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Faculty of the Department


During the fall semester of the 2024-25 academing year the Department of Physics consists of 20 faculty members, 2 Honorary Professors, and 10 Emeriti Professors. There are 9 faculty members at the level of Full Professor, 7 at the level of Associate Professor, and 4 Assistant Professors.

[1]: Emeritus Professor (10 members) [2]: Retired faculty (4 members) 

The high quality research performed by our faculty members has been internationally recognized. This can also be seen by the following histograms presenting the refereed papers, citations, and h-index of all 19 faculty members, as well as the 7 Emeriti Professors who are still actively involved in research and teaching, as were on April 24, 2024. (Click on the corresponding images for a larger version). Based on these data, each of the above mentioned members has on average published, throughout her/his career,  130 refereed papers which received ~5500 citations. The corresponding average h-index is 34.

Refereed Publications Refereed Citations h-index

Additionally, you may view the continuously updated Google Scholar entries of all members of our Department, sorted by citation, by pressing the icon

Past Faculty Members

A number of individuals served as faculty members at the Department of Physics of the University of Crete in the past and contributed with their efforts to the improvement of the Department. In the following table we provide their names, the period they were members of the Department, as well as their current position.

Name Period Last known Position
Anastasiadis Spiros 1993-2005 Professor - Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Crete
Christou Aris 1985-1996 Professor - Univ. of Maryland College Park, USA
Efthymiopoulos Thomas 1982-2003 Passed away on 7 Feb. 2022, while Professor Emeritus - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Patras
Floratos Emmanuel 1983-2000 Professor Emeritus - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens & Member of Academy of Athens
Georges Anastasios 1985-1992 Passed away on 3 Mar. 2018, while a Professor - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Patras
Grammatikakis George 1982-2023 Passed away on 25 October 2023, while Emeritus Professor
Halkias George 1989-1996 Passed away while a researcher at Demokritos Research Center
Hatzidimitriou Despina 1993-2009 Professor - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
Hatzopoulos Zaharias 1981-2019 Associate Professor (Retired) - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete
Kapetanakos Christos 1994-1996 Private Sector, USA
Karabourniotis Dimitris 1985-2013 Associate Professor (Retired) - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete
Kelires Pantelis 1989-2009 Professor - Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science & Engineering, Technological Univ. of Cyprus
Kiriakidis George 1981-2017 Professor (retired) - Dept. of Physics Univ. of Crete & Researcher at IESL/FORTH
Nicolaides Cleanthes 1985-1987 Reseacher Emeritus - Theoretical & Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation
Panagopoulos Christos 2008-2015 Research Professor - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Perakis Ilias 2000-2019 Professor & Chair - Dept. of Physics,University of Alabama - Birmingham (USA)
Petkou Anastasios 2004-2012 Professor - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki
Ploumpidis Dimitris 1983-198? Professor (retired) - Dept. of Primary Education, Univ. of Crete
Psaltakis Gregory 1989-2023 Associate Professor (retired) - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete
Ragiadakos Christos 1985-1995 Educational Institute, Ministry of Education
Stassis Constantine 1986-1987 Passed away on 14 April 2023, while a retired Professor from Iowa State University, USA
Tomaras Theodoros 1989-2021 Passed away on 31 Jul. 2021, while an Emeritus Professor.
Tsinganos Kanaris 1985-2001 Professor Emeritus - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
Tzanetakis Panagiotis 1985-2014 Passed away on 3 Apr. 2024, while an Emeritus Professor
Varmazis Costas 1983-1984 Passed away on 2 Jun. 2016, while a Senior fellow - Tyco Electronics, USA 
Ventura Joseph 1983-2006 Passed away on 5 Oct. 2020, while an Emeritus Professor.
Xanthopoulos Basilis 1982-1990 Passed away on 27 Nov. 1990, while serving as Chair of the Dept. of Physics at the Univ. of Crete
Zdetsis Aristides 1985-1989 Professor Emeritus - Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Patras
Zevgolis Dimitrios 1984-1987 Professor Emeritus - Hellenic Open University