.A., THE SPATIAL EXTENT OF (U)LIRGS IN THE MID-INFRARED. II. FEATURE EMISSION. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 741(1).
  10. Dopita, M.A., Armus, L., Kewley, L.J., Rich, J.A., Sanders, D., Appleton, P.N., Chan, B.H.P., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A.S., Frayer, D.T., Howell, J.H., Inami, H., Mazzarella, J.A., Petric, A., Stierwalt, S., and Surace, J., Modeling IR spectral energy distributions: a pilot study of starburst parameters and silicate absorption curves for some GOALS galaxies. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2011. 333(1): p. 225-239.
  11. Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Hwang, H.S., Diaz-Santos, T., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Le Borgne, D., Galliano, F., Pannella, M., Chanial, P., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Aussel, H., Popesso, P., Kartaltepe, J., Altieri, B., Valtchanov, I., Coia, D., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Leiton, R., Mazzarella, J., Alexander, D.M., Buat, V., Burgarella, D., Chary, R.R., Gilli, R., Ivison, R.J., Juneau, S., Le Floc'h, E., Lutz, D., Morrison, G.E., Mullaney, J.R., Murphy, E., Pope, A., Scott, D., Brodwin, M., Calzetti, D., Cesarsky, C., Charlot, S., Dole, H., Eisenhardt, P., Ferguson, H.C., Schreiber, N.F., Frayer, D., Giavalisco, M., Huynh, M., Koekemoer, A.M., Papovich, C., Reddy, N., Surace, C., Teplitz, H., Yun, M.S., and Wilson, G., GOODS-Herschel: an infrared main sequence for star-forming galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 533.
  12. Emmanoulopoulos, D., McHardy, I.M., and Papadakis, I.E., Negative X-ray reverberation time delays from MCG-6-30-15 and Mrk 766. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011. 416(1): p. L94-L98.
  13. Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I.E., McHardy, I.M., Nicastro, F., Bianchi, S., and Arevalo, P., An XMM-Newton view of the 'bare' nucleus of Fairall 9. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011. 415(2): p. 1895-1906.
  14. Gonzalez-Martin, O., Papadakis, I., Braito, V., Masegosa, J., Marquez, I., Mateos, S., Acosta-Pulido, J.A., Martinez, M.A., Ebrero, J., Esquej, P., O'Brien, P., Tueller, J., Warwick, R.S., and Watson, M.G., Suzaku observation of the LINER NGC4102. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 527.
  15. Gonzalez-Martin, O., Papadakis, I., Reig, P., and Zezas, A., The scaling of X-ray variability with luminosity in ultra-luminous X-ray sources. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 526.
  16. Haan, S., Armus, L., Laine, S., Charmandaris, V., Smith, J.D., Schweizer, F., Brandl, B., Evans, A.S., Surace, J.A., Diaz-Santos, T., Beirao, P., Murphy, E.J., Stierwalt, S., Hibbard, J.E., Yun, M., and Jarrett, T.H., SPITZER IRS SPECTRAL MAPPING OF THE TOOMRE SEQUENCE: SPATIAL VARIATIONS OF PAH, GAS, AND DUST PROPERTIES IN NEARBY MAJOR MERGERS. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2011. 197(2).
  17. Haan, S., Surace, J.A., Armus, L., Evans, A.S., Howell, J.H., Mazzarella, J.M., Kim, D.C., Vavilkin, T., Inami, H., Sanders, D.B., Petric, A., Bridge, C.R., Melbourne, J.L., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Murphy, E.J., U, V., Stierwalt, S., and Marshall, J.A., THE NUCLEAR STRUCTURE IN NEARBY LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES: HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE NICMOS IMAGING OF THE GOALS SAMPLE. Astronomical Journal, 2011. 141(3).
  18. Hwang, H.S., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Le Borgne, D., Buat, V., Magdis, G.E., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Coia, D., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., and Valtchanov, I., GOODS-Herschel: the impact of galaxy-galaxy interactions on the far-infrared properties of galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 535.
  19. Jenkins, L.P., Brandt, W.N., Colbert, E.J.M., Koribalski, B., Kuntz, K.D., Levan, A.J., Ojha, R., Roberts, T.P., Ward, M.J., and Zezas, A., INVESTIGATING THE NUCLEAR ACTIVITY OF BARRED SPIRAL GALAXIES: THE CASE OF NGC 1672. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 734(1).
  20. Lebouteiller, V., Bernard-Salas, J., Whelan, D.G., Brandl, B., Galliano, F., Charmandaris, V., Madden, S., and Kunth, D., INFLUENCE OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBON EMISSION IN STAR-FORMING REGIONS. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 728(1).
  21. Lee, H., Kashyap, V.L., van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Drake, J.J., Izem, R., Meng, X.L., Min, S.D., Park, T., Ratzlaff, P., Siemiginowska, A., and Zezas, A., ACCOUNTING FOR CALIBRATION UNCERTAINTIES IN X-RAY ANALYSIS: EFFECTIVE AREAS IN SPECTRAL FITTING. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 731(2).
  22. Magdis, G.E., Daddi, E., Elbaz, D., Sargent, M., Dickinson, M., Dannerbauer, H., Aussel, H., Walter, F., Hwang, H.S., Charmandaris, V., Hodge, J., Riechers, D., Rigopoulou, D., Carilli, C., Pannella, M., Mullaney, J., Leiton, R., and Scott, D., GOODS-HERSCHEL: GAS-TO-DUST MASS RATIOS AND CO-TO-H-2 CONVERSION FACTORS IN NORMAL AND STARBURSTING GALAXIES AT HIGH-z. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2011. 740(1).
  23. Magdis, G.E., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Hwang, H.S., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., Daddi, E., Le Floc'h, E., Aussel, H., Dannerbauer, H., Rigopoulou, D., Buat, V., Morrison, G., Mullaney, J., Lutz, D., Scott, D., Coia, D., Pope, A., Pannella, M., Altieri, B., Burgarella, D., Bethermin, M., Dasyra, K., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., and Valtchanov, I., GOODS-Herschel: a population of 24 mu m dropout sources at z < 2. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 534.
  24. Matsoukas, C., Benas, N., Hatzianastassiou, N., Pavlakis, K.G., Kanakidou, M., and Vardavas, I., Potential evaporation trends over land between 1983-2008: driven by radiative fluxes or vapour-pressure deficit? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011. 11(15): p. 7601-7616.
  25. Nantais, J.B., Huchra, J.P., Zezas, A., Gazeas, K., and Strader, J., HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE PHOTOMETRY OF GLOBULAR CLUSTERS IN M81. Astronomical Journal, 2011. 142(6).
  26. O'Sullivan, E., Worrall, D.M., Birkinshaw, M., Trinchieri, G., Wolter, A., Zezas, A., and Giacintucci, S., Interaction between the intergalactic medium and central radio source in the NGC 4261 group of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011. 416(4): p. 2916-2931.
  27. Petric, A.O., Armus, L., Howell, J., Chan, B., Mazzarella, J.M., Evans, A.S., Surace, J.A., Sanders, D., Appleton, P., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Frayer, D., Haan, S., Inami, H., Iwasawa, K., Kim, D., Madore, B., Marshall, J., Spoon, H., Stierwalt, S., Sturm, E., U, V., Vavilkin, T., and Veilleux, S., MID-INFRARED SPECTRAL DIAGNOSTICS OF LUMINOUS INFRARED GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 730(1).
  28. Popescu, C.C., Tuffs, R.J., Dopita, M.A., Fischera, J., Kylafis, N.D., and Madore, B.F., Modelling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies V. The dust and PAH emission SEDs of disk galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011. 527.
  29. Sell, P.H., Pooley, D., Zezas, A., Heinz, S., Homan, J., and Lewin, W.H.G., LUMINOSITY FUNCTIONS AND POINT-SOURCE PROPERTIES FROM MULTIPLE CHANDRA OBSERVATIONS OF M81. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 735(1).
  30. Sobolewska, M.A., Papadakis, I.E., Done, C., and Malzac, J., Evidence for a change in the X-ray radiation mechanism in the hard state of Galactic black holes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011. 417(1): p. 280-288.
  31. Wang, J.F., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., Karovska, M., Zezas, A., Mundell, C.G., Dumas, G., and Schinnerer, E., A DEEP CHANDRA ACIS STUDY OF NGC 4151. III. THE LINE EMISSION AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF THE IONIZATION CONE. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 742(1).
  32. Wang, J.F., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., Mundell, C.G., Karovska, M., and Zezas, A., A DEEP CHANDRA ACIS STUDY OF NGC 4151. II. THE INNERMOST EMISSION LINE REGION AND STRONG EVIDENCE FOR RADIO JET-NLR CLOUD COLLISION. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 736(1).
  33. Wang, J.F., Fabbiano, G., Risaliti, G., Elvis, M., Karovska, M., Zezas, A., Mundell, C.G., Dumas, G., and Schinnerer, E., A DEEP CHANDRA ACIS STUDY OF NGC 4151. I. THE X-RAY MORPHOLOGY OF THE 3 kpc DIAMETER CIRCUM-NUCLEAR REGION AND RELATION TO THE COLD INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 729(1).
  34. Willett, K.W., Darling, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., and Armus, L., MID-INFRARED PROPERTIES OF OH MEGAMASER HOST GALAXIES. II. ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF THE MASER ENVIRONMENT. Astrophysical Journal, 2011. 730(1).
  35. Willett, K.W., Darling, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., and Armus, L., MID-INFRARED PROPERTIES OF OH MEGAMASER HOST GALAXIES. I. SPITZER IRS LOW- AND HIGH-RESOLUTION SPECTROSCOPY. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2011. 193(1).
  1. Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Hatzidimitriou, D., and Kalogera, V., STAR FORMATION HISTORY AND X-RAY BINARY POPULATIONS: THE CASE OF THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2010. 716(2): p. L140-L145.
  2. Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., Le Floc'h, E., Diaz-Santos, T., Slater, S.K., Xilouris, E., and Haynes, M.P., A mid-IR study of Hickson compact groups I. Probing the effects of environment in galaxy interactions. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 517.
  3. Boquien, M., Duc, P.A., Galliano, F., Braine, J., Lisenfeld, U., Charmandaris, V., and Appleton, P.N., STAR FORMATION IN COLLISION DEBRIS: INSIGHTS FROM THE MODELING OF THEIR SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION. Astronomical Journal, 2010. 140(6): p. 2124-2144.
  4. Brassington, N.J., Fabbiano, G., Blake, S., Zezas, A., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Kim, D.W., King, A.R., Kundu, A., Trinchieri, G., and Zepf, S., THE X-RAY SPECTRA OF THE LUMINOUS LMXBs IN NGC 3379: FIELD AND GLOBULAR CLUSTER SOURCES. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 725(2): p. 1805-1823.
  5. Coe, M.J., Bird, A.J., Buckley, D.A.H., Corbet, R.H.D., Dean, A.J., Finger, M., Galache, J.L., Haberl, F., McBride, V.A., Negueruela, I., Schurch, M., Townsend, L.J., Udalski, A., Wilms, J., and Zezas, A., INTEGRAL deep observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010. 406(4): p. 2533-2539.
  6. da Cunha, E., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Marshall, J.A., and Elbaz, D., Exploring the physical properties of local star-forming ULIRGs from the ultraviolet to the infrared. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 523.
  7. Diaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., Petric, A.O., Howell, J.H., Murphy, E.J., Mazzarella, J.M., Veilleux, S., Bothun, G., Inami, H., Appleton, P.N., Evans, A.S., Haan, S., Marshall, J.A., Sanders, D.B., Stierwalt, S., and Surace, J.A., THE SPATIAL EXTENT OF (U)LIRGs IN THE MID-INFRARED. I. THE CONTINUUM EMISSION. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 723(2): p. 993-1005.
  8. Fabbiano, G., Brassington, N.J., Lentati, L., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Kim, D.W., King, A.R., Kundu, A., Pellegrini, S., Richings, A.J., Trinchieri, G., Zezas, A., and Zepf, S., FIELD AND GLOBULAR CLUSTER LOW-MASS X-RAY BINARIES IN NGC 4278. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 725(2): p. 1824-1847.
  9. Fouque, P., Heyrovsky, D., Dong, S., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Albrow, M.D., Batista, V., Beaulieu, J.P., Bennett, D.P., Bond, I.A., Bramich, D.M., Novati, S.C., Cassan, A., Coutures, C., Dieters, S., Dominik, M., Prester, D.D., Greenhill, J., Horne, K., Jorgensen, U.G., Kozlowski, S., Kubas, D., Lee, C.H., Marquette, J.B., Mathiasen, M., Menzies, J., Monard, L.A.G., Nishiyama, S., Papadakis, I., Street, R., Sumi, T., Williams, A., Yee, J.C., Brillant, S., Caldwell, J.A.R., Cole, A., Cook, K.H., Donatowicz, J., Kains, N., Kane, S.R., Martin, R., Pollard, K.R., Sahu, K.C., Tsapras, Y., Wambsganss, J., Zub, M., Depoy, D.L., Gaudi, B.S., Han, C., Lee, C.U., Park, B.G., Pogge, R.W., Kubiak, M., Szymanski, M.K., Pietrzynski, G., Soszynski, I., Szewczyk, O., Ulaczyk, K., Wyrzykowski, L., Abe, F., Fukui, A., Furusawa, K., Gilmore, A.C., Hearnshaw, J.B., Itow, Y., Kamiya, K., Kilmartin, P.M., Korpela, A.V., Lin, W., Ling, C.H., Masuda, K., Matsubara, Y., Miyake, N., Muraki, Y., Nagaya, M., Ohnishi, K., Okumura, T., Perrott, Y., Rattenbury, N.J., Saito, T., Sako, T., Sato, S., Skuljan, L., Sullivan, D., Sweatman, W., Tristram, P.J., Yock, P.C.M., Allan, A., Bode, M.F., Burgdorf, M.J., Clay, N., Fraser, S.N., Hawkins, E., Kerins, E., Lister, T.A., Mottram, C.J., Saunders, E.S., Snodgrass, C., Steele, I.A., Wheatley, P.J., Anguita, T., Bozza, V., Harpsoe, K., Hinse, T.C., Hundertmark, M., Kjaergaard, P., Liebig, C., Mancini, L., Masi, G., Rahvar, S., Ricci, D., Scarpetta, G., Southworth, J., Surdej, J., Thone, C.C., Riffeser, A., Seitz, S., Bender, R., Collaboration, P., Collaboration, F.U.N., Collaboration, O., Collaboration, M.O.A., RoboNet, I.I.C., Mi, N.C. and We, C.C., OGLE 2008-BLG-290: an accurate measurement of the limb darkening of a galactic bulge K Giant spatially resolved by microlensing. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 518.
  10. Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., Grupe, D., Brinkmann, W.P., Raeth, C., and Kedziora-Chudczer, L., A PANCHROMATIC VIEW OF PKS 0558-504: AN IDEAL LABORATORY TO STUDY THE DISK-JET LINK. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 717(2): p. 1243-1252.
  11. Gliozzi, M., Rath, C., Papadakis, I.E., and Reig, P., Characterizing black hole variability with nonlinear methods: the case of the X-ray Nova 4U 1543-47. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 512.
  12. Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Fischer, J., Isaak, K., Rykala, A., Savini, G., Spaans, M., van der Werf, P., Meijerink, R., Israel, F.P., Loenen, A.F., Vlahakis, C., Smith, H.A., Charmandaris, V., Aalto, S., Henkel, C., Weiss, A., Walter, F., Greve, T.R., Martin-Pintado, J., Naylor, D.A., Spinoglio, L., Veilleux, S., Harris, A.I., Armus, L., Lord, S., Mazzarella, J., Xilouris, E.M., Sanders, D.B., Dasyra, K.M., Wiedner, M.C., Kramer, C., Papadopoulos, P.P., Stacey, G.J., Evans, A.S., and Gao, Y., Herschel observations of water vapour in Markarian 231. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 518.
  13. Haldoupis, C., Amvrosiadi, N., Cotts, B.R.T., van der Velde, O.A., Chanrion, O., and Neubert, T., More evidence for a one-to-one correlation between Sprites and Early VLF perturbations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2010. 115.
  14. Howell, J.H., Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Evans, A.S., Surace, J.A., Sanders, D.B., Petric, A., Appleton, P., Bothun, G., Bridge, C., Chan, B.H.P., Charmandaris, V., Frayer, D.T., Haan, S., Inami, H., Kim, D.C., Lord, S., Madore, B.F., Melbourne, J., Schulz, B., Vivian, U., Vavilkin, T., Veilleux, S., and Xu, K., THE GREAT OBSERVATORIES ALL-SKY LIRG SURVEY: COMPARISON OF ULTRAVIOLET AND FAR-INFRARED PROPERTIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 715(1): p. 572-588.
  15. Inami, H., Armus, L., Surace, J.A., Mazzarella, J.M., Evans, A.S., Sanders, D.B., Howell, J.H., Petric, A., Vavilkin, T., Iwasawa, K., Haan, S., Murphy, E.J., Stierwalt, S., Appleton, P.N., Barnes, J.E., Bothun, G., Bridge, C.R., Chan, B., Charmandaris, V., Frayer, D.T., Kewley, L.J., Kim, D.C., Lord, S., Madore, B.F., Marshall, J.A., Matsuhara, H., Melbourne, J.E., Rich, J., Schulz, B., Spoon, H.W.W., Sturm, E., U, V., Veilleux, S., and Xu, K., THE BURIED STARBURST IN THE INTERACTING GALAXY II Zw 096 AS REVEALED BY THE SPITZER SPACE TELESCOPE. Astronomical Journal, 2010. 140(1): p. 63-74.
  16. Kashyap, V.L., van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Freeman, P.E., Siemiginowska, A., Xu, J., and Zezas, A., ON COMPUTING UPPER LIMITS TO SOURCE INTENSITIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 719(1): p. 900-914.
  17. Laycock, S., Zezas, A., Hong, J., Drake, J.J., and Antoniou, V., EXPLORING THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD TO THE FAINTEST X-RAY FLUXES: SOURCE CATALOG, TIMING, AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 716(2): p. 1217-1240.
  19. Linden, T., Kalogera, V., Sepinsky, J.F., Prestwich, A., Zezas, A., and Gallagher, J.S., THE EFFECT OF STARBURST METALLICITY ON BRIGHT X-RAY BINARY FORMATION PATHWAYS. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 725(2): p. 1984-1994.
  20. Matsoukas, C., Hatzianastassiou, N., Fotiadi, A., Pavlakis, K.G., and Vardavas, I., The effect of Arctic sea-ice extent on the absorbed (net) solar flux at the surface, based on ISCCP-D2 cloud data for 1983-2007. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010. 10(2): p. 777-787.
  21. Muxlow, T.W.B., Beswick, R.J., Garrington, S.T., Pedlar, A., Fenech, D.M., Argo, M.K., van Eymeren, J., Ward, M., Zezas, A., and Brunthaler, A., Discovery of an unusual new radio source in the star-forming galaxy M82: faint supernova, supermassive black hole or an extragalactic microquasar? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010. 404(1): p. L109-L113.
  22. Nicastro, F., Krongold, Y., Fields, D., Conciatore, M.L., Zappacosta, L., Elvis, M., Mathur, S., and Papadakis, I., XMM-NEWTON AND FUSE TENTATIVE EVIDENCE FOR A WHIM FILAMENT ALONG THE LINE OF SIGHT TO PKS 0558-504. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 715(2): p. 854-865.
  23. Papadakis, I.E., Brinkmann, W., Gliozzi, M., and Raeth, C., XMM-Newton long-look observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 0558-504 II. Timing analysis. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 518.
  24. Papadakis, I.E., Brinkmann, W., Gliozzi, M., Raeth, C., Nicastro, F., and Conciatore, M.L., XMM-Newton long-look observation of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 0558-504 I. Spectral analysis. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 510.
  25. Papadimas, C.D., Fotiadi, A.K., Hatzianastassiou, N., Vardavas, I., and Bartzokas, A., Regional co-variability and teleconnection patterns in surface solar radiation on a planetary scale. International Journal of Climatology, 2010. 30(15): p. 2314-2329.
  26. Reig, P., Slowikowska, A., Zezas, A., and Blay, P., Correlated optical/X-ray variability in the high-mass X-ray binary SAX J2103.5+4545. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010. 401(1): p. 55-66.
  27. Reig, P., Zezas, A., and Gkouvelis, L., The optical counterpart to IGR J06074+2205: a Be/X-ray binary showing disc loss and V/R variability. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 522.
  28. Smith, H.A., Li, A.G., Li, M.P., Kohler, M., Ashby, M.L.N., Fazio, G.G., Huang, J.S., Marengo, M., Wang, Z., Willner, S., Zezas, A., Spinoglio, L., and Wu, Y.L., ANOMALOUS SILICATE DUST EMISSION IN THE TYPE 1 LINER NUCLEUS OF M81. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 716(1): p. 490-503.
  29. Stacey, G.J., Charmandaris, V., Boulanger, F., Wu, Y.L., Combes, F., Higdon, S.J.U., Smith, J.D.T., and Nikola, T., THE ENERGETICS OF MOLECULAR GAS IN NGC 891 FROM H-2 AND FAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 721(1): p. 59-73.
  30. Trumper, J.E., Zezas, A., Ertan, U., and Kylafis, N.D., The energy spectrum of anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 518.
  31. van der Velde, O.A., Bor, J., Li, J.B., Cummer, S.A., Arnone, E., Zanotti, F., Fullekrug, M., Haldoupis, C., NaitAmor, S., and Farges, T., Multi-instrumental observations of a positive gigantic jet produced by a winter thunderstorm in Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2010. 115.
  32. van der Werf, P.P., Isaak, K.G., Meijerink, R., Spaans, M., Rykala, A., Fulton, T., Loenen, A.F., Walter, F., Weiss, A., Armus, L., Fischer, J., Israel, F.P., Harris, A.I., Veilleux, S., Henkel, C., Savini, G., Lord, S., Smith, H.A., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Naylor, D., Aalto, S., Charmandaris, V., Dasyra, K.M., Evans, A., Gao, Y., Greve, T.R., Gusten, R., Kramer, C., Martin-Pintado, J., Mazzarella, J., Papadopoulos, P.P., Sanders, D.B., Spinoglio, L., Stacey, G., Vlahakis, C., Wiedner, M.C., and Xilouris, E.M., Black hole accretion and star formation as drivers of gas excitation and chemistry in Markarian 231. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010. 518.
  33. Wang, J.F., Fabbiano, G., Risaliti, G., Elvis, M., Mundell, C.G., Dumas, G., Schinnerer, E., and Zezas, A., EXTENDED X-RAY EMISSION IN THE HI CAVITY OF NGC 4151: GALAXY-SCALE ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS FEEDBACK? Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2010. 719(2): p. L208-L212.
  34. Wang, J.F., Risaliti, G., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Zezas, A., and Karovska, M., REVISITING THE SHORT-TERM X-RAY SPECTRAL VARIABILITY OF NGC 4151 WITH CHANDRA. Astrophysical Journal, 2010. 714(2): p. 1497-1510.
  35. Worrall, D.M., Birkinshaw, M., O'Sullivan, E., Zezas, A., Wolter, A., Trinchieri, G., and Fabbiano, G., The jet and counterjet of 3C 270 (NGC 4261) viewed in the X-ray with Chandra. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010. 408(2): p. 701-712.
  1. Alonso-Herrero, A., Rieke, G.H., Colina, L., Pereira-Santaella, M., Garcia-Marin, M., Smith, J.D.T., Brandl, B., Charmandaris, V., and Armus, L., THE EXTREME STAR FORMATION ACTIVITY OF Arp 299 REVEALED BY SPITZER IRS SPECTRAL MAPPING. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 697(1): p. 660-675.
  2. Antoniou, V., Hatzidimitriou, D., Zezas, A., and Reig, P., OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY OF 20 Be/X-RAY BINARIES IN THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 707(2): p. 1080-1097.
  3. Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Hatzidimitriou, D., and McDowell, J.C., THE CHANDRA SURVEY OF THE SMALL MAGELLANIC CLOUD "BAR". II. OPTICAL COUNTERPARTS OF X-RAY SOURCES. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 697(2): p. 1695-1716.
  4. Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Evans, A.S., Surace, J.A., Sanders, D.B., Iwasawa, K., Frayer, D.T., Howell, J.H., Chan, B., Petric, A., Vavilkin, T., Kim, D.C., Haan, S., Inami, H., Murphy, E.J., Appleton, P.N., Barnes, J.E., Bothun, G., Bridge, C.R., Charmandaris, V., Jensen, J.B., Kewley, L.J., Lord, S., Madore, B.F., Marshall, J.A., Melbourne, J.E., Rich, J., Satyapal, S., Schulz, B., Spoon, H.W.W., Sturm, E., Veilleux, S., and Xu, K., GOALS: The Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2009. 121(880): p. 559-576.
  5. Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., Lebouteiller, V., Farrah, D., Devost, D., Brandl, B.R., Wu, Y.L., Armus, L., Hao, L., Sloan, G.C., Weedman, D., and Houck, J.R., A SPITZER HIGH-RESOLUTION MID-INFRARED SPECTRAL ATLAS OF STARBURST GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2009. 184(2): p. 230-247.
  6. Bonfini, P., Hatzidimitriou, D., Pietsch, W., and Reig, P., Spectroscopy of the bright optical counterparts of X-ray sources in the direction of M 31. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2009. 507(2): p. 705-711.
  7. Boquien, M., Duc, P.A., Wu, Y., Charmandaris, V., Lisenfeld, U., Braine, J., Brinks, E., Iglesias-Paramo, J., and Xu, C.K., COLLISIONAL DEBRIS AS LABORATORIES TO STUDY STAR FORMATION. Astronomical Journal, 2009. 137(6): p. 4561-4576.
  8. Bosinger, T., Ermakova, E.N., Haldoupis, C., and Kotik, D.S., Magnetic-inclination effects in the spectral resonance structure of the ionospheric Alfven resonator. Annales Geophysicae, 2009. 27(3): p. 1313-1320.
  9. Boulanger, F., Maillard, J.P., Appleton, P., Falgarone, E., Lagache, G., Schulz, B., Wakker, B.P., Bressan, A., Cernicharo, J., Charmandaris, V., Drissen, L., Helou, G., Henning, T., Lim, T.L., Valentjin, E., Abergel, A., Le Bourlot, J., Bouzit, M., Cabrit, S., Combes, F., Deharveng, J.M., Desmet, P., Dole, H., Dumesnil, C., Dutrey, A., Fourmond, J.J., Gavila, E., Grange, R., Gry, C., Guillard, P., Guilloteau, S., Habart, E., Huet, B., Joblin, C., Langer, M., Longval, Y., Madden, S.C., Martin, C., Miville-Deschenes, M.A., des Forets, G.P., Pointecouteau, E., Roussel, H., Tresse, L., Verstraete, L., Viallefond, F., Bertoldi, F., Jorgensen, J., Bouwman, J., Carmona, A., Krause, O., Baruffolo, A., Bonoli, C., Bortoletto, F., Danese, L., Granato, G.L., Pernechele, C., Rampazzo, R., Silva, L., de Zotti, G., Pardo, J., Spaans, M., van der Tak, F.F.S., Wild, W., Ferlet, M.J., Howat, S.K.R., Smith, M.D., Swinyard, B., Wright, G.S., Joncas, G., Martin, P.G., Davis, C.J., Draine, B.T., Goldsmith, P.F., Mainzer, A.K., Ogle, P., Rinehart, S.A., Stacey, G.J., and Tielens, A., The molecular hydrogen explorer H2EX. Experimental Astronomy, 2009. 23(1): p. 277-302.
  10. Brandl, B.R., Snijders, L., den Brok, M., Whelan, D.G., Groves, B., van der Werf, P., Charmandaris, V., Smith, J.D., Armus, L., Kennicutt, R.C., and Houck, J.R., SPITZER-IRS STUDY OF THE ANTENNAE GALAXIES NGC 4038/39. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 699(2): p. 1982-2001.
  11. Brassington, N.J., Fabbiano, G., Kim, D.W., Zezas, A., Zepf, S., Kundu, A., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Fragos, T., King, A.R., Pellegrini, S., and Trinchieri, G., DEEP CHANDRA MONITORING OBSERVATIONS OF NGC 4278: CATALOG OF SOURCE PROPERTIES. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2009. 181(2): p. 605-626.
  12. Christakis, N., Haldoupis, C., Zhou, Q., and Meek, C., Seasonal variability and descent of mid-latitude sporadic E layers at Arecibo. Annales Geophysicae, 2009. 27(3): p. 923-931.
  13. Coustenis, A., Atreya, S.K., Balint, T., Brown, R.H., Dougherty, M.K., Ferri, F., Fulchignoni, M., Gautier, D., Gowen, R.A., Griffith, C.A., Gurvits, L.I., Jaumann, R., Langevin, Y., Leese, M.R., Lunine, J.I., McKay, C.P., Moussas, X., Muller-Wodarg, I., Neubauer, F., Owen, T.C., Raulin, F., Sittler, E.C., Sohl, F., Sotin, C., Tobie, G., Tokano, T., Turtle, E.P., Wahlund, J.E., Waite, J.H., Baines, K.H., Blamont, J., Coates, A.J., Dandouras, I., Krimigis, T., Lellouch, E., Lorenz, R.D., Morse, A., Porco, C.C., Hirtzig, M., Saur, J., Spilker, T., Zarnecki, J.C., Choi, E., Achilleos, N., Amils, R., Annan, P., Atkinson, D.H., Benilan, Y., Bertucci, C., Bezard, B., Bjoraker, G.L., Blanc, M., Boireau, L., Bouman, J., Cabane, M., Capria, M.T., Chassefiere, E., Coll, P., Combes, M., Cooper, J.F., Coradini, A., Crary, F., Cravens, T., Daglis, I.A., de Angelis, E., de Bergh, C., de Pater, I., Dunford, C., Durry, G., Dutuit, O., Fairbrother, D., Flasar, F.M., Fortes, A.D., Frampton, R., Fujimoto, M., Galand, M., Grasset, O., Grott, M., Haltigin, T., Herique, A., Hersant, F., Hussmann, H., Ip, W., Johnson, R., Kallio, E., Kempf, S., Knapmeyer, M., Kofman, W., Koop, R., Kostiuk, T., Krupp, N., Kuppers, M., Lammer, H., Lara, L.M., Lavvas, P., Le Mouelic, S., Lebonnois, S., Ledvina, S., Li, J., Livengood, T.A., Lopes, R.M., Lopez-Moreno, J.J., Luz, D., Mahaffy, P.R., Mall, U., Martinez-Frias, J., Marty, B., McCord, T., Salvan, C., Milillo, A., Mitchell, D.G., Modolo, R., Mousis, O., Nakamura, M., Neish, C.D., Nixon, C.A., Mvondo, D., Orton, G., Paetzold, M., Pitman, J., Pogrebenko, S., Pollard, W., Prieto-Ballesteros, O., Rannou, P., Reh, K., Richter, L., Robb, F.T., Rodrigo, R., Rodriguez, S., Romani, P., Bermejo, M., Sarris, E.T., Schenk, P., Schmitt, B., Schmitz, N., Schulze-Makuch, D., Schwingenschuh, K., Selig, A., Sicardy, B., Soderblom, L., Spilker, L.J., Stam, D., Steele, A., Stephan, K., Strobel, D.F., Szego, K., Szopa, C., Thissen, R., Tomasko, M.G., Toublanc, D., Vali, H., Vardavas, I., Vuitton, V., West, R.A., Yelle, R. and Young, E.F., TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission. Experimental Astronomy, 2009. 23(3): p. 893-946.
  14. Fragos, T., Kalogera, V., Willems, B., Belczynski, K., Fabbiano, G., Brassington, N.J., Kim, D.W., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J.S., King, A.R., Pellegrini, S., Trinchieri, G., Zepf, S.E., and Zezas, A., TRANSIENT LOW-MASS X-RAY BINARY POPULATIONS IN ELLIPTICAL GALAXIES NGC 3379 AND NGC 4278. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2009. 702(2): p. L143-L147.
  15. Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., Eracleous, M., Sambruna, R.M., Ballantyne, D.R., Braito, V., and Reeves, J.N., SHORT-TERM VARIABILITY AND POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY ANALYSIS OF THE RADIO-LOUD ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS 3C 390.3. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 703(1): p. 1021-1029.
  16. Greenberg, E., Price, C., Yair, Y., Haldoupis, C., Chanrion, O., and Neubert, T., ELF/VLF signatures of sprite-producing lightning discharges observed during the 2005 EuroSprite campaign. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2009. 71(12): p. 1254-1266.
  17. Guainazzi, M., Risaliti, G., Nucita, A., Wang, J., Bianchi, S., Soria, R., and Zezas, A., AGN/starburst connection in action: the half million second RGS spectrum of NGC 1365. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2009. 505(2): p. 589-600.
  18. Haldoupis, C., Makela, J., Kudeki, E., Chau, J., Pancheva, D., and Hysell, D., Preface 12th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-12). Annales Geophysicae, 2009. 27(8): p. 2993-2994.
  19. Haldoupis, C., Mika, A., and Shalimov, S., Modeling the relaxation of early VLF perturbations associated with transient luminous events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2009. 114.
  20. Hao, L., Wu, Y.L., Charmandaris, V., Spoon, H.W.W., Bernard-Salas, J., Devost, D., Lebouteiller, V., and Houck, J.R., PROBING THE EXCITATION OF EXTREME STARBURSTS: HIGH-RESOLUTION MID-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY OF BLUE COMPACT DWARFS. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 704(2): p. 1159-1173.
  21. Keremedjiev, M., Hao, L., and Charmandaris, V., THE MID-INFRARED NARROW-LINE BALDWIN EFFECT REVEALED BY SPITZER. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 690(2): p. 1105-1111.
  22. Kim, D.W., Fabbiano, G., Brassington, N.J., Fragos, T., Kalogera, V., Zezas, A., Jordan, A., Sivakoff, G.R., Kundu, A., Zepf, S.E., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J.S., Juett, A.M., King, A.R., Pellegrini, S., Sarazin, C.L., and Trinchieri, G., COMPARING GC AND FIELD LMXBs IN ELLIPTICAL GALAXIES WITH DEEP CHANDRA AND HUBBLE DATA. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 703(1): p. 829-844.
  23. Papadakis, I.E., Sobolewska, M., Arevalo, P., Markowitz, A., McHardy, I.M., Miller, L., Reeves, J.N., and Turner, T.J., A correlation between the spectral and timing properties of AGN. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2009. 494(3): p. 905-913.
  24. Papadimas, C.D., Hatzianastassiou, N., Mihalopoulos, N., Kanakidou, M., Katsoulis, B.D., and Vardavas, I., Assessment of the MODIS Collections C005 and C004 aerosol optical depth products over the Mediterranean basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2009. 9(9): p. 2987-2999.
  25. Prestwich, A.H., Kilgard, R.E., Primini, F., McDowell, J.C., and Zezas, A., THE LUMINOSITY FUNCTION OF X-RAY SOURCES IN SPIRAL GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 705(2): p. 1632-1636.
  26. Risaliti, G., Miniutti, G., Elvis, M., Fabbiano, G., Salvati, M., Baldi, A., Braito, V., Bianchi, S., Matt, G., Reeves, J., Soria, R., and Zezas, A., VARIABLE PARTIAL COVERING AND A RELATIVISTIC IRON LINE IN NGC 1365. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 696(1): p. 160-171.
  27. Risaliti, G., Salvati, M., Elvis, M., Fabbiano, G., Baldi, A., Bianchi, S., Braito, V., Guainazzi, M., Matt, G., Miniutti, G., Reeves, J., Soria, R., and Zezas, A., The XMM-Newton long look of NGC 1365: uncovering of the obscured X-ray source. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009. 393(1): p. L1-L5.
  28. Sobolewska, M.A. and Papadakis, I.E., The long-term X-ray spectral variability of AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009. 399(3): p. 1597-1610.
  29. Spoon, H.W.W., Armus, L., Marshall, J.A., Bernard-Salas, J., Farrah, D., Charmandaris, V., and Kent, B.R., HIGH-VELOCITY NEON LINE EMISSION FROM THE ULIRG IRAS F00183-7111: REVEALING THE OPTICALLY OBSCURED BASE OF A NUCLEAR OUTFLOW. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 693(2): p. 1223-1235.
  30. Tyler, K.D., Le Floc'h, E., Rieke, G.H., Dey, A., Desai, V., Brand, K., Borys, C., Jannuzi, B.T., Armus, L., Dole, H., Papovich, C., Brown, M.J.I., Blaylock, M., Higdon, S.J.U., Higdon, J.L., Charmandaris, V., Ashby, M.L.N., and Smith, H.A., SPITZER 70/160 mu m OBSERVATIONS OF HIGH-REDSHIFT ULIRGs AND HyLIRGs IN THE BOOTES FIELD. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 691(2): p. 1846-1853.
  31. Wang, J.F., Fabbiano, G., Karovska, M., Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., Zezas, A., and Mundell, C.G., THE HIGHEST RESOLUTION CHANDRA VIEW OF PHOTOIONIZATION AND JET-CLOUD INTERACTION IN THE NUCLEAR REGION OF NGC 4151. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 704(2): p. 1195-1203.
  32. Wu, Y.L., Charmandaris, V., Huang, J.S., Spinoglio, L., and Tommasin, S., SPITZER/IRS 5-35 mu m LOW-RESOLUTION SPECTROSCOPY OF THE 12μm SEYFERT SAMPLE. Astrophysical Journal, 2009. 701(1): p. 658-676.
  1. Arevalo, P., McHardy, I.M., Markowitz, A., Papadakis, I.E., Turner, T.J., Miller, L., and Reeves, J., Fourier-resolved energy spectra of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Mkn 766. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2008. 387(1): p. 279-288.
  2. Barnard, R., Stiele, H., Hatzidimitriou, D., Kong, A.K.H., Williams, B.F., Pietsch, W., Kolb, U.C., Haberl, F., and Sala, G., NEW XMM-NEWTON ANALYSIS OF THREE BRIGHT X-RAY SOURCES IN M31 GLOBULAR CLUSTERS, INCLUDING A NEW BLACK HOLE CANDIDATE. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 689(2): p. 1215-1221.
  3. Beirao, P., Brandl, B.R., Appleton, P.N., Groves, B., Armus, L., Schreiber, N.M.F., Smith, J.D., Charmandaris, V., and Houck, J.R., Spatially resolved spitzer IRS spectroscopy of the central region of M82. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 676(1): p. 304-316.
  4. Belczynski, K., Kalogera, V., Rasio, F.A., Taam, R.E., Zezas, A., Bulik, T., Maccarone, T.J., and Ivanova, N., Compact object modeling with the startrack population synthesis code. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2008. 174(1): p. 223-260.
  5. Brassington, N.J., Fabbiano, G., Kim, D.W., Zezas, A., Zepf, S., Kundu, A., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Fragos, T., King, A.R., Pellegrini, S., and Trinchieri, G., DEEP CHANDRA MONITORING OBSERVATIONS OF NGC 3379: CATALOG OF SOURCE PROPERTIES. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2008. 179(1): p. 142-165.
  6. Charmandaris, V., Heydari-Malayeri, M., and Chatzopoulos, E., Spitzer mid-infrared study of compact HII regions in the Magellanic Clouds. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008. 487(2): p. 567-573.
  7. Fragos, T., Kalogera, V., Belczynski, K., Fabbiano, G., Kim, D.W., Brassington, N.J., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Gallagher, J.S., King, A.R., Pellegrini, S., Trinchieri, G., Zepf, S.E., Kundu, A., and Zezas, A., Models for low-mass X-ray binaries in the elliptical galaxies NGC 3379 and NGC 4278: Comparison with observations. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 683(1): p. 346-356.
  8. Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., and Sambruna, R.M., Long-term X-ray monitoring of NGC 6251: Evidence for a jet-dominated radio galaxy. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 678(1): p. 78-86.
  9. Kylafis, N.D., Papadakis, I.E., Reig, P., Giannios, D., and Pooley, G.G., A jet model for Galactic black-hole X-ray sources: some constraining correlations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008. 489(2): p. 481-487.
  10. Lavvas, P.P., Coustenis, A., and Vardavas, I.M., Coupling photochemistry with haze formation in Titan's atmosphere, part I: Model description. Planetary and Space Science, 2008. 56(1): p. 27-66.
  11. Lavvas, P.P., Coustenis, A., and Vardavas, I.M., Coupling photochemistry with haze formation in Titan's atmosphere, Part II: Results and validation with Cassini/Huygens data. Planetary and Space Science, 2008. 56(1): p. 67-99.
  12. Lebouteiller, V., Bernard-Salas, J., Brandl, B., Whelan, D.G., Wu, Y., Charmandaris, V., Devost, D., and Houck, J.R., Chemical composition and mixing in giant HII regions: NGC 3603, 30 Doradus, and N66. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 680(1): p. 398-419.
  13. Matsoukas, C., Banks, A.C., Pavlakis, K.G., Hatzianastassiou, N., Stackhouse, P.W., and Vardavas, I., Reply to comment by Kara and Barron on "Seasonal heat budgets of the Red and Black seas''. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2008. 113(C12).
  14. Mika, A. and Haldoupis, C., VLF studies during TLE occurrences in Europe: A summary of new findings. Space Science Reviews, 2008. 137(1-4): p. 489-510.
  15. Neubert, T., Rycroft, M., Farges, T., Blanc, E., Chanrion, O., Arnone, E., Odzimek, A., Arnold, N., Enell, C.F., Turunen, E., Bosinger, T., Mika, A., Haldoupis, C., Steiner, R.J., van der Velde, O., Soula, S., Berg, P., Boberg, F., Thejll, P., Christiansen, B., Ignaccolo, M., Fullekrug, M., Verronen, P.T., Montanya, J., and Crosby, N., Recent Results from Studies of Electric Discharges in the Mesosphere. Surveys in Geophysics, 2008. 29(2): p. 71-137.
  16. Papadakis, I.E., Chatzopoulos, E., Athanasiadis, D., Markowitz, A., and Georgantopoulos, I., The long-term X-ray variability properties of AGNs in the Lockman Hole region. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008. 487(2): p. 475-483.
  17. Papadakis, I.E., Ioannou, Z., Brinkmann, W., and Xilouris, E.M., The X-ray variability and the near-IR to X-ray spectral energy distribution of four low luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008. 490(3): p. 995-1003.
  18. Papadimas, C.D., Hatzianastassiou, N., Mihalopoulos, N., Querol, X., and Vardavas, I., Spatial and temporal variability in aerosol properties over the Mediterranean basin based on 6-year (2000-2006) MODIS data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2008. 113(D11).
  19. Pavlakis, K.G., Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Fotiadi, A., and Vardavas, I., ENSO surface shortwave radiation forcing over the tropical Pacific. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2008. 8(18): p. 5565-5577.
  20. Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., Larionov, V.M., Gurwell, M.A., Chen, W.P., Kurtanidze, O.M., Aller, M.F., Bottcher, M., Calcidese, P., Hroch, F., Lahteenmaki, A., Lee, C.U., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J., Papadakis, I.E., Agudo, I., Aller, H.D., Angelakis, E., Arkharov, A.A., Bach, U., Bachev, R., Berdyugin, A., Buemi, C.S., Carosati, D., Charlot, P., Chatzopoulos, E., Forne, E., Frasca, A., Fuhrmann, L., Gomez, J.L., Gupta, A.C., Hagen-Thorn, V.A., Hsiao, W.S., Jordan, B., Jorstad, S.G., Konstantinova, T.S., Kopatskaya, E.N., Krichbaum, T.P., Lanteri, L., Larionova, L.V., Latev, G., Le Campion, J.F., Leto, P., Lin, H.C., Marchili, N., Marilli, E., Marscher, A.P., McBreen, B., Mihov, B., Nesci, R., Nicastro, F., Nikolashvili, M.G., Novak, R., Ovcharov, E., Pian, E., Principe, D., Pursimo, T., Ragozzine, B., Ros, J.A., Sadun, A.C., Sagar, R., Semkov, E., Smart, R.L., Smith, N., Strigachev, A., Takalo, L.O., Tavani, M., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Uckert, K., Umana, G., Valcheva, A., Vercellone, S., Volvach, A., and Wiesemeyer, H., A new activity phase of the blazar 3C 454.3 Multifrequency observations by the WEBT and XMM-Newton in 2007-2008. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008. 491(3): p. 755-766.
  21. Rosenberg, J.L., Wu, Y.L., Le Floch, E., Charmandaris, V., Ashby, M.L.N., Houck, J.R., Salzer, J.J., and Willner, S.P., Dust properties and star formation rates in star-forming dwarf galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 674(2): p. 814-830.
  22. Smith, B.J., Struck, C., Hancock, M., Giroux, M.L., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., Reach, W., Hurlock, S., and Hwang, J.S., Stochastic "beads on a string" in the accretion tail of Arp 285. Astronomical Journal, 2008. 135(6): p. 2406-2423.
  23. Tommasin, S., Spinoglio, L., Malkan, M.A., Smith, H., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., and Charmandaris, V., Spitzer irs high-resolution spectroscopy of the 12 mu m Seyfert galaxies. I. First results. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 676(2): p. 836-856.
  24. Trinchieri, G., Pellegrini, S., Fabbiano, G., Fu, R., Brassington, N.J., Zezas, A., Kim, D.W., Gallagher, J., Angelini, L., Davies, R.L., Kalogera, V., King, A.R., and Zepf, S., DISCOVERY OF HOT GAS IN OUTFLOW IN NGC 3379. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 688(2): p. 1000-1008.
  25. Voss, R., Pietsch, W., Haberl, F., Stiele, H., Greiner, J., Sala, G., Hartmann, D.H., and Hatzidimitriou, D., Three X-ray transients in M 31 observed with swift. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008. 489(2): p. 707-711.
  26. Wu, Y.L., Bernard-Salas, J., Charmandaris, V., Lebouteiller, V., Hao, L., Brandl, B.R., and Houck, J.R., Elemental abundances of blue compact dwarfs from mid-infrared spectroscopy with Spitzer. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 673(1): p. 193-202.
  27. Wu, Y.L., Charmandaris, V., Houck, J.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Lebouteiller, V., Brandl, B.R., and Farrah, D., Blue compact dwarf galaxies with spitzer: The infrared/radio properties. Astrophysical Journal, 2008. 676(2): p. 970-977.
  1. Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Marshall, J.A., Higdon, S.J.U., Desai, V., Teplitz, H.I., Hao, L., Devost, D., Brandl, B.R., Wu, Y., Sloan, G.C., Soifer, B.T., Houck, J.R., and Herter, T.L., Observations of ultraluminous infrared galaxies with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope. II. The IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 656(1): p. 148-167.
  2. Boquien, M., Duc, P.A., Braine, J., Brinks, E., Lisenfeld, U., and Charmandaris, V., Polychromatic view of intergalactic star formation in NGC 5291. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007. 467(1): p. 93-106.
  3. Bournaud, F., Duc, P.A., Brinks, E., Boquien, M., Amram, P., Lisenfeld, U., Koribalski, B.S., Walter, F., and Charmandaris, V., Missing mass in collisional debris from galaxies. Science, 2007. 316(5828): p. 1166-1169.
  4. Brandl, B.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Devost, D., Sloan, G.C., Guilles, S., Wu, Y., Houck, J.R., Weedman, D.W., Armus, L., Appleton, P.N., Soifer, B.T., Charmandaris, V., Hao, L., Marshall, J.A., Higdon, S.J., and Herter, T.L., The mid-infrared properties of starburst galaxies from spitzer-IRS spectroscopy (vol 653, pg 1129, 2006). Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 665(1): p. 884-885.
  5. Brinkmann, W., Papadakis, I.E., and Raeth, C., Spectral variability analysis of an XMM-Newton observation of Ark 564. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007. 465(1): p. 107-118.
  6. Desai, V., Armus, L., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., Bernard-Salas, J., Brandl, B.R., Farrah, D., Soifer, B.T., Teplitz, H.I., Ogle, P.M., Devost, D., Higdon, S.J.U., Marshall, J.A., and Houck, J.R., PAH emission from ultraluminous infrared galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 669(2): p. 810-820.
  7. Farrah, D., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Soifer, B.T., Armus, L., Brandl, B., Charmandaris, V., Desai, V., Higdon, S., Devost, D., and Houck, J., High-resolution mid-infrared spectroscopy of ultraluminous infrared galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 667(1): p. 149-169.
  8. Gallo, L.C., Brandt, W.N., Costantini, E., Fabian, A.C., Iwasawa, K., and Papadakis, I.E., A longer XMM-Newton look at I Zwicky 1: variability of the X-ray continuum, absorption and iron K alpha line. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007. 377(1): p. 391-401.
  9. Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., and Brinkmann, W.P., Long-term X-ray spectral variability of the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 0558-504. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 656(2): p. 691-698.
  10. Haldoupis, C., Pancheva, D., Singer, W., Meek, C., and MacDougall, J., An explanation for the seasonal dependence of midlatitude sporadic E layers. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2007. 112(A6).
  11. Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Drakakis, E., Stackhouse, P.W., Koepke, P., Fotiadi, A., Pavlakis, K.G., and Vardavas, I., The direct effect of aerosols on solar radiation based on satellite observations, reanalysis datasets, and spectral aerosol optical properties from Global Aerosol Data Set (GADS). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007. 7(10): p. 2585-2599.
  12. Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Fotiadi, A., Stackhouse, P.W., Koepke, P., Pavlakis, K.G., and Vardavas, I., Modelling the direct effect of aerosols in the solar near-infrared on a planetary scale. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007. 7(12): p. 3211-3229.
  13. Hatzidimitriou, D., Reig, P., Manousakis, A., Pietsch, W., Burwitz, V., and Papamastorakis, I., M31N 2005-09c: a fast Fe (II) nova in the disk of M 31. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007. 464(3): p. 1075-1079.
  14. Kalivitis, N., Gerasopoulos, E., Vrekoussis, M., Kouvarakis, G., Kubilay, N., Hatzianastassiou, N., Vardavas, I., and Mihalopoulos, N., Dust transport over the eastern Mediterranean derived from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer, Aerosol Robotic Network, and surface measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2007. 112(D3).
  15. Lahuis, F., Spoon, H.W.W., Tielens, A., Doty, S.D., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Houck, J.R., Stauber, P., and van Dishoeck, E.F., Infrared molecular starburst fingerprints in deeply obscured (ultra) luminous infrared galaxy nuclei. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 659(1): p. 296-304.
  16. Markowitz, A., Papadakis, I., Arevalo, P., Turner, T.J., Miller, L., and Reeves, J.N., The energy-dependent X-ray timing characteristics of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Mrk 766. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 656(1): p. 116-128.
  17. Marshall, J.A., Herter, T.L., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Spoon, H.W.W., Bernard-Salas, J., and Houck, J.R., Decomposing dusty galaxies. I. Multicomponent spectral energy distribution fitting. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 670(1): p. 129-155.
  18. Matsoukas, C., Banks, A.C., Pavlakis, K.G., Hatzianastassiou, N., Stackhouse, P.W., and Vardavas, I., Seasonal heat budgets of the Red and Black seas. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2007. 112(C10).
  19. McHardy, I.M., Arevalo, P., Uttley, P., Papadakis, I.E., Summons, D.P., Brinkmann, W., and Page, M.J., Discovery of multiple Lorentzian components in the X-ray timing properties of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Ark 564. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007. 382(3): p. 985-994.
  20. Papadakis, I.E., Brinkmann, W., Page, M.J., McHardy, I., and Uttley, P., XMM-Newton observation of the NLS1 galaxy Ark 564 I. Spectral analysis of the time-average spectrum. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007. 461(3): p. 931-942.
  21. Papadakis, I.E., Ioannou, Z., and Kazanas, D., Fourier-resolved spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei using XMM-Newton data. I. The 3-10 keV band results. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 661(1): p. 38-51.
  22. Papadakis, I.E., Villata, M., and Raiteri, C.M., The long-term optical spectral variability of BL Lacertae. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007. 470(3): p. 857-863.
  23. Pavlakis, K.G., Hatzidimitriou, D., Drakakis, E., Matsoukas, C., Fotiadi, A., Hatzianastassiou, N., and Vardavas, I., ENSO surface longwave radiation forcing over the tropical Pacific. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007. 7(8): p. 2013-2026.
  24. Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., Larionov, V.M., Pursimo, T., Ibrahimov, M.A., Nilsson, K., Aller, M.F., Kurtanidze, O.M., Foschini, L., Ohlert, J., Papadakis, I.E., Sumitomo, N., Volvach, A., Aller, H.D., Arkharov, A.A., Bach, U., Berdyugin, A., Bottcher, M., Buemi, C.S., Calcidese, P., Charlot, P., Sanchez, A.J.D., Di Paola, A., Djupvik, A.A., Dolci, M., Efimova, N.V., Fan, J.H., Forne, E., Gomez, C.A., Gupta, A.C., Hagen-Thorn, V.A., Hooks, L., Hovatta, T., Ishii, Y., Kamada, M., Konstantinova, T., Kopatskaya, E., Kovalev, Y.A., Kovalev, Y.Y., Lahteenmaki, A., Lanteri, L., Le Campion, J.F., Lee, C.U., Leto, P., Lin, H.C., Lindfors, E., Mingaliev, M.G., Mizoguchi, S., Nicastro, F., Nikolashvili, M.G., Nishiyama, S., Ostman, L., Ovcharov, E., Paakkonen, P., Pasanen, M., Pian, E., Rector, T., Ros, J.A., Sadakane, K., Selj, J.H., Semkov, E., Sharapov, D., Somero, A., Stanev, I., Strigachev, A., Takalo, L., Tanaka, K., Tavani, M., Torniainen, I., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Vercellone, S., Valcheva, A., Volvach, L., and Yamanaka, M., WEBT and XMM-Newton observations of 3C 454.3 during the post-outburst phase - Detection of the little and big blue bumps. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007. 473(3): p. 819-827.
  25. Smith, B.J., Struck, C., Hancock, M., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., and Reach, W.T., The Spitzer spirals, bridges, and tails interacting galaxy survey: Interaction-induced star formation in the mid-infrared. Astronomical Journal, 2007. 133(3): p. 791-817.
  26. Spoon, H.W.W., Marshall, J.A., Houck, J.R., Elitzur, M., Hao, L., Armus, L., Brandl, B.R., and Charmandaris, V., Mid-infrared galaxy classification based on silicate obscuration and PAH equivalent width. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 654(1): p. L49-L52.
  27. Teplitz, H.I., Desai, V., Armus, L., Chary, R., Marshall, J.A., Colbert, J.W., Frayer, D.T., Pope, A., Blain, A., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., and Scott, D., Measuring PAH Emission in Ultradeep Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy of High-Redshift IR-Luminous Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 659(2): p. 941-949.
  28. Whelan, D.G., Devost, D., Charmandaris, V., Marshall, J.A., and Houck, J.R., Spitzer IRS imaging and spectroscopy of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6052 (Mrk 297). Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 666(2): p. 896-902.
  29. Wu, Y.L., Charmandaris, V., Hunt, L.K., Bernard-Salas, J., Brandl, B.R., Marshall, J.A., Lebouteiller, V., Hao, L., and Houck, J.R., Dust in the extremely metal-poor blue compact dwarf galaxy I Zw 18: The Spitzer mid-infrared view. Astrophysical Journal, 2007. 662(2): p. 952-958.
  1. Arevalo, P., Papadakis, I.E., Uttley, P., McHardy, I.M., and Brinkmann, W., Spectral-timing evidence for a very high state in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Ark 564. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006. 372(1): p. 401-409.
  2. Armus, L., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Marshall, J.A., Charmandaris, V., Higdon, S.J.U., Desai, V., Hao, L., Teplitz, H.I., Devost, D., Brandl, B.R., Soifer, B.T., and Houck, J.R., Detection of the buried active galactic nucleus in NGC 6240 with the infrared spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 640(1): p. 204-210.
  3. Bosinger, T., Mika, A., Shalimov, S.L., Haldoupis, C., and Neubert, T., Is there a unique signature in the ULF response to sprite-associated lightning flashes? Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2006. 111(A10).
  4. Boumis, P., Akras, S., Xilouris, E.M., Mavromatakis, F., Kapakos, E., Papamastorakis, J., and Goudis, C.D., New planetary nebulae in the Galactic bulge region with l > 0 degrees-II. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006. 367(4): p. 1551-1561.
  5. Brandl, B.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Devost, D., Sloan, G.C., Guilles, S., Wu, Y., Houck, J.R., Weedman, D.W., Armus, L., Appleton, P.N., Soifer, B.T., Charmandaris, V., Hao, L., Marshall, J.A., Higdon, S.J., and Herter, T.L., The mid-infrared properties of starburst galaxies from Spitzer-IRS spectroscopy. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 653(2): p. 1129-1144.
  6. Brookes, M.H., Lawrence, C.R., Keene, J., Stern, D., Gorijan, V., Werner, M., and Charmandaris, V., Spitzer observations of Centaurus A: Infrared synchrotron emission from the northern lobe. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 646(1): p. L41-L44.
  7. Desai, V., Armus, L., Soifer, B.T., Weedman, D.W., Higdon, S., Bian, C., Borys, C., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., Brand, K., Brown, M.J.I., Dey, A., Higdon, J., Houck, J., Jannuzi, B.T., Le Floc'h, E., Ashby, M.L.N., and Smith, H.A., IRS spectra of two ultraluminous infrared galaxies at z=1.3. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 641(1): p. 133-139.
  8. Fotiadi, A., Hatzianastassiou, N., Drakakis, E., Matsoukas, C., Pavlakis, K.G., Hatzidimitriou, D., Gerasopoulos, E., Mihalopoulos, N., and Vardavas, I., Aerosol physical and optical properties in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, Crete, from Aerosol Robotic Network data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2006. 6: p. 5399-5413.
  9. Fotiadi, A., Hatzianastassiou, N., Stackhouse, P.W., Matsoukas, C., Drakakis, E., Pavlakis, K.G., Hatzidimitriou, D., and Vardavas, I., Spatial and temporal distribution of long-term short-wave surface radiation over Greece. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2006. 132(621): p. 2693-2718.
  10. Georgantopoulos, I., Nandra, K., Brotherton, M., Georgakakis, A., Papadakis, I.E., and O'Neill, P., XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of SHEEP sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006. 367(4): p. 1727-1734.
  11. Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., and Rath, C., Correlated spectral and temporal changes in 3C 390.3: a new link between AGN and Galactic black hole binaries? Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006. 449(3): p. 969-983.
  12. Haldoupis, C., Meek, C., Christakis, N., Pancheva, D., and Bourdillon, A., Ionogram height-time-intensity observations of descending sporadic E layers at mid-latitude. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2006. 68(3-5): p. 539-557.
  13. Haldoupis, C. and Pancheva, D., Terdiurnal tidelike variability in sporadic E layers. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2006. 111(A7).
  14. Haldoupis, C., Steiner, R.J., Mika, A., Shalimov, S., Marshall, R.A., Inan, U.S., Bosinger, T., and Neubert, T., "Early/slow'' events: A new category of VLF perturbations observed in relation with sprites. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2006. 111(A11).
  15. Hatzidimitriou, D., Pietsch, W., Misanovic, Z., Reig, P., and Haberl, F., Spectroscopy of the brightest optical counterparts of X-ray sources in the direction of M 31 and M 33. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006. 451(3): p. 835-843.
  16. Kylafis, N., Glannios, D., and Psaltis, D., Spectra and time variability of black-hole binaries in the low/hard state. Advances in Space Research, 2006. 38(12): p. 2810-2812.
  17. Le Floc'h, E., Charmandaris, V., Forrest, W.J., Mirabel, I.F., Armus, L., and Devost, D., Probing cosmic star formation using long gamma-ray bursts: New constraints from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 642(2): p. 636-652.
  18. Mika, A., Haldoupis, C., Neubert, T., Su, H.T., Hsu, R.R., Steiner, R.J., and Marshall, R.A., Early VLF perturbations observed in association with elves. Annales Geophysicae, 2006. 24(8): p. 2179-2189.
  19. Misanovic, Z., Pietsch, W., Haberl, F., Ehle, M., Hatzidimitriou, D., and Trinchieri, G., An XMM-Newton survey of the Local Group galaxy M33 - variability of the detected sources. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006. 448(3): p. 1247-U1120.
  20. Misiriotis, A., Xilouris, E.M., Papamastorakis, J., Boumis, P., and Goudis, C.D., The distribution of the ISM in the Milky Way - A three-dimensional large-scale model. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006. 459(1): p. 113-123.
  21. Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., Kadler, M., Ibrahimov, M.A., Kurtanidze, O.M., Larionov, V.M., Tornikoski, M., Boltwood, P., Lee, C.U., Aller, M.F., Romero, G.E., Aller, H.D., Araudo, A.T., Arkharov, A.A., Bach, U., Barnaby, D., Berdyugin, A., Buemi, C.S., Carini, M.T., Carosati, D., Cellone, S.A., Cool, R., Dolci, M., Efimova, N.V., Fuhrmann, L., Hagen-Thorn, V.A., Holcomb, M., Ilyin, I., Impellizzeri, V., Ivanidze, R.Z., Kapanadze, B.Z., Kerp, J., Konstantinova, T.S., Kovalev, Y.Y., Kovalev, Y.A., Kraus, A., Krichbaum, T.P., Lahteenmaki, A., Lanteri, L., Leto, P., Lindfors, E., Mattox, J.R., Napoleone, N., Nikolashvili, M.G., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J., Papadakis, I.E., Pasanen, M., Poteet, C., Pursimo, T., Ros, E., Sigua, L.A., Smith, S., Takalo, L.O., Trigilio, C., Troller, M., Umana, G., Ungerechts, H., Walters, R., Witzel, A., and Xilouris, E., Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164 - The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006. 459(3): p. 731-743.
  22. Reig, P., Papadakis, I.E., Shrader, C.R., and Kazanas, D., Fourier-resolved spectroscopy of 4U 1543-47 during the 2002 outburst. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 644(1): p. 424-431.
  23. Shalimov, S.L., Lapshin, V.M., and Haldoupis, C., Structure of planetary disturbances of the mid-latitude ionosphere according to observations of GPS satellites. Cosmic Research, 2006. 44(6): p. 463-467.
  24. Spoon, H.W.W., Tielens, A., Armus, L., Sloan, G.C., Sargent, B., Cami, J., Charmandaris, V., Houck, J.R., and Soifer, B.T., The detection of crystalline silicates in ultraluminous infrared galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 638(2): p. 759-765.
  25. Teplitz, H.I., Armus, L., Soifer, B.T., Charmandaris, V., Marshall, J.A., Spoon, H., Lawrence, C., Hao, L., Higdon, S., Wu, Y., Lacy, M., Eisenhardt, P.R., Herter, T., and Houck, J.R., Silicate emission in the Spitzer IRS spectrum of FSC 10214+4724. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 638(1): p. L1-L4.
  26. van der Velde, O.A., Mika, A., Soula, S., Haldoupis, C., Neubert, T., and Inan, U.S., Observations of the relationship between sprite morphology and in-cloud lightning processes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2006. 111(D15).
  27. Wu, Y.L., Charmandaris, V., Hao, L., Brandl, B.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., and Houck, J.R., Mid-infrared properties of low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies from the Spitzer infrared spectrograph. Astrophysical Journal, 2006. 639(1): p. 157-172.
  28. Xilouris, E.M., Papadakis, I.E., Boumis, P., Dapergolas, A., Alikakos, J., Papamastorakis, J., Smith, N., and Goudis, C.D., B and I-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac objects S5 2007+777 and 3C 371. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2006. 448(1): p. 143-153.
  1. Arevalo, P., Papadakis, I., Kuhlbrodt, B., and Brinkmann, W., X-ray to UV variability correlation in MCG-6-30-15. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005. 430(2): p. 435-442.
  2. Bottcher, M., Harvey, J., Joshi, M., Villata, M., Raiteri, C.M., Bramel, D., Mukherjee, R., Savolainen, T., Cui, W., Fossati, G., Smith, I.A., Able, D., Aller, H.D., Aller, M.F., Arkharov, A.A., Augusteijn, T., Baliyan, K., Barnaby, D., Berdyugin, A., Benitez, E., Boltwood, P., Carini, M., Carosati, D., Ciprini, S., Coloma, J.M., Crapanzano, S., de Diego, J.A., Di Paola, A., Dolci, M., Fan, J., Frasca, A., Hagen-Thorn, V., Horan, D., Ibrahimov, M., Kimeridze, G.N., Kovalev, Y.A., Kovalev, Y.Y., Kurtanidze, O., Lahteenmaki, A., Lanteri, L., Larionov, V.M., Larionova, E.G., Lindfors, E., Marilli, E., Mirabal, N., Nikolashvili, M., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J.M., Ohnishi, T., Oksanen, A., Ostorero, L., Oyer, G., Papadakis, I., Pasanen, M., Poteet, C., Pursimo, T., Sadakane, K., Sigua, L.A., Takalo, L., Tartar, J.B., Terasranta, H., Tosti, G., Walters, R., Wiik, K., Wilking, B.A., Wills, W., Xilouris, E., Fletcher, A.B., Gu, M., Lee, C.U., Pak, S., and Yim, H.S., Coordinated multiwavelength observation of 3C 66A during the WEBT campaign of 2003-2004. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 631(1): p. 169-186.
  3. Bourdillon, A., Haldoupis, C., Hanuise, C., Le Roux, Y., and Menard, J., Long duration meteor echoes characterized by Doppler spectrum bifurcation. Geophysical Research Letters, 2005. 32(5).
  4. Brinkmann, W., Papadakis, I.E., Raeth, C., Mimica, P., and Haberl, F., XMM-Newton timing mode observations of Mrk 421. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005. 443(2): p. 397-411.
  5. Dasyra, K.M., Xilouris, E.M., Misiriotis, A., and Kylafis, N.D., Is the Galactic submillimeter dust emissivity underestimated? Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005. 437(2): p. 447-456.
  6. Fotiadi, A., Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Pavlakis, K.G., Drakakis, E., Hatzidimitriou, D., and Vardavas, I., Analysis of the decrease in the tropical mean outgoing shortwave radiation at the top of atmosphere for the period 1984-2000. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2005. 5: p. 1721-1730.
  7. Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M.P., Kent, B.R., Perillat, P., Saintonge, A., Brosch, N., Catinella, B., Hoffman, G.L., Stierwalt, S., Spekkens, K., Lerner, M.S., Masters, K.L., Momjian, E., Rosenberg, J.L., Springob, C.M., Boselli, A., Charmandaris, V., Darling, J.K., Davies, J., Lambas, D.G., Gavazzi, G., Giovanardi, C., Hardy, E., Hunt, L.K., Iovino, A., Karachentsev, I.D., Karachentseva, V.E., Koopmann, R.A., Marinoni, C., Minchin, R., Muller, E., Putman, M., Pantoja, C., Salzer, J.J., Scodeggio, M., Skillman, E., Solanes, J.M., Valotto, C., van Driel, W., and van Zee, L., The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey. I. Science goals, survey design, and strategy. Astronomical Journal, 2005. 130(6): p. 2598-2612.
  8. Haldoupis, C., Ogawa, T., Schlegel, K., Koehler, J.A., and Ono, T., Is there a plasma density gradient role on the generation of short-scale Farley-Buneman waves? Annales Geophysicae, 2005. 23(10): p. 3323-3337.
  9. Hao, L., Spoon, H.W.W., Sloan, G.C., Marshall, J.A., Armus, L., Tielens, A., Sargent, B., van Bemmel, I.M., Charmandaris, V., Weedman, D.W., and Houck, J.R., The detection of silicate emission from quasars at 10 and 18 microns. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 625(2): p. L75-L78.
  10. Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Fotiadi, A., Pavlakis, K.G., Drakakis, E., Hatzidimitriou, D., and Vardavas, I., Global distribution of Earth's surface shortwave radiation budget. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2005. 5: p. 2847-2867.
  11. Hatzidimitriou, D., Stanimirovic, S., Maragoudaki, F., Staveley-Smith, L., Dapergolas, A., and Bratsolis, E., On the properties of H-I shells in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005. 360(3): p. 1171-1184.
  12. Houck, J.R., Soifer, B.T., Weedman, D., Higdon, S.J.U., Higdon, J.L., Herter, T., Brown, M.J.I., Dey, A., Jannuzi, B.T., Le Floc'h, E., Rieke, M., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Brandl, B.R., and Teplitz, H.I., Spectroscopic redshifts to z > 2 for optically obscured sources discovered with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 622(2): p. L105-L108.
  13. Kasliwal, M.M., Charmandaris, V., Weedman, D., Houck, J.R., Le Floc'h, E., Higdon, S.J.U., Armus, L., and Teplitz, H.I., Identifying silicate-absorbed Ulirgs at z similar to 1-2 in the bootes field using the Spitzer IRS. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 634(1): p. L1-L4.
  14. Ksanfomality, L., Papamastorakis, G., and Thomas, N., The planet Mercury: Synthesis of resolved images of unknown part in the longitude range 250-290 degrees W. Planetary and Space Science, 2005. 53(8): p. 849-859.
  15. Lisse, C.M., A'Hearn, M.F., Groussin, O., Fernandez, Y.R., Belton, M.J.S., van Cleve, J.E., Charmandaris, V., Meech, K.J., and McGleam, C., Rotationally resolved 8-35 micron Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the nucleus of comet 9P/Tempel 1. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 625(2): p. L139-L142.
  16. Matsoukas, C., Banks, A.C., Hatzianastassiou, N., Pavlakis, K.G., Hatzidimitriou, D., Drakakis, E., Stackhouse, P.W., and Vardavas, I., Seasonal heat budget of the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2005. 110(C12).
  17. Mavromatakis, F., Boumis, P., Xilouris, E., Papamastorakis, J., and Alikakos, J., The faint supernova remnant G 116.5+1.1 and the detection of a new candidate remnant. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005. 435(1): p. 141-149.
  18. Mika, A., Haldoupis, C., Marshall, R.A., Neubert, T., and Inan, U.S., Subionospheric VLF signatures and their association with sprites observed during EuroSprite 2003. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2005. 67(16): p. 1580-1597.
  19. Neubert, T., Allin, T.H., Blanc, E., Farges, T., Haldoupis, C., Mika, A., Soula, S., Knutsson, L., van der Velde, O., Marshall, R.A., Inan, U., Satori, G., Bor, J., Hughes, A., Collier, A., Laursen, S., and Rasmussen, I.L., Co-ordinated observations of transient luminous events during the EuroSprite2003 campaign. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2005. 67(8-9): p. 807-820.
  20. O'Neill, P.M., Nandra, K., Papadakis, I.E., and Turner, T.J., The relationship between X-ray variability amplitude and black hole mass in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005. 358(4): p. 1405-1416.
  21. Papadakis, I.E., Kazanas, D., and Akylas, A., Fourier-resolved spectroscopy of the XMM-Newton observations of MCG-06-30-15. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 631(2): p. 727-732.
  22. Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., Ibrahimov, M.A., Larionov, V.M., Kadler, M., Aller, H.D., Aller, M.F., Kovalev, Y.Y., Lanteri, L., Nilsson, K., Papadakis, I.E., Pursimo, T., Romero, G.E., Terasranta, H., Tornikoski, M., Arkharov, A.A., Barnaby, D., Berdyugin, A., Bottcher, M., Byckling, K., Carini, M.T., Carosati, D., Cellone, S.A., Ciprini, S., Combi, J.A., Crapanzano, S., Crowe, R., Di Paola, A., Dolci, M., Fuhrmann, L., Gu, M., Hagen-Thorn, V.A., Hakala, P., Impellizzeri, V., Jorstad, S., Kerp, J., Kimeridze, G.N., Kovalev, Y.A., Kraus, A., Krichbaum, T.P., Kurtanidze, O.M., Lahteenmaki, A., Lindfors, E., Mingaliev, M.G., Nesci, R., Nikolashvili, M.G., Ohlert, J., Orio, M., Ostorero, L., Pasanen, M., Pati, A., Poteet, C., Ros, E., Ros, J.A., Shastri, P., Sigua, L.A., Sillanpaa, A., Smith, N., Takalo, L.O., Tosti, G., Vasileva, A., Wagner, S.J., Walters, R., Webb, J.R., Wills, W., Witzel, A., and Xilouris, E., The WEBT campaign to observe AO 0235+16 in the 2003-2004 observing season - Results from radio-to-optical monitoring and XMM-Newton observations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005. 438(1): p. 39-53.
  23. Reig, P., Negueruela, I., Papamastorakis, G., Manousakis, A., and Kougentakis, T., Identification of the optical counterparts of high-mass X-ray binaries through optical photometry and spectroscopy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005. 440(2): p. 637-646.
  24. Shalimov, S. and Haldoupis, C., E-region wind-driven electrical coupling of patchy sporadic-E and spread-F at midlatitude. Annales Geophysicae, 2005. 23(6): p. 2095-2105.
  25. Smith, B.J., Struck, C., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., Reach, W., and Eitter, J.J., Using Spitzer colors as diagnostics of star formation regions: The interacting galaxy Arp 107. Astronomical Journal, 2005. 130(5): p. 2117-2127.
  26. Teplitz, H.I., Charmandaris, V., Chary, R., Colbert, J.W., Armus, L., and Weedman, D., 16 mu m imaging around the Hubble deep field-north with the Spitzer IRS. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 634(1): p. 128-136.
  27. Vardavas, I.M., The dependence of the Rossby number and XUV-Ly alpha emission flux with age for solar-like G-type stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005. 363(1): p. L51-L55.
  28. Verma, A., Charmandaris, V., Klaas, U., Lutz, D., and Haas, M., Obscured activity: AGN, quasars, starbursts and ULIGs observed by the Infrared Space Observatory. Space Science Reviews, 2005. 119(1-4): p. 355-407.
  29. Weedman, D.W., Hao, L., Higdon, S.J.U., Devost, D., Wu, Y.L., Charmandaris, V., Brandl, B., Bass, E., and Houck, J.R., Mid-infrared spectra of classical agns observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 633(2): p. 706-716.
  30. Wilson, C.A., Weisskopf, M.C., Finger, M.H., Coe, M.J., Greiner, J., Reig, P., and Papamastorakis, G., Discovery of a Be/X-ray binary consistent with the position of GRO J2058+42. Astrophysical Journal, 2005. 622(2): p. 1024-1032.

Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Publications

  1. Sofikitis D., Stamatakis M.G., Papazoglou D.G., Rakitzis T.P. , "Isolated spin polarized hydrogen atoms as targets for laser-induced polarized electron acceleration", Frontiers in Physics, (2024), 12(), DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1480868

  2. Tserevelakis G.J., Pirgianaki E., Melessanaki K., Zacharakis G., Fotakis C. , "Non-Invasive Optoacoustic Imaging for In-Depth Cultural Heritage Diagnostics", Photonics, (2024), 11(10), DOI: 10.3390/photonics11100902

  3. Vrettou C.S., Kominis I.K. , "Letter to the Editor for: “Covert Consciousness in Acute Brain Injury Revealed by Automated Pupillometry and Cognitive Paradigms”", Neurocritical Care, (2024), 41(1), DOI: 10.1007/s12028-024-02023-0

  4. Zhang X., Kim J.B., Antypas D. , "Coherent amplitude modulation of continuous-wave light in cesium vapor", Optics Letters, (2024), 49(12), DOI: 10.1364/OL.522219

  5. Laoutaris A., Nanos S., Biniskos A., Passalidis S., Benis E.P., Dubois A., Zouros T.J.M. , "Projectile excitation to autoionizing states in swift collisions of open-shell He-like ions with helium", Physical Review A, (2024), 109(3), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.032825

  6. Nanos S., Papigkiotis I., Antypas D. , "Studies of Parity Violation in Atoms", Annalen der Physik, (2024), (), DOI: 10.1002/andp.202400261

  7. Kominis I.K. , "Quantum Thermodynamic Derivation of the Energy Resolution Limit in Magnetometry", Physical Review Letters, (2024), 133(26), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.263201

  8. Shirozhan M., Mondal S., Grósz T., Nagyillés B., Farkas B., Nayak A., Ahmed N., Dey I., De Marco S.C., Nelissen K., Kiss M., Oldal L.G., Csizmadia T., Filus Z., De Marco M., Madas S., Kahaly M.U., Charalambidis D., Tzallas P., Appi E., Weissenbilder R., Eng-Johnsson P., L’Huillier A., Diveki Z., Major B., Varjú K., Kahaly S. , "High-Repetition-Rate Attosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Beamlines at ELI ALPS for Studying Ultrafast Phenomena", Ultrafast Science, (2024), 4(), DOI: 10.34133/ultrafastscience.0067

  9. Rakitzis T.P., Koutrakis M.E., Katsoprinakis G.E. , "‘The ‘Vector-Model’ wavefunction: spatial description and wavepacket formation of quantum-mechanical angular momenta’", Physica Scripta, (2024), 99(7), DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ad4ea1

  1. Angelaki, D., Kavatzikidou, P., Fotakis, C., Stratakis, E., Ranella, A., "Laser-Structured Si and PLGA Inhibit the Neuro2a Differentiation in Mono- and Co-Culture with Glia", (2023) Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 20 (1), pp. 111-125. ,DOI: 10.1007/s13770-022-00497-7

  2. Esponda, N.J., Nanos, S., Quinto, M.A., Zouros, T.J.M., Rivarola, R.D., Benis, E.P., Monti, J.M., "Binary Encounter Electrons in Fast Dressed-Ion–H2 Collisions: Distorted Wave Theories and Experiment", (2023) Atoms, 11 (2), art. no. 17, DOI: 10.3390/atoms11020017

  3. Kominis, I.K., "Physiological Search for Quantum Biological Sensing Effects Based on the Wigner–Yanase Connection between Coherence and Uncertainty", (2023) Advanced Quantum Technologies, DOI: 10.1002/qute.202300292

  4. Komis, I., Musslimani, Z.H., Makris, K.G., "Skin solitons", (2023) Optics Letters, 48 (24), pp. 6525-6528. ,DOI: 10.1364/OL.504192

  5. Mouloudakis, G., Lambropoulos, P., "Non-Hermitian landscape of autoionization", (2023) Physical Review A, 108 (6), art. no. 063104, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.063104

  6. Mouloudakis, G., Stergou, I., Lambropoulos, P., "Non-Markovianity in the time evolution of open quantum systems assessed by means of quantum state distance", (2023) Physica Scripta, 98 (8), art. no. 085111, DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ace0de

  7. Mouloudakis, K., Vouzinas, F., Margaritakis, A., Koutsimpela, A., Mouloudakis, G., Koutrouli, V., Skotiniotis, M., Tsironis, G.P., Loulakis, M., Mitchell, M.W., Vasilakis, G., Kominis, I.K., "Interspecies spin-noise correlations in hot atomic vapors", (2023) Physical Review A, 108 (5), art. no. 052822, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.052822

  8. Nanos, S., Biniskos, A., Laoutaris, A., Andrianis, M., Zouros, T.J.M., Lagoyannis, A., Benis, E.P., "Determination of the ion beam energy width in tandem Van de Graaff accelerators via Auger projectile spectroscopy", (2023) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 541, pp. 93-98. ,DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.05.027

  9. Nanos, S., Esponda, N.J., Hillenbrand, P.-M., Biniskos, A., Laoutaris, A., Quinto, M.A., Petridis, N., Menz, E., Zouros, T.J.M., Stöhlker, T., Rivarola, R.D., Monti, J.M., Benis, E.P., "Cusp-electron production in collisions of open-shell He-like oxygen ions with atomic targets", (2023) Physical Review A, 107 (6), art. no. 062815, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.107.062815

  10. Patramanis-Thalassinakis, C., Karavelas, P.S., Kominis, I.K., "A magnetic falling-sphere viscometer", (2023) Journal of Applied Physics, 134 (16), art. no. 164701, DOI: 10.1063/5.0160731

  11. Tsafas, V., Lamprou, T., Skantzakis, E., Nayak, A., Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., Orfanos, I., "Generation of micro-Joule level coherent quasi-continuum extreme ultraviolet radiation using multi-cycle intense laser-atom interactions", (2023) Optics Communications, 535, art. no. 129359, DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129359

  12. Vassakis, E., Madas, S., Spachis, L., Lamprou, T., Orfanos, I., Kahaly, S., Upadhyay Kahaly, M., Charalambidis, D., Skantzakis, E., "Energetic, tunable, highly elliptically polarized higher harmonics generated by intense two-color counter-rotating laser fields", (2023) Physical Review A, 108 (5), art. no. 053112, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.053112

  13. Xygkis, M., Linaraki, A.N., Toutoudaki, E.N., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Rakitzis, T.P., "Absorption coefficients and scattering losses of TGG, TGP, KTF, FS, and CeF3 magneto-optical crystals in the visible via cavity ring-down spectroscopy", (2023) Applied Optics, 62 (29), pp. 7730-7735. ,DOI: 10.1364/AO.496780

  1. Filippidis, G., Tserevelakis, G.J., Mari, M., Zacharakis, G., Fotakis, C., "Emerging photonic technologies for cultural heritage studies: the examples of non-linear optical microscopy and photoacoustic imaging", (2022) Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 128 (11), art. no. 982, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-022-06118-3
  2. Kannis, C.S., Suarez, J., Rakitzis, T.P., "Macroscopic production of spin-polarised hydrogen atoms from the IR-excitation and photodissociation of molecular beams", (2022) Molecular Physics, 120 (1-2), art. no. e1975053, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2021.1975053
  3. Kominis, I.K., Loulakis, M., "Quantum advantage in biometric authentication with single photons", (2022) Journal of Applied Physics, 131 (8), art. no. 084401, DOI: 10.1063/5.0080942
  4. Laoutaris, A., Nanos, S., Madesis, I., Passalidis, S., Benis, E.P., Dubois, A., Zouros, T.J.M., "Coherent treatment of transfer-excitation processes in swift ion-atom collisions", (2022) Physical Review A, 106 (2), art. no. 022810, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.022810
  5. Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Nanos, S., Passalidis, S., Dubois, A., Zouros, T.J.M., Benis, E.P., "State-resolved differential cross sections of single-electron capture in swift collisions of C4+(1s2s 3S) ions with gas targets", (2022) Physical Review A, 105 (6), art. no. 062810, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.062810
  6. Mari, M., Tsafas, V., Staraki, D., Fotakis, C., Filippidis, G., "Comparison between Cylindrical, Trigonal, and General Symmetry Models for the Analysis of Polarization-Dependent Second Harmonic Generation Measurements Acquired from Collagen-Rich Equine Pericardium Samples", (2022) Photonics, 9 (4), art. no. 254, DOI: 10.3390/photonics9040254
  7. Mondal, S., Shirozhan, M., Choudhary, S., Nelissen, K., Tzallas, P., Charalambidis, D., Varjú, K., Kahaly, S., "Intense isolated attosecond pulses from two-color few-cycle laser driven relativistic surface plasma", (2022) Scientific Reports, 12 (1), art. no. 13668, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-17762-3
  8. Mouloudakis, G., Ilias, T., Lambropoulos, P., "Arbitrary-length XX spin chains boundary-driven by non-Markovian environments", (2022) Physical Review A, 105 (1), art. no. 012429, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.012429
  9. Mouloudakis, G., Lambropoulos, P., "Coalescence of non-Markovian dissipation, quantum Zeno effect, and non-Hermitian physics in a simple realistic quantum system", (2022) Physical Review A, 106 (5), art. no. 053709, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.053709
  10. Mouloudakis, K., Vasilakis, G., Lucivero, V.G., Kong, J., Kominis, I.K., Mitchell, M.W., "Effects of spin-exchange collisions on the fluctuation spectra of hot alkali-metal vapors", (2022) Physical Review A, 106 (2), art. no. 023112, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.023112
  11. Nanos, S., Quinto, M.A., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Zouros, T.J.M., Rivarola, R.D., Monti, J.M., Benis, E.P., "Subshell contributions to electron capture into the continuum in MeV/u collisions of deuterons with multielectron targets", (2022) Physical Review A, 105 (2), art. no. 022806, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.022806
  12. Orfanos, I., Skantzakis, E., Nayak, A., Dumergue, M., Kühn, S., Sansone, G., Kling, M.F., Schröder, H., Bergues, B., Csontos, J., Toth, S., Börzönyi, Á., Kahaly, S., Varjú, K., Forembski, A., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Tzallas, P., Charalambidis, D., "Two-XUV-photon double ionization of neon", (2022) Physical Review A, 106 (4), art. no. 043317, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.043117
  13. Pedram, A., Müstecaplloǧlu, Ö.E., Kominis, I.K., "Using quantum states of light to probe the retinal network", (2022) Physical Review Research, 4 (3), art. no. 033060, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033060
  14. Tsafas, V., Oikonomidis, I., Gavgiotaki, E., Tzamali, E., Tzedakis, G., Fotakis, C., Athanassakis, I., Filippidis, G., "Application of a Deep-Learning Technique to Non-Linear Images from Human Tissue Biopsies for Shedding New Light on Breast Cancer Diagnosis", (2022) IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26 (3), pp. 1188-1195, DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2021.3104002
  1. Haniel, F.E., Schroder, H., Kahaly, S., Nayak, A., Dumergue, M., Mondal, S., Zoltan, F., Flender, R., Kurucz, M., Haizer, L., Kiss, B., Charalambidis, D., Kling, M.F., Tzallas, P., and Bergues, B., "Saturating multiple ionization in intense mid-infrared laser fields". New Journal of Physics, 2021. 23(5): 053026  
  2. Harissopulos, S., Andrianis, M., Axiotis, M., Lagoyannis, A., Karydas, A.G., Kotsina, Z., Laoutaris, A., Apostolopoulos, G., Theodorou, A., Zouros, T.J.M., Madesis, I., and Benis, E.P., "The Tandem Accelerator Laboratory of NCSR "Demokritos": current status and perspectives". European Physical Journal Plus, 2021. 136(6): 617  
  3. Kannis, C.S. and Rakitzis, T.P., "Macroscopic production of highly nuclear-spin-polarized molecules from IR-excitation and photodissociation of molecular beams". Chemical Physics Letters, 2021. 784: 139092  
  4. Kannis, C.S., Suarez, J., and Rakitzis, T.P., "Macroscopic production of spin-polarised hydrogen atoms from the IR-excitation and photodissociation of molecular beams". Molecular Physics, 2022. 120(1-2): e1975053  
  5. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., "Squeezed Coherent States in Double Optical Resonance". Photonics, 2021. 8(3): 72  
  6. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., "Entanglement instability in the interaction of two qubits with a common non-Markovian environment". Quantum Information Processing, 2021. 20(10): 331  
  7. Mouloudakis, K. and Kominis, I.K., "Spin-exchange collisions in hot vapors creating and sustaining bipartite entanglement".Physical Review A, 2021. 103(1): L010401 
  8. Orfanos, I., Skantzakis, E., Liontos, I., Tzallas, P., and Charalambidis, D., "Ponderomotive shifts induced by intense laser-driven coherent extreme ultraviolet radiation". Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2021. 54(8): 084002 
  9. Rakitzis, T.P., "Transition states and spin-orbit structure". Science, 2021. 371(6532) p.886-887
  10. Spiliotis, A.K., Xygkis, M., Koutrakis, M.E., Tazes, K., Boulogiannis, G.K., Kannis, C.S., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., and Rakitzis, T.P., "Ultrahigh-density spin-polarized hydrogen isotopes from the photodissociation of hydrogen halides: new applications for laser-ion acceleration, magnetometry, and polarized nuclear fusion". Light-Science & Applications, 2021. 10(1): 35  
  11. Spiliotis, A.K.,  Xygkis, M.,  Koutrakis, M.E.,  Sofikitis, D., Rakitzis, T.P. "Depolarization of Spin-Polarized Hydrogen via Collisions with Chlorine Atoms at Ultrahigh Density", Chemical Physics Impact, 2021, Volume 2, 100022
  12. Spiliotis, A.K., Xygkis, M., Tazes, K., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., Vasilakis, G., and Rakitzis, T.P., "A nanosecond-resolved atomic hydrogen magnetometer". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021. 23(38) p.21521-21531
  13. Tsafas, V., Giouroukou, K., Kounakis, K., Mari, M., Fotakis, C., Tavernarakis, N., and Filippidis, G., "Monitoring aging-associated structural alterations in Caenorhabditis elegans striated muscles via polarization-dependent second-harmonic generation measurements". Journal of Biophotonics, 2021. 14(12): e202100173  
  1. Angelaki, D., Kavatzikidou, P., Fotakis, C., Stratakis, E., and Ranella, A., "Laser-induced topographies enable the spatial patterning of co-cultured peripheral nervous system cells". Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 2020. 115: 111144  
  2. Benis, E.P., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Nikolaou, S., Dubois, A., Gorczyca, T.W., and Zouros, T.J.M., "Population of the 1s2s(3S)nl 2L states in collisions of mixed-state (1s2 1S, 1s2s 3S) B3+ and C4+ ion beams with He and H2 targets". X-Ray Spectrometry, 2020. 49(1) p.54-59
  3. Kominis, I.K., "Quantum relative entropy shows singlet-triplet coherence is a resource in the radical-pair mechanism of biological magnetic sensing". Physical Review Research, 2020. 2(2): 023206  
  4. Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Zouros, T.J.M., Benis, E.P., Gao, J.W., and Dubois, A., "Pauli Shielding and Breakdown of Spin Statistics in Multielectron Multi-Open-Shell Dynamical Atomic Systems". Physical Review Letters, 2020. 124(11): 113401  
  5. Makos, I., Orfanos, I., Nayak, A., Peschel, J., Major, B., Liontos, I., Skantzakis, E., Papadakis, N., Kalpouzos, C., Dumergue, M., Kuhn, S., Varju, K., Johnsson, P., L'Huillier, A., Tzallas, P., and Charalambidis, D., "A 10-gigawatt attosecond source for non-linear XUV optics and XUV-pump-XUV-probe studies". Scientific Reports, 2020. 10(1): 3759  
  6. Makos, I., Orfanos, I., Skantzakis, E., Liontos, I., Tzallas, P., Forembski, A., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., and Charalambidis, D., "Strong-field effects induced in the extreme ultraviolet domain". High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2020. 8: e44  
  7. Margaritakis, A., Anyfantaki, G., Mouloudakis, K., Gratsea, A., and Kominis, I.K., "Spatially selective and quantum-statistics-limited light stimulus for retina biometrics and pupillometry". Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 2020. 126(6): 99  
  8. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., "Multi-photon enhancement of the Schwinger pair production mechanism under strong FEL radiation". Physics Letters B, 2020. 811: 135987  
  9. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., "Pairing superbunching with compounded nonlinearity in a resonant transition". Physical Review A, 2020. 102(2): 023713  
  10. Orfanos, I., Makos, I., Liontos, I., Skantzakis, E., Major, B., Nayak, A., Dumergue, M., Kuehn, S., Kahaly, S., Varju, K., Sansone, G., Witzel, B., Kalpouzos, C., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Tzallas, P., and Charalambidis, D., "Non-linear processes in the extreme ultraviolet". Journal of Physics-Photonics, 2020. 2(4): 042003  
  11. Papanikolaou, A., Tserevelakis, G.J., Melessanaki, K., Fotakis, C., Zacharakis, G., and Pouli, P., "Development of a hybrid photoacoustic and optical monitoring system for the study of laser ablation processes upon the removal of encrustation from stonework". Opto-Electronic Advances, 2020. 3(2): 190037  
  12. Tsafas, V., Gavgiotaki, E., Tzardi, M., Tsafa, E., Fotakis, C., Athanassakis, I., and Filippidis, G., "Polarization-dependent second-harmonic generation for collagen-based differentiation of breast cancer samples". Journal of Biophotonics, 2020. 13(10): e202000180  
  13. Spiliotis, A.K., Xygkis, M., Klironomou, E., Kardamaki, E., Boulogiannis, G.K., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., and Rakitzis, T.P., "Optical activity of lysozyme in solution at 532 nm via signal -reversing cavity ring -down polarimetry". Chemical Physics Letters, 2020. 747: 137345  
  14. Spiliotis, A.K., Xygkis, M., Klironomou, E., Kardamaki, E., Boulogiannis, G.K., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., and Rakitzis, T.P., "Gas-phase optical activity measurements using a compact cavity ringdown polarimeter". Laser Physics, 2020. 30(7): 075602  
  15. Yamanouchi, K. and Charalambidis, D., Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XV Preface, in Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science Xv, K. Yamanouchi and D. Charalambidis, Editors. 2020. p. V-VI.
  16. Ye, P., Csizmadia, T., Oldal, L.G., Gopalakrishna, H.N., Fule, M., Filus, Z., Nagyilles, B., Diveki, Z., Grosz, T., Dumergue, M., Jojart, P., Seres, I., Bengery, Z., Zuba, V., Varallyay, Z., Major, B., Frassetto, F., Devetta, M., Lucarelli, G.D., Lucchini, M., Maio, B., Stagira, S., Vozzi, C., Poletto, L., Nisoli, M., Charalambidis, D., Kahaly, S., Zair, A., and Varju, K., "Attosecond pulse generation at ELI-ALPS 100 kHz repetition rate beamline". Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2020. 53(15): 154004  
  17. Zouros, T.J.M., Nikolaou, S., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Nanos, S., Dubois, A., and Benis, E.P., "Radiative Cascade Repopulation of 1s2s2p 4P States Formed by Single Electron Capture in 2-18 MeV Collisions of C4+ (1s2s 3S) with He". Atoms, 2020. 8(3): 61  
  1. Boulogiannis, G.K., Kannis, C.S., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., and Rakitzis, T.P., "Spin-Polarized Hydrogen Depolarization Rates at High Hydrogen Halide Pressures: Hyperfine Depolarization via the HY-H Complex".Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019. 123(38) p.8130-8134
  2. Chatziathanasiou, S., Kahaly, S., Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., and Skantzakis, E., "Imaging the source of high-harmonics generated in atomic gas media". Optics Express, 2019. 27(7) p.9733-9739
  3. Chatziathanasiou, S., Liontos, I., Skantzakis, E., Kahaly, S., Kahaly, M.U., Tsatrafyllis, N., Faucher, O., Witzel, B., Papadakis, N., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., "Quantum path interferences in high-order harmonic generation from aligned diatomic molecules". Physical Review A, 2019. 100(6): 061404  
  4. Hammerland, D., Zhang, P., Kuhn, S., Jojart, P., Seres, I., Zuba, V., Varallyay, Z., Charalambidis, D., Osvay, K., Luu, T.T., and Woerner, H.J., "Reconstruction of attosecond pulses in the presence of interfering dressing fields using a 100 kHz laser system at ELI-ALPS". Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2019. 52(23): 23lt01  
  5. Huetzen, A., Thomas, J., Boeker, J., Engels, R., Gebel, R., Lehrach, A., Pukhov, A., Rakitzis, T.P., Sofikitis, D., and Buescher, M., "Polarized proton beams from laser-induced plasmas". High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2019. 7: e16  
  6. Katsoprinakis, G.E. and Rakitzis, T.P., "Cavity-based chiral polarimetry: parity nonconserving optical rotation in Cs, Dy, and HgH". Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2019. 52(21): 213501  
  7. Kose, E., Cakmak, S., Gencten, A., Kominis, I.K., and Mustecaplioglu, O.E., "Algorithmic quantum heat engines".Physical Review E, 2019. 100(1): 012109  
  8. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., "Revisiting photon-statistics effects on multiphoton ionization. II. Connection to realistic systems". Physical Review A, 2019. 99(6): 063419  
  9. Mouloudakis, K., Loulakis, M., and Kominis, I.K., “Quantum trajectories in spin-exchange collisions reveal the nature of spin-noise correlations in multispecies alkali-metal vapors”,  Phys. Rev. Research, 2019,  1, 033017
  10. Orfanos, I., Makos, I., Liontos, I., Skantzakis, E., Foerg, B., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., "Attosecond pulse metrology". Apl Photonics, 2019. 4(8): 080901  
  11. Ott, C., Aufleger, L., Ding, T., Rebholz, M., Magunia, A., Hartmann, M., Stooss, V., Wachs, D., Birk, P., Borisova, G.D., Meyer, K., Rupprecht, P., Castanheira, C.d.C., Moshammer, R., Attar, A.R., Gaumnitz, T., Loh, Z.-H., Dueterer, S., Treusch, R., Ullrich, J., Jiang, Y., Meyer, M., Lambropoulos, P., and Pfeifer, T., "Strong-Field Extreme-Ultraviolet Dressing of Atomic Double Excitation". Physical Review Letters, 2019. 123(16): 163201 
  12. Sofikitis, D., Kannis, C.S., Boulogiannis, G.K., Katsoprinakis, G.E., and Rakitzis, T.P., "Photofragment spin-polarization measurements via magnetization quantum beats: dynamics of DI photodissociation". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019. 21(26) p.14000-14004
  13. Wu, Y., Ji, L., Geng, X., Yu, Q., Wang, N., Feng, B., Guo, Z., Wang, W., Qin, C., Yan, X., Zhang, L., Thomas, J., Huetzen, A., Buescher, M., Rakitzis, T.P., Pukhov, A., Shen, B., and Li, R., "Polarized electron-beam acceleration driven by vortex laser pulses". New Journal of Physics, 2019. 21: 073052 
  1. Benis, E.P., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Nanos, S., and Zouros, T.J.M., Mixed-State Ionic Beams: An Effective Tool for Collision Dynamics Investigations.Atoms, 2018. 6(4).
  2. Benis, E.P., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Nanos, S., and Zouros, T.J.M., Experimental determination of the effective solid angle of long-lived projectile states in zero-degree Auger projectile spectroscopy.Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2018.222: p. 31-39.
  3. Bergues, B., Rivas, D.E., Weidman, M., Muschet, A.A., Helml, W., Guggenmos, A., Pervak, V., Kleineberg, U., Marcus, G., Kienberger, R., Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., Schroeder, H., Krausz, F., and Veisz, L., Tabletop nonlinear optics in the 100-eV spectral region.Optica, 2018. 5(3): p. 237-242.
  4. Geddes, A.J., Skripnikov, L.V., Borschevsky, A., Berengut, J.C., Flambaum, V.V., and Rakitzis, T.P., Enhanced nuclear-spin-dependent parity-violation effects using the (HgH)-Hg-199 molecule.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(2).
  5. Gratsea, A., Nikolopoulos, G.M., and Lambropoulos, P., Photon-assisted quantum state transfer and entanglement generation in spin chains.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(1).
  6. Kannis, C.S., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., and Rakitzis, T.P., Nuclear-spin-polarization dynamics of H-2, D-2, and HD molecules in magnetic fields.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(4).
  7. Mondal, S., Shirozhan, M., Ahmed, N., Bocoum, M., Boehle, F., Vernier, A., Haessler, S., Lopez-Martens, R., Sylla, F., Sire, C., Quere, F., Nelissen, K., Varju, K., Charalambidis, D., and Kahaly, S., Surface plasma attosource beamlines at ELI-ALPS.Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2018. 35(5): p. A93-A102.
  8. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., Effects of field fluctuations on driven autoionizing resonances.European Physical Journal D, 2018. 72(12).
  9. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., Revisiting photon-statistics effects on multiphoton ionization.Physical Review A, 2018. 97(5).
  10. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., Autoionizing states driven by stochastic electromagnetic fields.Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2018. 51(1).
  11. Nayak, A., Orfanos, I., Makos, I., Dumergue, M., Kuhn, S., Skantzakis, E., Bodi, B., Varju, K., Kalpouzos, C., Banks, H.I.B., Emmanouilidou, A., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., Multiple ionization of argon via multi-XUV-photon absorption induced by 20-GW high-order harmonic laser pulses.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(2).
  12. Rivas, D.E., Major, B., Weidman, M., Helml, W., Marcus, G., Kienberger, R., Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., Balogh, E., Kovacs, K., Tosa, V., Bergues, B., Varju, K., and Veisz, L., Propagation-enhanced generation of intense high-harmonic continua in the 100-eV spectral region.Optica, 2018. 5(10): p. 1283-1289.
  13. Simitzi, C., Harimech, P., Spanou, S., Lanara, C., Heuer-Jungemann, A., Manousaki, A., Fotakis, C., Ranella, A., Kanaras, A.G., and Stratakis, E., Cells on hierarchically-structured platforms hosting functionalized nanoparticles.Biomaterials Science, 2018. 6(6): p. 1469-1479.
  14. Sofikitis, D., Kannis, C.S., Boulogiannis, G.K., and Rakitzis, T.P., Ultrahigh-Density Spin-Polarized H and D Observed via Magnetization Quantum Beats.Physical Review Letters, 2018. 121(8).
  15. Sofikitis, D., Suarez, J., Schmidt, J.A., Rakitzis, T.P., Farantos, S.C., and Janssen, M.H.M., Exit-channel recoil resonances by imaging the photodissociation of single quantum-state-selected OCS molecules.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(3).
  16. Tzallas, P., Bergues, B., Rompotis, D., Tsatrafyllis, N., Chatziathanassiou, S., Muschet, A., Veisz, L., Schroeder, H., and Charalambidis, D., Time gated ion microscopy of light-atom interactions.Journal of Optics, 2018. 20(2).
  1. Chatziathanasiou, S., Kahaly, S., Skantzakis, E., Sansone, G., Lopez-Martens, R., Haessler, S., Varju, K., Tsakiris, G.D., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., Generation of Attosecond Light Pulses from Gas and Solid State Media. Photonics, 2017. 4(2).
  2. Kuhn, S., Dumergue, M., Kahaly, S., Mondal, S., Fule, M., Csizmadia, T., Farkas, B., Major, B., Varallyay, Z., Calegari, F., Devetta, M., Frassetto, F., Mansson, E., Poletto, L., Stagira, S., Vozzi, C., Nisoli, M., Rudawski, P., Maclot, S., Campi, F., Wikmark, H., Arnold, C.L., Heyl, C.M., Johnsson, P., L'Huillier, A., Lopez-Martens, R., Haessler, S., Bocoum, M., Boehle, F., Vernier, A., Iaquaniello, G., Skantzakis, E., Papadakis, N., Kalpouzos, C., Tzallas, P., Lepine, F., Charalambidis, D., Varju, K., Osvay, K., and Sansone, G., The ELI-ALPS facility: the next generation of attosecond sources. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2017. 50(13).
  3. Lopez, G.V., Fournier, M., Jankunas, J., Spiliotis, A.K., Rakitzis, T.P., and Chandler, D.W., Alignment of the hydrogen molecule under intense laser fields. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017. 147(1).
  4. Loulakis, M., Blatsios, G., Vrettou, C.S., and Kominis, I.K., Quantum Biometrics with Retinal Photon Counting. Physical Review Applied, 2017. 8(4).
  5. Mouloudakis, K. and Kominis, I.K., Quantum information processing in the radical-pair mechanism: Haberkorn's theory violates the Ozawa entropy bound. Physical Review E, 2017. 95(2).
  6. Paradisanos, I., Germanis, S., Pelekanos, N.T., Fotakis, C., Kymakis, E., Kioseoglou, G., and Stratakis, E., Room temperature observation of biexcitons in exfoliated WS2 monolayers. Applied Physics Letters, 2017. 110(19).
  7. Rivas, D.E., Borot, A., Cardenas, D.E., Marcus, G., Gu, X., Herrmann, D., Xu, J., Tan, J., Kormin, D., Ma, G., Dallari, W., Tsakiris, G.D., Foldes, I.B., Chou, S.w., Weidman, M., Bergues, B., Wittmann, T., Schroeder, H., Tzallas, P., Charalambidis, D., Razskazovskaya, O., Pervak, V., Krausz, F., and Veisz, L., Next Generation Driver for Attosecond and Laser-plasma Physics. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7.
  8. Santos, J.P., Parente, F., Martins, M.C., Indelicato, P., Benis, E.P., Zouros, T.J.M., and Marques, J.P., Radiative transition rates of 1s(2)s(S-3)3p levels for Li-like ions with 5 <= Z <= 10. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2017. 408: p. 100-102.
  9. Skoulas, E., Manousaki, A., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., Biomimetic surface structuring using cylindrical vector femtosecond laser beams. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7.
  10. Sofikitis, D., Glodic, P., Koumarianou, G., Jiang, H., Bougas, L., Samartzis, P.C., Andreev, A., and Rakitzis, T.P., Highly Nuclear-Spin-Polarized Deuterium Atoms from the UV Photodissociation of Deuterium Iodide. Physical Review Letters, 2017. 118(23).
  11. Sofikitis, D., Suarez, J., Schmidt, J.A., Rakitzis, T.P., Farantos, S.C., and Janssen, M.H.M., Recoil Inversion in the Photodissociation of Carbonyl Sulfide near 234 nm. Physical Review Letters, 2017. 118(25).
  12. Tsatrafyllis, N., Kominis, I.K., Gonoskov, I.A., and Tzallas, P., High-order harmonics measured by the photon statistics of the infrared driving-field exiting the atomic medium. Nature Communications, 2017. 8.
  13. Tserevelakis, G.J., Vrouvaki, I., Siozos, P., Melessanaki, K., Hatzigiannakis, K., Fotakis, C., and Zacharakis, G., Photoacoustic imaging reveals hidden underdrawings in paintings. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7.
  14. Vitalis, K.M. and Kominis, I.K., Quantum-limited biochemical magnetometers designed using the Fisher information and quantum reaction control. Physical Review A, 2017. 95(3).
  15. Yiannakou, C., Simitzi, C., Manousaki, A., Fotakis, C., Ranella, A., and Stratakis, E., Cell patterning via laser micro/nano structured silicon surfaces. Biofabrication, 2017. 9(2).
  1. Aristov, A.I., Manousidaki, M., Danilov, A., Terzaki, K., Fotakis, C., Farsari, M., and Kabashin, A.V., 3D plasmonic crystal metamaterials for ultra-sensitive biosensing. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6.
  2. Benis, E.P., Doukas, S., and Zouros, T.J.M., Evidence for the non-statistical population of the 1s2s2p P-4 metastable state by electron capture in 4 MeV collisions of B3+(1s2s S-3) with H-2 targets. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2016. 369: p. 83-86.
  3. Benis, E.P. and Zouros, T.J.M., Determination of the 1s2l 2l' state production ratios P-4(o)/P-2, D-2/P-2 and P-2(+) /P-2(-) from fast (1s(2), 1s(2)s S-3) mixed-state He-like ion beams in collisions with H-2 targets. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2016. 49(23).
  4. Daskalova, A., Nathala, C.S.R., Kavatzikidou, P., Ranella, A., Szoszkiewicz, R., Husinsky, W., and Fotakis, C., FS laser processing of bio-polymer thin films for studying cell-to-substrate specific response. Applied Surface Science, 2016. 382: p. 178-191.
  5. Gontad, F., Lorusso, A., Klini, A., Broitman, E., Perrone, A., and Fotakis, C., Fabrication of Nb/Pb structures through ultrashort pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2016. 34(4).
  6. Ilchen, M., Mazza, T., Karamatskos, E.T., Markellos, D., Bakhtiarzadeh, S., Rafipoor, A.J., Kelly, T.J., Walsh, N., Costello, J.T., O'Keeffe, P., Gerken, N., Martins, M., Lambropoulos, P., and Meyer, M., Two-electron processes in multiple ionization under strong soft-x-ray radiation. Physical Review A, 2016. 94(1).
  7. Jankunas, J., Reisyan, K.S., Rakitzis, T.P., and Osterwalder, A., Oriented O(. P.), Ne(. P.), and He(. S.) atoms emerging from a bentmagnetic guide. Molecular Physics, 2016. 114(2): p. 245-252.
  8. Kominis, I.K., Reply to the comment on "Quantum trajectory tests of radical-pair quantum dynamics in CIDNP measurements of photosynthetic reaction centers" by G. Jeschke. Chemical Physics Letters, 2016. 648.
  9. Martinez, G., Fernandez-Martin, M., Sise, O., Madesis, I., Dimitriou, A., Laoutaris, A., and Zouros, T.J.M., Voltage optimization of a 4-element injection lens on a hemispherical spectrograph with virtual entry aperture. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2016. 369: p. 92-94.
  10. Paradisanos, I., Pliatsikas, N., Patsalas, P., Fotakis, C., Kymakis, E., Kioseoglou, G., and Stratakis, E., Spatial non-uniformity in exfoliated WS2 single layers. Nanoscale, 2016. 8(36): p. 16197-16203.
  11. Pavlis, A.K., Nikolopoulos, G.M., and Lambropoulos, P., Evaluation of the performance of two state-transfer Hamiltonians in the presence of static disorder. Quantum Information Processing, 2016. 15(6): p. 2553-2568.
  12. Pouli, P., Papakonstantinou, E., Frantzikinaki, K., Panou, A., Frantzi, G., Vasiliadis, C., and Fotakis, C., The two-wavelength laser cleaning methodology; theoretical background and examples from its application on CH objects and monuments with emphasis to the Athens Acropolis sculptures. Heritage Science, 2016. 4.
  13. Sise, O., Martinez, G., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Dimitriou, A., Fernandez-Martin, M., and Zouros, T.J.M., The voltage optimization of a four-element lens used on a hemispherical spectrograph with virtual entry for highest energy resolution. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2016. 211: p. 19-31.
  14. Sise, O. and Zouros, T.J.M., Transit time spreads in biased paracentric hemispherical deflection analyzers. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2016. 369: p. 95-97.
  15. Skantzakis, E., Chatziathanasiou, S., Carpeggiani, P.A., Sansone, G., Nayak, A., Gray, D., Tzallas, P., Charalambidis, D., Hertz, E., and Faucher, O., Polarization shaping of high-order harmonics in laser-aligned molecules. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6.
  16. Sygletou, M., Tzourmpakis, P., Petridis, C., Konios, D., Fotakis, C., Kymakis, E., and Stratakis, E., Laser induced nucleation of plasmonic nanoparticles on two-dimensional nanosheets for organic photovoltaics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016. 4(3): p. 1020-1027.
  17. Tsatrafyllis, N., Bergues, B., Schroder, H., Veisz, L., Skantzakis, E., Gray, D., Bodi, B., Kuhn, S., Tsakiris, G.D., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., The ion microscope as a tool for quantitative measurements in the extreme ultraviolet. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6.
  18. Vazgiouraki, E., Papadakis, V.M., Efstathopoulos, P., Lazaridis, I., Charalampopoulos, I., Fotakis, C., and Gravanis, A., Application of multispectral imaging detects areas with neuronal myelin loss, without tissue labelling. Microscopy, 2016. 65(2): p. 109-118.
  1. Benis, E.P., Doukas, S., Zouros, T.J.M., Indelicato, P., Parente, F., Martins, C., Santos, J.P., and Marques, J.P., Evaluation of the effective solid angle of a hemispherical deflector analyser with injection lens for metastable Auger projectile states. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2015. 365: p. 457-461.
  2. Bougas, L., Sofikitis, D., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Spiliotis, A.K., Tzallas, P., Loppinet, B., and Rakitzis, T.P., Chiral cavity ring down polarimetry: Chirality and magnetometry measurements using signal reversals. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015. 143(10).
  3. Doukas, S., Madesis, I., Dimitriou, A., Laoutaris, A., Zouros, T.J.M., and Benis, E.P., Determination of the solid angle and response function of a hemispherical spectrograph with injection lens for Auger electrons emitted from long lived projectile states. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015. 86(4).
  4. Filippidis, G., Mari, M., Kelegkouri, L., Philippidis, A., Selimis, A., Melessanaki, K., Sygletou, M., and Fotakis, C., Assessment of In-Depth Degradation of Artificially Aged Triterpenoid Paint Varnishes Using Nonlinear Microscopy Techniques. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2015. 21(2): p. 510-517.
  5. Filippidis, G., Tserevelakis, G.J., Selimis, A., and Fotakis, C., Nonlinear imaging techniques as non-destructive, high-resolution diagnostic tools for cultural heritage studies. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2015. 118(2): p. 417-423.
  6. Gavgiotaki, E., Filippidis, G., Kalognomou, M., Tsouko, A.A., Skordos, I., Fotakis, C., and Athanassakis, I., Third Harmonic Generation microscopy as a reliable diagnostic tool for evaluating lipid body modification during cell activation: The example of BV-2 microglia cells. Journal of Structural Biology, 2015. 189(2): p. 105-113.
  7. Gontad, F., Lorusso, A., Klini, A., Manousaki, A., Perrone, A., and Fotakis, C., Growth of poly-crystalline Cu films on Y substrates by picosecond pulsed laser deposition for photocathode applications. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2015. 799: p. 70-74.
  8. Kominis, I.K., The radical-pair mechanism as a paradigm for the emerging science of quantum biology. Modern Physics Letters B, 2015. 29.
  9. Maragkou, M. and Fotakis, C., Reworking Greek research. Nature Materials, 2015. 14(9): p. 853-855.
  10. Mari, M., Filippidis, G., Palikaras, K., Petanidou, B., Fotakis, C., and Tavernarakis, N., Imaging ectopic fat deposition in caenorhabditis elegans muscles using nonlinear microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique, 2015. 78(6): p. 523-528.
  11. Nikolopoulos, G.M. and Lambropoulos, P., Resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization under XUV FEL radiation: a case study of the role of harmonics. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2015. 48(24).
  12. Paradisanos, I., Fotakis, C., Anastasiadis, S.H., and Stratakis, E., Gradient induced liquid motion on laser structured black Si surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 2015. 107(11).
  13. Reduzzi, M., Carpeggiani, P., Kuhn, S., Calegari, F., Nisoli, M., Stagira, S., Vozzi, C., Dombi, P., Kahaly, S., Tzallas, P., Charalambidis, D., Varju, K., Osvay, K., and Sansone, G., Advances in high-order harmonic generation sources for time-resolved investigations. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2015. 204: p. 257-268.
  14. Simitzi, C., Efstathopoulos, P., Kourgiantaki, A., Ranella, A., Charalampopoulos, I., Fotakis, C., Athanassakis, I., Stratakis, E., and Gravanis, A., Laser fabricated discontinuous anisotropic microconical substrates as a new model scaffold to control the directionality of neuronal network outgrowth. Biomaterials, 2015. 67: p. 115-128.
  15. Simitzi, C., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., Athanassakis, I., and Ranella, A., Microconical silicon structures influence NGF-induced PC12 cell morphology. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2015. 9(4): p. 424-434.
  16. Sise, O. and Zouros, T.J.M., Position, Energy, and Transit Time Distributions in a Hemispherical Deflector Analyzer with Position Sensitive Detector. Journal of Spectroscopy, 2015.
  17. Sofikitis, D. and Rakitzis, T.P., Mesoscopic production of hyperpolarized (N2O)-N-15 and H2O via optical excitation. Physical Review A, 2015. 92(3).
  18. Sofikitis, D., Spiliotis, A.K., Stamataki, K., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Bougas, L., Samartzis, P.C., Loppinet, B., Rakitzis, T.P., Surligas, M., and Papadakis, S., Microsecond-resolved SDR-based cavity ring down ellipsometry. Applied Optics, 2015. 54(18): p. 5861-5865.
  19. Tsampourakis, K. and Kominis, I.K., Quantum trajectory tests of radical-pair quantum dynamics in CIDNP measurements of photosynthetic reaction centers. Chemical Physics Letters, 2015. 640: p. 40-45.
  20. Tsibidis, G.D., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., From ripples to spikes: A hydrodynamical mechanism to interpret femtosecond laser-induced self-assembled structures. Physical Review B, 2015. 92(4).
  21. Zerva, I., Simitzi, C., Siakouli-Galanopoulou, A., Ranella, A., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Athanassakis, I., Implantable vaccine development using in vitro antigen-pulsed macrophages absorbed on laser micro-structured Si scaffolds. Vaccine, 2015. 33(27): p. 3142-3149.
  1. Barmina, E.V., Fotakis, C., Loukakos, P.A., Stratakis, E., and Shafeev, G.A., Laser-assisted nanostructuring of Silicon in liquid environment. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2014. 117(1): p. 359-364.
  2. Barmina, E.V., Serkov, A.A., Shafeev, G.A., Stratakis, E., and Fotakis, C., Nanostructuring of single-crystal silicon carbide by femtosecond laser irradiation in a liquid. Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2014. 22(1): p. 15-18.
  3. Bougas, L., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., Rakitzis, T.P., Samartzis, P.C., Kitsopoulos, T.N., Sapirstein, J., Budker, D., Dzuba, V.A., Flambaum, V.V., and Kozlov, M.G., Stark shift and parity nonconservation for near-degenerate states of xenon. Physical Review A, 2014. 89(4).
  4. Bougas, L., Katsoprinakis, G.E., von Klitzing, W., and Rakitzis, T.P., Fundamentals of cavity-enhanced polarimetry for parity-nonconserving optical rotation measurements: Application to Xe, Hg, and I. Physical Review A, 2014. 89(5).
  5. Carpeggiani, P.A., Tzallas, P., Palacios, A., Gray, D., Martin, F., and Charalambidis, D., Disclosing intrinsic molecular dynamics on the 1-fs scale through extreme-ultraviolet pump-probe measurements. Physical Review A, 2014. 89(2).
  6. Crawford-Uranga, A., De Giovannini, U., Rasanen, E., Oliveira, M.J.T., Mowbray, D.J., Nikolopoulos, G.M., Karamatskos, E.T., Markellos, D., Lambropoulos, P., Kurth, S., and Rubio, A., Time-dependent density-functional theory of strong-field ionization of atoms by soft x rays. Physical Review A, 2014. 90(3).
  7. Dellis, A.T., Loulakis, M., and Kominis, I.K., Spin-noise correlations and spin-noise exchange driven by low-field spin-exchange collisions. Physical Review A, 2014. 90(3).
  8. Gakovic, B., Petrovic, S., Krmpot, A., Pantelic, D., Jelenkovic, B., Stratakis, E., and Fotakis, C., Low and high repetition frequency femtosecond lasers processing of tungsten-based thin film. Laser and Particle Beams, 2014. 32(4): p. 613-619.
  9. Kolliopoulos, G., Bergues, B., Schroder, H., Carpeggiani, P.A., Veisz, L., Tsakiris, G.D., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., Revealing quantum path details in high-field physics. Physical Review A, 2014. 90(1).
  10. Kolliopoulos, G., Tzallas, P., Bergues, B., Carpeggiani, P.A., Heissler, P., Schroder, H., Veisz, L., Charalambidis, D., and Tsakiris, G.D., Single-shot autocorrelator for extreme-ultraviolet radiation. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2014. 31(5): p. 926-938.
  11. Kominis, I.K., Kolliopoulos, G., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., Quantum-optical nature of the recollision process in high-order-harmonic generation. Physical Review A, 2014. 89(6).
  12. Kritsotakis, M. and Kominis, I.K., Retrodictive derivation of the radical-ion-pair master equation and Monte Carlo simulation with single-molecule quantum trajectories. Physical Review E, 2014. 90(4).
  13. Nikolopoulos, G.M. and Lambropoulos, P., Multiple ionization of neon under soft x-rays: theory versus experiment. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2014. 47(11).
  14. Paradisanos, I., Kymakis, E., Fotakis, C., Kioseoglou, G., and Stratakis, E., Intense femtosecond photoexcitation of bulk and monolayer MoS2. Applied Physics Letters, 2014. 105(4).
  15. Petrovic, S., Gakovic, B., Kovac, J., Panjan, P., Stratakis, E., Trtica, M., Fotakis, C., and Jelenkovic, B., Synthesis of ultra-thin oxide layer in laser-treated 3x (Al/Fe)/Si multilayer structure. Journal of Materials Science, 2014. 49(22): p. 7900-7907.
  16. Ranella, A., Sygletou, M., Terzaki, K., Simitzi, C., Selimis, A., and Fotakis, C., Laser processing of natural biopolymers for tissue engineering applications. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2014. 8: p. 473-474.
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  3. Barberoglou, M., Tsibidis, G.D., Gray, D., Magoulakis, E., Fotakis, C., Stratakis, E., and Loukakos, P.A., The influence of ultra-fast temporal energy regulation on the morphology of Si surfaces through femtosecond double pulse laser irradiation. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2013. 113(2): p. 273-283.
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  1. Barmina, E.V., Serkov, A.A., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., Stolyarov, V.N., Stolyarov, I.N., and Shafeev, G.A., Nano-textured W shows improvement of thermionic emission properties. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2012. 106(1): p. 1-4.
  2. Barmina, E.V., Stratakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Stolyarov, V.N., Stolyarov, I.N., Fotakis, C., and Shafeev, G.A., Laser-assisted nanostructuring of Tungsten in liquid environment. Applied Surface Science, 2012. 258(15): p. 5898-5902.
  3. Bougas, L., Katsoprinakis, G.E., von Klitzing, W., Sapirstein, J., and Rakitzis, T.P., Cavity-Enhanced Parity-Nonconserving Optical Rotation in Metastable Xe and Hg. Physical Review Letters, 2012. 108(21).
  4. Castillejo, M., Rebollar, E., Oujja, M., Sanz, M., Selimis, A., Sigletou, M., Psycharakis, S., Ranella, A., and Fotakis, C., Fabrication of porous biopolymer substrates for cell growth by UV laser: The role of pulse duration. Applied Surface Science, 2012. 258(22): p. 8919-8927.
  5. Dellis, A.T. and Kominis, I.K., The quantum Zeno effect immunizes the avian compass against the deleterious effects of exchange and dipolar interactions. Biosystems, 2012. 107(3): p. 153-157.
  6. Dellis, A.T. and Kominis, I.K., Photon statistics as an experimental test discriminating between theories of spin-selective radical-ion-pair reactions. Chemical Physics Letters, 2012. 543: p. 170-172.
  7. Heissler, P., Tzallas, P., Mikhailova, J.M., Khrennikov, K., Waldecker, L., Krausz, F., Karsch, S., Charalambidis, D., and Tsakiris, G.D., Two-photon above-threshold ionization using extreme-ultraviolet harmonic emission from relativistic laser-plasma interaction. New Journal of Physics, 2012. 14.
  8. Hopp, B., Smausz, T., Szabo, G., Kolozsvari, L., Kafetzopoulos, D., Fotakis, C., and Nogradi, A., Femtosecond laser printing of living cells using absorbing film-assisted laser-induced forward transfer. Optical Engineering, 2012. 51(1).
  9. Kolliopoulos, G., Carpeggiani, P.A., Rompotis, D., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., A compact collinear polarization gating scheme for many cycle laser pulses. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2012. 83(6).
  10. Kolyva, F., Stratakis, E., Rhizopoulou, S., Chimona, C., and Fotakis, C., Leaf surface characteristics and wetting in Ceratonia siliqua L. Flora, 2012. 207(8): p. 551-556.
  11. Kominis, I.K., Reactant-product quantum coherence in electron transfer reactions. Physical Review E, 2012. 86(2).
  12. Kominis, I.K., Magnetic sensitivity and entanglement dynamics of the chemical compass. Chemical Physics Letters, 2012. 542: p. 143-146.
  13. Kuzmin, P.G., Shafeev, G.A., Viau, G., Warot-Fonrose, B., Barberoglou, M., Stratakis, E., and Fotakis, C., Porous nanoparticles of Al and Ti generated by laser ablation in liquids. Applied Surface Science, 2012. 258(23): p. 9283-9287.
  14. Kymakis, E., Stylianakis, M.M., Spyropoulos, G.D., Stratakis, E., Koudoumas, E., and Fotakis, C., Spin coated carbon nanotubes as the hole transport layer in organic photovoltaics. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2012. 96(1): p. 298-301.
  15. Lorusso, A., De Giorgi, M.L., Fotakis, C., Maiolo, B., Miglietta, P., Papadopoulou, E.L., and Perrone, A., Y thin films by ultrashort pulsed laser deposition for photocathode application. Applied Surface Science, 2012. 258(22): p. 8719-8723.
  16. Malinauskas, M., Zukauskas, A., Purlys, V., Gaidukeviciute, A., Balevicius, Z., Piskarskas, A., Fotakis, C., Pissadakis, S., Gray, D., Gadonas, R., Vamvakaki, M., and Farsari, M., 3D microoptical elements formed in a photostructurable germanium silicate by direct laser writing. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2012. 50(12): p. 1785-1788.
  17. Mazza, T., Papamihail, K.G., Radcliffe, P., Li, W.B., Kelly, T.J., Costello, J.T., Dusterer, S., Lambropoulos, P., and Meyer, M., Controlling core hole relaxation dynamics via intense optical fields. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2012. 45(14).
  18. Nikolopoulos, G.M. and Lambropoulos, P., Effects of free-electron-laser field fluctuations on the frequency response of driven atomic resonances. Physical Review A, 2012. 86(3).
  19. Papadopoulou, E.L., Zorba, V., Stratakis, E., and Fotakis, C., Properties of Silicon and Metal Oxide Electrowetting Systems. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2012. 26(12-17): p. 2143-2163.
  20. Pazokian, H., Selimis, A., Barzin, J., Jelvani, S., Mollabashi, M., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., Tailoring the wetting properties of polymers from highly hydrophilic to superhydrophobic using UV laser pulses. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2012. 22(3).
  21. Ranella, A., Simitzi, C.H., Barberoglou, M., Melissinaki, S., Psycharakis, V., Selimis, A., Farsari, M., Stratakis, E., Athanassakis, I., and Fotakis, C., Controllable and tunable 3D scaffolds fabrication using laser based techniques. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2012. 6: p. 369-369.
  22. Sakellari, I., Kabouraki, E., Gray, D., Purlys, V., Fotakis, C., Pikulin, A., Bityurin, N., Vamvakaki, M., and Farsari, M., Diffusion-Assisted High-Resolution Direct Femtosecond Laser Writing. Acs Nano, 2012. 6(3): p. 2302-2311.
  23. Selimis, A., Tserevelakis, G.J., Kogou, S., Pouli, P., Filippidis, G., Sapogova, N., Bityurin, N., and Fotakis, C., Nonlinear microscopy techniques for assessing the UV laser polymer interactions. Optics Express, 2012. 20(4): p. 3990-3996.
  24. Simitzi, C., Ranella, A., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Athanassakis, I., Regulation of PC12 differentiation by controlled 3D micro/nano laser structuring of culture substrates. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2012. 6: p. 231-231.
  25. Stratakis, E., Eda, G., Yamaguchi, H., Kymakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Chhowalla, M., Free-standing graphene on microstructured silicon vertices for enhanced field emission properties. Nanoscale, 2012. 4(10): p. 3069-3074.
  26. Tsibidis, G.D., Barberoglou, M., Loukakos, P.A., Stratakis, E., and Fotakis, C., Dynamics of ripple formation on silicon surfaces by ultrashort laser pulses in subablation conditions. Physical Review B, 2012. 86(11).
  27. Tzallas, P., Skantzakis, E., and Charalambidis, D., Direct two-XUV-photon double ionization in xenon. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2012. 45(7).
  28. Wang, F.Y., Liu, K.P., and Rakitzis, T.P., Revealing the stereospecific chemistry of the reaction of Cl with aligned CHD3(v(1)=1). Nature Chemistry, 2012. 4(8): p. 636-641.
  29. Zerva, I., Simitzi, C., Ranella, A., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Athanassakis, I., 3-dimensional laser structured scaffolds improve macrophage adherence and antigen-specific response. Immunology, 2012. 137: p. 654-654.
  30. Zervou, M., Potamitis, C., Zoumpoulakis, P., Fotakis, C., Papadimitriou, E., Cordopatis, P., and Magafa, V., Pharmacophore model of Cysteine-based alpha 4 beta 1 Integrin Ligands based on Conformational Solution Studies. Journal of Peptide Science, 2012. 18: p. S165-S165.
  1. Bougas, L. and Rakitzis, T.P., Parent-molecule rotational depolarization of photofragment angular momentum distributions: diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011. 13(18): p. 8526-8530.
  2. Buchmann, L.F., Nikolopoulos, G.M., Zobay, O., and Lambropoulos, P., Passage-time statistics of superradiant light pulses from Bose-Einstein condensates. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2011. 44(2).
  3. Everest, M.A., Papadakis, V.M., Stamataki, K., Tzortzakis, S., Loppinet, B., and Rakitzis, T.P., Evanescent-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Ellipsometry. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2011. 2(11): p. 1324-1327.
  4. Fotakis, C., Christodoueas, D., Zoumpoulakis, P., Kritsi, E., Benetis, N.P., Mayromoustakos, T., Reis, H., Gili, A., Papadopoulos, M.G., and Zervou, M., Comparative Biophysical Studies of Sartan Class Drug Molecules Losartan and Candesartan (CV-11974) with Membrane Bilayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011. 115(19): p. 6180-6192.
  5. Kominis, I.K., Radical-ion-pair reactions are the biochemical equivalent of the optical double-slit experiment. Physical Review E, 2011. 83(5).
  6. Kominis, I.K., Comment on 'Spin-selective reactions of radical pairs act as quantum measurements' (Chemical Physics Letters 488 (2010) 90-93). Chemical Physics Letters, 2011. 508(1-3): p. 182-183.
  7. Koufaki, N., Ranella, A., Aifantis, K.E., Barberoglou, M., Psycharakis, S., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., Controlling cell adhesion via replication of laser micro/nano-textured surfaces on polymers. Biofabrication, 2011. 3(4).
  8. Kymakis, E., Stratakis, E., Koudoumas, E., and Fotakis, C., Plasmonic Organic Photovoltaic Devices on Transparent Carbon Nanotube Films. Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices, 2011. 58(3): p. 860-864.
  9. Kymakis, E., Stratakis, E., Stylianakis, M.M., Koudoumas, E., and Fotakis, C., Spin coated graphene films as the transparent electrode in organic photovoltaic devices. Thin Solid Films, 2011. 520(4): p. 1238-1241.
  10. Kyvelidou, C., Tserevelakis, G.J., Filippidis, G., Ranella, A., Kleovoulou, A., Fotakis, C., and Athanassakis, I., Following the course of pre-implantation embryo patterning by non-linear microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology, 2011. 176(3): p. 379-386.
  11. Lambropoulos, P., Nikolopoulos, G.M., and Papamihail, K.G., Route to direct multiphoton multiple ionization. Physical Review A, 2011. 83(2).
  12. Lambropoulos, P., Papamihail, K.G., and Decleva, P., Theory of multiple ionization of xenon under strong XUV radiation and the role of the giant resonance. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2011. 44(17).
  13. Lipciuc, M.L., Rakitzis, T.P., Meerts, W.L., Groenenboom, G.C., and Janssen, M.H.M., Towards the complete experiment: measurement of S(D-1(2)) polarization in correlation with single rotational states of CO(J) from the photodissociation of oriented OCS(v(2)=1 vertical bar JlM=111). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011. 13(18): p. 8549-8559.
  14. Melissinaki, V., Gill, A.A., Ortega, I., Vamvakaki, M., Ranella, A., Haycock, J.W., Fotakis, C., Farsari, M., and Claeyssens, F., Direct laser writing of 3D scaffolds for neural tissue engineering applications. Biofabrication, 2011. 3(4).
  15. Pouli, P., Selimis, A., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., Recent Studies of Laser Science in Paintings Conservation and Research (vol 43, pg 771, 2010). Accounts of Chemical Research, 2011. 44(3): p. 238-238.
  16. Ristoscu, C., Ghica, C., Papadopoulou, E.L., Socol, G., Gray, D., Mironov, B., Mihailescu, I.N., and Fotakis, C., Modification of AlN thin films morphology and structure by temporally shaping of fs laser pulses used for deposition. Thin Solid Films, 2011. 519(19): p. 6381-6387.
  17. Stratakis, E., Ranella, A., and Fotakis, C., Biomimetic micro/nanostructured functional surfaces for microfluidic and tissue engineering applications. Biomicrofluidics, 2011. 5(1).
  18. Terzaki, K., Vasilantonakis, N., Gaidukeviciute, A., Reinhardt, C., Fotakis, C., Vamvakaki, M., and Farsari, M., 3D conducting nanostructures fabricated using direct laser writing. Optical Materials Express, 2011. 1(4): p. 586-597.
  19. Tserevelakis, G.J., Filippidis, G., Megalou, E.V., Fotakis, C., and Tavernarakis, N., Cell tracking in live Caenorhabditis elegans embryos via third harmonic generation imaging microscopy measurements. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2011. 16(4).
  20. Turunen, S., Kapyla, E., Terzaki, K., Viitanen, J., Fotakis, C., Kellomaki, M., and Farsari, M., Pico- and femtosecond laser-induced crosslinking of protein microstructures: evaluation of processability and bioactivity. Biofabrication, 2011. 3(4).
  21. Tzallas, P., Skantzakis, E., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Tsakiris, G.D., and Charalambidis, D., Extreme-ultraviolet pump-probe studies of one-femtosecond-scale electron dynamics. Nature Physics, 2011. 7(10): p. 781-784.
  1. Anastasiadis, S.H., Stratakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Mateescu, A., Achilleos, D.S., Vamvakaki, M., and Fotakis, C., From superhydrophobicity and water repellence to superhydrophilicity: Smart polymer-functionalized surfaces. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2010. 240.
  2. Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Pagozidis, A., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., Electrowetting Properties of Micro/Nanostructured Black Silicon. Langmuir, 2010. 26(15): p. 13007-13014.
  3. Barmina, E.V., Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Simakin, A.V., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Shafeev, G.A., Laser control of the properties of nanostructures on Ta and Ni under their ablation in liquids. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2010. 12(3): p. 495-499.
  4. Barmina, E.V., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, K., and Shafeev, G.A., Generation of nanostructures on metals by laser ablation in liquids: new results. Quantum Electronics, 2010. 40(11): p. 1012-1020.
  5. Bougas, L., Sofikitis, D., Everest, M.A., Alexander, A.J., and Rakitzis, T.P., (2+1) laser-induced fluorescence of spin-polarized hydrogen atoms. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010. 133(17).
  6. Buchmann, L.F., Nikolopoulos, G.M., Zobay, O., and Lambropoulos, P., Early stage of superradiance from Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 2010. 82(2).
  7. Buchmann, L.F., Nikolopoulos, G.M., Zobay, O., and Lambropoulos, P., Correlated directional atomic clouds via four-heterowave mixing. Physical Review A, 2010. 81(3).
  8. Fotakis, C., Gega, S., Siapi, E., Potamitis, C., Viras, K., Moutevelis-Minakakis, P., Kokotos, C.G., Durdagi, S., Grdadolnik, S.G., Sartori, B., Rappolt, M., and Mavromoustakos, T., Interactions at the bilayer interface and receptor site induced by the novel synthetic pyrrolidinone analog MMK3. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 2010. 1798(3): p. 422-432.
  9. Guillermin, M., Klini, A., Colombier, J.P., Garrelie, F., Gray, D., Liebig, C., Audouard, E., Fotakis, C., and Stoian, R., Tuning spectral properties of ultrafast laser ablation plasmas from brass using adaptive temporal pulse shaping. Optics Express, 2010. 18(11): p. 11159-11172.
  10. Horlein, R., Nomura, Y., Tzallas, P., Rykovanov, S.G., Dromey, B., Osterhoff, J., Major, Z., Karsch, S., Veisz, L., Zepf, M., Charalambidis, D., Krausz, F., and Tsakiris, G.D., Temporal characterization of attosecond pulses emitted from solid-density plasmas. New Journal of Physics, 2010. 12.
  11. Jiang, Y.H., Rudenko, A., Perez-Torres, J.F., Herrwerth, O., Foucar, L., Kurka, M., Kuhnel, K.U., Toppin, M., Plesiat, E., Morales, F., Martin, F., Lezius, M., Kling, M.F., Jahnke, T., Dorner, R., Sanz-Vicario, J.L., van Tilborg, J., Belkacem, A., Schulz, M., Ueda, K., Zouros, T.J.M., Dusterer, S., Treusch, R., Schroter, C.D., Moshammer, R., and Ullrich, J., Investigating two-photon double ionization of D-2 by XUV-pump-XUV-probe experiments. Physical Review A, 2010. 81(5).
  12. Jiang, Y.H., Rudenko, A., Plesiat, E., Foucar, L., Kurka, M., Kuhnel, K.U., Ergler, T., Perez-Torres, J.F., Martin, F., Herrwerth, O., Lezius, M., Kling, M.F., Titze, J., Jahnke, T., Dorner, R., Sanz-Vicario, J.L., Schoffler, M., van Tilborg, J., Belkacem, A., Ueda, K., Zouros, T.J.M., Dusterer, S., Treusch, R., Schroter, C.D., Moshammer, R., and Ullrich, J., Tracing direct and sequential two-photon double ionization of D-2 in femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses. Physical Review A, 2010. 81(2).
  13. Katsoprinakis, G.E., Dellis, A.T., and Kominis, I.K., Coherent triplet excitation suppresses the heading error of the avian compass. New Journal of Physics, 2010. 12.
  14. Kominis, I.K., Quantum Zeno effect explains magnetic-sensitive radical-ion-pair reactions (vol 80, 056115, 2009). Physical Review E, 2010. 81(2).
  15. Kruse, J.E., Tzallas, P., Skantzakis, E., and Charalambidis, D., Persistent quantum interfering electron trajectories. Physical Review A, 2010. 82(3).
  16. Kruse, J.E., Tzallas, P., Skantzakis, E., Kalpouzos, C., Tsakiris, G.D., and Charalambidis, D., Inconsistencies between two attosecond pulse metrology methods: A comparative study. Physical Review A, 2010. 82(2).
  17. Magoulakis, E., Papadopoulou, E.L., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Loukakos, P.A., Ultrafast electron dynamics in ZnO/Si micro-cones. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2010. 98(4): p. 701-705.
  18. Meyer, M., Cubaynes, D., Richardson, V., Costello, J.T., Radcliffe, P., Li, W.B., Dusterer, S., Fritzsche, S., Mihelic, A., Papamihail, K.G., and Lambropoulos, P., Two-Photon Excitation and Relaxation of the 3d-4d Resonance in Atomic Kr. Physical Review Letters, 2010. 104(21).
  19. Nevin, A., Comelli, D., Osticioli, I., Filippidis, G., Melessanaki, K., Valentini, G., Cubeddu, R., and Fotakis, C., Multi-photon excitation fluorescence and third-harmonic generation microscopy measurements combined with confocal Raman microscopy for the analysis of layered samples of varnished oil films. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2010. 100(3): p. 599-606.
  20. Oujja, M., Pouli, P., Domingo, C., Fotakis, C., and Castillejo, M., Analytical Spectroscopic Investigation of Wavelength and Pulse Duration Effects on Laser-Induced Changes of Egg-Yolk-Based Tempera Paints. Applied Spectroscopy, 2010. 64(5): p. 528-536.
  21. Papadopoulou, E.L., Axente, E., Magoulakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Loukakos, P.A., Laser induced forward transfer of metal oxides using femtosecond double pulses. Applied Surface Science, 2010. 257(2): p. 508-511.
  22. Papadopoulou, E.L., Pagkozidis, A., Barberoglou, M., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., Electrowetting Properties of ZnO and TiO2 Nanostructured Thin Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010. 114(22): p. 10249-10253.
  23. Papadopoulou, E.L., Samara, A., Barberoglou, M., Manousaki, A., Pagakis, S.N., Anastasiadou, E., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., Silicon Scaffolds Promoting Three-Dimensional Neuronal Web of Cytoplasmic Processes. Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods, 2010. 16(3): p. 497-502.
  24. Petrosyan, D., Nikolopoulos, G.M., and Lambropoulos, P., State transfer in static and dynamic spin chains with disorder. Physical Review A, 2010. 81(4).
  25. Pouli, P., Selimis, A., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., Recent Studies of Laser Science in Paintings Conservation and Research. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2010. 43(6): p. 771-781.
  26. Rakitzis, T.P., Photofragment angular momentum distributions in the molecular frame. III. Coherent effects in the photodissociation of polyatomic molecules with circularly polarized light. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010. 133(20).
  27. Rakitzis, T.P. and Alexander, A.J., Photofragment angular momentum distributions in the molecular frame. II. Single state dissociation, multiple state interference, and nonaxial recoil in photodissociation of polyatomic molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010. 132(22).
  28. Rakitzis, T.P. and Janssen, M.H.M., Photofragment angular momentum distributions from oriented and aligned polyatomic molecules: beyond the axial recoil limit. Molecular Physics, 2010. 108(7-9): p. 937-944.
  29. Ranella, A., Barberoglou, M., Bakogianni, S., Fotakis, C., and Stratakis, E., Tuning cell adhesion by controlling the roughness and wettability of 3D micro/nano silicon structures. Acta Biomaterialia, 2010. 6(7): p. 2711-2720.
  30. Sakellari, I., Gaidukeviciute, A., Giakoumaki, A., Gray, D., Fotakis, C., Farsari, M., Vamvakaki, M., Reinhardt, C., Ovsianikov, A., and Chichkov, B.N., Two-photon polymerization of titanium-containing sol-gel composites for three-dimensional structure fabrication. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2010. 100(2): p. 359-364.
  31. Sanz, M., Walczak, M., Oujja, M., Domingo, C., Klini, A., Papadopoulou, E.L., Fotakis, C., and Castillejo, M., Femtosecond laser deposition of TiO2 by laser induced forward transfer. Thin Solid Films, 2010. 518(19): p. 5525-5529.
  32. Schizas, C., Melissinaki, V., Gaidukeviciute, A., Reinhardt, C., Ohrt, C., Dedoussis, V., Chichkov, B.N., Fotakis, C., Farsari, M., and Karalekas, D., On the design and fabrication by two-photon polymerization of a readily assembled micro-valve. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010. 48(5-8): p. 435-441.
  33. Sise, O., Ulu, M., Dogan, M., Martinez, G., and Zouros, T.J.M., Fringing field optimization of hemispherical deflector analyzers using BEM and FDM. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2010. 177(1): p. 42-51.
  34. Skantzakis, E., Tzallas, P., Kruse, J.E., Kalpouzos, C., Faucher, O., Tsakiris, G.D., and Charalambidis, D., Tracking Autoionizing-Wave-Packet Dynamics at the 1-fs Temporal Scale. Physical Review Letters, 2010. 105(4).
  35. Spanakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Metal coated silicon spike cold-electron emitters show improvement of performance with operation. Applied Physics Letters, 2010. 96(3).
  36. Stratakis, E., Mateescu, A., Barberoglou, M., Vamvakaki, M., Fotakis, C., and Anastasiadis, S.H., From superhydrophobicity and water repellency to superhydrophilicity: smart polymer-functionalized surfaces. Chemical Communications, 2010. 46(23): p. 4136-4138.
  37. Tserevelakis, G.J., Filippidis, G., Krmpot, A.J., Vlachos, M., Fotakis, C., and Tavernarakis, N., Imaging Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis by third-harmonic generation microscopy. Micron, 2010. 41(5): p. 444-447.
  38. Tzallas, P., Skantzakis, E., and Charalambidis, D., Measuring the absolute carrier-envelope phase of many-cycle laser fields. Physical Review A, 2010. 82(6).
  39. Vounisiou, P., Selimis, A., Tserevelakis, G.J., Melessanaki, K., Pouli, P., Filippidis, G., Beltsios, C., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., The use of model probes for assessing in depth modifications induced during laser cleaning of modern paintings. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2010. 100(3): p. 647-652.
  1. Anglos, D., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., Lasers in the Analysis of Cultural Heritage Materials. Journal of Nano Research, 2009. 8: p. 47-60.
  2. Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Stratakis, E., Spanakis, E., Tzanetakis, P., Anastasiadis, S.H., and Fotakis, C., Bio-inspired water repellent surfaces produced by ultrafast laser structuring of silicon. Applied Surface Science, 2009. 255(10): p. 5425-5429.
  3. Barmina, E.V., Barberoglu, M., Zorba, V., Simakin, A.V., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., and Shafeev, G.A., Surface nanotexturing of tantalum by laser ablation in water. Quantum Electronics, 2009. 39(1): p. 89-93.
  4. Bartlett, N.C.M., Miller, D.J., Zare, R.N., Alexander, A.J., Sofikitis, D., and Rakitzis, T.P., Time-dependent depolarization of aligned HD molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009. 11(1): p. 142-147.
  5. Buchmann, L.F., Nikolopoulos, G.M., and Lambropoulos, P., Role of the relative phase in the merging of two independent Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A, 2009. 79(1).
  6. Claeyssens, F., Hasan, E.A., Gaidukeviciute, A., Achilleos, D.S., Ranella, A., Reinhardt, C., Ovsianikov, A., Xiao, S., Fotakis, C., Vamvakaki, M., Chichkov, B.N., and Farsari, M., Three-Dimensional Biodegradable Structures Fabricated by Two-Photon Polymerization. Langmuir, 2009. 25(5): p. 3219-3223.
  7. Conde, A.P., Kruse, J., Faucher, O., Tzallas, P., Benis, E.P., and Charalambidis, D., Realization of time-resolved two-vacuum-ultraviolet-photon ionization. Physical Review A, 2009. 79(6).
  8. Conde, A.P., Tzallas, P., and Charalambidis, D., On the population dynamics induced by an attosecond train interacting coherently with an atomic system within the electric dipole approximation. European Physical Journal D, 2009. 51(2): p. 289-294.
  9. Dinca, V., Catherine, J., Mourka, A., Georgiou, S., Farsari, M., and Fotakis, C., 2D and 3D biotin patterning by ultrafast lasers. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2009. 6(1-2): p. 88-98.
  10. Faucher, O., Tzallas, P., Benis, E.P., Kruse, J., Conde, A.P., Kalpouzos, C., and Charalambidis, D., Four-dimensional investigation of the 2nd order volume autocorrelation technique. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 2009. 97(2): p. 505-510.
  11. Filippidis, G., Gualda, E.J., Mari, M., Troulinaki, K., Fotakis, C., and Tavernarakis, N., In vivo imaging of cell morphology and cellular processes in Caenorhabditis elegans, using non-linear phenomena. Micron, 2009. 40(8): p. 876-880.
  12. Filippidis, G., Melessanaki, K., and Fotakis, C., Second and third harmonic generation measurements of glues used for lining textile supports of painted artworks. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2009. 395(7): p. 2161-2166.
  13. Filippidis, G., Troulinaki, K., Fotakis, C., and Tavernarakis, N., In vivo polarization dependant Second and Third harmonic generation imaging of Caenorhabditis elegans pharyngeal muscles. Laser Physics, 2009. 19(7): p. 1475-1479.
  14. Gualda, E.J., Filippidis, G., Melessanaki, K., and Fotakis, C., Third-Harmonic Generation and Multi-Photon Excitation Fluorescence Imaging Microscopy Techniques for Online Art Conservation Diagnosis. Applied Spectroscopy, 2009. 63(3): p. 280-285.
  15. Jiang, Y.H., Rudenko, A., Kurka, M., Kuhnel, K.U., Foucar, L., Ergler, T., Ludemann, S., Zrost, K., Ferger, T., Fischer, D., Dorn, A., Titze, J., Jahnke, T., Schoffler, M., Schossler, S., Havermeier, T., Smolarski, M., Cole, K., Dorner, R., Zouros, T.J.M., Dusterer, S., Treusch, R., Gensch, M., Schroter, C.D., Moshammer, R., and Ullrich, J., EUV-photon-induced multiple ionization and fragmentation dynamics: from atoms to molecules. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2009. 42(13).
  16. Karaiskou, A., Papadakis, V., Loppinet, B., and Rakitzis, T.P., Cavity ring-down ellipsometry. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009. 131(12).
  17. Kominis, I.K., Quantum Zeno effect explains magnetic-sensitive radical-ion-pair reactions. Physical Review E, 2009. 80(5).
  18. Makris, M.G., Lambropoulos, P., and Mihelic, A., Theory of Multiphoton Multielectron Ionization of Xenon under Strong 93-eV Radiation. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 102(3).
  19. Nassiopoulou, A.G. and Fotakis, C., SPECIAL ISSUE: ON NANOTECHNOLOGY IN GREECE. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2009. 6(1-2): p. 1-3.
  20. Nomura, Y., Horlein, R., Tzallas, P., Dromey, B., Rykovanov, S., Major, Z., Osterhoff, J., Karsch, S., Veisz, L., Zepf, M., Charalambidis, D., Krausz, F., and Tsakiris, G.D., Attosecond phase locking of harmonics emitted from laser-produced plasmas. Nature Physics, 2009. 5(2): p. 124-128.
  21. Ovsianikov, A., Xiao, S.Z., Farsari, M., Vamvakaki, M., Fotakis, C., and Chichkov, B.N., Shrinkage of microstructures produced by two-photon polymerization of Zr-based hybrid photosensitive materials. Optics Express, 2009. 17(4): p. 2143-2148.
  22. Papadopoulou, E.L., Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Manousaki, A., Pagkozidis, A., Stratakis, E., and Fotakis, C., Reversible Photoinduced Wettability Transition of Hierarchical ZnO Structures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009. 113(7): p. 2891-2895.
  23. Papadopoulou, E.L., Zorba, V., Pagkozidis, A., Barberoglou, M., Stratakis, E., and Fotakis, C., Reversible wettability of ZnO nanostructured thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Thin Solid Films, 2009. 518(4): p. 1267-1270.
  24. Pouli, P., Nevin, A., Andreotti, A., Colombini, P., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., Laser assisted removal of synthetic painting-conservation materials using UV radiation of ns and fs pulse duration: Morphological studies on model samples. Applied Surface Science, 2009. 255(9): p. 4955-4960.
  25. Skantzakis, E., Tzallas, P., Kruse, J., Kalpouzos, C., and Charalambidis, D., Coherent continuum extreme ultraviolet radiation in the sub-100-nJ range generated by a high-power many-cycle laser field. Optics Letters, 2009. 34(11): p. 1732-1734.
  26. Stratakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Fotakis, C., Viau, G., Garcia, C., and Shafeev, G.A., Generation of Al nanoparticles via ablation of bulk Al in liquids with short laser pulses. Optics Express, 2009. 17(15): p. 12650-12659.
  27. Stratakis, E., Ranella, A., Farsari, M., and Fotakis, C., Laser-based micro/nanoengineering for biological applications. Progress in Quantum Electronics, 2009. 33(5): p. 127-163.
  28. Stratakis, E., Zorba, V., Barberoglou, M., Fotakis, C., and Shafeev, G.A., Laser writing of nanostructures on bulk Al via its ablation in liquids. Nanotechnology, 2009. 20(10).
  29. Stratakis, E., Zorba, V., Barberoglou, M., Fotakis, C., and Shafeev, G.A., Femtosecond laser writing of nanostructures on bulk Al via its ablation in air and liquids. Applied Surface Science, 2009. 255(10): p. 5346-5350.
  30. Vrinceanu, N., Sandu, I., Grigoriu, A., Coman, D., Fotakis, C., and Pouli, P., Analytical Studies of Contaminated Documents Cleaned by Nd:YAG Laser Treatment. Revista De Chimie, 2009. 60(3): p. 231-236.
  31. Zhu, G., Schuricke, M., Steinmann, J., Albrecht, J., Ullrich, J., Ben-Itzhak, I., Zouros, T.J.M., Colgan, J., Pindzola, M.S., and Dorn, A., Controlling Two-Electron Threshold Dynamics in Double Photoionization of Lithium by Initial-State Preparation. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 103(10).
  1. Bartlett, N.C.M., Miller, D.J., Zare, R.N., Sofikitis, D., Rakitzis, T.P., and Alexander, A.J., Preparation of oriented and aligned H(2) and HD by stimulated Raman pumping. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008. 129(8).
  2. Benis, E.P. and Zouros, T.J.M., The hemispherical deflector analyser revisited - II. Electron-optical properties. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2008. 163(1-3): p. 28-39.
  3. Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., Benis, E.P., Skantzakis, E., Maravelias, G., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Conde, A.P., and Tsakiris, G.D., Exploring intense attosecond pulses. New Journal of Physics, 2008. 10.
  4. Dinca, V., Farsari, M., Kafetzopoulos, D., Popescu, A., Dinescu, M., and Fotakis, C., Patterning parameters for biomolecules microarrays constructed with nanosecond and femtosecond UV lasers. Thin Solid Films, 2008. 516(18): p. 6504-6511.
  5. Dinca, V., Kasotakis, E., Catherine, J., Mourka, A., Ranella, A., Ovsianikov, A., Chichkov, B.N., Farsari, M., Mitraki, A., and Fotakis, C., Directed three-dimensional patterning of self-assembled peptide fibrils. Nano Letters, 2008. 8(2): p. 538-543.
  6. Dinca, V., Ranella, A., Farsari, M., Kafetzopoulos, D., Dinescu, M., Popescu, A., and Fotakis, C., Quantification of the activity of biomolecules in microarrays obtained by direct laser transfer. Biomedical Microdevices, 2008. 10(5): p. 719-725.
  7. Erdem, A., Cilingiroglu, A., Giakoumaki, A., Castanys, M., Kartsonaki, E., Fotakis, C., and Anglos, D., Characterization of Iron age pottery from eastern Turkey by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Journal of Archaeological Science, 2008. 35(9): p. 2486-2494.
  8. Farsari, M., Ovsianikov, A., Vamvakaki, M., Sakellari, I., Gray, D., Chichkov, B.N., and Fotakis, C., Fabrication of three-dimensional photonic crystal structures containing an active nonlinear optical chromophore. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2008. 93(1): p. 11-15.
  9. Filippidis, G., Gualda, E.J., Melessanaki, K., and Fotakis, C., Nonlinear imaging microscopy techniques as diagnostic tools for art conservation studies. Optics Letters, 2008. 33(3): p. 240-242.
  10. Georgiou, S., Anglos, D., and Fotakis, C., Photons in the service of our past: lasers in the preservation of cultural heritage. Contemporary Physics, 2008. 49(1): p. 1-27.
  11. Gualda, E.J., Filippidis, G., Mari, M., Voglis, G., Vlachos, M., Fotakis, C., and Tavernarakis, N., In vivo imaging of neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans by third harmonic generation microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, 2008. 232(2): p. 270-275.
  12. Gualda, E.J., Filippidis, G., Voglis, G., Mari, M., Fotakis, C., and Tavernarakis, N., In vivo imaging of cellular structures in Caenorhabditis elegans by combined TPEF, SHG and THG microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, 2008. 229(1): p. 141-150.
  13. Hopp, B., Smausz, T., Papdi, B., Bor, Z., Szabo, A., Kolozsvari, L., Fotakis, C., and Nogradi, A., Laser-based techniques for living cell pattern formation. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2008. 93(1): p. 45-49.
  14. Katsoprinakis, G.E., Polis, M., Tavernarakis, A., Dellis, A.T., and Kominis, I.K., Quantum random number generator based on spin noise. Physical Review A, 2008. 77(5).
  15. Klini, A., Loukakos, P.A., Gray, D., Manousaki, A., and Fotakis, C., Laser Induced Forward Transfer of metals by temporally shaped femtosecond laser pulses. Optics Express, 2008. 16(15): p. 11300-11309.
  16. Kominis, I.K., Quantum Zeno effect in atomic spin-exchange collisions. Physics Letters A, 2008. 372(29): p. 4877-4879.
  17. Kominis, I.K., Sub-shot-noise magnetometry with a correlated spin-relaxation dominated alkali-metal vapor. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 100(7).
  18. Lambropoulos, P. and Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Angular distributions in double ionization of helium under XUV sub-femtosecond radiation. New Journal of Physics, 2008. 10.
  19. Lambropoulos, P., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Makris, M.G., and Mihelic, A., Direct versus sequential double ionization in atomic systems. Physical Review A, 2008. 78(5).
  20. Lygeraki, M.I., Tsiranidou, E., Anastasiadis, S.H., Fotakis, C., Pisignano, D., Cingolani, R., and Athanassiou, A., Controlling the reversible wetting capability of smart photochromic-polymer surfaces by micro patterning. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2008. 91(3): p. 397-401.
  21. Makris, M.G. and Lambropoulos, P., Reexamination of multiphoton ionization of xenon under 12.7-eV radiation. Physical Review A, 2008. 77(2).
  22. Makris, M.G. and Lambropoulos, P., Theoretical interpretation of multiphoton ionization of neon by soft-x-ray intense radiation. Physical Review A, 2008. 77(2).
  23. Manceau, J.M., Nevin, A., Fotakis, C., and Tzortzakis, S., Terahertz time domain spectroscopy for the analysis of cultural heritage related materials. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 2008. 90(3-4): p. 365-368.
  24. Museur, L., Petitet, J.P., Michel, J.P., Marine, W., Anglos, D., Fotakis, C., and Kanaev, A.V., Picosecond laser structuration under high pressures: Observation of boron nitride nanorods. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008. 104(9).
  25. Nikolopoulos, G.M., Lazarou, C., and Lambropoulos, P., Effects of relative phase and interactions on atom-laser outcoupling from a double-well Bose-Einstein condensate: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2008. 41(2).
  26. Osticioli, I., Nevin, A., Anglos, D., Burnstock, A., Cather, S., Becucci, M., Fotakis, C., and Castellucci, E., Micro-Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy for the assessment of the effects of the exposure to light on films of egg white and egg yolk. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2008. 39(2): p. 307-313.
  27. Ovsianikov, A., Viertl, J., Chichkov, B., Oubaha, M., MacCraith, B., Sakellari, I., Giakoumaki, A., Gray, D., Vamvakaki, M., Farsari, M., and Fotakis, C., Ultra-Low Shrinkage Hybrid Photosensitive Material for Two-Photon Polymerization Microfabrication. Acs Nano, 2008. 2(11): p. 2257-2262.
  28. Pinon, V., Fotakis, C., Nicolas, G., and Anglos, D., Double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with femtosecond laser pulses. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 2008. 63(10): p. 1006-1010.
  29. Pouli, P., Fotakis, C., Hermosin, B., Saiz-Jimenez, C., Domingo, C., Oujja, M., and Castillejo, M., The laser-induced discoloration of stonework; a comparative study on its origins and remedies. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008. 71(3): p. 932-945.
  30. Pouli, P., Paun, I.A., Bounos, G., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., The potential of UV femtosecond laser ablation for varnish removal in the restoration of painted works of art. Applied Surface Science, 2008. 254(21): p. 6875-6879.
  31. Slifer, K., Amarian, M., Auerbach, L., Averett, T., Berthot, J., Bertin, P., Bertozzi, B., Black, T., Brash, E., Brown, D., Burtin, E., Calarco, J., Cates, G., Chai, Z., Chen, J.P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Atti, C.C.D., Cisbani, E., de Jager, C.W., Deur, A., DiSalvo, R., Dieterich, S., Djawotho, P., Finn, M., Fissum, K., Fonvieille, H., Frullani, S., Gao, H., Gao, J., Garibaldi, F., Gasparian, A., Gilad, S., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, A., Glashausser, C., Glockle, W., Golak, J., Goldberg, E., Gomez, J., Gorbenko, V., Hansen, J.O., Hersman, B., Holmes, R., Huber, G.M., Hughes, E., Humensky, B., Incerti, S., Iodice, M., Jensen, S., Jiang, X., Jones, C., Jones, G., Jones, M., Jutier, C., Kamada, H., Ketikyan, A., Kominis, I., Korsch, W., Kramer, K., Kumar, K., Kumbartzki, G., Kuss, M., Lakuriqi, E., Laveissiere, G., Lerose, J.J., Liang, M., Liyanage, N., Lolos, G., Malov, S., Marroncle, J., McCormick, K., McKeown, R.D., Meziani, Z.E., Michaels, R., Mitchell, J., Nogga, A., Pace, E., Papandreou, Z., Pavlin, T., Petratos, G.G., Pripstein, D., Prout, D., Ransome, R., Roblin, Y., Rowntree, D., Rvachev, M., Sabatie, F., Saha, A., Salme, G., Scopetta, S., Skibinski, R., Souder, P., Saito, T., Strauch, S., Suleiman, R., Takahashi, K., Teijiro, S., Todor, L., Tsubota, H., Ueno, H., Urciuoli, G., Van der Meer, R., Vernin, P., Voskanian, H., Witala, H., Wojtsekhowski, B., Xiong, F., Xu, W., Yang, J.C., Zhang, B. and Zolnierczuk, P., He-3 spin-dependent cross sections and sum rules. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101(2).
  32. Sofikitis, D., Rubio-Lago, L., Alexander, A.J., and Rakitzis, T.P., Nanosecond control and high-density production of spin-polarized hydrogen atoms. Epl, 2008. 81(6).
  33. Sofikitis, D., Rubio-Lago, L., Bougas, L., Alexander, A.J., and Rakitzis, T.P., Laser detection of spin-polarized hydrogen from HCl and HBr photodissociation: Comparison of H- and halogen-atom polarizations. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008. 129(14).
  34. Stratakis, E., Misra, N., Spanakis, E., Hwang, D.J., Grigoropoulos, C.P., Fotakis, C., and Tzanetakis, P., Imaging dielectric properties of Si nanowire oxide with conductive atomic force microscopy complemented with femtosecond laser illumination. Nano Letters, 2008. 8(7): p. 1949-1953.
  35. Tornari, V., Bernikola, E., Nevin, A., Kouloumpi, E., Doulgeridis, M., and Fotakis, C., Fully-Non-Contact Masking-Based Holography Inspection on Dimensionally Responsive Artwork Materials. Sensors, 2008. 8(12): p. 8401-8422.
  36. Zhang, X., Berdahl, P., Klini, A., Fotakis, C., and Mao, S.S., Transition of crystalline orientation of yttria-stabilized zirconia films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2008. 91(3): p. 407-410.
  37. Zorba, V., Boukos, N., Zergioti, I., and Fotakis, C., Ultraviolet femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond laser microstructuring of silicon: structural and optical properties. Applied Optics, 2008. 47(11): p. 1846-1850.
  38. Zorba, V., Stratakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Spanakis, E., Tzanetakis, P., Anastasiadis, S.H., and Fotakis, C., Biomimetic Artificial Surfaces Quantitatively Reproduce the Water Repellency of a Lotus Leaf. Advanced Materials, 2008. 20(21): p. 4049-+.
  39. Zorba, V., Stratakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Spanakis, E., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Tailoring the wetting response of silicon surfaces via fs laser structuring. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2008. 93(4): p. 819-825.
  40. Zouros, T.J.M., Sulik, B., Gulyas, L., and Tokesi, K., Selective enhancement of 1s2s2p P-2(J) metastable states populated by cascades in single-electron transfer collisions of F7+(1s(2)/1s2s S-3) ions with He and H-2 targets. Physical Review A, 2008. 77(5).
  1. Anderson, B., Auberbach, L., Averett, T., Bertozzi, W., Black, T., Calarco, J., Cardman, L., Cates, G.D., Chai, Z.W., Chen, J.P., Choi, S., Chudakov, E., Churchwell, S., Corrado, G.S., Crawford, C., Dale, D., Deur, A., Djawotho, P., Dutta, D., Finn, J.M., Gao, H., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, A.V., Glashausser, C., Glockle, W., Golak, J., Gomez, J., Gorbenko, V.G., Hansen, J.O., Hersman, F.W., Higinbotham, D.W., Holmes, R., Howell, C.R., Hughes, E., Humensky, B., Incerti, S., de Jager, C.W., Jensen, J.S., Jiang, X., Jones, C.E., Jones, M., Kahl, R., Kamada, H., Kievsky, A., Kominis, I., Korsch, W., Kramer, K., Kumbartzki, G., Kuss, M., Lakuriqi, E., Liang, M., Liyanage, N., LeRose, J., Malov, S., Margaziotis, D.J., Martin, J.W., McCormick, K., McKeown, R.D., McIlhany, K., Meziani, Z.E., Michaels, R., Miller, G.W., Mitchell, J., Nanda, S., Pace, E., Pavlin, T., Petratos, G.G., Pomatsalyuk, R.I., Pripstein, D., Prout, D., Ransome, R.D., Roblin, Y., Rvachev, M., Saha, A., Salme, G., Schnee, M., Seely, J., Shin, T., Slifer, K., Souder, P.A., Strauch, S., Suleiman, R., Sutter, M., Tipton, B., Todor, L., Viviani, M., Vlahovic, B., Watson, J., Williamson, C.F., Witala, H., Wojtsekhowski, B., Xiong, F., Xu, W., Yeh, J., and Zolnierczuk, P., Extraction of the neutron magnetic form factor from quasielastic (3)(H)over-right-arrow((e)over-right-arrow,e(')) at Q(2)=0.1-0.6 (GeV/c)(2). Physical Review C, 2007. 75(3).
  2. Athanassiou, A., Cingolani, R., Tsiranidou, E., Fotakis, C., Laera, A.M., Piscopiello, E., and Tapfer, L., Photon-induced formation of CdS nanocrystals in selected areas of polymer matrices. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 91(15).
  3. Caricato, A.P., Luches, A., Romano, F., Mulenko, S.A., Kudryavtsev, Y., Gorbachuk, N.T., Fotakis, C., Papadopoulou, E.L., and Klini, R., Deposition of thin films for sensors by pulsed laser ablation of iron and chromium silicide targets. Applied Surface Science, 2007. 254(4): p. 1288-1291.
  4. Claeyssens, F., Klini, A., Mourka, A., and Fotakis, C., Laser patterning of Zn for ZnO nanostructure growth: Comparison between laser induced forward transfer in air and in vacuum. Thin Solid Films, 2007. 515(24): p. 8529-8533.
  5. Dinca, V., Kasotakis, E., Catherine, J., Mourka, A., Mitraki, A., Popescu, A., Dinescu, M., Farsari, M., and Fotakis, C., Development of peptide-based patterns by laser transfer. Applied Surface Science, 2007. 254(4): p. 1160-1163.
  6. Dinca, V., Ranella, A., Popescu, A., Dinescu, M., Farsari, M., and Fotakis, C., Parameters optimization for biological molecules patterning using 248-nm ultrafast lasers. Applied Surface Science, 2007. 254(4): p. 1164-1168.
  7. Farsari, M., Filippidis, G., Drakakis, T.S., Sambani, K., Georgiou, S., Papadakis, G., Gizeli, E., and Fotakis, C., Three-dimensional biomolecule patterning. Applied Surface Science, 2007. 253(19): p. 8115-8118.
  8. Katsoprinakis, G.E., Dellis, A.T., and Kominis, I.K., Measurement of transverse spin-relaxation rates in a rubidium vapor by use of spin-noise spectroscopy. Physical Review A, 2007. 75(4).
  9. Klini, A., Mourka, A., Dinca, V., Fotakis, C., and Claeyssens, F., ZnO nanorod micropatterning via laser-induced forward transfer. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2007. 87(1): p. 17-22.
  10. Lazarou, C., Nikolopoulos, G.M., and Lambropoulos, P., Non-Markovian dynamics in atom-laser outcoupling from a double-well Bose-Einstein condensate. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2007. 40(12): p. 2511-2529.
  11. Loriot, V., Tzallas, P., Benis, E.P., Hertz, E., Lavorel, B., Charalambidis, D., and Faucher, O., Laser-induced field-free alignment of the OCS molecule. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2007. 40(12): p. 2503-2510.
  12. Moshammer, R., Jiang, Y.H., Foucar, L., Rudenko, A., Ergler, T., Schroter, C.D., Ludemann, S., Zrost, K., Fischer, D., Titze, J., Jahnke, T., Schoffler, M., Weber, T., Dorner, R., Zouros, T.J.M., Dorn, A., Ferger, T., Kuhnel, K.U., Dusterer, S., Treusch, R., Radcliffe, P., Ploenjes, E., and Ullrich, J., Few-photon multiple ionization of Ne and Ar by strong free-electron-laser pulses. Physical Review Letters, 2007. 98(20).
  13. Nevin, A., Pouli, P., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., Laser conservation of art. Nature Materials, 2007. 6(5): p. 320-322.
  14. Nikolopoulos, L.A.A. and Lambropoulos, P., Time-dependent theory of double ionization of helium under XUV radiation. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2007. 40(7): p. 1347-1357.
  15. Reinhardt, C., Passinger, S., Zorba, V., Chichkov, B.N., and Fotakis, C., Replica molding of picosecond laser fabricated Si microstructures. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2007. 87(4): p. 673-677.
  16. Rothard, H., Moshammer, R., Ullrich, J., Kollmus, H., Mann, R., Hagmann, S., and Zouros, T.J.M., Differential multi-electron emission induced by swift highly charged gold ions penetrating carbon foils. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2007. 258(1): p. 91-95.
  17. Sise, O., Zouros, T.J.M., Ulu, M., and Dogan, M., Novel and traditional fringing field correction schemes for the hemispherical analyser: comparison of first-order focusing and energy resolution. Measurement Science and Technology, 2007. 18(7): p. 1853-1858.
  18. Sofikitis, D., Rubio-Lago, L., Martin, M.R., Ankeny, D.J., Bartlett, N.C.M., Alexander, A.J., Zare, R.N., and Rakitzis, T.P., Optical control of ground-state atomic orbital alignment: Cl(P-2(3/2)) atoms from HCl(v=2,J=1) photodissociation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007. 127(14).
  19. Sofikitis, D., Rubio-Lago, L., Martin, M.R., Brown, D.J.A., Bartlett, N.C.M., Zare, R.N., and Rakitzis, T.P., Preparation of highly polarized nuclei: Observation and control of time-dependent polarization transfer from (HCl)-Cl-35 molecular rotation to Cl-35 nuclear spin. Physical Review A, 2007. 76(1).
  20. Tzallas, P., Skantzakis, E., Benis, E.P., Kalpouzos, C., Tsakiris, G.D., and Charalambidis, D., Full temporal reconstruction of a lower order harmonic superposition. New Journal of Physics, 2007. 9.
  21. Tzallas, P., Skantzakis, E., Kalpouzos, C., Benis, E.P., Tsakiris, G.D., and Charalambidis, D., Generation of intense continuum extreme-ultraviolet radiation by many-cycle laser fields. Nature Physics, 2007. 3(12): p. 846-850.
  22. Zouros, T.J.M., Sise, O., Spiegelhalder, F.M., and Manura, D.J., Investigation of the accuracy of ion optics simulations using Kepler orbits in a spherical capacitor. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2007. 261(2-3): p. 115-133.
  1. Athanassiou, A., Lygeraki, M.I., Pisignano, D., Lakiotaki, K., Varda, M., Mele, E., Fotakis, C., Cingolani, R., and Anastasiadis, S.H., Photocontrolled variations in the wetting capability of photochromic polymers enhanced by surface nanostructuring. Langmuir, 2006. 22(5): p. 2329-2333.
  2. Athanassiou, A., Sahinidou, D., Arima, V., Georgiou, S., Cingolani, R., and Fotakis, C., Influence of laser wavelength and pulse duration on the degradation of polymeric films embedding photochromic molecules. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry, 2006. 183(1-2): p. 182-189.
  3. Athanassiou, A., Varda, M., Mele, E., Lygeraki, M.I., Pisignano, D., Farsari, M., Fotakis, C., Cingolani, R., and Anastasiadis, S.H., Combination of microstructuring and laser-light irradiation for the reversible wettability of photosensitised polymer surfaces. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2006. 83(3): p. 351-356.
  4. Benis, E.P., Charalambidis, D., Kitsopoulos, T.N., Tsakiris, G.D., and Tzallas, P., Two-photon double ionization of rare gases by a superposition of harmonics. Physical Review A, 2006. 74(5).
  5. Benis, E.P., Tzallas, P., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Kovacev, M., Kalpouzos, C., Charalambidis, D., and Tsakiris, G., Frequency-resolved photoelectron spectra of two-photon ionization of He by an attosecond pulse train. New Journal of Physics, 2006. 8.
  6. Benis, E.P., Zouros, T.J.M., Gorczyca, T.W., Gonzalez, A.D., and Richard, P., Elastic resonant and nonresonant differential scattering of quasifree electrons from B4+(1s) and B3+(1s(2)) ions (vol 63, pg 052718, 2004). Physical Review A, 2006. 73(2).
  7. Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., Papadogiannis, N.A., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Benis, E.P., and Tsakiris, G.D., Comment on "Photoionization of helium atoms irradiated with intense vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser light. Part I. Experimental study of multiphoton and single-photon processes". Physical Review A, 2006. 74(3).
  8. Chestakov, D.A., Parker, D.H., Vidma, K.V., and Rakitzis, T.P., Photofragment alignment in the photodissociation of I-2 from 450 to 510 nm. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2006. 124(2).
  9. Drakakis, T.S., Papadakis, G., Sambani, K., Filippidis, G., Georgiou, S., Gizeli, E., Fotakis, C., and Farsari, M., Construction of three-dimensional biomolecule structures employing femtosecond lasers. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 89(14).
  10. Farsari, M., Filippidis, G., Sambani, K., Drakakis, T.S., and Fotakis, C., Two-photon polymerization of an Eosin Y-sensitized acrylate composite. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry, 2006. 181(1): p. 132-135.
  11. Ghica, C., Ristoscu, C., Socol, G., Brodoceanu, D., Nistor, L.C., Mihailescu, I.N., Klini, A., and Fotakis, C., Growth and characterization of beta-SiC films obtained by fs laser ablation. Applied Surface Science, 2006. 252(13): p. 4672-4677.
  12. Jegenyes, N., Toth, Z., Hopp, B., Klebniczki, J., Bor, Z., and Fotakis, C., Femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of diamond-like carbon films: The effect of double laser pulses. Applied Surface Science, 2006. 252(13): p. 4667-4671.
  13. Katsoprinakis, G., Petrosyan, D., and Kominis, I.K., High frequency atomic magnetometer by use of electromagnetically induced transparency. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 97(23).
  14. Mele, E., Pisignano, D., Varda, M., Farsari, M., Filippidis, G., Fotakis, C., Athanassiou, A., and Cingolani, R., Smart photochromic gratings with switchable wettability realized by green-light interferometry. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 88(20).
  15. Nevin, A., Cather, S., Anglos, D., and Fotakis, C., Analysis of protein-based binding media found in paintings using laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006. 573: p. 341-346.
  16. Nikolopoulos, L.A.A. and Lambropoulos, P., Multiphoton ionization of helium under uv radiation: Role of the harmonics. Physical Review A, 2006. 74(6).
  17. Nikolopoulos, L.A.A. and Lambropoulos, P., Comment on "Production of doubly charged helium ions by two-photon absorption of an intense sub-10-fs soft X-ray pulse at 42 eV photon energy". Physical Review Letters, 2006. 97(16).
  18. Nikolopoulos, L.A.A. and Lambropoulos, P., Helium double ionization signals under soft-x-ray coherent radiation. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2006. 39(4): p. 883-893.
  19. Papalazarou, E., Kovacev, M., Tzallas, P., Benis, E.P., Kalpouzos, C., Tsakiris, G.D., and Charalambidis, D., Spectral phase distribution retrieval through coherent control of harmonic generation. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 96(16).
  20. Petrosyan, D. and Lambropoulos, P., Coherent population transfer in a chain of tunnel coupled quantum dots. Optics Communications, 2006. 264(2): p. 419-425.
  21. Pisignano, D., Mele, E., Persano, L., Athanassiou, A., Fotakis, C., and Cingolani, R., Optical gain from the open form of a photochromic molecule in the solid state. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006. 110(10): p. 4506-4509.
  22. Ristoscu, C., Socol, G., Ghica, C., Mihailescu, I.N., Gray, D., Klini, A., Manousaki, A., Anglos, D., and Fotakis, C., Femtosecond pulse shaping for phase and morphology control in PLD: Synthesis of cubic SiC. Applied Surface Science, 2006. 252(13): p. 4857-4862.
  23. Rubio-Lago, L., Sofikitis, D., Koubenakis, A., and Rakitzis, T.P., Time-dependent polarization transfer from molecular rotation to nuclear spin. Physical Review A, 2006. 74(4).
  24. Rubio-Lago, L., Sofikitis, D., Koubenakis, A., and Rakitzis, T.P., Laser preparation of spin-polarized atoms from molecular photodissociation. Physica Scripta, 2006. 73(1): p. C71-C75.
  25. Skantzakis, E., Zorba, V., Papazoglou, D.G., Zergioti, I., and Fotakis, C., Ultraviolet laser microstructuring of silicon and the effect of laser pulse duration on the surface morphology. Applied Surface Science, 2006. 252(13): p. 4462-4466.
  26. Spanakis, E., Chimmalgi, A., Stratakis, E., Grigoropoulos, C.P., Fotakis, C., and Tzanetakis, P., Atomic force microscopy based, multiphoton, photoelectron emission imaging. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 89(1).
  27. Stambouli, D., Stamboulis, E., Papazoglou, T.G., Siafakas, A., and Fotakis, C., Laser Doppler spectroscopy towards the detection of spontaneous muscle activity. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2006. 117(10): p. 2279-2283.
  28. van den Brom, A.J., Rakitzis, T.P., and Janssen, M.H.M., Molecular frame properties from photodissociation of laboratory-oriented symmetric top and chiral molecules. Physica Scripta, 2006. 73(1): p. C83-C88.
  29. Zoppel, S., Farsari, M., Merz, R., Zehetner, J., Stangl, G., Reider, G.A., and Fotakis, C., Laser micro machining of 3C-SiC single crystals. Microelectronic Engineering, 2006. 83(4-9): p. 1400-1402.
  30. Zorba, V., Persano, L., Pisignano, D., Athanassiou, A., Stratakis, E., Cingolani, R., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Making silicon hydrophobic: wettability control by two-lengthscale simultaneous patterning with femtosecond laser irradiation. Nanotechnology, 2006. 17(13): p. 3234-3238.
  31. Zorba, V., Tzanetakis, P., Fotakis, C., Spanakis, E., Stratakis, E., Papazoglou, D.G., and Zergioti, I., Silicon electron emitters fabricated by ultraviolet laser pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 88(8).
  32. Zouros, T.J.A., Sulik, B., Gulyas, L., and Orban, A., Production of 1s2s2p P-4 states by transfer-loss cascades in O5+ collisions with He and H-2 targets. Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2006. 36(2B): p. 505-508.
  33. Zouros, T.J.M., Theoretical investigation of the energy resolution of an ideal hemispherical deflector analyzer and its dependence on the distance from the focal plane (vol 152, pg 67, 2006). Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2006. 153(3): p. 102-107.
  34. Zouros, T.J.M., Theoretical investigation of the energy resolution of an ideal hemispherical deflector analyzer and its dependence on the distance from the focal plane. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2006. 152(1-2): p. 67-77.
  35. Zouros, T.J.M., Sise, O., Ulu, M., and Dogan, M., Using the fringing fields of a hemispherical spectrograph to improve its energy resolution. Measurement Science and Technology, 2006. 17(12): p. N81-N86.
  36. Zouros, T.J.M., Sulik, B., Gulyas, L., and Orban, A., Production of projectile 1s2s2p P-4 states by transfer-loss in collisions of O5+ and F6+ ions with H-2 and He targets. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2006. 39(3): p. L45-L52.
  1. Alexander, A.J. and Rakitzis, T.P., Effects of long-range potentials on polarization of chlorine atoms from photodissociation of ICI. Molecular Physics, 2005. 103(13): p. 1665-1676.
  2. Athanassiou, A., Kalyva, M., Lakiotaki, K., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., All-optical reversible actuation of photochromic-polymer microsystems. Advanced Materials, 2005. 17(8): p. 988-+.
  3. Athanassiou, A., Lakiotaki, K., Kalyva, M., Georgiou, S., and Fotakis, C., Photoswitches operating upon ns pulsed laser irradiation. Applied Surface Science, 2005. 248(1-4): p. 56-61.
  4. Farsari, M., Filippidis, G., and Fotakis, C., Fabrication of three-dimensional structures by three-photon polymerization. Optics Letters, 2005. 30(23): p. 3180-3182.
  5. Farsari, M., Filippidis, G., Zoppel, S., Reider, G.A., and Fotakis, C., Efficient femtosecond laser micromachining of bulk 3C-SiC. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2005. 15(9): p. 1786-1789.
  6. Jelinek, M., Klini, A., Kocourek, T., Zeipl, R., Santoni, A., Fotakis, C., and Kaminska, E., Subpicosecond and enhanced nanosecond PLD to grow ZnO films in nitrogen ambient. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2005. 200(1-4): p. 418-420.
  7. Klini, A., Manousaki, A., Anglos, D., and Fotakis, C., Growth of ZnO thin films by ultraviolet pulsed-laser ablation: Study of plume dynamics. Journal of Applied Physics, 2005. 98(12).
  8. Lambropoulos, P., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., and Makris, M.G., Signatures of direct double ionization under xuv radiation. Physical Review A, 2005. 72(1).
  9. Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Benis, E.P., Tzallas, P., Charalambidis, D., Witte, K., and Tsakiris, G.D., Second order autocorrelation of an XUV attosecond pulse train. Physical Review Letters, 2005. 94(11).
  10. Papazoglou, D.G., Zergioti, I., Tzortzakis, S., Sgouros, G., Maravelias, G., Christopoulos, S., and Fotakis, C., Sub-picosecond ultraviolet laser filamentation-induced bulk modifications in fused silica. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2005. 81(2): p. 241-244.
  11. Rakitzis, T.P., Highly spin-polarized atoms and molecules from rotationally state-selected molecules. Physical Review Letters, 2005. 94(8).
  12. Stoian, R., Mermillod-Blondin, A., Bulgakova, N.M., Rosenfeld, A., Hertel, I.V., Spyridaki, M., Koudoumas, E., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Optimization of ultrafast laser generated low-energy ion beams from silicon targets. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 87(12).
  13. Stoian, R., Mermillod-Blondin, A., Winkler, S.W., Rosenfeld, A., Hertel, I.V., Spyridaki, M., Koudoumas, E., Tzanetakis, P., Fotakis, C., Burakov, I.M., and Bulgakova, N.M., Temporal pulse manipulation and consequences for ultrafast laser processing of materials. Optical Engineering, 2005. 44(5).
  14. Themelis, S.I., Lambropoulos, P., and Wuilleumier, F.J., Laser-induced transitions between core excited states of Na. Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2005. 38(13): p. 2119-2132.
  15. Thomson, R.R., Bookey, H.T., Kar, A.K., Taghizadeh, M.R., Klini, A., Fotakis, C., Romano, E., Caricato, A.P., Martino, M., Shen, S., and Jha, A., Erbium-doped waveguide fabrication via reactive pulsed laser deposition of erbium-doped oxyfluoride-silicate glass. Electronics Letters, 2005. 41(25): p. 1376-1377.
  16. Toleikis, S., Maruyama, R., Church, D.A., Schneider, D., Freedman, S.J., Kominis, I., and Vetter, P.A., RETrap - a cryogenic Penning ion trap system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005. 235: p. 479-481.
  17. Tzallas, P., Benis, E.P., Charalambidis, D., Tsakiris, G.D., Witte, K., and Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Attosecond pulse trains: Generation, metrology, and application perspectives. Laser Physics, 2005. 15(6): p. 821-831.
  18. Tzallas, P., Charalambidis, D., Papadogiannis, N.A., Witte, K., and Tsakiris, G.D., Second-order autocorrelation measurements of attosecond XUV pulse trains. Journal of Modern Optics, 2005. 52(2-3): p. 321-338.
  19. Tzallas, P., Tsakiris, G.D., Witte, K., Nikolopoulos, L.A.A., Benis, E.P., and Charalambidis, D., The attosecond-science frontiers: generation, metrology and paths to applications. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2005. 144: p. 1129-1135.
  20. van den Brom, A.J., Rakitzis, T.P., and Janssen, M.H.M., State-to-state photodissociation of carbonyl sulfide (nu(2)=0,1 vertical bar JlM). II. The effect of initial bending on coherence of S(D-1(2)) polarization. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005. 123(16).
  21. Zergioti, I., Karaiskou, A., Papazoglou, D.G., Fotakis, C., Kapsetaki, M., and Kafetzopoulos, D., Time resolved schlieren study of sub-picosecond and nanosecond laser transfer of biomaterials (vol 247, pg 584, 2005). Applied Surface Science, 2005. 249(1-4): p. 433-433.
  22. Zergioti, I., Karaiskou, A., Papazoglou, D.G., Fotakis, C., Kapsetaki, M., and Kafetzopoulos, D., Time resolved schlieren study of sub-pecosecond and nanosecond laser transfer of biomaterials. Applied Surface Science, 2005. 247(1-4): p. 584-589.
  23. Zergioti, I., Karaiskou, A., Papazoglou, D.G., Fotakis, C., Kapsetaki, M., and Kafetzopoulos, D., Femtosecond laser microprinting of biomaterials. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 86(16).
  24. Zoppel, S., Gray, D., Farsari, M., Merz, R., Reider, G.A., and Fotakis, C., Elimination of cracking during UV laser ablation of SrTiO3 single crystals by employing a femtosecond laser. Applied Surface Science, 2005. 252(5): p. 1910-1914.
  25. Zouros, T.J.M. and Benis, E.P., Optimal energy resolution of a hemispherical analyzer with virtual entry. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 86(9).
  26. Zouros, T.J.M. and Benis, E.P., The hemispherical deflector analyser revisited. I. Motion in the ideal 1/r potential, generalized entry conditions, Kepler orbits and spectrometer basic equation (vol 125, pg 221, 2002). Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2005. 142(2): p. 175-176.
  27. Zouros, T.J.M., Benis, E.P., and Chatzakis, I., Optimization of the energy resolution of an ideal ESCA-type hemispherical analyzer. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005. 235: p. 535-539.
  28. Zouros, T.J.M., Benis, E.P., Zamkov, M., Lin, C.D., Lee, T.G., Richard, P., Gorczyca, T.W., and Morishita, T., Investigation of triply excited states of Li-like ions in fast ion-atom collisions by zero-degree Auger projectile electron spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2005. 233: p. 161-171.

Applied Physics Publications

  1. Lymperakis L., Lymperakis K., Iliopoulos E. , "Desorption kinetics of indium adlayers on GaN(0001): Fractional order and non-monotonic behavior", Journal of Applied Physics, (2024), 136(21), DOI: 10.1063/5.0240751

  2. Freter L., Lymperakis L., Schnedler M., Eisele H., Jin L., Liu J., Sun Q., Dunin-Borkowski R.E., Ebert P. , "Composition dependence of intrinsic surface states and Fermi-level pinning at ternary AlxGa1−xN m-plane surfaces", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, (2024), 42(2), DOI: 10.1116/6.0003225

  3. Chatzopoulou P., Hilliard D., Vasileiadis I.G., Florini N., Devulapalli V., Liebscher C.H., Lymperakis L., Komninou P., Kehagias T., Dimakis E., Dimitrakopulos G.P. , "Elastic limit and relaxation of GaAs/In(Al,Ga)As core/shell nanowires for near-infrared applications", Nanotechnology, (2024), 36(9), DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ad9d4a

  4. Scales Z.F., Koller C., Lymperakis L., Nelhiebel M., Stoeger-Pollach M. , "The role of carbon segregation in the electrical activity of dislocations in carbon doped GaN", Journal of Applied Physics, (2024), 136(4), DOI: 10.1063/5.0213275

  1. Miller, W., Schulz, T., Lymperakis, L., Klump, A., Albrecht, M., "Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for AlN and AlGaN epitaxial growth on AlN", (2023) Journal of Crystal Growth, 607, art. no. 127125, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2023.127125
  1. Alam, M., Lymperakis, L., Groh, S., Neugebauer, J., "MEAM interatomic potentials of Ni, Re, and Ni-Re alloys for atomistic fracture simulations", (2022) Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 30 (1), art. no. 015002, DOI: 10.1088/1361-651X/ac3a15
  2. Katerinopoulou, D., Pervolarakis, E., Papakonstantinopoulos, C., Malič, B., Gelinck, G.H., Kiriakidis, G., Łodziana, Z., Remediakis, I.N., Iliopoulos, E., "Transport in Mn spinel oxides alloyed with Zn-Ni: Polaron hopping in an inhomogeneous energy landscape", (2022) Journal of Applied Physics, 132 (11), art. no. 115101, DOI: 10.1063/5.0105553
  3. Martín, G., López-Conesa, L., Pozo, D.D., Portillo, Q., Doundoulakis, G., Georgakilas, A., Estradé, S., Peiró, F., "Precessed electron diffraction study of defects and strain in GaN nanowires fabricated by top-down etching", (2022) Applied Physics Letters, 121 (8), art. no. 082104, DOI: 10.1063/5.0101908
  4. Schulz, T., Yoo, S.-H., Lymperakis, L., Richter, C., Zatterin, E., Lachowski, A., Hartmann, C., Foronda, H.M., Brandl, C., Lugauer, H.J., Hoffmann, M.P., Albrecht, M., "Step pinning and hillock formation in (Al,Ga)N films on native AlN substrates", (2022) Journal of Applied Physics, 132 (22), art. no. 223102, DOI: 10.1063/5.0125480
  5. Yoo, S.-H., Lymperakis, L., Neugebauer, J. "Erratum: Efficient electronic passivation scheme for computing low-symmetry compound semiconductor surfaces in density-functional theory slab calculations" (Physical Review Materials (2021) 5 (044605) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.044605)", (2022) Physical Review Materials, 6 (1), art. no. 019901, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.019901
  1. Faka, V., Tsoumachidou, S., Moschogiannaki, M., Kiriakidis, G., Poulios, I., and Binas, V., "ZnWO4 nanoparticles as efficient photocatalyst for degradation of para-aminobenzoic acid: Impact of annealing temperature on photocatalytic performance".Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry, 2021. 406: 113002  
  2. Gagaoudakis, E., Aperathitis, E., Michail, G., Kiriakidis, G., and Binas, V., "Sputtered VO2 coatings on commercial glass substrates for smart glazing applications". Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021. 220: 110845  
  3. Katsikini, M., Filintoglou, K., Pinakidou, F., Pliatsikas, N., Arvanitidis, J., Christofilos, D., Paloura, E.C., Ves, S., Reinholz, U., Papadomanolaki, E., and Iliopoulos, E., "Scaling of phonon frequencies and electron binding energies with interatomic distances in InxGa1-xN". Journal of Applied Physics, 2021. 130(20): 205706  
  4. Kiriakidis, G., "Preface". Thin Solid Films, 2021. 720: 138505  
  5. Kuzmik, J., Adikimenakis, A., Tapajna, M., Gregusova, D., Hascik, S., Dobrocka, E., Tsagaraki, K., Stoklas, R., and Georgakilas, A., "InN: Breaking the limits of solid-state electronics". Aip Advances, 2021. 11(12): 125325  
  6. Paralikis, A., Gagaoudakis, E., Kampitakis, V., Aperathitis, E., Kiriakidis, G., and Binas, V., "Study on the Ozone Gas Sensing Properties of rf-Sputtered Al-Doped NiO Films". Applied Sciences-Basel, 2021. 11(7): 3104 
  7. Vasileiadis, I.G., Lymperakis, L., Adikimenakis, A., Gkotinakos, A., Devulapalli, V., Liebscher, C.H., Androulidaki, M., Hubner, R., Karakostas, T., Georgakilas, A., Komninou, P., Dimakis, E., and Dimitrakopulos, G.P., "Substitutional synthesis of sub-nanometer InGaN/GaN quantum wells with high indium content". Scientific Reports, 2021. 11(1): 20606  
  1. Gagaoudakis, E., Michail, G., Katerinopoulou, D., Moschovis, K., Iliopoulos, E., Kiriakidis, G., Binas, V., and Aperathitis, E., "Transparent p-type NiO:Al thin films as room temperature hydrogen and methane gas sensors". Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2020. 109: 104922  
  2. Gagaoudakis, E., Panagiotopoulos, A., Maksudov, T., Moschogiannaki, M., Katerinopoulou, D., Kakavelakis, G., Kiriakidis, G., Binas, V., Kymakis, E., and Petridis, K., "Self-powered, flexible and room temperature operated solution processed hybrid metal halide p-type sensing element for efficient hydrogen detection". Journal of Physics-Materials, 2020. 3(1): 014010  
  3. Kampitakis, V., Gagaoudakis, E., Zappa, D., Comini, E., Aperathitis, E., Kostopoulos, A., Kiriakidis, G., and Binas, V., "Highly sensitive and selective NO2 chemical sensors based on Al doped NiO thin films". Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2020. 115: 105149  
  4. Kazazis, S.A., Papadomanolaki, E., and Iliopoulos, E., "Tuning carrier localization in In-rich InGaN alloys: Correlations between growth kinetics and optical properties". Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 127(22): 225701  
  5. Kotzias, D., Binas, V., and Kiriakidis, G., "Smart Surfaces: Heterogeneous Photo-Catalysis on TiO(2)Based Coatings for De-pollution Purposes in Indoor and Outdoor Environments". Topics in Catalysis, 2020. 63(9-10) p.875-881
  6. Moschogiannaki, M., Frontistis, Z., Kiriakidis, G., Mantzavinos, D., and Binas, V., "Porous CoxNi1-xTiO3 nanorods for solar photocatalytic degradation of ethyl paraben". Journal of Materiomics, 2020. 6(4) p.788-799
  7. Moschogiannaki, M., Zouridi, L., Sukunta, J., Phanichphant, S., Gagaoudakis, E., Liewhiran, C., Kiriakidis, G., and Binas, V., "High performance hydrogen gas sensors based on PdO-decorated p-type CoV2O6 nanoparticles". Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2020. 324: 128744 
  8. Ryzhov, I.I., Kozlov, V.O., Kuznetsov, N.S., Chestnov, I.Y., Kavokin, A.V., Tzimis, A., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Kozlov, G.G., and Zapasskii, V.S., "Spin noise signatures of the self-induced Larmor precession". Physical Review Research, 2020. 2(2): 022064  
  9. Sedov, E., Lukoshkin, V., Kalevich, V., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P., and Kavokin, A., "Persistent Currents in Half-Moon Polariton Condensates". Acs Photonics, 2020. 7(5) p.1163-1170
  1. Binas, V., Stefanopoulos, V., Kiriakidis, G., and Papagiannakopoulos, P., "Photocatalytic oxidation of gaseous benzene, toluene and xylene under UV and visible irradiation over Mn-doped TiO2 nanoparticles". Journal of Materiomics, 2019. 5(1) p.56-65
  2. Brintakis, K., Gagaoudakis, E., Kostopoulou, A., Faka, V., Argyrou, A., Binas, V., Kiriakidis, G., and Stratakis, E., "Ligand-free all-inorganic metal halide nanocubes for fast, ultra-sensitive and self-powered ozone sensors".Nanoscale Advances, 2019. 1(7) p.2699-2706
  3. Christmann, G., Trifonov, A.V., Tzimis, A., Hatzopoulos, Z., Iorsh, I.V., Baumberg, J.J., and Savvidis, P.G., "High-angle optically accessible Brewster cavity exciton-polaritons". Physical Review B, 2019. 99(24): 241402  
  4. del Valle-Inclan Redondo, Y., Sigurdsson, H., Ohadi, H., Shelykh, I.A., Rubo, Y.G., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., "Observation of inversion, hysteresis, and collapse of spin in optically trapped polariton condensates". Physical Review B, 2019. 99(16): 165311  
  5. Doundoulakis, G., Adikimenakis, A., Stavrinidis, A., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., Deligeorgis, G., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., "Experimental and modeling insight for fin-shaped transistors based on AlN/GaN/AlN double barrier heterostructure". Solid-State Electronics, 2019. 158 p.1-10
  6. Doundoulakis, G., Adikimenakis, A., Stavrinidis, A., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., Iacovella, F., Deligeorgis, G., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., "Nanofabrication of normally-off GaN vertical nanowire MESFETs".Nanotechnology, 2019. 30(28): 285304  
  7. Eftychis, S., Kruse, J.E., Tsagaraki, K., Koukoula, T., Kehagias, T., Komninou, P., and Georgakilas, A., "Effects of ultrathin AlN prelayers on the spontaneous growth of GaN nanowires by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy". Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019. 514 p.89-97
  8. Gavalas, S., Gagaoudakis, E., Katerinopoulou, D., Petromichelaki, V., Wight, S., Wotring, G., Aperathitis, E., Kiriakidis, G., and Binas, V., "Vanadium oxide nanostructured thin films prepared by Aerosol Spray Pyrolysis for gas sensing and thermochromic applications". Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2019. 89 p.116-120
  9. Karafas, E.S., Romanias, M.N., Stefanopoulos, V., Binas, V., Zachopoulos, A., Kiriakidis, G., and Papagiannakopoulos, P., "Effect of metal doped and co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts oriented to degrade indoor/outdoor pollutants for air quality improvement. A kinetic and product study using acetaldehyde as probe molecule". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry, 2019. 371 p.255-263
  10. Katerinopoulou, D., Zalar, P., Sweelssen, J., Kiriakidis, G., Rentrop, C., Groen, P., Gelinck, G.H., van den Brand, J., and Smits, E.C.P., "Large-Area All-Printed Temperature Sensing Surfaces Using Novel Composite Thermistor Materials". Advanced Electronic Materials, 2019. 5(2): 1800605 
  11. Kucera, M., Adikimenakis, A., Dobrocka, E., Kudela, R., Tapajna, M., Laurencikova, A., Georgakilas, A., and Kuzmik, J., "Structural, electrical, and optical properties of annealed InN films grown on sapphire and silicon substrates". Thin Solid Films, 2019. 672 p.114-119
  12. Maggos, T., Binas, V., Siaperas, V., Terzopoulos, A., Panagopoulos, P., and Kiriakidis, G., "A Promising Technological Approach to Improve Indoor Air Quality". Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019. 9(22): 4837  
  13. Petromichelaki, E., Gagaoudakis, E., Moschovis, K., Tsetseris, L., Anthopoulos, T.D., Kiriakidis, G., and Binas, V., "Highly sensitive and room temperature detection of ultra-low concentrations of O-3 using self-powered sensing elements of Cu2O nanocubes". Nanoscale Advances, 2019. 1(5) p.2009-2017
  14. Rozas, E., Dolores Martin, M., Tejedor, C., Vina, L., Deligeorgis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., "Determination of Polariton Condensates' Critical Temperature". Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2019. 256(6): 1800519  
  15. Tsiampalis, A., Frontistis, Z., Binas, V., Kiriakidis, G., and Mantzavinos, D., "Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole Using Iron-Doped Titania and Simulated Solar Radiation". Catalysts, 2019. 9(7): 612  
  16. Xygkis, M., Gagaoudakis, E., Zouridi, L., Markaki, O., Aperathitis, E., Chrissopoulou, K., Kiriakidis, G., and Binas, V., "Thermochromic Behavior of VO2/Polymer Nanocomposites for Energy Saving Coatings". Coatings, 2019. 9(3): 163
  1. Askitopoulos, A., Nalitov, A.V., Sedov, E.S., Pickup, L., Cherotchenko, E.D., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Kavokin, A.V., and Lagoudakis, P.G., All-optical quantum fluid spin beam splitter.Physical Review B, 2018. 97(23).
  2. Binas, V., Papadaki, D., Maggos, T., Katsanaki, A., and Kiriakidis, G., Study of innovative photocatalytic cement based coatings: The effect of supporting materials.Construction and Building Materials, 2018. 168: p. 923-930.
  3. Cristofolini, P., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Generation of Quantized Polaritons below the Condensation Threshold.Physical Review Letters, 2018. 121(6).
  4. Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Bazioti, C., Papadomanolaki, E., Filintoglou, K., Katsikini, M., Arvanitidis, J., and Iliopoulos, E., Evolution of stratification in high-alloy content InGaN epilayers grown on (0001) AlN.Materials Science and Technology, 2018. 34(13): p. 1565-1574.
  5. Gagaoudakis, E., Aperathitis, E., Michail, G., Panagopoulou, M., Katerinopoulou, D., Binas, V., Raptis, Y.S., and Kiriakidis, G., Low-temperature rf sputtered VO2 thin films as thermochromic coatings for smart glazing systems.Solar Energy, 2018. 165: p. 115-121.
  6. Haenssler, O.C., Wieghaus, M.F., Kostopoulos, A., Doundoulakis, G., Aperathitis, E., Fatikow, S., and Kiriakidis, G., Multimodal microscopy test standard for scanning microwave, electron, force and optical microscopy.Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, 2018. 14(3-4): p. 51-57.
  7. Kakavelakis, G., Gagaoudakis, E., Petridis, K., Petromichelaki, V., Binas, V., Kiriakidis, G., and Kymakis, E., Solution Processed CH3NH3PbI3-xClx Perovskite Based Self -Powered Ozone Sensing Element Operated at Room Temperature.Acs Sensors, 2018. 3(1): p. 135-142.
  8. Kazazis, S.A., Papadomanolaki, E., Androulidaki, M., Kayambaki, M., and Iliopoulos, E., Optical properties of InGaN thin films in the entire composition range.Journal of Applied Physics, 2018. 123(12).
  9. Kazazis, S.A., Papadomanolaki, E., and Iliopoulos, E., Polarization-Engineered InGaN/GaN Solar Cells: Realistic Expectations for Single Heterojunctions.Ieee Journal of Photovoltaics, 2018. 8(1): p. 118-124.
  10. Kotzamanidi, S., Frontistis, Z., Binas, V., Kiriakidis, G., and Mantzavinos, D., Solar photocatalytic degradation of propyl paraben in Al-doped TiO2 suspensions.Catalysis Today, 2018. 313: p. 148-154.
  11. Kozlov, G.G., Ryzhov, I.I., Tzimis, A., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Kavokin, A.V., Bayer, M., and Zapasskii, V.S., Hidden polarization of unpolarized light.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(4).
  12. Lukoshkin, V.A., Kalevich, V.K., Afanasiev, M.M., Kavokin, K.V., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Sedov, E.S., and Kavokin, A.V., Persistent circular currents of exciton-polaritons in cylindrical pillar microcavities.Physical Review B, 2018. 97(19).
  13. Ohadi, H., Redondo, Y.d.V.-I., Ramsay, A.J., Hatzopoulos, Z., Liew, T.C.H., Eastham, P.R., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Synchronization crossover of polariton condensates in weakly disordered lattices.Physical Review B, 2018. 97(19).
  14. Paschos, G.G., Liew, T.C.H., Hatzopoulos, Z., Kavokin, A.V., Savvidis, P.G., and Deligeorgis, G., An exciton-polariton bolometer for terahertz radiation detection.Scientific Reports, 2018. 8.
  15. Paschos, G.G., Somaschi, N., Tsintzos, S.I., Coles, D., Bricks, J.L., Hatzopoulos, Z., Lidzey, D.G., Lagoudakis, P.G., and Savvidis, P.G., Hybrid organic-inorganic polariton laser (vol 7, 2017).Scientific Reports, 2018. 8.
  16. Pickup, L., Kalinin, K., Askitopoulos, A., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Berloff, N.G., and Lagoudakis, P.G., Optical Bistability under Nonresonant Excitation in Spinor Polariton Condensates.Physical Review Letters, 2018. 120(22).
  17. Redondo, Y.d.V.-I., Ohadi, H., Rubo, Y.G., Beer, O., Ramsay, A.J., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz (vol 20, 075008, 2018).New Journal of Physics, 2018. 20.
  18. Redondo, Y.d.V.-I., Ohadi, H., Rubo, Y.G., Beer, O., Ramsay, A.J., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz.New Journal of Physics, 2018. 20.
  19. Rozas, E., Martin, M.D., Tejedor, C., Vina, L., Deligeorgis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., Temperature dependence of the coherence in polariton condensates.Physical Review B, 2018. 97(7).
  20. Tsintzos, S.I., Tzimis, A., Stavrinidis, G., Trifonov, A., Hatzopoulos, Z., Baumberg, J.J., Ohadi, H., and Savvidis, P.G., Electrical Tuning of Nonlinearities in Exciton-Polariton Condensates.Physical Review Letters, 2018. 121(3).
  1. Be'er, O., Ohadi, H., Redondo, Y.d.V.-I., Ramsay, A.J., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Strain-assisted optomechanical coupling of polariton condensate spin to a micromechanical resonator. Applied Physics Letters, 2017. 111(26).
  2. Binas, V., Philippidis, A., Zachopoulos, A., and Kiriakidis, G., Highly Selective Adsorbent and Photacatalytic Material for Industrial Wastewater Treatment. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017. 19(8).
  3. Binas, V., Venieri, D., Kotzias, D., and Kiriakidis, G., Modified TiO2 based photocatalysts for improved air and health quality. Journal of Materiomics, 2017. 3(1): p. 3-16.
  4. Kuzmik, J., Fleury, C., Adikimenakis, A., Gregusova, D., Tapajna, M., Dobrocka, E., Hascik, S., Kucera, M., Kudela, R., Androulidaki, M., Pogany, D., and Georgakilas, A., Current conduction mechanism and electrical break-down in InN grown on GaN. Applied Physics Letters, 2017. 110(23).
  5. Murcia-Lopez, S., Moschogiannaki, M., Binas, V., Andreu, T., Tang, P., Arbiol, J., Jacas Biendicho, J., Kiriakidis, G., and Morante, J.R., Insights into the Performance of CoxNi1-xTiO3 Solid Solutions as Photocatalysts for Sun-Driven Water Oxidation. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017. 9(46): p. 40290-40297.
  6. Ohadi, H., Ramsay, A.J., Sigurdsson, H., Redondo, Y.d.V.-I., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Liew, T.C.H., Shelykh, I.A., Rubo, Y.G., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Spin Order and Phase Transitions in Chains of Polariton Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 2017. 119(6).
  7. Papadaki, D., Foteinis, S., Mhlongo, G.H., Nkosi, S.S., Motaung, D.E., Ray, S.S., Tsoutsos, T., and Kiriakidis, G., Life cycle assessment of facile microwave-assisted zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures. Science of the Total Environment, 2017. 586: p. 566-575.
  8. Paschos, G.G., Somaschi, N., Tsintzos, S.I., Coles, D., Bricks, J.L., Hatzopoulos, Z., Lidzey, D.G., Lagoudakis, P.G., and Savvidis, P.G., Hybrid organic-inorganic polariton laser. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7.
  9. Shen, S., Kronawitter, C., and Kiriakidis, G., An overview of photocatalytic materials. Journal of Materiomics, 2017. 3(1): p. 1-2.
  10. Trifonov, A.V., Kopteva, N.E., Durnev, M.V., Gerlovin, I.Y., Cherbunin, R.V., Tzimis, A., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Kavokin, A.V., Inverse-phase Rabi oscillations in semiconductor microcavities. Physical Review B, 2017. 95(15).
  11. Venieri, D., Gounaki, I., Bikouvaraki, M., Binas, V., Zachopoulos, A., Kiriakidis, G., and Mantzavinos, D., Solar photocatalysis as disinfection technique: Inactivation of Klebsiella pneumoniae in sewage and investigation of changes in antibiotic resistance profile. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017. 195: p. 140-147.
  12. Venieri, D., Tournas, F., Gounaki, I., Binas, V., Zachopoulos, A., Kiriakidis, G., and Mantzavinos, D., Inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus in water by means of solar photocatalysis using metal doped TiO2 semiconductors. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2017. 92(1): p. 43-51.
  13. Zervos, C., Adikimenakis, A., Beleniotis, P., Kostopoulos, A., Androulidaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Kayambaki, M., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., Investigation of thin InN/GaN heterostructures with in situ SiNx dielectric grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2017. 35(2).
  1. Askitopoulos, A., Kalinin, K., Liew, T.C.H., Cilibrizzi, P., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Berloff, N.G., and Lagoudakis, P.G., Nonresonant optical control of a spinor polariton condensate. Physical Review B, 2016. 93(20).
  2. Dreismann, A., Ohadi, H., Redondo, Y., Balili, R., Rubo, Y.G., Tsintzos, S.I., Deligeorgis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., A sub-femtojoule electrical spin-switch based on optically trapped polariton condensates. Nature Materials, 2016. 15(10): p. 1074-+.
  3. Eftychis, S., Kruse, J., Koukoula, T., Kehagias, T., Komninou, P., Adikimenakis, A., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., Tzanetakis, P., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Understanding the effects of Si (111) nitridation on the spontaneous growth and properties of GaN nanowires. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2016. 442: p. 8-13.
  4. Florini, N., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Kioseoglou, J., Germanis, S., Katsidis, C., Hatzopoulos, Z., Pelekanos, N.T., and Kehagias, T., Structure, strain, and composition profiling of InAs/GaAs(211)B quantum dot superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. 119(3).
  5. Germanis, S., Katsidis, C., Tsintzos, S., Stavrinidis, A., Konstantinidis, G., Florini, N., Kioseoglou, J., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Kehagias, T., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Enhanced Stark Tuning of Single InAs (211)B Quantum Dots due to Nonlinear Piezoelectric Effect in Zincblende Nanostructures. Physical Review Applied, 2016. 6(1).
  6. Kazazis, S.A., Papadomanolaki, E., Androulidaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Kostopoulos, A., Aperathitis, E., and Iliopoulos, E., Effect of rapid thermal annealing on polycrystalline InGaN thin films deposited on fused silica substrates. Thin Solid Films, 2016. 611: p. 46-51.
  7. Kochereshko, V.P., Avdoshina, D.V., Savvidis, P., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Kavokin, A.V., Besombes, L., and Mariette, H., On the condensation of exciton polaritons in microcavities induced by a magnetic field. Semiconductors, 2016. 50(11): p. 1506-1510.
  8. Kochereshko, V.P., Durnev, M.V., Besombes, L., Mariette, H., Sapega, V.F., Askitopoulos, A., Savenko, I.G., Liew, T.C.H., Shelykh, I.A., Platonov, A.V., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Kalevich, V.K., Afanasiev, M.M., Lukoshkin, V.A., Schneider, C., Amthor, M., Metzger, C., Kamp, M., Hoefling, S., Lagoudakis, P., and Kavokin, A., Lasing in Bose-Fermi mixtures. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6.
  9. Kruse, J.E., Lymperakis, L., Eftychis, S., Adikimenakis, A., Doundoulakis, G., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., Olziersky, A., Dimitrakis, P., Ioannou-Sougleridis, V., Normand, P., Koukoula, T., Kehagias, T., Komninou, P., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., Selective-area growth of GaN nanowires on SiO2-masked Si (111) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. 119(22).
  10. Lukoshkin, V.A., Kalevich, V.K., Afanasiev, M.M., Kavokin, K.V., Tsintzos, S.I., Savvidis, P.G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Kavokin, A.V., Controlled switching between quantum states in the exciton-polariton condensate. Jetp Letters, 2016. 103(5): p. 313-315.
  11. Moratis, K., Tan, S.L., Germanis, S., Katsidis, C., Androulidaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Hatzopoulos, Z., Donatini, F., Cibert, J., Niquet, Y.M., Mariette, H., and Pelekanos, N., Strained GaAs/InGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires for Photovoltaic Applications. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2016. 11: p. 1-7.
  12. Ohadi, H., Redondo, Y.D.I., Dreismann, A., Rubo, Y.G., Pinsker, F., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Tunable Magnetic Alignment between Trapped Exciton-Polariton Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 2016. 116(10).
  13. Papadomanolaki, E., Bazioti, C., Kazazis, S.A., Androulidaki, M., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., and Iliopoulos, E., Molecular beam epitaxy of thick InGaN(0001) films: Effects of substrate temperature on structural and electronic properties. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2016. 437: p. 20-25.
  14. Ryzhov, II, Glazov, M.M., Kavokin, A.V., Kozlov, G.G., Assmann, M., Tsotsis, P., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Bayer, M., and Zapasskii, V.S., Spin noise of a polariton laser. Physical Review B, 2016. 93(24).
  15. Trifonov, A.V., Cherotchenko, E.D., Carthy, J.L., Ignatiev, I.V., Tzimis, A., Tsintzos, S., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Kavokin, A.V., Dynamics of the energy relaxation in a parabolic quantum well laser. Physical Review B, 2016. 93(12).
  16. Zervos, C., Adikimenakis, A., Bairamis, A., Kostopoulos, A., Kayambaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., Analysis of current instabilities of thin AlN/GaN/AlN double heterostructure high electron mobility transistors. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2016. 31(6).
  17. Zervos, C., Adikimenakis, A., Beleniotis, P., Kostopoulos, A., Kayambaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., In-situ SiNx/InN structures for InN field-effect transistors. Applied Physics Letters, 2016. 108(14).
  1. Adikimenakis, A., Lotsari, A., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Kehagias, T., Aretouli, K.E., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., Komninou, P., and Georgakilas, A., Direct spontaneous growth and interfacial structural properties of inclined GaN nanopillars on r-plane sapphire. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015. 117(24).
  2. Anton, C., Morina, S., Gao, T., Eldridge, P.S., Liew, T.C.H., Martin, M.D., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Shelykh, I.A., and Vina, L., Optical control of spin textures in quasi-one-dimensional polariton condensates. Physical Review B, 2015. 91(7).
  3. Askitopoulos, A., Liew, T.C.H., Ohadi, H., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Lagoudakis, P.G., Robust platform for engineering pure-quantum-state transitions in polariton condensates. Physical Review B, 2015. 92(3).
  4. Bazioti, C., Papadomanolaki, E., Kehagias, T., Androulidaki, M., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., and Iliopoulos, E., Structure and strain variation in InGaN interlayers grown by PAMBE at low substrate temperatures. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2015. 252(5): p. 1155-1162.
  5. Bazioti, C., Papadomanolaki, E., Kehagias, T., Walther, T., Smalc-Koziorowska, J., Pavlidou, E., Komninou, P., Karakostas, T., Iliopoulos, E., and Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Defects, strain relaxation, and compositional grading in high indium content InGaN epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015. 118(15).
  6. Filintoglou, K., Katsikini, M., Arvanitidis, J., Christofilos, D., Lotsari, A., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Vouroutzis, N., Ajagunna, A.O., Georgakilas, A., Zoumakis, N., Kourouklis, G.A., and Ves, S., Angular-dependent Raman study of alpha- and s-plane InN. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015. 117(7).
  7. Gao, T., Anton, C., Liew, T.C.H., Martin, M.D., Hatzopoulos, Z., Vina, L., Eldridge, P.S., and Savvidis, P.G., Spin selective filtering of polariton condensate flow. Applied Physics Letters, 2015. 107(1).
  8. Itskos, G., Othonos, A., Choulis, S.A., and Iliopoulos, E., Forster resonant energy transfer from an inorganic quantum well to a molecular material: Unexplored aspects, losses, and implications to applications. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015. 143(21).
  9. Kalevich, V.K., Afanasiev, M.M., Lukoshkin, V.A., Solnyshkov, D.D., Malpuech, G., Kavokin, K.V., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Kavokin, A.V., Controllable structuring of exciton-polariton condensates in cylindrical pillar microcavities. Physical Review B, 2015. 91(4).
  10. Kehagias, T., Florini, N., Kioseoglou, J., Pavloudis, T., Komninou, P., Walther, T., Moratis, K., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Nanostructure and strain properties of core-shell GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2015. 30(11).
  11. Kuzmik, J., Hascik, S., Kucera, M., Kudela, R., Dobrocka, E., Adikimenakis, A., Micusik, M., Gregor, M., Plecenik, A., and Georgakilas, A., Elimination of surface band bending on N-polar InN with thin GaN capping. Applied Physics Letters, 2015. 107(19).
  12. Ohadi, H., Dreismann, A., Rubo, Y.G., Pinsker, F., Redondo, Y.D., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Spontaneous Spin Bifurcations and Ferromagnetic Phase Transitions in a Spinor Exciton-Polariton Condensate. Physical Review X, 2015. 5(3).
  13. Pecz, B., Toth, L., Tsiakatouras, G., Adikimenakis, A., Kovacs, A., Duchamp, M., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Yakimova, R., Neumann, P.L., Behmenburg, H., Foltynski, B., Giesen, C., Heuken, M., and Georgakilas, A., GaN heterostructures with diamond and graphene. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2015. 30(11).
  14. Tzimis, A., Trifonov, A.V., Christmann, G., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Ignatiev, I.V., Kavokin, A.V., and Savvidis, P.G., Strong coupling and stimulated emission in single parabolic quantum well microcavity for terahertz cascade. Applied Physics Letters, 2015. 107(10).
  1. Anton, C., Liew, T.C.H., Sarkar, D., Martin, M.D., Hatzopoulos, Z., Eldridge, P.S., Savvidis, P.G., and Vina, L., Operation speed of polariton condensate switches gated by excitons. Physical Review B, 2014. 89(23).
  2. Anton, C., Solnyshkov, D., Tosi, G., Martin, M.D., Hatzopoulos, Z., Deligeorgis, G., Savvidis, P.G., Malpuech, G., and Vina, L., Ignition and formation dynamics of a polariton condensate on a semiconductor microcavity pillar. Physical Review B, 2014. 90(15).
  3. Anton, C., Tosi, G., Martin, M.D., Hatzopoulos, Z., Konstantinidis, G., Eldridge, P.S., Savvidis, P.G., Tejedor, C., and Vina, L., Quantum coherence in momentum space of light-matter condensates. Physical Review B, 2014. 90(8).
  4. Bairamis, A., Zervos, C., Adikimenakis, A., Kostopoulos, A., Kayambaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., Electron density and currents of AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors with thin GaN/AlN buffer layer. Applied Physics Letters, 2014. 105(11).
  5. Christmann, G., Tosi, G., Berloff, N.G., Tsotsis, P., Eldridge, P.S., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Oscillatory solitons and time-resolved phase locking of two polariton condensates. New Journal of Physics, 2014. 16.
  6. De Giorgi, M., Ballarini, D., Cazzato, P., Deligeorgis, G., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Gigli, G., Laussy, F.P., and Sanvitto, D., Relaxation Oscillations in the Formation of a Polariton Condensate. Physical Review Letters, 2014. 112(11).
  7. Dreismann, A., Cristofolini, P., Balili, R., Christmann, G., Pinsker, F., Berloff, N.G., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Coupled counterrotating polariton condensates in optically defined annular potentials. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014. 111(24): p. 8770-8775.
  8. Gkrana, V., Filintoglou, K., Arvanitidis, J., Christofilos, D., Bazioti, C., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Katsikini, M., Ves, S., Kourouklis, G.A., Zoumakis, N., Georgakilas, A., and Iliopoulos, E., Raman and photoluminescence mapping of InxGa1-xN (x similar to 0.4) at high pressure: Optical determination of composition and stress. Applied Physics Letters, 2014. 105(9).
  9. Jayaprakash, R., Ajagunna, D., Germanis, S., Androulidaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Georgakilas, A., and Pelekanos, N.T., Extraction of absorption coefficients from as-grown GaN nanowires on opaque substrates using all-optical method. Optics Express, 2014. 22(16).
  10. Koukoula, T., Kioseoglou, J., Kehagias, T., Ajagunna, A.O., Komninou, P., and Georgakilas, A., Self-annihilation of inversion domains by high energy defects in III-Nitrides. Applied Physics Letters, 2014. 104(14).
  11. Koutsoureli, M., Adikimenakis, A., Michalas, L., Papandreou, E., Stavrinidis, G., Konstantinidis, G., Georgakilas, A., and Papaioannou, G., Comparative study of AlN dielectric films' electrical properties for MEMS capacitive switches. Microelectronic Engineering, 2014. 130: p. 69-73.
  12. Lotsari, A., Kehagias, T., Tsiakatouras, G., Tsagaraki, K., Katsikini, M., Arvanitidis, J., Christofilos, D., Ves, S., Komninou, P., Georgakilas, A., and Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Structural anisotropic properties of a-plane GaN epilayers grown on r-plane sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014. 115(21).
  13. Tsotsis, P., Tsintzos, S.I., Christmann, G., Lagoudakis, P.G., Kyriienko, O., Shelykh, I.A., Baumberg, J.J., Kavokin, A.V., Hatzopoulos, Z., Eldridge, P.S., and Savvidis, P.G., Tuning the Energy of a Polariton Condensate via Bias-Controlled Rabi Splitting. Physical Review Applied, 2014. 2(1).
  1. Anton, C., Liew, T.C.H., Tosi, G., Martin, M.D., Gao, T., Hatzopoulos, Z., Eldridge, P.S., Savvidis, P.G., and Vina, L., Energy relaxation of exciton-polariton condensates in quasi-one-dimensional microcavities. Physical Review B, 2013. 88(3).
  2. Askitopoulos, A., Ohadi, H., Kavokin, A.V., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Lagoudakis, P.G., Polariton condensation in an optically induced two-dimensional potential. Physical Review B, 2013. 88(4).
  3. Coulson, C., Christmann, G., Cristofolini, P., Grossmann, C., Baumberg, J.J., Tsintzos, S.I., Konstantinidis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., Electrically controlled strong coupling and polariton bistability in double quantum wells. Physical Review B, 2013. 87(4).
  4. Cristofolini, P., Dreismann, A., Christmann, G., Franchetti, G., Berloff, N.G., Tsotsis, P., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Optical Superfluid Phase Transitions and Trapping of Polariton Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 2013. 110(18).
  5. Daskalakis, K.S., Eldridge, P.S., Christmann, G., Trichas, E., Murray, R., Iliopoulos, E., Monroy, E., Pelekanos, N.T., Baumberg, J.J., and Savvidis, P.G., All-dielectric GaN microcavity: Strong coupling and lasing at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters, 2013. 102(10).
  6. Dimitrakis, P., Normand, P., Bonafos, C., Papadomanolaki, E., and Iliopoulos, E., GaN quantum-dots integrated in the gate dielectric of metal-oxide-semiconductor structures for charge-storage applications. Applied Physics Letters, 2013. 102(5).
  7. Dimitrakis, P., Normand, P., Ioannou-Sougleridis, V., Bonafos, C., Schamm-Chardon, S., BenAssayag, G., and Iliopoulos, E., Quantum dots for memory applications. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2013. 210(8): p. 1490-1504.
  8. Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Lotsari, A., Kehagias, T., Ajagunna, A., Georgakilas, A., Karakostas, T., and Komninou, P., Structure and interfacial properties of semipolar s-plane (1-101) InN grown on r-plane sapphire. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2013. 210(1): p. 199-203.
  9. Germanis, S., Beveratos, A., Gauthron, K., Stavrinidis, A., Konstantinidis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Recombination dynamics in piezoelectric (2 1 1)B InAs quantum dots. Microelectronic Engineering, 2013. 112: p. 179-182.
  10. Itskos, G., Xristodoulou, X., Iliopoulos, E., Ladas, S., Kennou, S., Neophytou, M., and Choulis, S., Electronic and interface properties of polyfluorene films on GaN for hybrid optoelectronic applications. Applied Physics Letters, 2013. 102(6).
  11. Katsidis, C.C., Ajagunna, A.O., and Georgakilas, A., Optical characterization of free electron concentration in heteroepitaxial InN layers using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and a 2 x 2 transfer-matrix algebra. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013. 113(7).
  12. Kavouras, P., Lotsari, A., Kehagias, T., Georgakilas, A., Komninou, P., and Dimitrakopoulos, G.P., Influence of defect characteristics on the nanoindentation response of a-plane GaN thin films. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2013. 210(1): p. 213-217.
  13. Kehagias, T., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Ajagunna, A.O., Koukoula, T., Tsagaraki, K., Adikimenakis, A., Komninou, P., and Georgakilas, A., Growth mechanism and microstructure of low defect density InN (0001) In-face thin films on Si (111) substrates. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013. 114(16).
  14. Kioseoglou, J., Koukoula, T., Komninou, P., Georgakilas, A., Androulidaki, M., and Kehagias, T., Nanostructural and electronic properties of polytypes in InN nanocolumns. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013. 114(7).
  15. Motaung, D.E., Mhlongo, G.H., Kortidis, I., Nkosi, S.S., Malgas, G.F., Mwakikunga, W., Ray, S.S., and Kiriakidis, G., Structural and optical properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by aerosol spray pyrolysis: Candidates for room temperature methane and hydrogen gas sensing. Applied Surface Science, 2013. 279: p. 142-149.
  16. Nkosi, S.S., Kortidis, I., Motaung, D.E., Keartland, J., Sideras-Haddad, E., Forbes, A., Mwakikunga, B.W., Kiriakidis, G., and Sinha-Ray, S., Optical constants correlated electrons-spin of micro doughnuts of Mn-doped ZnO films. Applied Surface Science, 2013. 280: p. 79-88.
  17. Nkosi, S.S., Kortidis, I., Motaung, D.E., Malgas, G.F., Keartland, J., Sideras-Haddad, E., Forbes, A., Mwakikunga, B.W., Sinha-Ray, S., and Kiriakidis, G., Orientation-dependent low field magnetic anomalies and room-temperature spintronic material - Mn doped ZnO films by aerosol spray pyrolysis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013. 579: p. 485-494.
  18. Pecz, B., Toth, L., Barna, A., Tsiakatouras, G., Ajagunna, A.O., Kovacs, A., and Georgakilas, A., Structural characteristics of single crystalline GaN films grown on (111) diamond with AlN buffer. Diamond and Related Materials, 2013. 34: p. 9-12.
  1. Anton, C., Liew, T.C.H., Tosi, G., Martin, M.D., Gao, T., Hatzopoulos, Z., Eldridge, P.S., Savvidis, P.G., and Vina, L., Dynamics of a polariton condensate transistor switch. Applied Physics Letters, 2012. 101(26).
  2. Binas, V.D., Sambani, K., Maggos, T., Katsanaki, A., and Kiriakidis, G., Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of Mn-doped TiO2 nanostructured powders under UV and visible light. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2012. 113: p. 79-86.
  3. Christmann, G., Tosi, G., Berloff, N.G., Tsotsis, P., Eldridge, P.S., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Polariton ring condensates and sunflower ripples in an expanding quantum liquid. Physical Review B, 2012. 85(23).
  4. Cristofolini, P., Christmann, G., Tsintzos, S.I., Deligeorgis, G., Konstantinidis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Coupling Quantum Tunneling with Cavity Photons. Science, 2012. 336(6082): p. 704-707.
  5. Drakakis, E. and Karabourniotis, D., Atomic gas temperature in a nonequilibrium high-intensity discharge lamp determined from the red wing of the resonance mercury line 254nm. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012. 112(5).
  6. Gao, T., Eldridge, P.S., Liew, T.C.H., Tsintzos, S.I., Stavrinidis, G., Deligeorgis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., Polariton condensate transistor switch. Physical Review B, 2012. 85(23).
  7. Georgakakos, P., Papaioannou, G., Konstantinides, G., and Hatzopoulos, Z., Study of the influence of alpha particles irradiation on the electronic behavior of AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions. Microelectronic Engineering, 2012. 90: p. 112-114.
  8. Germanis, S., Beveratos, A., Dialynas, G.E., Deligeorgis, G., Savvidis, P.G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Piezoelectric InAs/GaAs quantum dots with reduced fine-structure splitting for the generation of entangled photons. Physical Review B, 2012. 86(3).
  9. Kalaitzakis, F.G., Iliopoulos, E., Konstantinidis, G., and Pelekanos, N.T., Monolithic integration of nitride-based transistor with Light Emitting Diode for sensing applications. Microelectronic Engineering, 2012. 90: p. 33-36.
  10. Kammann, E., Liew, T.C.H., Ohadi, H., Cilibrizzi, P., Tsotsis, P., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., Kavokin, A.V., and Lagoudakis, P.G., Nonlinear Optical Spin Hall Effect and Long-Range Spin Transport in Polariton Lasers. Physical Review Letters, 2012. 109(3).
  11. Katsikini, M., Arvanitidis, J., Christofilos, D., Ves, S., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Tsiakatouras, G., Tsagaraki, K., and Georgakilas, A., Anisotropic strain in alpha-plane GaN and polarization dependence of the Raman peaks. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2012. 209(6): p. 1085-1089.
  12. Kiriakidis, G., Special Issue Sensors. Vacuum, 2012. 86(5): p. 487-487.
  13. Kiriakidis, G., Moschovis, K., Kortidis, I., and Binas, V., Ultra-low gas sensing utilizing metal oxide thin films. Vacuum, 2012. 86(5): p. 495-506.
  14. Tiras, E., Tanisli, M., Balkan, N., Ardali, S., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Determination of the carrier density dependent electron effective mass in InN using infrared and Raman spectra. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2012. 249(6): p. 1235-1240.
  15. Tosi, G., Christmann, G., Berloff, N.G., Tsotsis, P., Gao, T., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Geometrically locked vortex lattices in semiconductor quantum fluids. Nature Communications, 2012. 3.
  16. Tosi, G., Christmann, G., Berloff, N.G., Tsotsis, P., Gao, T., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Sculpting oscillators with light within a nonlinear quantum fluid. Nature Physics, 2012. 8(3): p. 190-194.
  17. Tsotsis, P., Eldridge, P.S., Gao, T., Tsintzos, S.I., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., Lasing threshold doubling at the crossover from strong to weak coupling regime in GaAs microcavity. New Journal of Physics, 2012. 14.
  18. Ziabari, A.A., Ghodsi, F.E., and Kiriakidis, G., Correlation between morphology and electro-optical properties of nanostructured CdO thin films: Influence of Al doping. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2012. 213: p. 15-20.
  1. Askitopoulos, A., Mouchliadis, L., Iorsh, I., Christmann, G., Baumberg, J.J., Kaliteevski, M.A., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., Bragg Polaritons: Strong Coupling and Amplification in an Unfolded Microcavity. Physical Review Letters, 2011. 106(7).
  2. Cacho, C., Geiss, O., Barrero-Moreno, J., Binas, V.D., Kiriakidis, G., Botalico, L., and Kotzias, D., Studies on photo-induced NO removal by Mn-doped TiO2 under indoor-like illumination conditions. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry, 2011. 222(1): p. 304-306.
  3. Christmann, G., Askitopoulos, A., Deligeorgis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., Tsintzos, S.I., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Oriented polaritons in strongly-coupled asymmetric double quantum well microcavities. Applied Physics Letters, 2011. 98(8).
  4. Donmez, O., Yilmaz, M., Erol, A., Ulug, B., Arikan, M.C., Ulug, A., Ajagunna, A.O., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Influence of high electron concentration on band gap and effective electron mass of InN. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2011. 248(5): p. 1172-1175.
  5. Katsikini, M., Pinakidou, F., Arvanitidis, J., Paloura, E.C., Ves, S., Komninou, P., Bougrioua, Z., Iliopoulos, E., and Moustakas, T.D., Comparison of Fe and Si doping of GaN: An EXAFS and Raman study. Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 2011. 176(9): p. 723-726.
  6. Kehagias, T., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Kioseoglou, J., Kirmse, H., Giesen, C., Heuken, M., Georgakilas, A., Neumann, W., Karakostas, T., and Komninou, P., Indium migration paths in V-defects of InAlN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (vol 95, 071905, 2009). Applied Physics Letters, 2011. 99(5).
  7. Kuzmik, J., Bychikhin, S., Pogany, D., Pichonat, E., Lancry, O., Gaquiere, C., Tsiakatouras, G., Deligeorgis, G., and Georgakilas, A., Thermal characterization of MBE-grown GaN/AlGaN/GaN device on single crystalline diamond. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011. 109(8).
  8. Kuzmik, J. and Georgakilas, A., Proposal of High-Electron Mobility Transistors With Strained InN Channel. Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices, 2011. 58(3): p. 720-724.
  9. Mahmoud, F.A., Kortidis, I., and Kiriakidis, G., Effect of Gold Doping on the Structural, Electrical and Volatile Sensitivity of Spray Pyrolysis ZnO Thin Films. Sensor Letters, 2011. 9(5): p. 1712-1717.
  10. Papadimitriou, V.C., Stefanopoulos, V.G., Romanias, M.N., Papagiannakopoulos, P., Sambani, K., Tudose, V., and Kiriakidis, G., Determination of photo-catalytic activity of un-doped and Mn-doped TiO2 anatase powders on acetaldehyde under UV and visible light. Thin Solid Films, 2011. 520(4): p. 1195-1201.
  11. Sieradzka, K., Wojcieszak, D., Kaczmarek, D., Domaradzki, J., Kiriakidis, G., Aperathitis, E., Kambilafka, V., Placido, F., and Song, S.G., Structural and optical properties of vanadium oxides prepared by microwave-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering. Optica Applicata, 2011. 41(2): p. 463-469.
  12. Trichas, E., Pelekanos, N.T., Iliopoulos, E., Monroy, E., Tsagaraki, K., Kostopoulos, A., and Savvidis, P.G., Bragg polariton luminescence from a GaN membrane embedded in all dielectric microcavity. Applied Physics Letters, 2011. 98(22).
  1. Ajagunna, A.O., Iliopoulos, E., Tsiakatouras, G., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., and Georgakilas, A., Epitaxial growth, electrical and optical properties of a-plane InN on r-plane sapphire. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010. 107(2).
  2. Christmann, G., Coulson, C., Baumberg, J.J., Pelekanos, N.T., Hatzopoulos, Z., Tsintzos, S.I., and Savvidis, P.G., Control of polariton scattering in resonant-tunneling double-quantum-well semiconductor microcavities. Physical Review B, 2010. 82(11).
  3. Dialynas, G.E., Kalliakos, S., Xenogianni, C., Androulidaki, M., Kehagias, T., Komninou, P., Savvidis, P.G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Piezoelectric InAs (211)B quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy: Structural and optical properties. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010. 108(10).
  4. Dragoman, M., Konstantinidis, G., Cismaru, A., Vasilache, D., Dinescu, A., Dragoman, D., Neculoiu, D., Buiculescu, R., Deligeorgis, G., Vajpeyi, A.P., and Georgakilas, A., Negative differential resistance in GaN nanowire network. Applied Physics Letters, 2010. 96(5).
  5. Drakakis, E. and Karabourniotis, D., Sharp rise of excitation temperature in the periphery of lamp arcs measured from the 254 nm resonance line of mercury. Applied Physics Letters, 2010. 97(22).
  6. Karabourniotis, D. and Drakakis, E., Super-radiance in the sodium resonance lines from sodium iodide arc lamps. Applied Physics Letters, 2010. 97(6).
  7. Sierros, K.A., Banerjee, D.A., Morris, N.J., Cairns, D.R., Kortidis, I., and Kiriakidis, G., Mechanical properties of ZnO thin films deposited on polyester substrates used in flexible device applications. Thin Solid Films, 2010. 519(1): p. 325-330.
  8. Smalc-Koziorowska, J., Tsiakatouras, G., Lotsari, A., Georgakilas, A., and Dimitrakopulos, G.P., The defect character of GaN growth on r-plane sapphire. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010. 107(7).
  1. Adikimenakis, A., Aretouli, K.E., Iliopoulos, E., Kostopoulos, A., Tsagaraki, K., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., High electron mobility transistors based on the AlN/GaN heterojunction. Microelectronic Engineering, 2009. 86(4-6): p. 1071-1073.
  2. Adikimenakis, A., Sahonta, S.L., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Domagala, J., Kehagias, T., Komninou, P., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Effect of AlN interlayers in the structure of GaN-on-Si grown by plasma-assisted MBE. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009. 311(7): p. 2010-2015.
  3. Ajagunna, A.O., Adikimenakis, A., Iliopoulos, E., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., and Georgakilas, A., InN films and nanostructures grown on Si (111) by RF-MBE. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009. 311(7): p. 2058-2062.
  4. Budianu, E., Muller, R., Purica, M., Eftime, L., Skarvelakis, R., and Kiriakidis, G., Optical sensor with transparent conductive oxides electrodes for microposition detection applications. Thin Solid Films, 2009. 518(4): p. 1057-1059.
  5. Dialynas, G.E., Pantazis, A., Hatzopoulos, Z., Androulidaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Konstantinidis, G., Xenogianni, C., Trichas, E., Tsintzos, S., Savvidis, P.G., and Pelekanos, N.T., InAs nanostructures on polar GaAs surfaces. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2009. 6(1-2): p. 124-136.
  6. Fasaki, I., Suchea, M., Mousdis, G., Kiriakidis, G., and Kompitsas, M., The effect of Au and Pt nanoclusters on the structural and hydrogen sensing properties of SnO2 thin films. Thin Solid Films, 2009. 518(4): p. 1109-1113.
  7. Karabourniotis, D., Ribiere, M., and Cheron, B.G., Impact of ion-quasistatic broadening on the determination of the electron density in a laser-induced plasma from line self-reversal. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2009. 42(10).
  8. Kehagias, T., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Kioseoglou, J., Kirmse, H., Giesen, C., Heuken, M., Georgakilas, A., Neumann, W., Karakostas, T., and Komninou, P., Indium migration paths in V-defects of InAlN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 95(7).
  9. Kiriakidis, G., Transparent Conductive Oxides - TCO 2008 - Preface. Thin Solid Films, 2009. 518(4): p. 1025-1025.
  10. Kiriakidis, G., Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., and Moschovis, K., Nano-structural and surface characteristics of non-stoichiometric In2O3-x thin films. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2009. 6(1-2): p. 208-218.
  11. Kortidis, I., Moschovis, K., Mahmoud, F.A., and Kiriakidis, G., Structural analysis of aerosol spray pyrolysis ZnO films exhibiting ultra low ozone detection limits at room temperature. Thin Solid Films, 2009. 518(4): p. 1208-1213.
  12. Mahmoud, F.A. and Kiriakidis, G., NANOCRYSTALLINE ZnO THIN FILM FOR GAS SENSOR APPLICATION. Journal of Ovonic Research, 2009. 5(1): p. 15-20.
  13. Ribiere, M., Karabourniotis, D., and Cheron, B.G., Spectroscopic analysis of the excitation transfer from background air to diffusing aluminum laser produced plasma. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009. 105(8).
  14. Sahonta, S.L., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Kehagias, T., Kioseoglou, J., Adikimenakis, A., Iliopoulos, E., Georgakilas, A., Kirmse, H., Neumann, W., and Komninou, P., Mechanism of compositional modulations in epitaxial InAlN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 95(2).
  15. Sofikiti, N., Chaniotakis, N., Grandal, J., Utrera, M., Sanchez-Garcia, M.A., Calleja, E., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Direct immobilization of enzymes in GaN and InN nanocolumns: The urease case study. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 95(11).
  16. Trichas, E., Kayambaki, M., Iliopoulos, E., Pelekanos, N.T., and Savvidis, P.G., Resonantly enhanced selective photochemical etching of GaN. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 94(17).
  17. Tsintzos, S.I., Savvidis, P.G., Deligeorgis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Room temperature GaAs exciton-polariton light emitting diode. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 94(7).
  18. Vajpeyi, A.P., Ajagunna, A.O., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., and Georgakilas, A., InGaN nanopillars grown on silicon substrate using plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Nanotechnology, 2009. 20(32).
  19. Vajpeyi, A.P., Ajagunna, A.O., Tsiakatouras, G., Adikimenakis, A., Iliopoulos, E., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., and Georgakilas, A., Spontaneous growth of III-nitride nanowires on Si by molecular beam epitaxy. Microelectronic Engineering, 2009. 86(4-6): p. 812-815.
  20. Vajpeyi, A.P., Georgakilas, A., Tsiakatouras, G., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., Chua, S.J., and Tripathy, S., Effect of substrate temperature on spontaneous GaN nanowire growth and optoelectronic properties. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2009. 41(3): p. 427-430.
  1. Dialynas, G.E., Chatzidimitriou, N., Kalliakos, S., Tsintzos, S., Savvidis, P.G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Single dot spectroscopy on InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2008. 205(11): p. 2566-2568.
  2. Dialynas, G.E., Xenogianni, C., Tsintzos, S., Trichas, E., Savvidis, P.G., Constantinidis, G., Renard, J., Gayral, B., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Anti-binding of biexcitons in (211)B InAs/GaAs piezoelectric quantum dots. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2008. 40(6): p. 2113-2115.
  3. Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Komninou, P., Kehagias, T., Sahonta, S.L., Kioseoglou, J., Vouroutzis, N., Hausler, I., Neumann, W., Iliopoulos, E., Georgakilas, A., and Karakostas, T., Strain relaxation in AlN/GaN heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2008. 205(11): p. 2569-2572.
  4. Franssen, G., Gorczyca, I., Suski, T., Kaminska, A., Pereiro, J., Munoz, E., Iliopoulos, E., Georgakilas, A., Che, S.B., Ishitani, Y., Yoshikawa, A., Christensen, N.E., and Svane, A., Bowing of the band gap pressure coefficient in InxGa1-xN alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008. 103(3).
  5. Horvath, P., Sadale, S.B., Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Voicu, R., Tibeica, C., Bineva, I., Muller, R., Kitsopoulos, T., and Kiriakidis, G., ZnO Thin Films for Cantilever Coatings: Structural and Mechanical Properties, Observations of Photoplastic Effect. Sensor Letters, 2008. 6(4): p. 558-563.
  6. Iliopoulos, E., Adikimenakis, A., Giesen, C., Heuken, M., and Georgakilas, A., Energy bandgap bowing of InAlN alloys studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Applied Physics Letters, 2008. 92(19).
  7. Karabourniotis, D. and Drakakis, E., Diagnostics of dense dispersive plasmas from self-reversed atomic lines. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2008. 50(12).
  8. Karabourniotis, D., Ribiere, M., and Cheron, B.G., Electron temperature and density determination in a nonequilibrium laser induced plasma by means of self-reversed-line spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2008. 93(4).
  9. Katsikini, M., Pinakidou, F., Paloura, E.C., Komninou, P., Georgakilas, A., and Welter, E., Temperature dependent EXAFS of InN. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2008. 205(11): p. 2611-2614.
  10. Katsikini, M., Pinakidou, F., Paloura, E.C., Komninou, P., Iliopoulos, E., Adikimenakis, A., Georgakilas, A., and Welter, E., Effect of composition on the bonding environment of In in InAlN and InGaN epilayers. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2008. 205(11): p. 2593-2597.
  11. King, P.D.C., Veal, T.D., Adikimenakis, A., Lu, H., Bailey, L.R., Iliopoulos, E., Georgakilas, A., Schaff, W.J., and McConville, C.F., Surface electronic properties of undoped InAlN alloys. Applied Physics Letters, 2008. 92(17).
  12. Kiriakidis, G., Kortidis, J., Moschovis, K., and Dovinos, D., On the Road to Inexpensive, sub-ppb, Room Temperature Ozone Detectors. Sensor Letters, 2008. 6(6): p. 812-816.
  13. Logothetidis, S., Laskarakis, A., Kassavetis, S., Lousinian, S., GravalidiS, C., and Kiriakidis, G., Optical and structural properties of ZnO for transparent electronics. Thin Solid Films, 2008. 516(7): p. 1345-1349.
  14. Nargelas, S., Malinauskas, T., Jarasiunas, K., Dimakis, E., and Georgakilas, A., Investigation of optical nonlinearities and carrier dynamics in in-rich InGaN alloys. Acta Physica Polonica A, 2008. 113(3): p. 839-843.
  15. Smalc-Koziorowska, J., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Sahonta, S.L., Tsiakatouras, G., Georgakilas, A., and Komninou, P., Step-induced misorientation of GaN grown on r-plane sapphire. Applied Physics Letters, 2008. 93(2).
  16. Trichas, E., Xenogianni, C., Kayambaki, M., Tsotsis, P., Iliopoulos, E., Pelekanos, N.T., and Savvidis, P.G., Selective photochemical etching of GaN films and laser lift-off for microcavity fabrication. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2008. 205(11): p. 2509-2512.
  17. Tsintzos, S.I., Pelekanos, N.T., Konstantinidis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., A GaAs polariton light-emitting diode operating near room temperature. Nature, 2008. 453(7193): p. 372-375.
  1. Alifragis, Y., Volosirakis, A., Chaniotakis, N.A., Konstantinidis, G., Adikimenakis, A., and Georgakilas, A., Potassium selective chemically modified field effect transistors based on AlGaN/GaN two-dimensional electron gas heterostructures. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2007. 22(12): p. 2796-2801.
  2. Alifragis, Y., Volosirakis, A., Chaniotakis, N.A., Konstantinidis, G., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor sensor sensitive to ammonium ions. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2007. 204(6): p. 2059-2063.
  3. Cico, K., Kuzmik, J., Gregusova, D., Stoklas, R., Lalinsky, T., Georgakilas, A., Pogany, D., and Frohlich, K., Optimization and performance of Al2O3/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor structures. Microelectronics Reliability, 2007. 47(4-5): p. 790-793.
  4. Deligeorgis, G., Dialynas, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Reduced threshold current in (111)B grown InGaAs/AlGaAs laser diodes: The positive role of piezoelectric effect. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 90(12).
  5. Dimakis, E., Domagala, J., Iliopoulos, E., Adikimenakis, A., and Georgakilas, A., Analysis of biaxial strain in InN(0001) epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2007. 204(6): p. 1996-1999.
  6. Dimakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., Kayambaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Kostopoulos, A., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., Growth optimization of an electron confining InN/GaN quantum well heterostructure. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2007. 36(4): p. 373-378.
  7. Kambilafka, V., Voulgaropoulou, P., Dounis, S., Iliopoulos, E., Androulidaki, M., Saly, V., Ruzinsky, M., and Aperathitis, E., Thermal oxidation of n-type ZnN films made by rf-sputtering from a zinc nitride target, and their conversion into p-type films. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2007. 42(1-6): p. 55-61.
  8. Kambilafka, V., Voulgaropoulou, P., Dounis, S., Iliopoulos, E., Androulidaki, M., Tsagaraki, K., Saly, V., Ruzinsky, M., Prokein, P., and Aperathitis, E., The effect of nitrogen on the properties of zinc nitride thin films and their conversion into p-ZnO : N films. Thin Solid Films, 2007. 515(24): p. 8573-8576.
  9. Kaminska, A., Franssen, G., Suski, T., Gorczyca, I., Christensen, N.E., Svane, A., Suchocki, A., Lu, H., Schaff, W.J., Dimakis, E., and Georgakilas, A., Role of conduction-band filling in the dependence of InN photoluminescence on hydrostatic pressure. Physical Review B, 2007. 76(7).
  10. Karabourniotis, D., Effect of spatial changes in broadening on self-absorbed lines and its impact on plasma diagnostics. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2007. 40(21): p. 6608-6625.
  11. Karabourniotis, D., Drakakis, E., and van der Mullen, J., Source function approximations and their impact on the shape of self-reversed atomic lines. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2007. 108(3): p. 319-341.
  12. Kenanakis, G., Vernardou, D., Koudoumas, E., Kiriakidis, G., and Katsarakis, N., Ozone sensing properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by the aqueous chemical growth technique. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2007. 124(1): p. 187-191.
  13. Kiriakidis, G., First International Symposium on Transparent Conducting Oxides - 1st IS TCO 2006 - Preface. Thin Solid Films, 2007. 515(24): p. 8431-8431.
  14. Kiriakidis, G., Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Horvath, P., Kitsopoulos, T., and Stoemenos, J., Structural characterization of ZnO thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 2007. 515(24): p. 8577-8581.
  15. Kuzmik, J., Carlin, J.F., Gonschorek, M., Kostopoulos, A., Konstantinidis, G., Pozzovivo, G., Golka, S., Georgakilas, A., Grandjean, N., Strasser, G., and Pogany, D., Gate-lag and drain-lag effects in (GaN)/InAlN/GaN and InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2007. 204(6): p. 2019-2022.
  16. Lioudakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., Georgakilas, A., and Othonos, A., Temporal evolution of effects of ultrafast carrier dynamics in In0.33Ga0.67N: above and near the bandgap. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2007. 22(2): p. 158-162.
  17. Lioudakis, E., Othonos, A., Iliopoulos, E., Tsagaraki, K., and Georgakilas, A., Femtosecond carrier dynamics of InxGa1-xN thin films grown on GaN (0001): Effect of carrier-defect scattering. Journal of Applied Physics, 2007. 102(7).
  18. Shalimov, A., Bak-Misiuk, J., Kaganer, V.M., Calamiotou, M., and Georgakilas, A., Strain nonuniformity in GaAs heteroepitaxial films on Si(001) studied by x-ray diffraction. Journal of Applied Physics, 2007. 101(1).
  19. Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Katharakis, M., Kiriakidis, G., Katsarakis, N., and Koudoumas, E., Substrate temperature influence on the properties of nanostructured ZnO transparent ultrathin films grown by PLD. Applied Surface Science, 2007. 253(19): p. 8141-8145.
  20. Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Katsarakis, N., Kitsopoulos, T., and Kiriakidis, G., Comparative study of zinc oxide and aluminum doped zinc oxide transparent thin films grown by direct current magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 2007. 515(16): p. 6562-6566.
  21. Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Tudose, I.V., Vernardou, D., Lygeraki, M.I., Anastasiadis, S.H., Kitsopoulos, T., and Kiriakidis, G., Pure and Nb2O5-doped TiO2 amorphous thin films grown by dc magnetron sputtering at room temperature: Surface and photo-induced hydrophilic conversion studies. Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 2007. 144(1-3): p. 54-59.
  22. Tudose, I.V., Horvath, P., Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Kitsopoulos, T., and Kiriakidis, G., Correlation of ZnO thin film surface properties with conductivity. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2007. 89(1): p. 57-61.
  1. Arvanitidis, J., Christofilos, D., Kourouklis, G.A., Delimitis, A., Katsikini, M., Komninou, P., Ves, S., Dimakis, E., and Georgakilas, A., Depth profile of the biaxial strain in a 10 mu m thick InN (0001) film. Journal of Applied Physics, 2006. 100(11).
  2. Arvanitidis, J., Katsikini, M., Ves, S., Delimitis, A., Kehagias, T., Komninou, P., Dimakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Raman and transmission electron microscopy characterization of InN samples grown on GaN/Al2O3 by molecular beam epitaxy. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2006. 243(7): p. 1588-1593.
  3. Christoulakis, S., Suchea, M., Koudoumas, E., Katharakis, M., Katsarakis, N., and Kiriakidis, G., Thickness influence on surface morphology and ozone sensing properties of nanostructured ZnO transparent thin films grown by PLD. Applied Surface Science, 2006. 252(15): p. 5351-5354.
  4. Cros, A., Cantarero, A., Pelekanos, N.T., Georgakilas, A., Pomeroy, J., and Kuball, M., Resonant Raman characterization of InAlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2006. 243(7): p. 1674-1678.
  5. Delimitis, A., Gladkov, P., Komninou, P., Kehagias, T., Arvanitidis, J., Ves, S., Katsikini, M., Dimakis, E., and Georgakilas, A., Structural and optical characterisation of thick InN epilayers grown with a single or two step growth process on GaN(0001). Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2006. 203(1): p. 162-166.
  6. Dimakis, E., Domagala, J.Z., Delimitis, A., Komninou, P., Adikimenakis, A., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Structural properties of 10 mu m thick InN grown on sapphire (0001). Superlattices and Microstructures, 2006. 40(4-6): p. 246-252.
  7. Dimakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., Tsagaraki, K., Adikimenakis, A., and Georgakilas, A., Biaxial strain and lattice constants of InN (0001) films grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 88(19).
  8. Dimakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., Tsagaraki, K., and Georgakilas, A., Self-regulating mechanism of InN growth on GaN(0001) by molecular beam epitaxy; from nanostructures to films. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2006. 203(7): p. 1686-1690.
  9. Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Kioseoglou, J., Dimakis, E., Georgakilas, A., Nouet, G., and Komninou, P., Structural properties of quaternary InAlGaN MQW grown by plasma-assisted MBE. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2006. 203(9): p. 2151-2155.
  10. Iliopoulos, E., Georgakilas, A., Dimakis, E., Adikimenakis, A., Tsagaraki, K., Androulidaki, M., and Pelekanos, N.T., InGaN(0001) alloys grown in the entire composition range by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2006. 203(1): p. 102-105.
  11. Iliopoulos, E., Zervos, M., Adikimenakis, A., Tsagaraki, K., and Georgakilas, A., Properties of Si-doped GaN and AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown by RF-MBE on high resistivity Fe-doped GaN. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2006. 40(4-6): p. 313-319.
  12. Karabourniotis, D., Effect of the one-parameter model on the spectral intensity of a self-absorbed line. High Temperature Material Processes, 2006. 10(3): p. 479-490.
  13. Koufaki, M., Sifakis, M., Iliopoulos, E., Pelekanos, N., Modreanu, A., Cimalla, V., Ecke, G., and Aperathitis, E., Optical emission spectroscopy during fabrication of indium-tin-oxynitride films by RF-sputtering. Applied Surface Science, 2006. 253(1): p. 405-408.
  14. Kuzmik, J., Kostopoulos, A., Konstantinidis, G., Carlin, J.F., Georgakilas, A., and Pogany, D., InAIN/GaN HEMTs: A first insight into technological optimization. Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices, 2006. 53(3): p. 422-426.
  15. Lioudakis, E., Othonos, A., Dimakis, E., and Georgakilas, A., Femtosecond time-resolved study in InxGa1-xN (0001) ultrathin epilayers: Effects of high indium mole fraction and thickness of the films. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 89(24).
  16. Lioudakis, E., Othonos, A., Dimakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., and Georgakilas, A., Ultrafast carrier dynamics in InxGa1-xN (0001) epilayers: Effects of high fluence excitation. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 88(12).
  17. Muller, A., Neculoiu, D., Vasilache, D., Dascalu, D., Konstantinidis, G., Kosopoulos, A., Adikimenakis, A., Georgakilas, A., Mutamba, K., Sydlo, C., Hartnagel, H.L., and Dadgar, A., GaN micromachined FBAR structures for microwave applications. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2006. 40(4-6): p. 426-431.
  18. Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Moschovis, K., Katsarakis, N., and Kiriakidis, G., ZnO transparent thin films for gas sensor applications. Thin Solid Films, 2006. 515(2): p. 551-554.
  19. Suchea, M., Katsarakis, N., Christoulakis, S., Katharakis, A., Kitsopoulos, T., and Kiriakidis, G., Metal oxide thin films as sensing layers for ozone detection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006. 573: p. 9-13.
  20. Suchea, M., Katsarakis, N., Christoulakis, S., Nikolopoulou, S., and Kiriakidis, G., Low temperature indium oxide gas sensors. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2006. 118(1-2): p. 135-141.
  1. Alexandropoulos, D., Adams, M.J., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Syvridis, D., Proposed scheme for polarization insensitive GaInNAs-based semiconductor optical amplifiers. Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2005. 41(6): p. 817-822.
  2. Alifragis, Y., Georgakilas, A., Konstantinidis, G., Iliopoulos, E., Kostopoulos, A., and Chaniotakis, N.A., Response to anions of AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 87(25).
  3. Alifragis, Y., Konstantinidis, G., Georgakilas, A., and Chaniotakis, N., Anion selective potentiometric sensor based on gallium nitride crystalline membrane. Electroanalysis, 2005. 17(5-6): p. 527-531.
  4. Androulakis, J., Gardelis, S., Giapintzakis, J., Gagaoudakis, E., and Kiriakidis, G., Indium oxide as a possible tunnel barrier in spintronic devices. Thin Solid Films, 2005. 471(1-2): p. 293-297.
  5. Chaniotakis, N.A., Alifragis, Y., Georgakilas, A., and Konstantinidis, G., GaN-based anion selective sensor: Probing the origin of the induced electrochemical potential. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 86(16).
  6. Christoulakis, S., Suchea, M., Katharakis, M., Katsarakis, N., Koudoumas, E., and Kiriakidis, G., ZnO nanostructured transparent thin films by PLD. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2005. 10(4): p. 331-334.
  7. Dimakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., Tsagaraki, K., and Georgakilas, A., Physical model of InN growth on Ga-face GaN (0001) by molecular-beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 86(13).
  8. Dimakis, E., Iliopoulos, E., Tsagaraki, K., Kehagias, T., Komninou, P., and Georgakilas, A., Heteroepitaxial growth of In-face InN on GaN (0001) by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics, 2005. 97(11).
  9. Dimakis, E., Tsagaraki, K., Iliopoulos, E., Komninou, P., Kehagias, T., Delimitis, A., and Georgakilas, A., Correlation between nucleation, morphology and residual strain of InN grown on Ga-face GaN (0001). Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005. 278(1-4): p. 367-372.
  10. Iliopoulos, E., Adikimenakis, A., Dimakis, E., Tsagaraki, K., Konstantinidis, G., and Georgakilas, A., Active nitrogen species dependence on radiofrequency plasma source operating parameters and their role in GaN growth. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005. 278(1-4): p. 426-430.
  11. Ippolito, S.J., Kandasamy, S., Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Wlodarski, W., Galatsis, K., Kiriakidis, G., Katsarakis, N., and Suchea, M., Highly sensitive layered ZnO/LiNbO3 SAW device with InOx selective layer for NO2 and H-2 gas sensing. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2005. 111: p. 207-212.
  12. Karabourniotis, D. and van der Mullen, J., Numerical validation of a self-absorption model for plasma radiation. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2005. 38(17): p. 3016-3027.
  13. Kehagias, T., Delimitis, A., Komninou, P., Iliopoulos, E., Dimakis, E., Georgakilas, A., and Nouet, G., Misfit accommodation of compact and columnar InN epilayers grown on Ga-face GaN (0001) by molecular-beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 86(15).
  14. Kehagias, T., Iliopoulos, E., Delimitis, A., Nouet, G., Dimakis, E., Georgakilas, A., and Komninou, P., Interfacial structure of MBE grown InN on GaN. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2005. 202(5): p. 777-780.
  15. Kioseoglou, J., Bere, A., Komninou, P., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Nouet, G., Iliopoulos, E., Serra, A., and Karakostas, T., Atomic simulations and HRTEM observations of a Sigma 18 tilt grain boundary in GaN. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2005. 202(5): p. 799-803.
  16. Kiriakidis, G., Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., and Katsarakis, N., High performance gas sensing materials based on nanostructed metal oxide films. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2005. 10(3): p. 215-223.
  17. Kontos, A.G., Raptis, Y.S., Pelekanos, N.T., Georgakilas, A., Bellet-Amalric, E., and Jalabert, D., Micro-Raman characterization of InxGa1-xN/GaN/Al2O3 heterostructures. Physical Review B, 2005. 72(15).
  18. Le Thomas, N., Pelekanos, N.T., and Hatzopoulos, Z., Selective measurement of hole tunneling times through AlGaAs barriers based on the quantum confined Stark effect. Physical Review B, 2005. 72(23).
  19. Osvald, J., Kuzmik, J., Konstantinidis, G., Lobotka, P., and Georgakilas, A., Temperature dependence of GaN Schottky diodes I-V characteristics. Microelectronic Engineering, 2005. 81(2-4): p. 181-187.
  20. Pantazis, A., Neculoiu, D., Hatzopoulos, Z., Vasilache, D., Lagadas, M., Dragoman, M., Buiculescu, C., Petrini, I., Muller, A.A., Konstantinidis, G., and Muller, A., Millimeter-wave passive circuit elements based on GaAs micromachining. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2005. 15(7): p. S53-S59.
  21. Suchea, M., Christoulakis, S., Moschovis, K., Katsarakis, N., and Kiriakidis, G., Nanostructured ZnO and ZAO transparent thin films by sputtering-surface characterization. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2005. 10(4): p. 335-340.

Theoretical High Energy Physics Publications

  1. Tsamis N.C., Woodard R.P., Yesilyurt B. , "The need to renormalize the cosmological constant", Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, (2024), 849(), DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138472

  2. Calmet X., Kiritsis E., Kuipers F., Lüst D. , "Matching the Vilkovisky–DeWitt Effective Action of Quantum Gravity to String Theory", Fortschritte der Physik, (2024), 72(12), DOI: 10.1002/prop.202400176

  3. Miao S.P., Tsamis N.C., Woodard R.P. , "Summing gravitational effects from loops of inflationary scalars", Classical and Quantum Gravity, (2024), 41(21), DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad7dc8

  4. Miao S.P., Tsamis N.C., Woodard R.P. , "Alternate computation of gravitational effects from a single loop of inflationary scalars", Journal of High Energy Physics, (2024), 2024(7), DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2024)099

  5. Niarchos V., Papageorgakis C. , "Learning S -matrix phases with neural operators", Physical Review D, (2024), 110(4), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.045020

  1. Anastasopoulos, P., Kaneta, K., Kiritsis, E., Mambrini, Y., "Anomalous and axial Z′ contributions to g−2", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (2), art. no. 51, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2023)051
  2. Andriolo, E., Niarchos, V., Papageorgakis, C., Pomoni, E., "Covariantly constant anomalies on conformal manifolds", (2023) Physical Review D, 107 (2), art. no. 025006, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.025006
  3. Ecker, C., Kiritsis, E., Van Der Schee, W., "Dynamical Inflaton Coupled to Strongly Interacting Matter", (2023) Physical Review Letters, 130 (25), art. no. 251001, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.251001
  4. Ghodsi, A., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., "Holographic CFTs on AdSd × S n and conformal defects", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (10), art. no. 188, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2023)188
  5. Ghosh, J.K., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., Nourry, V., "Quantum (in)stability of maximally symmetric space-times", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (11), art. no. 98, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2023)098
  6. Ghodsi, A., Ghosh, J.K., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., Nourry, V., "Holographic QFTs on AdSd, wormholes and holographic interfaces", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (1), art. no. 121, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2023)121
  7. Järvinen, M., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., Préau, E., "Holographic neutrino transport in dense strongly-coupled matter", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (11), art. no. 139, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2023)139
  8. Järvinen, M., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., Préau, E., "The V-QCD baryon: numerical solution and baryon spectrum", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (5), art. no. 81, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2023)081
  9. Kántor, G., Niarchos, V., Papageorgakis, C., Richmond, P., "6D (2,0) bootstrap with the soft-actor-critic algorithm", (2023) Physical Review D, 107 (2), art. no. 025005, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.025005
  10. Kiritsis, E., Tsouros, A., "De Sitter versus Anti de Sitter flows and the (super)gravity landscape", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (8), art. no. 126, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2023)126
  11. Niarchos, V., Papageorgakis, C., Richmond, P., Stapleton, A.G., Woolley, M., "Bootstrability in line-defect CFTs with improved truncation methods", (2023) Physical Review D, 108 (10), art. no. 105027, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.105027
  12. Pacheco, J.A.D.F., Kiritsis, E., Lucca, M., Silk, J., "Quasiextremal primordial black holes are a viable dark matter candidate", (2023) Physical Review D, 107 (12), art. no. 123525, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.123525
  13. Porfyriadis, A.P., Remmen, G.N., "Charged dilatonic spacetimes in string theory", (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 (3), art. no. 125, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2023)125
  1. Anastasopoulos, P., Kiritsis, E., "Emergent neutrinos from heavy messengers", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (6), art. no. 128, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2022)128
  2. Betzios, P., Kiritsis, E., Papadoulaki, O., "Interacting systems and wormholes", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (2), art. no. 126, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2022)126
  3. Järvinen, M., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., Préau, E., "Tachyon-dependent Chern-Simons terms and the V-QCD baryon", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (12), art. no. 160, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP12(2022)160
  4. Jokela, N., Kastikainen, J., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., "Flavored ABJM theory on the sphere and holographic F-functions", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (3), art. no. 91, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2022)091
  5. Kántor, G., Niarchos, V., Papageorgakis, C., "Conformal bootstrap with reinforcement learning", (2022) Physical Review D, 105 (2), art. no. 025018, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.025018
  6. Kántor, G., Papageorgakis, C., Niarchos, V., "Solving Conformal Field Theories with Artificial Intelligence", (2022) Physical Review Letters, 128 (4), art. no. 041601, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.041601
  7. Kiritsis, E., Litos, C., "Holographic RG flows on Squashed S 3", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (12), art. no. 161, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP12(2022)161
  8. Miao, S.P., Tsamis, N.C., Woodard, R.P., "Summing inflationary logarithms in nonlinear sigma models", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (3), art. no. 69, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2022)069
  9. Nguyen, N., Niarchos, V., "On matched asymptotic expansions of backreacting metastable anti-branes", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (6), art. no. 55, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2022)055
  10. Niarchos, V., "Weyl anomalies on conformal manifolds and moduli spaces", (2022) International Journal of Modern Physics A, 37 (1), art. no. 2130021, DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X21300210, "", Theodosi, A., Tsilipakos, O., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., "2D-patterned graphene metasurfaces for efficient third harmonic generation at THz frequencies", (2022) Optics Express, 30 (1 January), pp. 460-472, DOI: 10.1364/OE.445751
  11. Niarchos, V., Papadodimas, K., "On the Kähler-Hodge structure of superconformal manifolds", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (9), art. no. 104, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2022)104
  12. Porfyriadis, A.P., Remmen, G.N., "Large diffeomorphisms and accidental symmetry of the extremal horizon", (2022) Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (3), art. no. 107, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2022)107
  13. Tan, L., Tsamis, N.C., Woodard, R.P., "How inflationary gravitons affect gravitational radiation", (2022) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380 (2230), art. no. 20210187, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2021.0187
  14. Tan, L., Tsamis, N.C., Woodard, R.P., "How Inflationary Gravitons Affect the Force of Gravity", (2022) Universe, 8 (7), art. no. 376, DOI: 10.3390/universe8070376
  1. Angelinos, N., Kiritsis, E., and Pena-Benitez, F., "Critical scaling of the ac conductivity and momentum dissipation". Physical Review Research, 2021. 3(1): 013028 
  2. Betzios, P., Kiritsis, E., and Niarchos, V., "Emergent gravity from hidden sectors and TT deformations". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(2): 202  
  3. Bhattacharya, S. and Tomaras, T.N., "The maximum turnaround radius of non-spherical cosmic structures". Annals of Physics, 2021. 427: 168427  
  4. Ghosh, J.K., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Witkowski, L.T., "Revisiting Coleman-de Luccia transitions in the AdS regime using holography". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(9): 065 
  5. Niarchos, V., Papageorgakis, C., Pini, A., and Pomoni, E., "(Mis-)matching type-B anomalies on the Higgs branch". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(1): 106  
  6. Tan, L., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., "Graviton self-energy from gravitons in cosmology". Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2021. 38(14): 145024  
  7. Gagaoudakis, E., Michail, G., Katerinopoulou, D., Moschovis, K., Iliopoulos, E., Kiriakidis, G., Binas, V., and Aperathitis, E., "Transparent p-type NiO:Al thin films as room temperature hydrogen and methane gas sensors". Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2020. 109: 104922 
  1. Betzios, P., Kiritsis, E., Niarchos, V., and Papadoulaki, O., "Global symmetries, hidden sectors and emergent (dark) vector interactions". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(12): 53  
  2. Bigazzi, F., Cotrone, A.L., Jarvinen, M., and Kiritsis, E., "Non-derivative axionic couplings to nucleons at large and small N". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(1): 100 
  3. Ghosh, J.K., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Witkowski, L.T., "Back-reaction in massless de Sitter QFTs: holography, gravitational DBI action and f(R) gravity". Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(7): 040  
  4. Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Preau, E., "Holographic QFTs on S-2 x S-2, spontaneous symmetry breaking and Efimov saddle points". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(8): 138  
  5. Kyriazis, A., Miao, S.P., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., "Inflaton effective potential for general epsilon". Physical Review D, 2020. 102(2): 025024  
  6. Niarchos, V., Papageorgakis, C., and Pomoni, E., "Type-B anomaly matching and the 6D (2,0) theory". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(4): 048 
  7. Tomaras, T.N. and Toumbas, N., "IR dynamics and entanglement entropy". Physical Review D, 2020. 101(6): 065006  
  1. Amariti, A., Charmousis, C., Forcella, D., Kiritsis, E., and Nitti, F., "Brane cosmology and the self-tuning of the cosmological constant". Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019(10): 007  
  2. Anastasopoulos, P., Betzios, P., Bianchi, M., Consoli, D., and Kiritsis, E., "Emergent/composite axions". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(10): 113  
  3. Armas, J., Nguyen, N., Niarchos, V., Obers, N.A., and Van Riet, T., "Metastable Nonextremal Antibranes".Physical Review Letters, 2019. 122(18): 181601  
  4. Basu, S., Brooker, D.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., "Non-Gaussianity from features in the power spectrum". Physical Review D, 2019. 100(6): 063525  
  5. Betzios, P., Kiritsis, E., and Papadoulaki, O., "Euclidean wormholes and holography". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(6): 042 
  6. Ghosh, J.K., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Witkowski, L.T., "Holographic RG flows on curved manifolds and the F-theorem". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(2): 055  
  7. Hamada, Y., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Witkowski, L.T., "Axion RG flows and the holographic dynamics of instanton densities". Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2019. 52(45): 454003 
  8. Hayling, J., Niarchos, V., and Papageorgakis, C., "Deconstructing defects". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(2): 067  
  9. Papadopoulou, S.; Antoniou, F.; Papaphilippou, Y., “Emittance reduction with variable bending magnet strengths: Analytical optics considerations and application to the Compact Linear Collider damping ring design”, Physical Review Accelerators and beams, 2019, 22, (9)
  1. Bhattacharya, S., Charalambous, P., Tomaras, T.N., and Toumbas, N., Comments on the entropic gravity proposal.European Physical Journal C, 2018. 78(8).
  2. Bhattacharya, S., Kousvos, S.R., Romanopoulos, S., and Tomaras, T.N., Cosmological screening and the phantom braneworld model.European Physical Journal C, 2018. 78(8).
  3. Brooker, D.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., From non-trivial geometries to power spectra and vice versa.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(4).
  4. Ghosh, J.K., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Witkowski, L.T., De Sitter and Anti-de Sitter branes in self-tuning models.Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(11).
  5. Ghosh, J.K., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Witkowski, L.T., Holographic RG flows on curved manifolds and quantum phase transitions.Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(5).
  6. Gursoy, U., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Pimenta, L.S., Exotic holographic RG flows at finite temperature.Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(10).
  1. Arean, D., Iatrakis, I., Jarvinen, M., and Kiritsis, E., CP-odd sector and theta dynamics in holographic QCD. Physical Review D, 2017. 96(2).
  2. Baggioli, M., Gouteraux, B., Kiritsis, E., and Li, W.-J., Higher derivative corrections to incoherent metallic transport in holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(3).
  3. Basu, S., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Causality implies inflationary back-reaction. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(7).
  4. Bhattacharya, S., Dialektopoulos, K.F., Romano, A.E., Skordis, C., and Tomaras, T.N., The maximum sizes of large scale structures in alternative theories of gravity. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(7).
  5. Bhattacharya, S. and Tomaras, T.N., Cosmic structure sizes in generic dark energy models. European Physical Journal C, 2017. 77(8).
  6. Brooker, D.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Analytic approximation for the primordial spectra of single scalar potential models and its use in their reconstruction. Physical Review D, 2017. 96(10).
  7. Brooker, D.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Improving the single scalar consistency relation. Physics Letters B, 2017. 773: p. 225-230.
  8. Charmousis, C., Kiritsis, E., and Nitti, F., Holographic self-tuning of the cosmological constant. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(9).
  9. Iatrakis, I., Kiritsis, E., Shen, C., and Yang, D.-L., Holographic photon production in heavy ion collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(4).
  10. Kiritsis, E. and Li, L., Quantum criticality and DBI magneto-resistance. Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2017. 50(11).
  11. Kiritsis, E. and Matsuo, Y., Hyperscaling-violating Lifshitz hydrodynamics from black-holes: part II. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(3).
  12. Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and Pimenta, L.S., Exotic RG flows from holography. Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress of Physics, 2017. 65(2).
  13. Miao, S.P., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Invariant measure of the one-loop quantum gravitational backreaction on inflation. Physical Review D, 2017. 95(12).
  1. Bachas, C. and Tomaras, T., Band structure in Yang-Mills theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(5).
  2. Bhattacharya, S., Dialektopoulos, K.F., and Tomaras, T.N., Large scale structures and the cubic galileon model. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(5).
  3. Brooker, D.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Effect of features on the functional for  of the scalar power spectrum. Physical Review D, 2016. 94(4).
  4. Brooker, D.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Precision predictions for the primordial power spectra of scalar potential models of inflation. Physical Review D, 2016. 93(4).
  5. Gouteraux, B., Kiritsis, E., and Li, W.J., Effective holographic theories of momentum relaxation and violation of conductivity bound. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(4).
  6. Kiritsis, E. and Li, L., Holographic competition of phases and superconductivity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(1).
  7. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Improved cosmological model. Physical Review D, 2016. 94(4).
  1. Alho, T., Jarvinen, M., Kajantie, K., Kiritsis, E., Rosen, C., and Tuominen, K., A model for holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit at finite temperature and density (vol 4, 124, 2014). Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(2).
  2. Alho, T., Jarvinen, M., Kajantie, K., Kiritsis, E., and Tuominen, K., Quantum and stringy corrections to the equation of state of holographic QCD matter and the nature of the chiral transition. Physical Review D, 2015. 91(5).
  3. Bhattacharya, S., Dialektopoulos, K.F., Romano, A.E., and Tomaras, T.N., Brans-Dicke Theory with Lambda > 0: Black Holes and Large Scale Structures. Physical Review Letters, 2015. 115(18).
  4. Binetruy, P., Kiritsis, E., Mabillard, J., Pieroni, M., and Rosset, C., Universality classes for models of inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(4).
  5. Gorsky, A., Mironov, A., Morozov, A., and Tomaras, T., Is the standard model saved asymptotically by conformal symmetry? Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2015. 120(3): p. 344-353.
  6. Hartong, J., Kiritsis, E., and Obers, N.A., Schrodinger invariance from Lifshitz isometries in holography and field theory. Physical Review D, 2015. 92(6).
  7. Hartong, J., Kiritsis, E., and Obers, N.A., Field theory on Newton-Cartan backgrounds and symmetries of the Lifshitz vacuum. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(8).
  8. Hartong, J., Kiritsis, E., and Obers, N.A., Lifshitz space-times for Schrodinger holography. Physics Letters B, 2015. 746: p. 318-324.
  9. Ishii, T., Kiritsis, E., and Rosen, C., Thermalization in a holographic confining gauge theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(8).
  10. Kiritsis, E., Li, W., and Nitti, F., On the gluonic operator effective potential in holographic Yang-Mills theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(4).
  11. Kiritsis, E. and Matsuo, Y., Charge-hyperscaling violating Lifshitz hydrodynamics from black-holes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(12).
  12. Kiritsis, E. and Pena-Benitez, F., Scaling of the holo graphic AC conductivity for non-Fermi liquids at criticality. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(11).
  13. Kiritsis, E. and Ren, J., On holographic insulators and supersolids. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(9): p. 1-52.
  14. Spirin, P. and Tomaras, T.N., Gravitational radiation in massless-particle collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(6).
  15. Tanoglidis, D., Pavlidou, V., and Tomaras, T.N., Testing ACDM cosmology at turnaround: where to look for violations of the bound? Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(12).
  1. Alho, T., Jarvinen, M., Kajantie, K., Kiritsis, E., Rosen, C., and Tuominen, K., A holographic model for QCD in the Veneziano limit at finite temperature and density. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(4).
  2. Bourdier, J. and Kiritsis, E., Holographic RG flows and nearly-marginal operators. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2014. 31(3).
  3. Brambilla, N., Eidelman, S., Foka, P., Gardner, S., Kronfeld, A.S., Alford, M.G., Alkofer, R., Butenschoen, M., Cohen, T.D., Erdmenger, J., Fabbietti, L., Faber, M., Goity, J.L., Ketzer, B., Lin, H.W., Llanes-Estrada, F.J., Meyer, H.B., Pakhlov, P., Pallante, E., Polikarpov, M.I., Sazdjian, H., Schmitt, A., Snow, W.M., Vairo, A., Vogt, R., Vuorinen, A., Wittig, H., Arnold, P., Christakoglou, P., Di Nezza, P., Fodor, Z., Tormo, X.G.I., Hollwieser, R., Janik, M.A., Kalweit, A., Keane, D., Kiritsis, E., Mischke, A., Mizuk, R., Odyniec, G., Papadodimas, K., Pich, A., Pittau, R., Qiu, J.W., Ricciardi, G., Salgado, C.A., Schwenzer, K., Stefanis, N.G., von Hippel, G.M., and Zakharov, V.I., QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives. European Physical Journal C, 2014. 74(10).
  4. Craps, B., Kiritsis, E., Rosen, C., Taliotis, A., Vanhoof, J., and Zhang, H.B., Gravitational collapse and thermalization in the hard wall model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(2).
  5. Kiritsis, E., Li, W.L., and Nitti, F., Holographic RG flow and the quantum effective action. Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress of Physics, 2014. 62(5-6): p. 389-454.
  6. Kiritsis, E., Mazzanti, L., and Nitti, F., The confining trailing string. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(2).
  7. Miao, S.P., Mora, P.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Perils of analytic continuation. Physical Review D, 2014. 89(10).
  8. Pavlidou, V., Tetradis, N., and Tomaras, T.N., Constraining dark energy through the stability of cosmic structures. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(5).
  9. Pavlidou, V. and Tomaras, T.N., Where the world stands still: turnaround as a strong test of ACDM cosmology. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(9).
  10. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Classical gravitational back-reaction. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2014. 31(18).
  11. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., A caveat on building nonlocal models of cosmology. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(9).
  1. Alho, T., Jarvinen, M., Kajantie, K., Kiritsis, E., and Tuominen, K., On finite-temperature holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1).
  2. Arean, D., Iatrakis, I., Jarvinen, M., and Kiritsis, E., The discontinuities of conformal transitions and mass spectra of V-QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(11).
  3. Arean, D., Iatrakis, I., Jarvinen, M., and Kiritsis, E., V-QCD: Spectra, the dilaton and the S-parameter. Physics Letters B, 2013. 720(1-3): p. 219-223.
  4. Gal'tsov, D., Spirin, P., and Tomaras, T.N., Gravitational bremsstrahlung in ultra-planckian collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1).
  5. Gouteraux, B. and Kiritsis, E., Quantum critical lines in holographic phases with (un)broken symmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(4).
  6. Grammatopoulou, E., Scordilis, E., Evangelodimou, A., Haniotou, A., Spinou, A., Tsamis, N., Grigoriadis, K., Antoniadou, D., Xyki, M., and Belibassaki, V., Validity and reliability evidence of the nijmegen questionnaire in astma. European Respiratory Journal, 2013. 42.
  7. Gursoy, U., Iatrakis, I., Kiritsis, E., Nitti, F., and O'Bannon, A., The Chern-Simons diffusion rate in improved holographic QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(2).
  8. Kiritsis, E., Asymptotic freedom, asymptotic flatness and cosmology. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2013(11).
  9. Kiritsis, E., Lorentz violation, gravity, dissipation and holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1).
  10. Mora, P.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Hartree approximation to the one loop quantum gravitational correction to the graviton mode function on de Sitter. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2013(10).
  11. Romania, M.G., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Primordial gravitational wave enhancement. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2013. 30(2).
  12. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Pure gravitational back-reaction observables. Physical Review D, 2013. 88(4).
  1. Adam, T., Agafonova, N., Aleksandrov, A., Altinok, O., Sanchez, P.A., Anokhina, A., Aoki, S., Ariga, A., Ariga, T., Autiero, D., Badertscher, A., Ben Dhahbi, A., Bertolin, A., Bozza, C., Brugiere, T., Brugnera, R., Brunet, F., Brunetti, G., Buontempo, S., Carlus, B., Cavanna, F., Cazes, A., Chaussard, L., Chernyavsky, M., Chiarella, V., Chukanov, A., Colosimo, G., Crespi, M., D'Ambrosio, N., De Lellis, G., De Serio, M., Declais, Y., Sanchez, P.D., Di Capua, F., Di Crescenzo, A., Di Ferdinando, D., Di Marco, N., Dmitrievsky, S., Dracos, M., Duchesneau, D., Dusini, S., Dzhatdoev, T., Ebert, J., Efthymiopoulos, I., Egorov, O., Ereditato, A., Esposito, L.S., Favier, J., Ferber, T., Fini, R.A., Fukuda, T., Garfagnini, A., Giacomelli, G., Giorgini, M., Giovannozzi, M., Girerd, C., Goldberg, J., Gollnitz, C., Golubkov, D., Goncharova, L., Gornushkin, Y., Grella, G., Grianti, F., Gschwendtner, E., Guerin, C., Guler, A.M., Gustavino, C., Hagner, C., Hamada, K., Hara, T., Enikeev, R., Hierholzer, M., Hollnagel, A., Ieva, M., Ishida, H., Ishiguro, K., Jakovcic, K., Jollet, C., Jones, M., Juget, F., Kamiscioglu, M., Kawada, J., Kim, S.H., Kimura, M., Kiritsis, E., Kitagawa, N., Klicek, B., Knuesel, J., Kodama, K., Komatsu, M., Kose, U., Kreslo, I., Lazzaro, C., Lenkeit, J., Ljubicic, A., Longhin, A., Malgin, A., Mandrioli, G., Marteau, J., Matsuo, T., Matveev, V., Mauri, N., Mazzoni, A., Medinaceli, E., Meisel, F., Meregaglia, A., Migliozzi, P., Mikado, S., Missiaen, D., Monacelli, P., Morishima, K., Moser, U., Muciaccia, M.T., Naganawa, N., Naka, T., Nakamura, M., Nakano, T., Nakatsuka, Y., Naumov, D., Nikitina, V., Nitti, F., Ogawa, S., Okateva, N., Olchevsky, A., Palamara, O., Paoloni, A., Park, B.D., Park, I.G., Pastore, A., Patrizii, L., Pennacchio, E., Pessard, H., Pistillo, C., Polukhina, N., Pozzato, M., Pretzl, K., Pupilli, F., Rescigno, R., Riguzzi, F., Roganova, T., Rokujo, H., Rosa, G., Rostovtseva, I., Rubbia, A., Russo, A., Ryasny, V., Ryazhskaya, O., Sato, O., Sato, Y., Sahnoun, Z., Schembri, A., Schuler, J., Lavina, L.S., Serrano, J., Shakiryanova, I., Sheshukov, A., Shibuya, H., Shoziyoev, G., Simone, S., Sioli, M., Sirignano, C., Sirri, G., Song, J.S., Spinetti, M., Stanco, L., Starkov, N., Stellacci, S., Stipcevic, M., Strauss, T., Takahashi, S., Tenti, M., Terranova, F., Tezuka, I., Tioukov, V., Tolun, P., Tran, N.T., Tufanli, S., Vilain, P., Vladimirov, M., Votano, L., Vuilleumier, J.L., Wilquet, G., Wonsak, B., Wurtz, J., Yakushev, V., Yoon, C.S., Yoshida, J., Zaitsev, Y., Zemskova, S., Zghiche, A. and Collaboration, O., Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(10).
  2. Charmousis, C., Gouteraux, B., and Kiritsis, E., Higher-derivative scalar-vector-tensor theories: black holes, Galileons, singularity cloaking and holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(9).
  3. Iatrakis, I. and Kiritsis, E., Vector-axial vector correlators in weak electric field and the holographic dynamics of the chiral condensate. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(2).
  4. Jarvinen, M. and Kiritsis, E., Holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(3).
  5. Kim, B.S., Kiritsis, E., and Panagopoulos, C., Holographic quantum criticality and strange metal transport. New Journal of Physics, 2012. 14.
  6. Kiritsis, E., Mazzanti, L., and Nitti, F., Dressed spectral densities for heavy quark diffusion in holographic plasmas. Journal of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2012. 39(5).
  7. Kiritsis, E. and Niarchos, V., The holographic quantum effective potential at finite temperature and density. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(8).
  8. Kiritsis, E. and Pavlopoulos, G., Heavy quarks in a magnetic field. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(4).
  9. Kiritsis, E. and Taliotis, A., Multiplicities from black-hole formation in heavy-ion collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(4).
  10. Leigh, R.G., Petkou, A.C., and Petropoulos, P.M., Holographic fluids with vorticity and analogue gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(11).
  11. Leigh, R.G., Petkou, A.C., and Petropoulos, P.M., Holographic three-dimensional fluids with nontrivial vorticity. Physical Review D, 2012. 85(8).
  12. Mironov, A., Morozov, A., and Tomaras, T.N., Geodesic Deviation and Particle Creation in Curved Spacetimes. Jetp Letters, 2012. 94(11): p. 795-799.
  13. Mora, P.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Graviton propagator in a general invariant gauge on de Sitter. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2012. 53(12).
  14. Mora, P.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Weyl-Weyl correlator in de Donder gauge on de Sitter space. Physical Review D, 2012. 86(8).
  15. Mora, P.J., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Generalizing the ADM computation to quantum field theory. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2012. 29(2).
  16. Romania, M.G., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Computing the primordial power spectra directly. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2012(8).
  1. Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Belias, A., Fotiou, A., Grammatikakis, G., Kontoyiannis, H., Koske, P., Koutsoukos, S., Lykoussis, V., Markopoulos, E., Psallidas, A., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Stavrakakis, S., Stavropoulos, G., Zhukov, V.A., and Consortium, K.M.N., Light transmission measurements with LAMS in the Mediterranean Sea. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011. 626: p. S120-S123.
  2. Buchel, A., Gursoy, U., and Kiritsis, E., Holographic bulk viscosity: GPR vs EO. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(9).
  3. Constantinou, Y., Gal'tsov, D., Spirin, P., and Tomaras, T.N., Scalar bremsstrahlung in gravity-mediated ultrarelativistic collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(11).
  4. Gouteraux, B. and Kiritsis, E., Generalized holographic quantum criticality at finite density. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(12).
  5. Kiritsis, E. and Niarchos, V., Josephson junctions and AdS/CFT networks (vol 07, 112, 2011). Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(10).
  6. Kiritsis, E. and Niarchos, V., Josephson junctions and AdS/CFT networks. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(7).
  7. Kiritsis, E. and Niarchos, V., Large-N limits of 2d CFTs, quivers and AdS(3) duals. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(4).
  8. Miao, S.P., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Gauging away physics. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011. 28(24).
  9. Miao, S.P., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., The graviton propagator in de Donder gauge on de Sitter background. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2011. 52(12).
  10. Romania, M.G., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Possible enhancement of high frequency gravitational waves. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2011. 28(7).
  11. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., A GRAVITATIONAL MECHANISM FOR COSMOLOGICAL SCREENING. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2011. 20(14): p. 2847-2851.
  1. Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Belias, A., Fotiou, A., Grammatikakis, G., Kontogiannis, H., Koske, P., Koutsoukos, S., Lykoussis, V., Markopoulos, E., Psallidas, A., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Stavrakakis, S., Stavropoulos, G., and Zhukov, V.A., Water transparency measurements in the deep Ionian Sea. Astroparticle Physics, 2010. 34(4): p. 187-197.
  2. Charmousis, C., Gouteraux, B., Kim, B.S., Kiritsis, E., and Meyer, R., Effective holographic theories for low-temperature condensed matter systems. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(11).
  3. Gal'tsov, D.V., Kofinas, G., Spirin, P., and Tomaras, T.N., Classical ultrarelativistic bremsstrahlung in extra dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(5).
  4. Gal'tsov, D.V., Kofinas, G., Spirin, P., and Tomaras, T.N., Transplanckian bremsstrahlung and black hole production. Physics Letters B, 2010. 683(4-5): p. 331-334.
  5. Gursoy, U., Kiritsis, E., Mazzanti, L., and Nitti, F., Langevin diffusion of heavy quarks in non-conformal holographic backgrounds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(12).
  6. Iatrakis, I., Kiritsis, E., and Paredes, A., An AdS/QCD model from tachyon condensation: II. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(11).
  7. Iatrakis, I., Kiritsis, E., and Paredes, A., AdS/QCD model from an effective action for open string tachyons. Physical Review D, 2010. 81(11).
  8. Kiritsis, E., Spherically symmetric solutions in modified Horava-Lifshitz gravity. Physical Review D, 2010. 81(4).
  9. Kiritsis, E. and Kofinas, G., On Horava-Lifshitz "black holes". Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(1).
  10. Kiritsis, E., Lennek, M., and Schellekens, B., SU(5) orientifolds, Yukawa couplings, stringy instantons and proton decay. Nuclear Physics B, 2010. 829(1-2): p. 298-324.
  11. Leigh, R.G., Mauri, A., Minic, D., and Petkou, A.C., Gauge Fields, Membranes, and Subdeterminant Vector Models. Physical Review Letters, 2010. 104(22).
  12. Mansi, D.S., Mauri, A., and Petkou, A.C., Stochastic quantization and AdS/CFT. Physics Letters B, 2010. 685(2-3): p. 215-221.
  13. Miao, S.P., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., de Sitter breaking through infrared divergences. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2010. 51(7).
  14. Tsamis, N.C., Tzetzias, A., and Woodard, R.P., Stochastic samples versus vacuum expectation values in cosmology. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2010(9).
  15. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Primordial density perturbations and reheating from gravity. Physical Review D, 2010. 82(6).
  16. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Postinflationary evolution via gravitation. Physical Review D, 2010. 81(10).
  1. Anastasopoulos, P., Kiritsis, E., and Lionetto, A., On mass hierarchies in orientifold vacua. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(8).
  2. Gal'tsov, D.V., Kofinas, G., Spirin, P., and Tomaras, T.N., Classical ultra-relativistic scattering in ADD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(5).
  3. Gursoy, U., Kiritsis, E., Mazzanti, L., and Nitti, F., Improved holographic Yang-Mills at finite temperature: Comparison with data. Nuclear Physics B, 2009. 820(1-2): p. 148-177.
  4. Gursoy, U., Kiritsis, E., Mazzanti, L., and Nitti, F., Holography and thermodynamics of 5D dilaton-gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(5).
  5. Gursoy, U., Kiritsis, E., Michalogiorgakis, G., and Nitti, F., Thermal transport and drag force in improved holographic QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(12).
  6. Kiritsis, E., Dissecting the string theory dual to QCD. Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress of Physics, 2009. 57(5-7): p. 396-417.
  7. Kiritsis, E. and Kofinas, G., Horava-Lifshitz cosmology. Nuclear Physics B, 2009. 821(3): p. 467-480.
  8. Kiritsis, E., Lennek, M., and Schellekens, B., Free fermion orientifolds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(2).
  9. Kiritsis, E. and Niarchos, V., Interacting string multi-verses and holographic instabilities of massive gravity. Nuclear Physics B, 2009. 812(3): p. 488-524.
  10. Leigh, R.G., Hoang, N.N., and Petkou, A.C., Torsion and the Gravity Dual of Parity Breaking in AdS(4)/CFT3 Holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009(3).
  11. Mansi, D.S., Petkou, A.C., and Tagliabue, G., Gravity in the 3+1-split formalism: I. Holography as an initial value problem. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2009. 26(4).
  12. Mansi, D.S., Petkou, A.C., and Tagliabue, G., Gravity in the 3+1-split formalism: II. Self-duality and the emergence of the gravitational Chern-Simons in the boundary. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2009. 26(4).
  13. Miao, S.P., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Transforming to Lorentz gauge on de Sitter. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2009. 50(12).
  14. Mironov, A., Morozov, A., and Tomaras, T.N., CAN CENTAUROS OR CHIRONS BE THE FIRST OBSERVATIONS OF EVAPORATING MINI BLACK HOLES? International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2009. 24(22): p. 4097-4115.
  15. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Phenomenological model for the early universe. Physical Review D, 2009. 80(8).
  16. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., A simplified quantum gravitational model of inflation. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2009. 26(10).
  1. Gursoy, U. and Kiritsis, E., Exploring improved holographic theories for QCD: part I. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(2).
  2. Gursoy, U., Kiritsis, E., Mazzanti, L., and Nitti, F., Deconfinement and Gluon Plasma Dynamics in Improved Holographic QCD. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101(18).
  3. Gursoy, U., Kiritsis, E., and Nitti, F., Exploring improved holographic theories for QCD: part II. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(2).
  4. Kiritsis, E. and Niarchos, V., (Multi)matrix models and interacting clones of Liouville gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(8).
  5. Kiritsis, E., Schellekens, B., and Tsulaia, M., Discriminating MSSM families in (free-field) Gepner orientifolds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(10).
  6. Mauri, A. and Petkou, A.C., An N=1 superfield action for M2 branes. Physics Letters B, 2008. 666(5): p. 527-532.
  7. Mironov, A., Morozov, A., and Tomaras, T.N., Some properties of the Alday-Maldacena minimum. Physics Letters B, 2008. 659(3): p. 723-731.
  8. Papathanasiou, G., Tsamis, N., Georgiadou, P., and Adamopoulos, S., Beneficial effects of physical training and methodology of exercise prescription in patients with heart failure. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, 2008. 49(4): p. 267-277.
  9. Prokopec, T., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Two loop stress-energy tensor for inflationary scalar electrodynamics. Physical Review D, 2008. 78(4).
  10. Prokopec, T., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Stochastic inflationary scalar electrodynamics. Annals of Physics, 2008. 323(6): p. 1324-1360.
  11. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Comment on "Can infrared gravitons screen Lambda?". Physical Review D, 2008. 78(2).
  1. Bianchi, M. and Kiritsis, E., Non-perturbative and flux superpotentials for type I strings on the Z(3) orbifold. Nuclear Physics B, 2007. 782(1-2): p. 26-50.
  2. de Haro, S., Papadimitriou, I., and Petkou, A.C., Conformally coupled scalars, instantons, and vacuum instability in 4D anti-de Sitter space. Physical Review Letters, 2007. 98(23).
  3. Fotopoulos, A., Irges, N., Petkou, A.C., and Tsulaia, M., Higher spin gauge fields interacting with scalars: the Lagrangian cubic vertex. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(10).
  4. Kiritsis, E., Product CFTs, gravitational cloning, massive gravitons and the space of gravitational duals. Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress of Physics, 2007. 55(5-7): p. 585-592.
  5. Kiritsis, E. and Nitti, F., On massless 4D gravitons from asymptotically AdS(5) space-times. Nuclear Physics B, 2007. 772(1-2): p. 67-102.
  6. Kofinas, G. and Tomaras, T.N., Gravitating defects of codimension-two. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2007. 24(23): p. 5861-5867.
  7. Koshelev, A.S. and Tomaras, T.N., Towards a covariant model for cosmic self-acceleration. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(10).
  8. Leigh, R.G. and Petkou, A.C., Gravitational duality transformations on (A)dS(4). Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(11).
  9. Mironov, A., Morozov, A., and Tomaras, T.N., On n-point amplitudes in N=4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(11).
  10. Prokopec, T., Tsamis, N.C., and Woodard, R.P., Two loop scalar bilinears for inflationary SQED. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2007. 24(1): p. 201-230.
  11. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Maximally symmetric vector propagator. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2007. 48(5).
  1. Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Tsagli, V., and Zhukov, V.A., LAERTIS, a multidisciplinary station. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 468-473.
  2. Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E.B., Bourlis, G., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Leisos, A., Ludvig, J., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Staveris, T., Tsagli, V., Tsirigotis, A., and Zhukov, V.A., Recent results from NESTOR. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 452-456.
  3. Anassontzis, E.G., Aggouras, G., Ball, A.E., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., and Green, C., Towers and KM3NeT. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 538-544.
  4. Anastasopoulos, P., Bianchi, M., Dudas, E., and Kiritsis, E., Anomalies, anomalous U(1)'s and generalized Chern-Simons terms. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(11).
  5. Anastasopoulos, P., Dijkstra, T., Kiritsis, E., and Schellekens, B., Orientifolds, hypercharge embeddings and the Standard Model. Nuclear Physics B, 2006. 759(1-2): p. 83-146.
  6. Buchbinder, I.L., Fotopoulos, A., Petkou, A.C., and Tsulaia, M., Constructing the cubic interaction vertex of higher spin gauge fields. Physical Review D, 2006. 74(10).
  7. Cafarella, A., Coriano, C., and Tomaras, T.N., Searching for extra dimensions in high energy cosmic rays. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 2006. 151: p. 351-354.
  8. Coriano, C., Irges, N., and Kiritsis, E., On the effective theory of low-scale orientifold string vacua. Nuclear Physics B, 2006. 746(1-2): p. 77-135.
  9. de Haro, S. and Petkou, A.C., Instantons and conformal holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(12).
  10. Kiritsis, E., Product CFTs, gravitational cloning, massive gravitons and the space of gravitational duals. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(11).
  11. Kiritsis, E., D-branes in standard model building, gravity and cosmology (vol 421, pg 105, 2005). Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, 2006. 429(2): p. 121-122.
  12. Kofinas, G., Panotopoulos, G., and Tomaras, T.N., Brane-bulk energy exchange: a model with the present universe as a global attractor. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(1).
  13. Petkou, A.C. and Siopsis, G., Noncritical M-theory and the Gross-Neveu model in 2+1 dimensions. Physics Letters B, 2006. 640(4): p. 209-213.
  14. Tomaras, T.N., Centauros and/or Chirons as evaporating mini black holes. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 2006. 151: p. 367-370.
  15. Tsagli, S., Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Ludvig, J., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Staveris, T., Tsagli, V., Zhukov, V.A., and Collaboration, N., Recent measurements on the Hamamatsu 13 in., R8055, PhotoMultiplier Tubes. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 511-514.
  16. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Dimensionally regulated graviton 1-point function in de Sitter. Annals of Physics, 2006. 321(4): p. 875-893.
  1. Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Bourlis, G., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Leisos, A., Ludvig, J., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Staveris, T., Tsagli, V., Tsirigotis, A., Zhukovk, V.A., and Collaboration, N., Operation and performance of the NESTOR test detector. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2005. 552(3): p. 420-439.
  2. Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Bourlis, G., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Leisos, A., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Staveris-Polikalas, A., Tsagli, V., Tsirigotis, A., and Zhukov, V.A., A measurement of the cosmic-ray muon flux with a module of the NESTOR neutrino telescope. Astroparticle Physics, 2005. 23(4): p. 377-392.
  3. Bigazzi, F., Casero, R., Cotrone, A.L., Kiritsis, E., and Paredes, A., Non-critical holography and four-dimensional CFT's with fundamentals. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005(10).
  4. Cafarella, A., Coriano, C., and Tomaras, T.N., Cosmic ray signals from mini black holes in models with extra dimensions: an analytical/Monte Carlo study. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005(6).
  5. D'Appollonio, G. and Kiritsis, E., D-branes and BUT in Hpp-wave backgrounds. Nuclear Physics B, 2005. 712(3): p. 433-512.
  6. Kiritsis, E., D-branes in standard model building, gravity and cosmology. Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, 2005. 421(3-4): p. 105-190.
  7. Kiritsis, E., Holography and brane - bulk energy exchange. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2005(10).
  8. Kiritsis, E., Proceedings of the RTN Workshop - The Quantum Structure of Space-Time and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions - Kolymbarim Crete, Greece - 5-10 September 2004 - Preface. Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress of Physics, 2005. 53(7-8): p. 663-663.
  9. Mironov, A.D., Morozov, A., and Tomaras, T.N., On the need for a phenomenological theory of P-vortices, or does the spaghetti confinement pattern admit condensed-matter analogues? Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2005. 101(2): p. 331-340.
  10. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., A measure of cosmological acceleration. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2005. 22(19): p. 4171-4177.
  11. Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Stochastic quantum gravitational inflation. Nuclear Physics B, 2005. 724(1-2): p. 295-328.

Condensed Matter Physics Publications

  1. Ghatak A., Kaltsas D.H., Kulkarni M., Makris K.G. , "Diffraction and pseudospectra in non-Hermitian quasiperiodic lattices", Physical Review E, (2024), 110(6), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.110.064228

  2. Brimis A., Makris K.G., Papazoglou D.G. , "Poincaré tornados", Optics Letters, (2024), 49(22), DOI: 10.1364/OL.538867

  3. Srdinšek M., Prosen T., Sotiriadis S. , "Ergodicity Breaking and Deviation from Eigenstate Thermalization in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory", Physical Review Letters, (2024), 132(2), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.021601

  4. Makris K.G. , "Transient amplification due to non-Hermitian interference of dissipative supermodes", Applied Physics Letters, (2024), 125(1), DOI: 10.1063/5.0181345

  5. Almazova N., Aubry S., Tsironis G.P. , "Targeted Energy Transfer Dynamics and Chemical Reactions", Entropy, (2024), 26(9), DOI: 10.3390/e26090753

  6. Hizanidis J., Makris K.G. , "Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in dissipative optical trimers with complex couplings", Physical Review E, (2024), 110(6), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.110.064220

  7. Angelaki E., Barmparis G.D., Fragkiadakis K., Maragkoudakis S., Zacharis E., Plevritaki A., Kampanieris E., Kalomoirakis P., Kassotakis S., Kochiadakis G., Tsironis G.P., Marketou M.E. , "Diagnostic performance of single-lead electrocardiograms for arterial hypertension diagnosis: a machine learning approach", Journal of Human Hypertension, (2024), (), DOI: 10.1038/s41371-024-00969-4

  8. Pyrialakos G.G., Wu F.O., Jung P.S., Ren H., Makris K.G., Musslimani Z.H., Khajavikhan M., Kottos T., Christodoulides D. , "Slowdown of thermalization and the emergence of prethermal dynamics in disordered optical lattices", Physical Review Research, (2024), 6(1), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.013072

  9. Skarsoulis K., Makris K., Moser C., Psaltis D. , "Ptychographic imaging with a fiber endoscope via wavelength scanning", Optica, (2024), 11(6), DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.519965

  10. Zotos X. , "Magnetothermal transport in the spin- 12 easy-axis antiferromagnetic chain", Physical Review B, (2024), 109(5), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.054402

  11. Kokkinakis E.T., Makris K.G., Economou E.N. , "Anderson localization versus hopping asymmetry in a disordered lattice", Physical Review A, (2024), 110(5), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.053517

  12. Komis I., Brimis A., Papazoglou D.G., Makris K.G. , "Inverse method for tailoring optical beams", Optics Communications, (2024), 550(), DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129986

  13. Komis I., Makris K.G. , "Angular excitation of exceptional points and pseudospetra of photonic lattices", JPhys Photonics, (2024), 6(4), DOI: 10.1088/2515-7647/ad70e8

  14. Katsantonis I., Tasolamprou A.C., Economou E.N., Koschny T., Kafesaki M. , "Ultrathin, Dynamically Controllable Circularly Polarized Emission Laser Enabled by Resonant Chiral Metasurfaces", ACS Photonics, (2024), (), DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c01005

  15. Angelaki E., Lazarides N., Barmparis G.D., Kourakis I., Marketou M.E., Tsironis G.P. , "T-wave inversion through inhomogeneous voltage diffusion within the FK3V cardiac model", Chaos, (2024), 34(4), DOI: 10.1063/5.0187655

  16. Tsironis G.P., Kaxiras E. , "Quantum dynamics on tight binding small world networks and flat band spectra", Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, (2024), 497(), DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2024.129330

  17. Aravantinos-Zafiris N., Sigalas M.M., Economou E.N. , "Seismic Isolation via I-Shaped and T-Shaped Large-Scale Phononic Metamaterials", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), (2024), 14(19), DOI: 10.3390/app14198967

  18. Kokkinis E.K., Betouras J.J., Zotos X. , "Reactive Hall and Edelstein effects in a tight-binding model with spin-orbit coupling", Physical Review B, (2024), 109(7), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.075168

  1. Andronis, I., Arapantonis, G., Barmparis, G.D., Tsironis, G.P., "Quantum targeted energy transfer through machine learning tools", (2023) Physical Review E, 107 (6), art. no. 065301, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.107.065301
  2. Brimis, A., Makris, K.G., Papazoglou, D.G., "Twisted polarization domains and their dynamics", (2023) Optics Communications, 549, art. no. 129886, DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129886
  3. Brimis, A., Makris, K.G., Papazoglou, D.G., "Optical vortices shape optical tornados", (2023) Optics Express, 31 (17), pp. 27582-27593. ,DOI: 10.1364/OE.495836
  4. Chalkiadakis, A., Theocharakis, M., Barmparis, G.D., Tsironis, G.P., "Quantum neural networks for the discovery and implementation of quantum error-correcting codes", (2023) Chaos, 33 (11), art. no. 113127, DOI: 10.1063/5.0157940
  5. Chandramouli, S., Ossi, N., Musslimani, Z.H., Makris, K.G., "Dispersive hydrodynamics in non-Hermitian nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex external potential", (2023) Nonlinearity, 36 (12), pp. 6798-6826. ,DOI: 10.1088/1361-6544/ad065d
  6. Katsantonis, I., Manousidaki, M., Koulouklidis, A.D., Daskalaki, C., Spanos, I., Kerantzopoulos, C., Tasolamprou, A.C., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., Tzortzakis, S., Farsari, M., Kafesaki, M., "Strong and Broadband Pure Optical Activity in 3D Printed THz Chiral Metamaterials", (2023) Advanced Optical Materials, 11 (18), art. no. 2300238, DOI: 10.1002/adom.202300238
  7. Katsantonis, I., Tasolamprou, A.C., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., Valagiannopoulos, C., "Giant enhancement of nonreciprocity in gyrotropic heterostructures", (2023) Scientific Reports, 13 (1), art. no. 21986, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-48503-9
  8. Mavidis, C.P., Tasolamprou, A.C., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., Kafesaki, M., "Single scattering and effective medium description of multilayer cylinder metamaterials: Application to graphene- and to metasurface-coated cylinders", (2023) Physical Review B, 107 (13), art. no. 134120, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.134120
  9. Papaconstantopoulos, D.A., Mehl, M.J., Economou, E.N., "High-temperature superconductivity in the Ca-Sc-H system", (2023) Physical Review B, 108 (22), art. no. 224508, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.224508
  10. Selim, M.A., Pyrialakos, G.G., Wu, F.O., Musslimani, Z., Makris, K.G., Khajavikhan, M., Christodoulides, D., "Thermalization of the Ablowitz–Ladik lattice in the presence of non-integrable perturbations", (2023) Optics Letters, 48 (8), pp. 2206-2209. ,DOI: 10.1364/OL.489165
  11. Tajik, M., Gluza, M., Sebe, N., Schüttelkopf, P., Cataldini, F., Sabino, J., Møller, F., Ji, S.-C., Erne, S., Guarnieri, G., Sotiriadis, S., Eisert, J., Schmiedmayer, J., "Experimental observation of curved light-cones in a quantum field simulator", (2023) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (21), art. no. e2301287120, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2301287120
  12. Tajik, M., Kukuljan, I., Sotiriadis, S., Rauer, B., Schweigler, T., Cataldini, F., Sabino, J., Møller, F., Schüttelkopf, P., Ji, S.-C., Sels, D., Demler, E., Schmiedmayer, J., "Verification of the area law of mutual information in a quantum field simulator", (2023) Nature Physics, 19 (7), pp. 1022-1026. ,DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02027-1
  13. Tserevelakis, G.J., Barmparis, G.D., Kokosalis, N., Giosa, E.S., Pavlopoulos, A., Tsironis, G.P., Zacharakis, G., "Deep learning-assisted frequency-domain photoacoustic microscopy", (2023) Optics Letters, 48 (10), pp. 2720-2723. ,DOI: 10.1364/OL.486624
  14. Tsilipakos, O., Viskadourakis, Z., Tasolamprou, A.C., Zografopoulos, D.C., Kafesaki, M., Kenanakis, G., Economou, E.N., "Meta-Atoms with Toroidal Topology for Strongly Resonant Responses", (2023) Micromachines, 14 (2), art. no. 468, DOI: 10.3390/mi14020468
  15. Xomalis, A., Tsilipakos, O., Manousidaki, M., De Gregorio Busquets, O.P., Kenanakis, G., Tzortzakis, S., Farsari, M., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., "Enhanced Refractive Index Sensing with Direction-Selective Three-Dimensional Infrared Metamaterials", (2023) ACS Applied Optical Materials, 1 (1), pp. 10-16. ,DOI: 10.1021/acsaom.2c00001
  16. Zotos, X., "Spin Seebeck effect in the classical easy-axis antiferromagnetic chain", (2023) Physical Review B, 108 (18), art. no. 184428, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.184428
  1. Angelaki, E., Barmparis, G.D., Kochiadakis, G., Maragkoudakis, S., Savva, E., Kampanieris, E., Kassotakis, S., Kalomoirakis, P., Vardas, P., Tsironis, G.P., Marketou, M.E., "Artificial intelligence-based opportunistic screening for the detection of arterial hypertension through ECG signals", (2022) Journal of Hypertension, 40 (12), pp. 2494-2501, DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003286
  2. Barmparis, G.D., Tsironis, G.P., "Physics-informed machine learning for the COVID-19 pandemic: Adherence to social distancing and short-term predictions for eight countries", (2022) Quantitative Biology, 10 (2), pp. 139-149, DOI: 10.15302/J-QB-022-0281
  3. Baskourelos, K., Tsilipakos, O., Stefański, T., Galata, S.F., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., Tsakmakidis, K.L., "Topological extraordinary optical transmission", (2022) Physical Review Research, 4 (3), art. no. L032011, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.L032011
  4. Bogris, A., Burger, N.A., Makris, K.G., Loppinet, B., Fytas, G., "Intermixed Time-Dependent Self-Focusing and Defocusing Nonlinearities in Polymer Solutions", (2022) ACS Photonics, 9 (2), pp. 722-728, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c01917
  5. Gluza, M., Moosavi, P., Sotiriadis, S., "Breaking of Huygens-Fresnel principle in inhomogeneous Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids", (2022) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 55 (5), art. no. 054002, DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/ac39cc
  6. Gluza, M., Schweigler, T., Tajik, M., Sabino, J., Cataldini, F., Møller, F.S., Ji, S.-C., Rauer, B., Schmiedmayer, J., Eisert, J., Sotiriadis, S., "Mechanisms for the emergence of Gaussian correlations", (2022) SciPost Physics, 12 (3), art. no. 113, DOI: 10.21468/SCIPOSTPHYS.12.3.113
  7. Horváth, D.X., Sotiriadis, S., Kormos, M., Takács, G., "Inhomogeneous quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon theory", (2022) SciPost Physics, 12 (5), art. no. 144, DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.12.5.144
  8. Kaltsas, D., Komis, I., Makris, K.G., "Higher order exceptional points in infinite lattices", (2022) Optics Letters, 47 (17), pp. 4447-4450, DOI: 10.1364/OL.459398
  9. Katsantonis, I., Droulias, S., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., Rakitzis, T.P., Kafesaki, M., "Chirality sensing employing parity-time-symmetric and other resonant gain-loss optical systems", (2022) Physical Review B, 105 (17), art. no. 174112, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174112
  10. Komis, I., Kaltsas, D., Xia, S., Buljan, H., Chen, Z., Makris, K.G., "Robustness versus sensitivity in non-Hermitian topological lattices probed by pseudospectra", (2022) Physical Review Research, 4 (4), art. no. 043219, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043219
  11. Koulouklidis, A.D., Tasolamprou, A.C., Doukas, S., Kyriakou, E., Ergoktas, M.S., Daskalaki, C., Economou, E.N., Kocabas, C., Lidorikis, E., Kafesaki, M., Tzortzakis, S., "Ultrafast Terahertz Self-Induced Absorption and Phase Modulation on a Graphene-Based Thin Film Absorber", (2022) ACS Photonics, 9 (9), pp. 3075-3082, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00828
  12. Krešić, I., Makris, K.G., Leonhardt, U., Rotter, S., "Transforming Space with Non-Hermitian Dielectrics", (2022) Physical Review Letters, 128 (18), art. no. 183901, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.183901
  13. Leventis, A., Makris, K.G., Economou, E.N., "Non-Hermitian jumps in disordered lattices", (2022) Physical Review B, 106 (6), art. no. 064205, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.064205
  14. Mansour, D., Brimis, A., Makris, K.G., Papazoglou, D.G., "Spiraling light: Generating optical tornados", (2022) Physical Review A, 105 (5), art. no. 053514, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.053514
  15. Ossi, N., Chandramouli, S., Musslimani, Z.H., Makris, K.G., "Topological constant-intensity waves", (2022) Optics Letters, 47 (4), pp. 1001-1004, DOI: 10.1364/OL.441942
  16. Pejić, M., PrŽulj, Å., Chevizovich, D., Lazarides, N., Tsironis, G.P., Ivić, Z., "Qubit-photon bound states in superconducting metamaterials", (2022) Physical Review B, 105 (23), art. no. 235439, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.235439
  17. Perrakis, G., Tasolamprou, A.C., Kenanakis, G., Economou, E.N., Tzortzakis, S., Kafesaki, M., "Submicron Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Radiative Cooling Coatings for Stable, Ultrathin, and Lightweight Solar Cells", (2022) ACS Photonics, 9 (4), pp. 1327-1337, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.1c01935
  18. Steinfurth, A., Krešić, I., Weidemann, S., Kremer, M., Makris, K.G., Heinrich, M., Rotter, S., Szameit, A., "Observation of photonic constant-intensity waves and induced transparency in tailored non-Hermitian lattices", (2022) Science Advances, 8 (21), art. no. eabl7412, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abl7412
  19. Tasolamprou, A.C., Skoulas, E., Perrakis, G., Vlahou, M., Viskadourakis, Z., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., Kenanakis, G., Stratakis, E., "Highly ordered laser imprinted plasmonic metasurfaces for polarization sensitive perfect absorption", (2022) Scientific Reports, 12 (1), art. no. 19769, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-21647-w
  20. Tserevelakis, G.J., Pavlidis, M., Samaras, A., Barmparis, G.D., Mavrakis, K.G., Draganidis, I., Oikonomou, A., Fanouraki, E., Tsironis, G.P., Zacharakis, G., "Hybrid confocal fluorescence and photoacoustic microscopy for the label-free investigation of melanin accumulation in fish scales", (2022) Scientific Reports, 12 (1), art. no. 7173, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-11262-0
  21. Tsironis, G.P., Barmparis, G.D., Campbell, D.K., "Dynamical symmetry breaking through AI: The dimer self-trapping transition", (2022) International Journal of Modern Physics B, 36 (7-8), art. no. 2240001, DOI: 10.1142/S021797922240001X
  22. Wu, F.O., Zhong, Q., Ren, H., Jung, P.S., Makris, K.G., Christodoulides, D.N., "Thermalization of Light's Orbital Angular Momentum in Nonlinear Multimode Waveguide Systems", (2022) Physical Review Letters, 128 (12), art. no. 123901, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.123901
  1. Aggelaki, E., Marketou, M., Barmparis, G., Patrianakos, A., Kochiadakis, G., Vardas, P., Parthenakis, F., and Tsironis, G., "Prediction of abnormal left ventricular geometry on the ECG through machine learning with a focus on obesity". European Heart Journal, 2021. 42 p.2386-2386
  2. Almazova, N., Barmparis, G.D., and Tsironis, G.P., "Analysis of chaotic dynamical systems with autoencoders". Chaos, 2021. 31(10): 103109  
  3. Angelaki, E., Marketou, M.E., Barmparis, G.D., Patrianakos, A., Vardas, P.E., Parthenakis, F., and Tsironis, G.P., "Detection of abnormal left ventricular geometry in patients without cardiovascular disease through machine learning: An ECG-based approach". Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 2021. 23(5) p.935-945
  4. Barmparis, G.D. and Tsironis, G.P., "Discovering nonlinear resonances through physics-informed machine learning". Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2021. 38(9) p.C120-C126
  5. Ivic, Z., Cevizovic, D., Przulj, Z., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., "Dispersive properties of self-induced transparency in two-level media". Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2021. 143: 110611  
  6. Kresic, I., Makris, K.G., and Rotter, S., "Light Confinement by Local Index Tailoring in Inhomogeneous Dielectrics". Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2021. 15(9): 2100115 
  7. Makris, K.G., "Transient growth and dissipative exceptional points". Physical Review E, 2021. 104(5): 054218  
  8. Nobles, J.E., Smiley, K., Baques, D.B., Economou, E., Herman, J., Harward, I., Glushchenko, A., Camley, R.E., and Celinski, Z., "Eight-element liquid crystal based 32 GHz phased array antenna with improved time response". Engineering Research Express, 2021. 3(4): 045033  
  9. Perrakis, G., Tasolamprou, A.C., Kenanakis, G., Economou, E.N., Tzortzakis, S., and Kafesaki, M., "Combined nano and micro structuring for enhanced radiative cooling and efficiency of photovoltaic cells". Scientific Reports, 2021. 11(1): 11552  
  10. Rivero, J.D.H., Pan, M.S., Makris, K.G., Feng, L., and Ge, L., "Non-Hermiticity-Governed Active Photonic Resonances". Physical Review Letters, 2021. 126(16): 163901  
  11. Shramkova, O.V., Makris, K.G., Christodoulides, D.N., and Tsironis, G.P., "Nonlinear scattering by non-Hermitian multilayers with saturation effects". Physical Review E, 2021. 103(5): 052205  
  12. Takou, E., Tasolamprou, A.C., Tsilipakos, O., Viskadourakis, Z., Kafesaki, M., Kenanakis, G., and Economou, E.N., "Anapole Tolerance to Dissipation Losses in Thermally Tunable Water-Based Metasurfaces". Physical Review Applied, 2021. 15(1): 014043  
  13. Tasolamprou, A.C., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., and Koschny, T., "Chiral Topological Surface States on a Finite Square Photonic Crystal Bounded by Air". Physical Review Applied, 2021. 16(4): 044011  
  14. Tzortzakakis, A.F., Makris, K.G., Szameit, A., and Economou, E.N., "Transport and spectral features in non-Hermitian open systems". Physical Review Research, 2021. 3(1): 013208  
  15. Viskadourakis, Z., Tamiolakis, E., Tsilipakos, O., Tasolamprou, A.C., Economou, E.N., and Kenanakis, G., "3D-Printed Metasurface Units for Potential Energy Harvesting Applications at the 2.4 GHz Frequency Band". Crystals, 2021. 11(9): 1089  
  16. Xia, S.Q., Kaltsas, D., Song, D.H., Komis, I., Xu, J.J., Szameit, A., Buljan, H., Makris, K.G., and Chen, Z.G., "Nonlinear tuning of PT symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states". Science, 2021. 372(6537) p.72-+
  17. Zavitsanos, P. and Zotos, X., "Ballistic magnetic thermal transport coupled to phonons". Physical Review B, 2021. 104(2): 024429  
  18. Zdetsis, A.D. and Economou, E.N., "Topological metal-insulator transition in narrow graphene nanoribbons?". Carbon, 2021. 176 p.548-557
  19. Zotos, X., "Operator growth in a quantum compass model on a Bethe lattice". Physical Review B, 2021. 103(20): L201108  
  1. Barmparis, G.D., Neofotistos, G., Mattheakis, M., Hizanidis, J., Tsironis, G.P., and Kaxiras, E., "Robust prediction of complex spatiotemporal states through machine learning with sparse sensing". Physics Letters A, 2020. 384(15): 126300  
  2. Barmparis, G.D. and Tsironis, G.P., "Estimating the infection horizon of COVID-19 in eight countries with a data-driven approach". Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2020. 135: 109842  
  3. Brimis, A., Makris, K.G., and Papazoglou, D.G., "Tornado waves". Optics Letters, 2020. 45(2) p.280-283
  4. Hizanidis, J., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., "Pattern formation and chimera states in 2D SQUID metamaterials". Chaos, 2020. 30(1): 013115  
  5. Lazarides, N., Hizanidis, J., and Tsironis, G.P., "Controlled generation of chimera states in SQUID metasurfaces using DC flux gradients". Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2020. 130: 109413  
  6. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., "Topological split-ring resonator based metamaterials with PT symmetry relying on gain and loss". Physical Review B, 2020. 102(6): 064306  
  7. Katsantonis, I., Droulias, S., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., and Kafesaki, M., "PT-symmetric chiral metamaterials: Asymmetric effects and PT-phase control". Physical Review B, 2020. 101(21): 214109  
  8. Katsantonis, I., Droulias, S., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., and Kafesaki, M., "Scattering Properties of PT-Symmetric Chiral Metamaterials". Photonics, 2020. 7(2): 43 
  9. Komis, I., Sardelis, S., Musslimani, Z.H., and Makris, K.G., "Equal-intensity waves in non-Hermitian media". Physical Review E, 2020. 102(3): 032203  
  10. Makris, K.G., Kresic, I., Bbrandstotter, A., and Rotter, S., "Scattering-free channels of invisibility across non-Hermitian media". Optica, 2020. 7(6) p.619-623
  11. Makris, K.G., Wu, F.O., Jung, P.S., and Christodoulides, D.N., "Statistical mechanics of weakly nonlinear optical multimode gases". Optics Letters, 2020. 45(7) p.1651-1654
  12. Mavidis, C.P., Tasolamprou, A.C., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., and Kafesaki, M., "Polaritonic cylinders as multifunctional metamaterials: Single scattering and effective medium description". Physical Review B, 2020. 102(15): 155310  
  13. Mavidis, C.P., Tasolamprou, A.C., Hasan, S.B., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Vos, W.L., "Local density of optical states in the three-dimensional band gap of a finite photonic crystal". Physical Review B, 2020. 101(23): 235309  
  14. Pavlis, A. and Zotos, X., "Dressed excitations, thermodynamics and relaxation in the XXZ Heisenberg model". Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, 2020. 2020(1): 013101  
  15. Perrakis, G., Tasolamprou, A.C., Kenanakis, G., Economou, E.N., Tzortzakis, S., and Kafesaki, M., "Passive radiative cooling and other photonic approaches for the temperature control of photovoltaics: a comparative study for crystalline silicon-based architectures". Optics Express, 2020. 28(13) p.18548-18565
  16. Perrakis, G., Tasolamprou, A.C., Kenanakis, G., Economou, E.N., Tzortzakis, S., and Kafesaki, M., "Ultraviolet radiation impact on the efficiency of commercial crystalline silicon-based photovoltaics: a theoretical thermal-electrical study in realistic device architectures". Osa Continuum, 2020. 3(6) p.1436-1444
  17. Tasolamprou, A.C., Mentzaki, D., Viskadourakis, Z., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., and Kenanakis, G., "Flexible 3D Printed Conductive Metamaterial Units for Electromagnetic Applications in Microwaves". Materials, 2020. 13(17): 3879  
  18. Tasolamprou, A.C., Zhang, L., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., and Koschny, T., "Surface States on Photonic Crystals As Hybrid Dielectric Metasurface Bound States of the Termination Layer". Acs Photonics, 2020. 7(10) p.2842-2849
  19. Tsilipakos, O., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., and Koschny, T., "Squeezing a Prism into a Surface: Emulating Bulk Optics with Achromatic Metasurfaces". Advanced Optical Materials, 2020. 8(23): 2000942
  20. Tsilipakos, O., Tasolamprou, A.C., Pitilakis, A., Liu, F., Wang, X., Mirmoosa, M.S., Tzarouchis, D.C., Abadal, S., Taghvaee, H., Liaskos, C., Tsioliaridou, A., Georgiou, J., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Alarcon, E., Ioannidis, S., Pitsillides, A., Akyildiz, I.F., Kantartzis, N.V., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., Kafesaki, M., and Tretyakov, S., "Toward Intelligent Metasurfaces: The Progress from Globally Tunable Metasurfaces to Software-Defined Metasurfaces with an Embedded Network of Controllers". Advanced Optical Materials, 2020. 8(17): 2000783  
  21. Tsilipakos, O., Xomalis, A., Kenanakis, G., Farsari, M., Soukoulis, C.M., Economou, E.N., and Kafesaki, M., "Split-cube-resonator-based metamaterials for polarization-selective asymmetric perfect absorption". Scientific Reports, 2020. 10(1): 17653  
  22. Tzortzakakis, A.F., Makris, K.G., and Economou, E.N., "Non-Hermitian disorder in two-dimensional optical lattices". Physical Review B, 2020. 101(1): 014202  
  23. Tzortzakakis, A.F., Makris, K.G., Rotter, S., and Economou, E.N., "Shape-preserving beam transmission through non-Hermitian disordered lattices". Physical Review A, 2020. 102(3): 033504 
  1. Akbarzadeh, A., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., and Crosse, J.A., "Spontaneous-relaxation-rate suppression in cavities with PT symmetry". Physical Review A, 2019. 99(3): 033853  
  2. Brandstotter, A., Makris, K.G., and Rotter, S., "Scattering-free pulse propagation through invisible non-Hermitian media". Physical Review B, 2019. 99(11): 115402  
  3. Droulias, S., Katsantonis, I., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., "Accessible phases via wave impedance engineering with PT-symmetric metamaterials". Physical Review B, 2019. 100(20): 205133 
  4. Droulias, S., Katsantonis, I., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., "Chiral Metamaterials with PT Symmetry and Beyond". Physical Review Letters, 2019. 122(21): 213201  
  5. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., "Compact Localized States in Engineered Flat-Band PT Metamaterials".Scientific Reports, 2019. 9: 4904 
  6. Nayak, A., Dumergue, M., Kuhn, S., Mondal, S., Csizmadia, T., Harshitha, N.G., Fule, M., Kahaly, M.U., Farkas, B., Major, B., Szaszko-Bogar, V., Foldi, P., Majorosi, S., Tsatrafyllis, N., Skantzakis, E., Neoricic, L., Shirozhan, M., Vampa, G., Varju, K., Tzallas, P., Sansone, G., Charalambidis, D., and Kahaly, S., "Saddle point approaches in strong field physics and generation of attosecond pulses". Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, 2019. 833 p.1-52
  7. Neofotistos, G., Mattheakis, M., Barmparis, G.D., Hizanidis, J., Tsironis, G.P., and Kaxiras, E., "Machine Learning With Observers Predicts Complex Spatiotemporal Behavior". Frontiers in Physics, 2019. 7: 24  
  8. Parto, M., Wu, F.O., Jung, P.S., Makris, K., and Christodoulides, D.N., "Thermodynamic conditions governing the optical temperature and chemical potential in nonlinear highly multimoded photonic systems". Optics Letters, 2019. 44(16) p.3936-3939
  9. Pavlis, A. and Zotos, X., "Scattering of spinon excitations by potentials in the one-dimensional Heisenberg model". Physical Review B, 2019. 100(13): 134401  
  10. Perrakis, G., Tsilipakos, O., Kenanakis, G., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., "Perfect optical absorption with nanostructured metal films: design and experimental demonstration". Optics Express, 2019. 27(5) p.6842-6850
  11. Takou, E., Tasolamprou, A.C., Tsilipakos, O., and Economou, E.N., "Dynamic anapole in metasurfaces made of sculptured cylinders". Physical Review B, 2019. 100(8): 085431  
  12. Tasolamprou, A.C., Koulouklidis, A.D., Daskalaki, C., Mavidis, C.P., Kenanakis, G., Deligeorgis, G., Viskadourakis, Z., Kuzhir, P., Tzortzakis, S., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., "Experimental Demonstration of Ultrafast THz Modulation in a Graphene-Based Thin Film Absorber through Negative Photoinduced Conductivity". Acs Photonics, 2019. 6(3) p.720-727
  13. Tasolamprou, A.C., Pitilakis, A., Abadal, S., Tsilipakos, O., Timoneda, X., Taghvaee, H., Mirmoosa, M.S., Liu, F., Liaskos, C., Tsioliaridou, A., Ioannidis, S., Kantartzis, N.V., Manessis, D., Georgiou, J., Cabellos-Aparicio, A., Alarcon, E., Pitsillides, A., Akyildiz, I.F., Tretyakov, S.A., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., and Soukoulis, C.M., "Exploration of Intercell Wireless Millimeter-Wave Communication in the Landscape of Intelligent Metasurfaces".Ieee Access, 2019. 7 p.122931-122948
  1. Briffa, A.K.R. and Zotos, X., High-temperature dynamics in quantum compass models.Physical Review B, 2018. 97(6).
  2. El-Ganainy, R., Makris, K.G., Khajavikhan, M., Musslimani, Z.H., Rotter, S., and Christodoulides, D.N., Non-Hermitian physics and PT symmetry.Nature Physics, 2018. 14(1): p. 11-19.
  3. Gbur, G. and Makris, K., Introduction to non-Hermitian photonics in complex media: PT-symmetry and beyond.Photonics Research, 2018. 6(5): p. PTS1-PTS3.
  4. Hentrich, R., Wolter, A.U.B., Zotos, X., Brenig, W., Nowak, D., Isaeva, A., Doert, T., Banerjee, A., Lampen-Kelley, P., Mandrus, D.G., Nagler, S.E., Sears, J., Kim, Y.-J., Buechner, B., and Hess, C., Unusual Phonon Heat Transport in alpha-RuCl3: Strong Spin-Phonon Scattering and Field-Induced Spin Gap.Physical Review Letters, 2018. 120(11).
  5. Hizanidis, J., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Flux bias-controlled chaos and extreme multistability in SQUID oscillators.Chaos, 2018. 28(6).
  6. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., Superconducting metamaterials.Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, 2018. 752: p. 1-67.
  7. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., Multistable dissipative breathers and collective states in SQUID Lieb metamaterials.Physical Review E, 2018. 98(1).
  8. Margaris, I., Paltoglou, V., and Flytzanis, N., Current phase relation from graphs and diagrams and application to thick ferromagnetic Josephson junctions.Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2018. 30(19).
  9. Margiolakis, A., Tsibidis, G.D., Dani, K.M., and Tsironis, G.P., Ultrafast dynamics and subwavelength periodic structure formation following irradiation of GaAs with femtosecond laser pulses.Physical Review B, 2018. 98(22).
  10. Mattheakis, M., Tsironis, G.P., and Kaxiras, E., Emergence and dynamical properties of stochastic branching in the electronic flows of disordered Dirac solids.Epl, 2018. 122(2).
  11. Rivet, E., Brandstoetter, A., Makris, K.G., Lissek, H., Rotter, S., and Fleury, R., Constant-pressure sound waves in non-Hermitian disordered media.Nature Physics, 2018. 14(9): p. 942-+.
  12. Shena, J., Hizanidis, J., Kouvaris, N.E., and Tsironis, G.P., Localized patterns in star networks of class-B lasers with optoelectronic feedback.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(5).
  13. Shramkova, O.V., Makris, K.G., Christodoulides, D.N., and Tsironis, G.P., Dispersive non-Hermitian optical heterostructures.Photonics Research, 2018. 6(4): p. A1-A5. 
  14. Tsilipakos, O., Tasolamprou, A.C., Koschny, T., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Pairing Toroidal and Magnetic Dipole Resonances in Elliptic Dielectric Rod Metasurfaces for Reconfigurable Wavefront Manipulation in Reflection.Advanced Optical Materials, 2018. 6(22).
  15. Stevens, C.E., Paul, J., Cox, T., Sahoo, P.K., Gutierrez, H.R., Turkowski, V., Semenov, D., McGill, S.A., Kapetanakis, M.D., Perakis, I.E., Hilton, D.J., and Karaiskaj, D., Biexcitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides tuned by magnetic fields. Nature Communications, 2018. 9.
  16. Yang, X., Luo, L., Mootz, M., Patz, A., Bud'ko, S.L., Canfield, P.C., Perakis, I.E., and Wang, J., Nonequilibrium Pair Breaking in Ba(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2 Superconductors: Evidence for Formation of a Photoinduced Excitonic State.Physical Review Letters, 2018. 121(26).
  17. Yang, X., Vaswani, C., Sundahl, C., Mootz, M., Gagel, P., Luo, L., Kang, J.H., Orth, P.P., Perakis, I.E., Eom, C.B., and Wang, J., Terahertz-light quantum tuning of a metastable emergent phase hidden by superconductivity.Nature Materials, 2018. 17(7): p. 586-+.
  18. Zhong, Q., Christodoulides, D.N., Khajavikhan, M., Makris, K.G., and El-Ganainy, R., Power-law scaling of extreme dynamics near higher-order exceptional points.Physical Review A, 2018. 97(2).
  1. Basharin, A.A., Chuguevsky, V., Volsky, N., Kafesaki, M., and Economou, E.N., Extremely high Q-factor metamaterials due to anapole excitation. Physical Review B, 2017. 95(3).
  2. Ge, L., Makris, K.G., and Zhang, L., Optical fluxes in coupled PT-symmetric photonic structures. Physical Review A, 2017. 96(2).
  3. Kenanakis, G., Mavidis, C.P., Vasilaki, E., Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Perfect absorbers based on metal-insulator-metal structures in the visible region: a simple approach for practical applications. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2017. 123(1).
  4. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., SQUID metamaterials on a Lieb lattice: From flat-band to nonlinear localization. Physical Review B, 2017. 96(5).
  5. Lingos, P.C., Patz, A., Li, T., Barmparis, G.D., Keliri, A., Kapetanakis, M.D., Li, L., Yan, J., Wang, J., and Perakis, I.E., Correlating quasiparticle excitations with quantum femtosecond magnetism in photoexcited nonequilibrium states of insulating antiferromagnetic manganites. Physical Review B, 2017. 95(22).
  6. Luo, L., Men, L., Liu, Z., Mudryk, Y., Zhao, X., Yao, Y., Park, J.M., Shinar, R., Shinar, J., Ho, K.-M., Perakis, I.E., Vela, J., and Wang, J., Ultrafast terahertz snapshots of excitonic Rydberg states and electronic coherence in an organometal halide perovskite. Nature Communications, 2017. 8.
  7. Makris, K.G., Brandstoetter, A., Ambichl, P., Musslimani, Z.H., and Rotter, S., Wave propagation through disordered media without backscattering and intensity variations. Light-Science & Applications, 2017. 6.
  8. Makris, K.G., Papazoglou, D.G., and Tzortzakis, S., Invariant superoscillatory electromagnetic fields in 3D-space. Journal of Optics, 2017. 19(1).
  9. Navez, P., Tsironis, G.P., and Zagoskin, A.M., Propagation of fluctuations in the quantum Ising model. Physical Review B, 2017. 95(6).
  10. Patz, A., Li, T., Luo, L., Yang, X., Bud'ko, S., Canfield, P.C., Perakis, I.E., and Wang, J., Critical speeding up of nonequilibrium electronic relaxation near nematic phase transition in unstrained Ba(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2. Physical Review B, 2017. 95(16).
  11. Paul, J., Stevens, C.E., Zhang, H., Dey, P., McGinty, D., McGill, S.A., Smith, R.P., Reno, J.L., Turkowski, V., Perakis, I.E., Hilton, D.J., and Karaiskaj, D., Coulomb-interaction induced coupling of Landau levels in intrinsic and modulation-doped quantum wells. Physical Review B, 2017. 95(24).
  12. Shena, J., Hizanidis, J., Hovel, P., and Tsironis, G.P., Multiclustered chimeras in large semiconductor laser arrays with nonlocal interactions. Physical Review E, 2017. 96(3).
  13. Shena, J., Hizanidis, J., Kovanis, V., and Tsironis, G.P., Turbulent chimeras in large semiconductor laser arrays. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7.
  14. Shramkova, O.V., Lazarides, N., Tsironis, G.P., and Ustinov, A.V., Electrically and magnetically resonant dc-SQUID metamaterials. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2017. 123(1).
  15. Shramkova, O.V. and Tsironis, G.P., Nonreciprocal nonlinear wave scattering by loss-compensated active hyperbolic structures. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7.
  16. Viskadourakis, Z., Vasilopoulos, K.C., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., and Kenanakis, G., Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of 3D printed polymer composites. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2017. 123(12).
  17. Weimann, S., Kremer, M., Plotnik, Y., Lumer, Y., Nolte, S., Makris, K.G., Segev, M., Rechtsman, M.C., and Szameit, A., Topologically protected bound states in photonic parity-time-symmetric crystals. Nature Materials, 2017. 16(4): p. 433-438.
  18. Zdetsis, A.D. and Economou, E.N., Rationalizing and reconciling energy gaps and quantum confinement in narrow atomically precise armchair graphene nanoribbons. Carbon, 2017. 116: p. 422-434.
  19. Zotos, X., A TBA approach to thermal transport in the XXZ Heisenberg model. Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, 2017.
  1. Akbarzadeh, A., Koschny, T., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Graded-index optical dimer formed by optical force. Optics Express, 2016. 24(11): p. 1376-1386.
  2. Fraile, A., Koukaras, E.N., Papagelis, K., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Long-lived discrete breathers in free-standing graphene. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2016. 87: p. 262-267.
  3. Herbrych, J. and Zotos, X., Light-induced magnetization in a spin S=1 easy-plane antiferromagnetic chain. Physical Review B, 2016. 93(13).
  4. Hizanidis, J., Lazarides, N., Neofotistos, G., and Tsironis, G.P., Chimera states and synchronization in magnetically driven SQUID metamaterials. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, 2016. 225(6-7): p. 1231-1243.
  5. Hizanidis, J., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Robust chimera states in SQUID metamaterials with local interactions. Physical Review E, 2016. 94(3).
  6. Ivic, Z., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Qubit lattice coherence induced by electromagnetic pulses in superconducting metamaterials. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6.
  7. Kajtar, G., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Theoretical model of homogeneous metal-insulator-metal perfect multi-band absorbers for the visible spectrum. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2016. 49(5).
  8. Kenanakis, G., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., and Kafesaki, M., Controlling THz and far-IR waves with chiral and bianisotropic metamaterials. Epj Applied Metamaterials, 2016. 2.
  9. Kenanakis, G., Vasilopoulos, K.C., Viskadourakis, Z., Barkoula, N.M., Anastasiadis, S.H., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness and mechanical properties of graphite-based polymeric films (vol 122, pg 802, 2016). Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2016. 122(9).
  10. Kenanakis, G., Vasilopoulos, K.C., Viskadourakis, Z., Barkoula, N.M., Anastasiadis, S.H., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness and mechanical properties of graphite-based polymeric films. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2016. 122(9).
  11. Lukovic, M., Navez, P., Tsironis, G.P., and Geisel, T., Resilience of PT symmetry against stochasticity in a gain-loss balanced oscillator. New Journal of Physics, 2016. 18.
  12. Mattheakis, M., Oikonomou, T., Molina, M.I., and Tsironis, G.P., Phase Transition in PT Symmetric Active Plasmonic Systems. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2016. 22(5).
  13. Mattheakis, M., Pitsios, I.J., Tsironis, G.P., and Tzortzakis, S., Extreme events in complex linear and nonlinear photonic media. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2016. 84: p. 73-80.
  14. Psaroudaki, C. and Zotos, X., Spin and magnetothermal transport in the S=1/2 XXZ chain. Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, 2016.
  15. Shramkova, O.V. and Tsironis, G.P., Scattering properties of PT- symmetric layered periodic structures. Journal of Optics, 2016. 18(10).
  16. Shramkova, O.V. and Tsironis, G.P., Resonant Combinatorial Frequency Generation Induced by a PT-Symmetric Periodic Layered Stack. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2016. 22(5).
  17. Shramkova, O.V. and Tsironis, G.P., Propagation of electromagnetic waves in PT-symmetric hyperbolic structures. Physical Review B, 2016. 94(3).
  18. Steinigeweg, R., Herbrych, J., Zotos, X., and Brenig, W., Heat Conductivity of the Heisenberg Spin-1/2 Ladder: From Weak to Strong Breaking of Integrability. Physical Review Letters, 2016. 116(1).
  19. Tasolamprou, A.C., Tsilipakos, O., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Toroidal eigenmodes in all-dielectric metamolecules. Physical Review B, 2016. 94(20).
  20. Zdetsis, A.D. and Economou, E.N., Interrelation of Aromaticity and Conductivity of Graphene Dots/Antidots and Related Nanostructures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016. 120(51): p. 29463-29475.
  21. Zdetsis, A.D. and Economou, E.N., Is Antidot-Patterned Graphene Aromatic? Unusual Aromatic Properties of Graphene Antidot Lattices and Antidot-Functionalized Nanographenes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016. 120(1): p. 756-764.
  1. Basharin, A.A., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., Fedotov, V.A., Savinov, V., and Zheludev, N.I., Dielectric Metamaterials with Toroidal Dipolar Response. Physical Review X, 2015. 5(1).
  2. Hennig, D., Mulhern, C., Schimansky-Geier, L., Tsironis, G.P., and Hanggi, P., Cooperative surmounting of bottlenecks. Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, 2015. 586: p. 1-51.
  3. Kenanakis, G., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Casimir forces of metallic microstructures into cavities. Physical Review B, 2015. 92(7).
  4. Kenanakis, G., Xomalis, A., Selimis, A., Vamvakaki, M., Farsari, M., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Three-Dimensional Infrared Metamaterial with Asymmetric Transmission. Acs Photonics, 2015. 2(2): p. 287-294.
  5. Komineas, S. and Papanicolaou, N., Skyrmion dynamics in chiral ferromagnets under spin-transfer torque. Physical Review B, 2015. 92(17).
  6. Komineas, S. and Papanicolaou, N., Skyrmion dynamics in chiral ferromagnets. Physical Review B, 2015. 92(6).
  7. Kozlov, M. and Tsironis, G.P., Control of power in parity-time symmetric lattices. New Journal of Physics, 2015. 17.
  8. Lazarides, N., Neofotistos, G., and Tsironis, G.P., Chimeras in SQUID metamaterials. Physical Review B, 2015. 91(5).
  9. Lingos, P.C., Wang, J., and Perakis, I.E., Manipulating femtosecond spin-orbit torques with laser pulse sequences to control magnetic memory states and ringing. Physical Review B, 2015. 91(19).
  10. Patz, A., Li, T.Q., Liu, X.Y., Furdyna, J.K., Perakis, I.E., and Wang, J.G., Ultrafast probes of nonequilibrium hole spin relaxation in the ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnAs. Physical Review B, 2015. 91(15).
  11. Rogdakis, K., Viskadourakis, Z., Petrovic, A.P., Choi, E., Lee, J., and Panagopoulos, C., Geometric tuning of charge and spin correlations in manganite superlattices. Applied Physics Letters, 2015. 106(2).
  12. Schiemer, J., Spalek, L.J., Saxena, S.S., Panagopoulos, C., Katsufuji, T., and Carpenter, M.A., Magnetoelastic relaxations in EuTiO3. Epl, 2015. 109(5).
  13. Sharma, P., Ryu, S., Viskadourakis, Z., Paudel, T.R., Lee, H., Panagopoulos, C., Tsymbal, E.Y., Eom, C.B., and Gruverman, A., Electromechanics of Ferroelectric-Like Behavior of LaAlO3 Thin Films. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015. 25(41): p. 6538-6544.
  14. Wierschem, K., Sunku, S.S., Kong, T., Ito, T., Canfield, P.C., Panagopoulos, C., and Sengupta, P., Origin of modulated phases and magnetic hysteresis in TmB4. Physical Review B, 2015. 92(21).
  15. Zdetsis, A.D. and Economou, E.N., A Pedestrian Approach to the Aromaticity of Graphene and Nanographene: Significance of Huckel's (4n+2)pi Electron Rule. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015. 119(29): p. 16991-17003.
  1. Aravantinos-Zafiris, N., Sigalas, M.M., and Economou, E.N., Elastodynamic behavior of the three dimensional layer-by-layer metamaterial structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014. 116(13).
  2. Aravantinos-Zafiris, N., Sigalas, M.M., Kafesaki, M., and Economou, E.N., Phononic crystals and elastodynamics: Some relevant points. Aip Advances, 2014. 4(12).
  3. Chakhalian, J., Freeland, J.W., Millis, A.J., Panagopoulos, C., and Rondinelli, J.M., Colloquium: Emergent properties in plane view: Strong correlations at oxide interfaces. Reviews of Modern Physics, 2014. 86(4): p. 1189-1202.
  4. Chovan, J., Marder, M., and Papanicolaou, N., Weak Ferromagnetism in the Helimagnet Ba2CuGe2O7. Acta Physica Polonica A, 2014. 126(1): p. 32-33.
  5. Kafesaki, M., Basharin, A.A., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., THz metamaterials made of phonon-polariton materials. Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, 2014. 12(4): p. 376-386.
  6. Kenanakis, G., Zhao, R., Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Optically controllable THz chiral metamaterials. Optics Express, 2014. 22(10): p. 12149-12159.
  7. La-o-Vorakiat, C., Tian, Y., Wu, T., Panagopoulos, C., Zhu, J.X., Su, H.B., and Chia, E.E.M., Interface-induced magnetic coupling in multiferroic/ferromagnetic bilayer: An ultrafast pump-probe study. Applied Physics Letters, 2014. 104(14).
  8. Oikonomou, T., Nergis, A., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Stochastic metastability by spontaneous localisation. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2014. 69: p. 228-232.
  9. Patz, A., Li, T.Q., Ran, S., Fernandes, R.M., Schmalian, J., Bud'ko, S.L., Canfield, P.C., Perakis, I.E., and Wang, J.G., Ultrafast observation of critical nematic fluctuations and giant magnetoelastic coupling in iron pnictides. Nature Communications, 2014. 5.
  10. Perakis, F., Mattheakis, M., and Tsironis, G.P., Small-world networks of optical fiber lattices. Journal of Optics, 2014. 16(10).
  11. Petrovic, A.P., Pare, A., Paudel, T.R., Lee, K., Holmes, S., Barnes, C.H.W., David, A., Wu, T., Tsymbal, E.Y., and Panagopoulos, C., Emergent vortices at a ferromagnetic superconducting oxide interface. New Journal of Physics, 2014. 16.
  12. Porer, M., Leierseder, U., Menard, J.M., Dachraoui, H., Mouchliadis, L., Perakis, I.E., Heinzmann, U., Demsar, J., Rossnagel, K., and Huber, R., Non-thermal separation of electronic and structural orders in a persisting charge density wave. Nature Materials, 2014. 13(9): p. 857-861.
  13. Psaroudaki, C., Herbrych, J., Karadamoglou, J., Prelovsek, P., Zotos, X., and Papanicolaou, N., Effective S=1/2 description of the S=1 chain with strong easy-plane anisotropy. Physical Review B, 2014. 89(22).
  14. Psiachos, D., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., PT-symmetric dimers with time-periodic gain/loss function. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2014. 117(2): p. 663-672.
  15. Rezania, H., Langari, A., van Loosdrecht, P.H.M., and Zotos, X., Thermal conductivity of anisotropic spin-1/2 two leg ladder: Green's function approach. European Physical Journal B, 2014. 87(8).
  16. Spalek, L.J., Saxena, S.S., Panagopoulos, C., Katsufuji, T., Schiemer, J.A., and Carpenter, M.A., Elastic and anelastic relaxations associated with phase transitions in EuTiO3. Physical Review B, 2014. 90(5).
  17. Tsironis, G.P. and Lazarides, N., PT-symmetric nonlinear metamaterials and zero-dimensional systems. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2014. 115(2): p. 449-458.
  18. Tsironis, G.P., Lazarides, N., and Margaris, I., Wide-band tuneability, nonlinear transmission, and dynamic multistability in SQUID metamaterials. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2014. 117(2): p. 579-588.
  1. Basharin, A.A., Mavidis, C., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Epsilon near zero based phenomena in metamaterials. Physical Review B, 2013. 87(15).
  2. Chia, E.E.M., Springer, D., Nair, S.K., Zou, X.Q., Cheong, S.A., Panagopoulos, C., Tamegai, T., Eisaki, H., Ishida, S., Uchida, S., Taylor, A.J., and Zhu, J.X., Doping dependence of the electron-phonon and electron-spin fluctuation interactions in the high-T-c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. New Journal of Physics, 2013. 15.
  3. Chovan, J., Marder, M., and Papanicolaou, N., Field-induced phase transitions in the helimagnet Ba2CuGe2O7. Physical Review B, 2013. 88(6).
  4. Ding, J.F., Lebedev, O.I., Turner, S., Tian, Y.F., Hu, W.J., Seo, J.W., Panagopoulos, C., Prellier, W., Van Tendeloo, G., and Wu, T., Interfacial spin glass state and exchange bias in manganite bilayers with competing magnetic orders. Physical Review B, 2013. 87(5).
  5. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., Multistability and self-organization in disordered SQUID metamaterials. Superconductor Science & Technology, 2013. 26(8).
  6. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., Gain-Driven Discrete Breathers in PT-Symmetric Nonlinear Metamaterials. Physical Review Letters, 2013. 110(5).
  7. Li, T.Q., Patz, A., Mouchliadis, L., Yan, J.Q., Lograsso, T.A., Perakis, I.E., and Wang, J.G., Femtosecond switching of magnetism via strongly correlated spin-charge quantum excitations. Nature, 2013. 496(7443): p. 69-73.
  8. Maluckov, A., Lazarides, N., Tsironis, G.P., and Hadzievski, L.J., Extreme events in two-dimensional disordered nonlinear lattices. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena, 2013. 252: p. 59-64.
  9. Massaouti, M., Basharin, A.A., Kafesaki, M., Acosta, M.F., Merino, R.I., Orera, V.M., Economou, E.N., Soukoulis, C.M., and Tzortzakis, S., Eutectic epsilon-near-zero metamaterial terahertz waveguides. Optics Letters, 2013. 38(7): p. 1140-1142.
  10. Montagnese, M., Otter, M., Zotos, X., Fishman, D.A., Hlubek, N., Mityashkin, O., Hess, C., Saint-Martin, R., Singh, S., Revcolevschi, A., and van Loosdrecht, P.H.M., Phonon-Magnon Interaction in Low Dimensional Quantum Magnets Observed by Dynamic Heat Transport Measurements. Physical Review Letters, 2013. 110(14).
  11. Mukherjee, S., Andersen, B.M., Viskadourakis, Z., Radulov, I., and Panagopoulos, C., Bi-Quadratic Magnetoelectric Coupling in Underdoped La2CuO4+x. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2013. 26(5): p. 1649-1652.
  12. Petrovic, A.P., Kato, Y., Sunku, S.S., Ito, T., Sengupta, P., Spalek, L., Shimuta, M., Katsufuji, T., Batista, C.D., Saxena, S.S., and Panagopoulos, C., Electric field modulation of the tetragonal domain orientation revealed in the magnetic ground state of quantum paraelectric EuTiO3. Physical Review B, 2013. 87(6).
  13. Shi, X.Y., Logvenov, G., Bollinger, A.T., Bozovic, I., Panagopoulos, C., and Popovic, D., Emergence of superconductivity from the dynamically heterogeneous insulating state in La2-xSrxCuO4. Nature Materials, 2013. 12(1): p. 47-51.
  1. Allieta, M., Scavini, M., Spalek, L.J., Scagnoli, V., Walker, H.C., Panagopoulos, C., Saxena, S.S., Katsufuji, T., and Mazzoli, C., Role of intrinsic disorder in the structural phase transition of magnetoelectric EuTiO3. Physical Review B, 2012. 85(18).
  2. Basharin, A.A., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Backward wave radiation from negative permittivity waveguides and its use for THz subwavelength imaging. Optics Express, 2012. 20(12): p. 12752-12760.
  3. Economou, E.N., Costas Soukoulis: An outline of his research work. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2012. 407(20): p. 4011-4015.
  4. Hlubek, N., Zotos, X., Singh, S., Saint-Martin, R., Revcolevschi, A., Buchner, B., and Hess, C., Spinon heat transport and spin-phonon interaction in the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain cuprates Sr2CuO3 and SrCuO2. Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, 2012.
  5. Kapetanakis, M.D., Wang, J.G., and Perakis, I.E., Femtosecond all-optical modulation of collective spin in the (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnet. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2012. 29(2): p. A95-A102.
  6. Kenanakis, G., Shen, N.H., Mavidis, C., Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Microwave and THz sensing using slab-pair-based metamaterials. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2012. 407(20): p. 4070-4074.
  7. Kenanakis, G., Zhao, R., Stavrinidis, A., Konstantinidis, G., Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Flexible chiral metamaterials in the terahertz regime: a comparative study of various designs. Optical Materials Express, 2012. 2(12): p. 1702-1712.
  8. Kim, B.S., Kiritsis, E., and Panagopoulos, C., Holographic quantum criticality and strange metal transport. New Journal of Physics, 2012. 14.
  9. Lok, S.K., Tian, J.C., Wang, Y.X., Lai, Y.H., Lortz, R., Petrovic, A., Panagopoulos, C., Wong, G.K.L., Wang, G., and Sou, I.K., Factors affecting the shape of MBE-grown laterally aligned Fe nanowires. Nanotechnology, 2012. 23(48).
  10. Mattheakis, M.M., Tsironis, G.P., and Kovanis, V.I., Luneburg lens waveguide networks. Journal of Optics, 2012. 14(11).
  11. Molina, M.I., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Optical surface modes in the presence of nonlinearity and disorder. Physical Review E, 2012. 85(1).
  12. Mukherjee, S., Andersen, B.M., Viskadourakis, Z., Radulov, I., and Panagopoulos, C., Theory of the magnetoeletric effect in a lightly doped high-T-c cuprate. Physical Review B, 2012. 85(14).
  13. Psaroudaki, C., Zvyagin, S.A., Krzystek, J., Paduan, A., Zotos, X., and Papanicolaou, N., Magnetic excitations in the spin-1 anisotropic antiferromagnet NiCl2-4SC(NH2)(2). Physical Review B, 2012. 85(1).
  14. Raicevic, I., Popovic, D., Panagopoulos, C., and Sasagawa, T., Memory Effects in the Charge Response of Lightly Doped La2-xSrxCuO4. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2012. 25(5): p. 1239-1242.
  15. Reyes-Coronado, A., Acosta, M.F., Merino, R.I., Orera, V.M., Kenanakis, G., Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, M., Mavidis, C., de Abajo, J.G., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Self-organization approach for THz polaritonic metamaterials. Optics Express, 2012. 20(13): p. 14663-14682.
  16. Sha, X.W., Economou, E.N., Papaconstantopoulos, D.A., Pederson, M.R., Mehl, M.J., and Kafesaki, M., Possible molecular bottom-up approach to optical metamaterials. Physical Review B, 2012. 86(11).
  17. Shi, X.Y., Popovic, D., Panagopoulos, C., Logvenov, G., Bollinger, A.T., and Bozovic, I., History dependent magnetoresistance in lightly doped La2-XSrXCuO4 thin films. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2012. 407(11): p. 1915-1918.
  18. Tee, X.Y., Luo, H.G., Xiang, T., Vandervelde, D., Salamon, M.B., Sugawara, H., Sato, H., Panagopoulos, C., and Chia, E.E.M., Penetration depth study of LaOs4Sb12: Multiband s-wave superconductivity. Physical Review B, 2012. 86(6).
  19. Viskadourakis, Z., Radulov, I., Petrovic, A.P., Mukherjee, S., Andersen, B.M., Jelbert, G., Headings, N.S., Hayden, S.M., Kiefer, K., Landsgesell, S., Argyriou, D.N., and Panagopoulos, C., Low-temperature ferroelectric phase and magnetoelectric coupling in underdoped La2CuO4+x. Physical Review B, 2012. 85(21).
  20. Xiao, H., Hu, T., Dioguardi, A.P., apRoberts-Warren, N., Shockley, A.C., Crocker, J., Nisson, D.M., Viskadourakis, Z., Tee, X., Radulov, I., Almasan, C.C., Curro, N.J., and Panagopoulos, C., Evidence for filamentary superconductivity nucleated at antiphase domain walls in antiferromagnetic CaFe2As2. Physical Review B, 2012. 85(2).
  21. Xiao, H., Hu, T., He, S.K., Shen, B., Zhang, W.J., Xu, B., He, K.F., Han, J., Singh, Y.P., Wen, H.H., Qiu, X.G., Panagopoulos, C., and Almasan, C.C., Filamentary superconductivity across the phase diagram of Ba(Fe,Co)(2)As-2. Physical Review B, 2012. 86(6).
  22. Xu, X.F., Bangura, A.F., Niu, C.Q., Greenblatt, M., Yue, S., Panagopoulos, C., and Hussey, N.E., Transport and thermodynamic properties of quasi-two-dimensional purple bronzes A(0.9)Mo(6)O(17) (A = Na, K). Physical Review B, 2012. 85(19).
  23. Zou, X.Q., He, M., Springer, D., Lee, D., Nair, S.K., Cheong, S.A., Wu, T., Panagopoulos, C., Talbayev, D., and Chia, E.E.M., Effect of annealing on the temperature-dependent dielectric properties of LaAlO3 at terahertz frequencies. Aip Advances, 2012. 2(1).
  1. Foteinopoulou, S., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Two-dimensional polaritonic photonic crystals as terahertz uniaxial metamaterials. Physical Review B, 2011. 84(3).
  2. Herbrych, J., Prelovsek, P., and Zotos, X., Finite-temperature Drude weight within the anisotropic Heisenberg chain. Physical Review B, 2011. 84(15).
  3. Kapetanakis, M.D., Lingos, P.C., Piermarocchi, C., Wang, J., and Perakis, I.E., All-optical four-state magnetization reversal in (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductors. Applied Physics Letters, 2011. 99(9).
  4. Karadimitriou, M.E., Kavousanaki, E.G., Dani, K.M., Fromer, N.A., and Perakis, I.E., lStrong Electronic Correlation Effects in Coherent Multidimensional Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011. 115(18): p. 5634-5647.
  5. Kataoka, T., Yamazaki, Y., Singh, V.R., Fujimori, A., Chang, F.H., Lin, H.J., Huang, D.J., Chen, C.T., Xing, G.Z., Seo, J.W., Panagopoulos, C., and Wu, T., Ferromagnetic interaction between Cu ions in the bulk region of Cu-doped ZnO nanowires. Physical Review B, 2011. 84(15).
  6. Lazarides, N., Paltoglou, V., Maniadis, P., Tsironis, G.P., and Panagopoulos, C., Strain-induced interface reconstruction in epitaxial heterostructures. Physical Review B, 2011. 84(24).
  7. Lazarides, N., Paltoglou, V., and Tsironis, G.P., NONLINEAR MAGNETOINDUCTIVE TRANSMISSION LINES. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2011. 21(8): p. 2147-2159.
  8. Lyberatos, A., Komineas, S., and Papanicolaou, N., Precessing vortices and antivortices in ferromagnetic elements. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011. 109(2).
  9. Perakis, F. and Tsironis, G.P., Discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation dynamics in complex networks. Physics Letters A, 2011. 375(3): p. 676-679.
  10. Raicevic, I., Popovic, D., Panagopoulos, C., Benfatto, L., Neto, M.B.S., Choi, E.S., and Sasagawa, T., Skyrmions in a Doped Antiferromagnet. Physical Review Letters, 2011. 106(22).
  11. Raicevic, I., Popovic, D., Panagopoulos, C., and Sasagawa, T., Non-Gaussian noise in the in-plane transport of lightly doped La2-xSrxCuO4: Evidence for a collective state of charge clusters. Physical Review B, 2011. 83(19).
  12. Rourke, P.M.C., Mouzopoulou, I., Xu, X.F., Panagopoulos, C., Wang, Y., Vignolle, B., Proust, C., Kurganova, E.V., Zeitler, U., Tanabe, Y., Adachi, T., Koike, Y., and Hussey, N.E., Phase-fluctuating superconductivity in overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4. Nature Physics, 2011. 7(6): p. 455-458.
  13. Seo, J.W., Phan, B.T., Lee, J., Kim, H.D., and Panagopoulos, C., Metallic characteristics in superlattices composed of insulators, NdMnO3/SrMnO3/LaMnO3. Applied Physics Letters, 2011. 98(17).
  14. Somaschi, N., Mouchliadis, L., Coles, D., Perakis, I.E., Lidzey, D.G., Lagoudakis, P.G., and Savvidis, P.G., Ultrafast polariton population build-up mediated by molecular phonons in organic microcavities. Applied Physics Letters, 2011. 99(14).
  15. Trapatseli, M., Vernardou, D., Tzanetakis, P., and Spanakis, E., Field Emission Properties of Low-Temperature, Hydrothermally Grown Tungsten Oxide. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2011. 3(7): p. 2726-2731.
  16. Tsironis, G.P., Exact dynamics for fully connected nonlinear networks. Physics Letters A, 2011. 375(10): p. 1304-1308.
  17. Zhao, R., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Repulsive Casimir forces with finite-thickness slabs. Physical Review B, 2011. 83(7).
  1. Chia, E.E.M., Talbayev, D., Zhu, J.X., Yuan, H.Q., Park, T., Thompson, J.D., Panagopoulos, C., Chen, G.F., Luo, J.L., Wang, N.L., and Taylor, A.J., Ultrafast Pump-Probe Study of Phase Separation and Competing Orders in the Underdoped (Ba, K)Fe2As2 Superconductor. Physical Review Letters, 2010. 104(2).
  2. Karadimitriou, M.E., Kavousanaki, E.G., Perakis, I.E., and Dani, K.M., Transient three-pulse four-wave mixing spectra of magnetoexcitons coupled with an incompressible quantum liquid. Physical Review B, 2010. 82(16).
  3. Komineas, S. and Papanicolaou, N., Grobli solution for three magnetic vortices. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2010. 51(4).
  4. Lazarides, N., Molina, M.I., and Tsironis, G.P., Breathers in one-dimensional binary metamaterial models. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2010. 405(14): p. 3007-3011.
  5. Lazarides, N., Molina, M.I., Tsironis, G.P., and Kivshar, Y.S., Multistability and localization in coupled nonlinear split-ring resonators. Physics Letters A, 2010. 374(19-20): p. 2095-2097.
  6. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., Driven linear modes: Analytical solutions for finite discrete systems. Physics Letters A, 2010. 374(21): p. 2179-2182.
  7. Lu, C.L., Wang, Y., You, L., Zhou, X., Peng, H.Y., Xing, G.Z., Chia, E.E.M., Panagopoulos, C., Chen, L., Liu, J.M., Wang, J., and Wu, T., Superconducting gap induced barrier enhancement in a BiFeO3-based heterostructure. Applied Physics Letters, 2010. 97(25).
  8. Margaris, I., Paltoglou, V., and Flytzanis, N., Zero phase difference supercurrent in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2010. 22(44).
  9. Martin, I. and Panagopoulos, C., Nernst effect and diamagnetic response in a stripe model of superconducting cuprates. Epl, 2010. 91(6).
  10. Metavitsiadis, A., Zotos, X., Barisic, O.S., and Prelovsek, P., Thermal transport in a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain coupled to a magnetic or nonmagnetic impurity. Physical Review B, 2010. 81(20).
  11. Nair, S.K., Zou, X.Q., Chia, E.E.M., Zhu, J.X., Panagopoulos, C., Ishida, S., and Uchida, S., Quasiparticle dynamics in overdoped Bi1.4Pb0.7Sr1.9CaCu2O8+delta: Coexistence of superconducting gap and pseudogap below T-c. Physical Review B, 2010. 82(21).
  12. Penciu, R.S., Kafesaki, M., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Magnetic response of nanoscale left-handed metamaterials. Physical Review B, 2010. 81(23).
  13. Raicevic, I., Popovic, D., Panagopoulos, C., and Sasagawa, T., Large positive magnetoresistance of the lightly doped La2CuO4 Mott insulator. Physical Review B, 2010. 81(23).
  14. Seo, J., Phan, B.T., Stahn, J., Lee, J., and Panagopoulos, C., Relaxor characteristics at the interfaces of NdMnO3/SrMnO3/LaMnO3 superlattices. Physical Review B, 2010. 82(14).
  15. Seo, J.W., Prellier, W., Padhan, P., Boullay, P., Kim, J.Y., Lee, H., Batista, C.D., Martin, I., Chia, E.E.M., Wu, T., Cho, B.G., and Panagopoulos, C., Tunable Magnetic Interaction at the Atomic Scale in Oxide Heterostructures. Physical Review Letters, 2010. 105(16).
  16. Spanakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Metal coated silicon spike cold-electron emitters show improvement of performance with operation. Applied Physics Letters, 2010. 96(3).
  17. Tsironis, G.P., Ciudad, A., and Sancho, J.M., Electrostatic Analysis of Charge Interactions in Proteins. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2010. 110(1): p. 233-241.
  18. Zhao, R., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Comparison of chiral metamaterial designs for repulsive Casimir force. Physical Review B, 2010. 81(23).
  19. Zhao, R., Zhou, J., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Comment on "Repulsive Casimir Force in Chiral Metamaterials'' Reply. Physical Review Letters, 2010. 105(18).
  20. Zotos, X., On the nonlinear response of a particle interacting with fermions in a 1D lattice. Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, 2010.
  1. Anukool, W., Barakat, S., Panagopoulos, C., and Cooper, J.R., Effect of hole doping on the London penetration depth in Bi2.15Sr1.85CaCu2O8+delta and Bi2.1Sr1.9Ca0.85Y0.15Cu2O8+delta. Physical Review B, 2009. 80(2).
  2. Barberoglou, M., Zorba, V., Stratakis, E., Spanakis, E., Tzanetakis, P., Anastasiadis, S.H., and Fotakis, C., Bio-inspired water repellent surfaces produced by ultrafast laser structuring of silicon. Applied Surface Science, 2009. 255(10): p. 5425-5429.
  3. Barisic, O.S., Prelovsek, P., Metavitsiadis, A., and Zotos, X., Incoherent transport induced by a single static impurity in a Heisenberg chain. Physical Review B, 2009. 80(12).
  4. Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., Soukoulis, C.M., and Koschny, T., The Fourth Quadrant in the epsilon, mu Plane: A New Frontier in Optics. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2009. 6(8): p. 1827-1836.
  5. Eleftheriou, M., Lazarides, N., Tsironis, G.P., and Kivshar, Y.S., Surface magnetoinductive breathers in two-dimensional magnetic metamaterials. Physical Review E, 2009. 80(1).
  6. Kapetanakis, M.D., Perakis, I.E., Wickey, K.J., Piermarocchi, C., and Wang, J., Femtosecond Coherent Control of Spins in (Ga, Mn)As Ferromagnetic Semiconductors Using Light. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 103(4).
  7. Karahalios, A., Metavitsiadis, A., Zotos, X., Gorczyca, A., and Prelovsek, P., Finite-temperature transport in disordered Heisenberg chains. Physical Review B, 2009. 79(2).
  8. Lazarides, N., Molina, M.I., and Tsironis, G.P., Breather Induction by Modulational Instability in Binary Metamaterials. Acta Physica Polonica A, 2009. 116(4): p. 635-637.
  9. Lee, D.W., Seo, J.W., Jelbert, G.R., de Los Santos, L., Cole, J.M., Panagopoulos, C., and Barnes, C.H.W., Transparent and flexible polymerized graphite oxide thin film with frequency-dependent dielectric constant. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 95(17).
  10. Maluckov, A., Hadzievski, L., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Extreme events in discrete nonlinear lattices. Physical Review E, 2009. 79(2).
  11. Molina, M.I., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Bulk and surface magnetoinductive breathers in binary metamaterials. Physical Review E, 2009. 80(4).
  12. Qi, J., Xu, Y., Steigerwald, A., Liu, X., Furdyna, J.K., Perakis, I.E., and Tolk, N.H., Ultrafast laser-induced coherent spin dynamics in ferromagnetic Ga1-xMnxAs/GaAs structures. Physical Review B, 2009. 79(8).
  13. Radovic, Z., Paltoglou, V., Lazarides, N., and Flytzanis, N., Resonant effects in ballistic Josephson junctions. European Physical Journal B, 2009. 69(2): p. 229-236.
  14. Shen, N.H., Foteinopoulou, S., Kafesaki, M., Koschny, T., Ozbay, E., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Compact planar far-field superlens based on anisotropic left-handed metamaterials. Physical Review B, 2009. 80(11).
  15. Shen, N.H., Kafesaki, M., Koschny, T., Zhang, L., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Broadband blueshift tunable metamaterials and dual-band switches. Physical Review B, 2009. 79(16).
  16. Shen, N.H., Kenanakis, G., Kafesaki, M., Katsarakis, N., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Parametric investigation and analysis of fishnet metamaterials in the microwave regime. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2009. 26(12): p. B61-B67.
  17. Siranidi, E., Lampakis, D., Liarokapis, E., Panagopoulos, C., and Conder, K., Doping and temperature dependence of inversion symmetry breaking in La2-xSrxCuO4. Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2009. 469(13): p. 760-765.
  18. Stratakis, E., Kymakis, E., Spanakis, E., Tzanetakis, P., and Koudoumas, E., Polymer-nanotube composite mats with improved field emission performance and stability. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009. 11(4): p. 703-709.
  19. Tassin, P., Zhang, L., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Planar designs for electromagnetically induced transparency in metamaterials. Optics Express, 2009. 17(7): p. 5595-5605.
  20. Tassin, P., Zhang, L., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Low-Loss Metamaterials Based on Classical Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 102(5).
  21. Vantarakis, G., Mathioudakis, C., Kopidakis, G., Wang, C.Z., Ho, K.M., and Kelires, P.C., Interfacial disorder and optoelectronic properties of diamond nanocrystals. Physical Review B, 2009. 80(4).
  22. Wang, J., Cotoros, I., Chemla, D.S., Liu, X., Furdyna, J.K., Chovan, J., and Perakis, I.E., Memory effects in photoinduced femtosecond magnetization rotation in ferromagnetic GaMnAs. Applied Physics Letters, 2009. 94(2).
  23. Zhao, R., Zhou, J., Koschny, T., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Repulsive Casimir Force in Chiral Metamaterials. Physical Review Letters, 2009. 103(10).
  1. Broocks, K.A., Su, B., Schroter, P., Heyn, C., Heitmann, D., Wegscheider, W., Apalkov, V.M., Chakraborty, T., Perakis, I.E., and Schuller, C., Linear and ultrafast optical spectroscopy in the regime of the quantum Hall effect. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2008. 245(2): p. 321-330.
  2. Chovan, J. and Perakis, I.E., Femtosecond control of the magnetization in ferromagnetic semiconductors. Physical Review B, 2008. 77(8).
  3. Chovan, J., Perakis, I.E., Ceccarelli, S., and Lidzey, D.G., Controlling the interactions between polaritons and molecular vibrations in strongly coupled organic semiconductor microcavities. Physical Review B, 2008. 78(4).
  4. Dani, K.M., Cotoros, I.A., Wang, J., Tignon, J., Chemla, D.S., Kavousanaki, E.G., and Perakis, I.E., Observation of an inter-Landau level quantum coherence in semiconductor quantum wells. Physical Review B, 2008. 78(4).
  5. Economou, E.N., Koschny, T., and Soukoulis, C.M., Strong diamagnetic response in split-ring-resonator metamaterials: Numerical study and two-loop model. Physical Review B, 2008. 77(9).
  6. Eleftheriou, M., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Magnetoinductive breathers in metamaterials. Physical Review E, 2008. 77(3).
  7. Gundogdu, T.F., Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, M., Penciu, R.S., Konstantinidis, G., Kostopoulos, A., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Negative index short-slab pair and continuous wires metamaterials in the far infrared regime. Optics Express, 2008. 16(12): p. 9173-9180.
  8. Hamm, P. and Tsironis, G.P., Barrier crossing to the small Holstein polaron regime. Physical Review B, 2008. 78(9).
  9. Jelbert, G.R., Sasagawa, T., Fletcher, J.D., Park, T., Thompson, J.D., and Panagopoulos, C., Measurement of low energy charge correlations in underdoped spin-glass La-based cuprates using impedance spectroscopy. Physical Review B, 2008. 78(13).
  10. Kapetanakis, M.D. and Perakis, I.E., Magnetization relaxation and collective spin excitations in correlated double-exchange ferromagnets. Physical Review B, 2008. 78(15).
  11. Kapetanakis, M.D. and Perakis, I.E., Spin dynamics in (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors: The role of correlations. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101(9).
  12. Komineas, S. and Papanicolaou, N., Transmutation of momentum into position in magnetic vortices. New Journal of Physics, 2008. 10.
  13. Lazarides, N., Tsironis, G.P., and Kivshar, Y.S., Surface breathers in discrete magnetic metamaterials. Physical Review E, 2008. 77(6).
  14. Liarokapis, E., Siranidi, E., Lampakis, D., Conder, K., and Panagopoulos, C., Lattice effects in the La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) compounds. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2008. 20(43).
  15. Maluckov, A., Hadzievski, L., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Left-handed metamaterials with saturable nonlinearity. Physical Review E, 2008. 77(4).
  16. Paltoglou, V., Margaris, I., and Flytzanis, N., A diagrammatic approach for a clean double-barrier ferromagnetic Josephson junction. Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2008. 41(45).
  17. Panagopoulos, C., Quantum glassiness and superconductivity in doped low dimensional antiferromagnets. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2008. 22(16): p. 2501-2516.
  18. Pascale, A., Berbezier, I., Ronda, A., and Kelires, P.C., Self-assembly and ordering mechanisms of Ge islands on prepatterned Si(001). Physical Review B, 2008. 77(7).
  19. Penciu, R.S., Aydin, K., Kafesaki, M., Koschny, T., Ozbay, E., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Multi-gap individual and coupled split-ring resonator structures. Optics Express, 2008. 16(22): p. 18131-18144.
  20. Raicevic, I., Jaroszynski, J., Popovic, D., Panagopoulos, C., and Sasagawa, T., Evidence for Charge Glasslike Behavior in Lightly Doped La2-xSrxCuO4 at Low Temperatures. Physical Review Letters, 2008. 101(17).
  21. Remediakis, I.N., Kopidakis, G., and Kelires, P.C., Softening of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond at low grain sizes. Acta Materialia, 2008. 56(18): p. 5340-5344.
  22. Soukoulis, C.M., Zhou, J.F., Koschny, T., Kafesaki, M., and Economou, E.N., The science of negative index materials. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 2008. 20(30).
  23. Stratakis, E., Misra, N., Spanakis, E., Hwang, D.J., Grigoropoulos, C.P., Fotakis, C., and Tzanetakis, P., Imaging dielectric properties of Si nanowire oxide with conductive atomic force microscopy complemented with femtosecond laser illumination. Nano Letters, 2008. 8(7): p. 1949-1953.
  24. Zorba, V., Stratakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Spanakis, E., Tzanetakis, P., Anastasiadis, S.H., and Fotakis, C., Biomimetic Artificial Surfaces Quantitatively Reproduce the Water Repellency of a Lotus Leaf. Advanced Materials, 2008. 20(21): p. 4049-+.
  25. Zorba, V., Stratakis, E., Barberoglou, M., Spanakis, E., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Tailoring the wetting response of silicon surfaces via fs laser structuring. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2008. 93(4): p. 819-825.
  1. Foteinopoulou, S., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Backward surface waves at photonic crystals. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(24).
  2. Foteinopoulou, S., Kenanakis, G., Katsarakis, N., Tsiapa, I., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Experimental verification of backward wave propagation at photonic crystal surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 91(21).
  3. Fyta, M. and Kelires, P.C., Simulations on the elastic response of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(8): p. 1676-1681.
  4. Fyta, M.G., Hadjisavvas, G.C., and Kelires, P.C., Probing the sp(2) dependence of elastic moduli in ultrahard diamond films. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(8): p. 1643-1647.
  5. Garofalakis, A., Zacharakis, G., Meyer, H., Economou, E.N., Mamalaki, C., Papamatheakis, J., Kioussis, D., Ntziachristos, V., and Ripoll, J., Three-dimensional in vivo imaging of green fluorescent protein-expressing T cells in mice with noncontact fluorescence molecular tomography. Molecular Imaging, 2007. 6(2): p. 96-107.
  6. Hadjisavvas, G. and Kelires, P.C., Theory of interface structure, energetics, and electronic properties of embedded Si/a-SiO2 nanocrystals. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2007. 38(1-2): p. 99-105.
  7. Hamm, P. and Tsironis, G.P., Semiclassical and quantum polarons in crystalline acetanilide. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, 2007. 147: p. 303-331.
  8. Kafesaki, M., Koschny, T., Zhou, J., Katsarakis, N., Tsiapa, I., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Electromagnetic behaviour of left-handed materials. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2007. 394(2): p. 148-154.
  9. Kafesaki, M., Tsiapa, I., Katsarakis, N., Koschny, T., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Left-handed metamaterials: The fishnet structure and its variations. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(23).
  10. Kapetanakis, M.D. and Perakis, I.E., Non-Heisenberg spin dynamics of double-exchange ferromagnets with Coulomb repulsion. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(14).
  11. Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, A., Tsiapa, I., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., High transmittance left-handed materials involving symmetric split-ring resonators. Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, 2007. 5(4): p. 149-155.
  12. Kelires, P.C., Simulations of nanocomposite carbon films. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2007. 15(1): p. 69-78.
  13. Kelires, P.C. and Patsalas, P., Proceedings of the 6th specialists' meeting in amorphous carbon - Preface. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. V-V.
  14. Kopidakis, G., Remediakis, I.N., Fyta, M.G., and Kelires, P.C., Atomic and electronic structure of crystalline-amorphous carbon interfaces. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. 1875-1881.
  15. Kourakis, I., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Self-focusing and envelope pulse generation in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials. Physical Review E, 2007. 75(6).
  16. Kymakis, E., Servati, P., Tzanetakis, P., Koudoumas, E., Kornilios, N., Rompogiannakis, I., Franghiadakis, Y., and Amaratunga, G.A.J., Effective mobility and photocurrent in carbon nanotube-polymer composite photovoltaic cells. Nanotechnology, 2007. 18(43).
  17. Lampakis, D., Palles, D., Liarokapis, E., and Panagopoulos, C., Micro-Raman evidence for charge ordering in superconducting La2-xSrxCUO4. Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2007. 460: p. 1174-1175.
  18. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., rf superconducting quantum interference device metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 90(16).
  19. Lioudakis, E., Othonos, A., Hadjisavvas, G.C., Kelires, P.C., and Nassiopoulou, A.G., Quantum confinement and interface structure of Si nanocrystals of sizes 3-5 nm embedded in a-SiO2. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2007. 38(1-2): p. 128-134.
  20. Mathioudakis, C., Kopidakis, G., Patsalas, P., and Kelires, P.C., Disorder and optical properties of amorphous carbon. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. 1788-1792.
  21. Meyer, H., Garofaiakis, A., Zacharakis, G., Psycharakis, S., Mamalaki, C., Kioussis, D., Economou, E.N., Ntziachristos, V., and Ripoll, J., Noncontact optical imaging in mice with full angular coverage and automatic surface extraction. Applied Optics, 2007. 46(17): p. 3617-3627.
  22. Paltoglou, V., Margaris, I., and Flytzanis, N., A diagrammatic approach for a clean multiferromagnetic Josephson junction. Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2007. 40(43): p. 12829-12862.
  23. Paltoglou, V., Margaris, I., and Flytzanis, N., Andreev spectrum and supercurrent in a double ferromagnet clean Josephson junction. Modern Physics Letters B, 2007. 21(9): p. 505-529.
  24. Qi, J., Xu, Y., Tolk, N.H., Liu, X., Furdyna, J.K., and Perakis, I.E., Coherent magnetization precession in GaMnAs induced by ultrafast optical excitation. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 91(11).
  25. Remediakis, I.N., Fyta, M.G., Mathioudakis, C., Kopidakis, G., and Kelires, P.C., Structure, elastic properties and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. 1835-1840.
  26. Savin, A.V., Tsironis, G.P., and Zotos, X., Thermal conductivity of a classical one-dimensional spin-phonon system. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(21).
  27. Soukoulis, C.M., Koschny, T., Zhou, J.F., Kafesaki, M., and Economou, E.N., Magnetic response of split ring resonators at terahertz frequencies. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2007. 244(4): p. 1181-1187.
  1. Chovan, J., Kavousanaki, E.G., and Perakis, I.E., Ultrafast light-induced magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic semiconductors. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 96(5).
  2. Ciudad, A., Sancho, J.M., and Tsironis, G.P., Kinesin as an electrostatic machine. Journal of Biological Physics, 2006. 32(5): p. 455-463.
  3. Dani, K.M., Kavousanaki, E.G., Tignon, J., Chemla, D.S., and Perakis, I.E., Nonlinear optical studies of the transient coherence in the Quantum Hall system. Solid State Communications, 2006. 140(2): p. 72-82.
  4. Dani, K.M., Tignon, J., Breit, M., Chemla, D.S., Kavousanaki, E.G., and Perakis, I.E., Ultrafast dynamics of coherences in a quantum Hall system. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 97(5).
  5. Dani, K.M., Tignon, J., Breit, M., Chemla, D.S., Kavousanaki, E.G., and Perakis, I.E., Dynamics of the collective excitations of the quantum Hall system. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2006. 34(1-2): p. 206-209.
  6. Franghiadakis, Y. and Tzanetakis, P., Explicit empirical relation for the monthly average cell-temperature performance ratio of photovoltaic arrays. Progress in Photovoltaics, 2006. 14(6): p. 541-551.
  7. Fyta, M.G., Remediakis, I.N., Kelires, P.C., and Papaconstantopoulos, D.A., Insights into the fracture mechanisms and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 96(18).
  8. Gundogdu, T.F., Tsiapa, I., Kostopoulos, A., Konstantinidis, G., Katsarakis, N., Penciu, R.S., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., Koschny, T., and Soukoulis, C.M., Experimental demonstration of negative magnetic permeability in the far-infrared frequency regime. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 89(8).
  9. Hadjisavvas, G., Remediakis, I.N., and Kelires, P.C., Shape and faceting of Si nanocrystals embedded in a-SiO2: A Monte Carlo study. Physical Review B, 2006. 74(16).
  10. Ivic, Z. and Tsironis, G.P., Biphonons in the beta-Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena, 2006. 216(1): p. 200-206.
  11. Kapetanakis, M.D., Manousaki, A., and Perakis, I.E., Three-body correlation effects on the spin dynamics of double-exchange ferromagnets. Physical Review B, 2006. 73(17).
  12. Kavousanaki, E.G., Dani, K.M., Tignon, J., Chemla, D.S., and Perakis, I.E., Correlation effects in the ultrafast dynamics of the Quantum Hall system close to nu=1. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2006. 243(10): p. 2397-2404.
  13. Lazarides, N., Eleftheriou, M., and Tsironis, G.P., Discrete breathers in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 97(15).
  14. Louis, K., Prelovsek, P., and Zotos, X., Thermal conductivity of one-dimensional spin-1/2 systems coupled to phonons. Physical Review B, 2006. 74(23).
  15. Marder, M. and Papanicolaou, N., Geometry and elasticity of strips and flowers. Journal of Statistical Physics, 2006. 125(5-6): p. 1069-1096.
  16. Miller, J.K., Qi, J., Xu, Y., Cho, Y.J., Liu, X., Furdyna, J.K., Perakis, I., Shahbazyan, T.V., and Tolk, N., Near-bandgap wavelength dependence of long-lived traveling coherent longitudinal acoustic phonons in GaSb-GaAs heterostructures. Physical Review B, 2006. 74(11).
  17. Paltoglou, V., Margaris, I., and Flytzanis, N., Andreev spectrum and supercurrent in a multilayer ferromagnetic clean Josephson junction. Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and General, 2006. 39(31): p. 9861-9880.
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