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Condensed Matter Physics Publications 2007

Φυσική Συμπυκνωμένης Ύλης
  1. Foteinopoulou, S., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Backward surface waves at photonic crystals. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(24).
  2. Foteinopoulou, S., Kenanakis, G., Katsarakis, N., Tsiapa, I., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Experimental verification of backward wave propagation at photonic crystal surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 91(21).
  3. Fyta, M. and Kelires, P.C., Simulations on the elastic response of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(8): p. 1676-1681.
  4. Fyta, M.G., Hadjisavvas, G.C., and Kelires, P.C., Probing the sp(2) dependence of elastic moduli in ultrahard diamond films. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(8): p. 1643-1647.
  5. Garofalakis, A., Zacharakis, G., Meyer, H., Economou, E.N., Mamalaki, C., Papamatheakis, J., Kioussis, D., Ntziachristos, V., and Ripoll, J., Three-dimensional in vivo imaging of green fluorescent protein-expressing T cells in mice with noncontact fluorescence molecular tomography. Molecular Imaging, 2007. 6(2): p. 96-107.
  6. Hadjisavvas, G. and Kelires, P.C., Theory of interface structure, energetics, and electronic properties of embedded Si/a-SiO2 nanocrystals. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2007. 38(1-2): p. 99-105.
  7. Hamm, P. and Tsironis, G.P., Semiclassical and quantum polarons in crystalline acetanilide. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, 2007. 147: p. 303-331.
  8. Kafesaki, M., Koschny, T., Zhou, J., Katsarakis, N., Tsiapa, I., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Electromagnetic behaviour of left-handed materials. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2007. 394(2): p. 148-154.
  9. Kafesaki, M., Tsiapa, I., Katsarakis, N., Koschny, T., Soukoulis, C.M., and Economou, E.N., Left-handed metamaterials: The fishnet structure and its variations. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(23).
  10. Kapetanakis, M.D. and Perakis, I.E., Non-Heisenberg spin dynamics of double-exchange ferromagnets with Coulomb repulsion. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(14).
  11. Katsarakis, N., Kafesaki, A., Tsiapa, I., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., High transmittance left-handed materials involving symmetric split-ring resonators. Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, 2007. 5(4): p. 149-155.
  12. Kelires, P.C., Simulations of nanocomposite carbon films. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2007. 15(1): p. 69-78.
  13. Kelires, P.C. and Patsalas, P., Proceedings of the 6th specialists' meeting in amorphous carbon - Preface. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. V-V.
  14. Kopidakis, G., Remediakis, I.N., Fyta, M.G., and Kelires, P.C., Atomic and electronic structure of crystalline-amorphous carbon interfaces. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. 1875-1881.
  15. Kourakis, I., Lazarides, N., and Tsironis, G.P., Self-focusing and envelope pulse generation in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials. Physical Review E, 2007. 75(6).
  16. Kymakis, E., Servati, P., Tzanetakis, P., Koudoumas, E., Kornilios, N., Rompogiannakis, I., Franghiadakis, Y., and Amaratunga, G.A.J., Effective mobility and photocurrent in carbon nanotube-polymer composite photovoltaic cells. Nanotechnology, 2007. 18(43).
  17. Lampakis, D., Palles, D., Liarokapis, E., and Panagopoulos, C., Micro-Raman evidence for charge ordering in superconducting La2-xSrxCUO4. Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2007. 460: p. 1174-1175.
  18. Lazarides, N. and Tsironis, G.P., rf superconducting quantum interference device metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 90(16).
  19. Lioudakis, E., Othonos, A., Hadjisavvas, G.C., Kelires, P.C., and Nassiopoulou, A.G., Quantum confinement and interface structure of Si nanocrystals of sizes 3-5 nm embedded in a-SiO2. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2007. 38(1-2): p. 128-134.
  20. Mathioudakis, C., Kopidakis, G., Patsalas, P., and Kelires, P.C., Disorder and optical properties of amorphous carbon. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. 1788-1792.
  21. Meyer, H., Garofaiakis, A., Zacharakis, G., Psycharakis, S., Mamalaki, C., Kioussis, D., Economou, E.N., Ntziachristos, V., and Ripoll, J., Noncontact optical imaging in mice with full angular coverage and automatic surface extraction. Applied Optics, 2007. 46(17): p. 3617-3627.
  22. Paltoglou, V., Margaris, I., and Flytzanis, N., A diagrammatic approach for a clean multiferromagnetic Josephson junction. Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2007. 40(43): p. 12829-12862.
  23. Paltoglou, V., Margaris, I., and Flytzanis, N., Andreev spectrum and supercurrent in a double ferromagnet clean Josephson junction. Modern Physics Letters B, 2007. 21(9): p. 505-529.
  24. Qi, J., Xu, Y., Tolk, N.H., Liu, X., Furdyna, J.K., and Perakis, I.E., Coherent magnetization precession in GaMnAs induced by ultrafast optical excitation. Applied Physics Letters, 2007. 91(11).
  25. Remediakis, I.N., Fyta, M.G., Mathioudakis, C., Kopidakis, G., and Kelires, P.C., Structure, elastic properties and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon. Diamond and Related Materials, 2007. 16(10): p. 1835-1840.
  26. Savin, A.V., Tsironis, G.P., and Zotos, X., Thermal conductivity of a classical one-dimensional spin-phonon system. Physical Review B, 2007. 75(21).
  27. Soukoulis, C.M., Koschny, T., Zhou, J.F., Kafesaki, M., and Economou, E.N., Magnetic response of split ring resonators at terahertz frequencies. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2007. 244(4): p. 1181-1187.