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PhD Recipients of the Department


As of January 2025 a total of 175 PhDs have been awarded by the Department of Physics of the University of Crete since the graduate program of the Department commenced in 1980. Here we present the names of those individuals, as well as links to their dissertations and their present location, if known. For any corrections or updates please contact Prof. V. Charmandaris.

A histogram with the distribution as a function of time, of all PhD and Masters degrees awarded by the Department is available here.

Graduation Year: 2025
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Chanlaridis Savvas Numerical Modeling of The Formation and Evolution of Neutron Stars. I. Antoniadis Private sector, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Korkidis Georgios Signatures of the Hubble flow on the distribution of matter around galaxy clusters and their significance for cosmology V. Pavlidou
Mandarakas Nikolaos Preparing for a new era of magnetic interstellar medium tomography in the context of the Pasiphae survey K. Tassis Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (France) - Postdoctoral researcher
Tsouros Alexandros Reconstructing the Magnetic Field of the Milky Way via Astrophysical Techniques and Numerical Simulations for the Inference of Ultrahigh Energy Ray Source V. Pavlidou École Normale Supérieure Paris (France) - Postdoctoral Fellow
Graduation Year: 2024
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Angelaki Eleni Application of machine learning and computational methods in the prediction of cardiovascular remodelling G. Tsironis Data Science Researcher, Boston (USA)
Brimis Apostolos Angularly accelerating optical beams K. Makris Military service
Frantzeskakis Rafail Extraction and stabilization of quantum many-body states. S. Economou & A. Georgakilas Photonics Engineer, Quandela, Paris, France
Lamprou Theocharis Generation of optical Schrödinger ‘cat’ and entangled states using intense laser-atom interactions P. Tzallas Postdoctoral researcher, IESL-FORTH, Greece
Laoutaris Angelos Excitation of heliumlike C4+ and O6+ projectile ions in collisions with He targets. T. Tzouros Postgraduate associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics at the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics of NCSR "Demokritos"
Maragkakis Georgios Miltiadis Polarization-resolved second and third harmonic generation in 2D materials E. Stratakis Military service
Mouloudakis Georgios Efthymios Strong transitions driven by stochastic fields and open quantum systems' dynamics P. Lambropoulos Postdoctoral researcher, Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
Zampetakis Michail Numerical Models and Interplay of Intrabeam Scattering with Incoherent Effects for High Brightness Circular Accelerators G. Tsironis Senior Fellow, CERN, Switzerland
Graduation Year: 2023
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Daskalopoulou Vasiliki The impact of triboelectrification on desert dust flow dynamics V. Amiridis
Komis Ioannis Non-Hermitian phenomena in photonic systems K. Makris Postdoctoral Researcher, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Politakis Charalampos Demographics of X-ray binaries populations in nearby galaxies and connection with the stellar populations and intrinsic properties of their host galaxy. A. Zezas Private sector (COSMOTE)
Skalidis Rafail Estimating of the magnetic field strength in the interstellar medium K. Tassis Postdoctoral Hubble Fellow, California Institute of Technology (USA)
Graduation Year: 2022
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Angelaki Despoina Laser based micro- and nano-structured Si surfaces for neural tissue enginnering. C. Fotakis Postdoctoral researcher, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (Greece)
Gabritchidze Bekari Investigation of Drain Noise in High Electron Mobility Transistors Through On-Wafer Characterization and Modelling E. Iliopoulos Research Engineer, Cahill Radio Astronomy Lab, Caltech/JPL (USA)
Katerinopoulou Dimitra Study of spinel oxide alloys Mn3O4 based for printed temperature sensors. G. Kiriakidis, E. Iliopoulos Project Manager, PCNano Materials, Heraklion, Greece
Kopsacheili Maria A multi-wavelength Study of Extragalactic Supernova Remnants A. Zezas Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Space Sciences, Barcelona (Spain)
Graduation Year: 2021
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Demeridou Ioanna Pulsed Laser Induced Doping of Τwo-Dimensional Crystals. E. Stratakis, I. Kominis Technical Scientific Personnel, ICS-FORTH, Heraklion, Greece
Dialynas Georgios Experimental and Theoretical investigation of structural and optical properties of InAs quantum dots grown on (211) GaAs substrate. Z. Hatzopoulos, N. Pelakanos High School Teacher (Physics)
Karanikolopoulos Dimitrios Study of electronic phenomena in strongly correlated systems by use of ultrashort laser pulses. D. Charalambidis Postdoctoral researcher, IESL-FORTH
Kouroumpatzakis Konstantinos Measuring star-formation rates in galaxies and their correlation with X-ray emission. A. Zezas Postdoctoral Researcher, Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
Kousvos Stefanos Robert Exploring Field Theories via the Conformal Bootstrap Th. Tomaras Postdoctoral researcher, University of Torino (Italy)
Kovlakas Konstantinos Populations of ultra-luminous X-ray sources in nearby galaxies A. Zezas Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Space Sciences, Barcelona (Spain)
Madesis Ioannis Investigation of electron capture in swift C4+ (1s2s 3S) collisions with gas targets using a zero-degree Auger projectile spectroscopy apparatus built with the L45 beam line at the “Demokritos” 5.5MV tandem accelerator. T. Zouros Postdoctoral Researcher, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Mouloudakis Konstantinos Spin noise correlations in multispecies hot atomic vapors. I. Kominis Postdoctoral researcher, The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Spain)
Skoufaris Kyriacos Non-linear Dynamics modelling in accelerators with the use of symplectic integrators G. Tsironis, T. Tomaras, I. Papaphilippou Post-Doc CERN/BE-ABP group
Tsafas Vasileios Gerasimos Advances in non linear imaging microscopy for tissue and in-vivo biological samples characterization. C. Fotakis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Graduation Year: 2020
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Anastasopoulou Konstantina Ultra-luminous X-ray sources and X-ray luminosity scaling relations in nearby galaxies. A. Zezas Postdoctoral researcher, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian (USA)
Lingos Panagiotis Ultrafast spin-charge quantum dynamics in strongly correlated systems I. Perakis Postdoctoral researcher, IESL-FORTH
Makos Ioannis Multiphoton Processes induced by Intense XUV Attosecond Pulse Trains. D. Charalambidis Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Freiburg (Germany)
Orfanos Ioannis Development and characterization of an intense attosecond pulse source for XUV-pump-XUV-probe experiments. D. Charalambidis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Papadopoulou Stefania Bunch characteristics evolution for lepton and hadron rings under the influence of the Intra-beam scattering effect T. Tomaras, I. Papaphilippou Data Scientist, Credit Suisse (Switzerland)
Pavlis Alexandros Aspects of the dynamics of the one-dimensional XXZ Heisenberg model. X. Zotos Financial Mathematician, The London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
Serpetzoglou Efthymios Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy of Perovskite Solar Cells. E. Stratakis, D. Charalambidis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Spiliotis Alexandros Ultrahigh-Density Spin-Polarized Hydrogen Isotopes from the Photodissociation of Hydrogen Halides: Production, Detection, and Applications in Magnetometry. P. Rakitzis Research Assistant Professor, Westlake University (China)
Graduation Year: 2019
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Chatziathanasiou Stefanos Electron quantum path interferences in strongly laser driven aligned molecules and generation of circularly polarized XUV pulses D. Charalambidis -
Doundoulakis George Realization and physical analysis of field-effect transistors based on GaN nanofins and vertical nanowires A. Georgakilas Research Assistant Professor, Florida International University, Miami
Gagaoudakis Emmanouil Study of thermochronic materials based on vanadium oxide. G. Kiriakidis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Kazazis Stylianos Optoelectronic Characterization and Modeling of InGaN Heterostructures for Photovoltaic Applications. E. Iliopoulos Research Project Delivery & Fundraising Manager, UBITECH Ltd, Athens
Margiolakis Athanasios Enhanced Terahertz Emission from Ultrafast Laser Ablated Gallium Arsenide Devices. G. Tsironis Private sector
Mas Peris Hector Radio-frequency adiabatic potentials for guided atom-clock interferometry. P. Rakitzis, W. von Klitzing Postdoctoral researcher, UC Santa Barbara (USA)
Graduation Year: 2018
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Eftychis Savvas Spontaneous and selective growth of GaN nanowires on Si (111) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy A. Georgakilas Data Scientist, Private Sector (Sweden)
Melissinaki Vasileia Sensing resonating devices fabricated on optical fibers using multiphoton polymerization techique. C. Fotakis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Paradisanos Ioannis Excitons in atomically thin tungsten disulfide (WS2) layers C. Fotakis, G. Kioseoglou, E. Stratakis Postdoctoral researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Psychogyios Alexandros Galaxy morphology in different environments V. Charmandaris High School Teacher (Physics), Rethymnon
Savva Kyriaki Laser assisted development of Graphene and Transition Metal Dichalcogenide nanomaterials C. Fotakis, E. Stratakis Postdoctoral researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Shena Joniald Collective behavior and chimera states in networks of nonlinear oscillators and coupled lasers G. Tsironis Analytics Engineer at Systemorph AG (Switzerland)
Tsatrafyllis Nikolaos Quantum optical description of high-harmonic generation: Quantum spectrometer in the XUV spectral range. I Kominis, P. Tzallas Postdoctoral researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Zervos Christos Fabrication and analysis of heterostructure field effect transistors based on AlN and InN A. Georgakilas Visiting Scientist στο Ferdinand Braun Institut, Berlin, Germany
Graduation Year: 2017
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Epitropakis Anastasios Variability studies of the iron line emission in AGN. I. Papadakis Data Analyst/Scientist, Nationale Hypotheek Garantie, The Netherlands
Liodakis Ioannis Unveiling the physics of the most active of galaxies: connecting blazar theory and observations. V. Pavlidou Researcher C, Institute of Astrophysics-FORTH, Greece
Maragkoudakis Alexandros A multi-wavelength study of the activity in a representative sample of nearby star-forming galaxies A. Zezas Postdoctoral Researcher, NASA/Ames Research Center (USA)
Panopoulou Georgia Virginia Structure and Evolution of Magnetic Molecular Clouds, Observational Consequences and Tests. K. Tassis Assistant Professor, Chalmers University (Sweden)
Papadomanolaki Elena Epitaxial growth and characterization of III-Nitrides thin films and heterostructures for photovoltaic applications E. Iliopoulos Chelmsford
Tritsis Aris - Evangelos Multiscale Study of the structure of Molecular Clouds: Connecting Theory with Observations. K. Tassis Ambizione Fellow, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Vitalis Kyriacos Quantum Metrology in Biochemical Magnetometers I. Kominis Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Business and Public Administration, Univ. of Cyprus
Graduation Year: 2016
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Louloudakis Dimitrios Growth and study of novel chromic coatings and devices for \Smart Windows\"" G. Kiriakidis High School Teacher (Physics)
Moschovis Konstantinos Surface Acoustic Wave Devices for Gas Sensing Applications. G. Kiriakidis Ηράκλειο"
Sygletou Maria Laser development of novel materials and diagnostics for Organic Photovoltaic Applications. C. Fotakis Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Genova (Italy)
Graduation Year: 2015
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Bakaimi Ioanna Thomai Structural, magnetic and magnetodielectric behavior of geometrically frustrated manganese oxides. A. Lappas, P. Tzanetakis Associate Science Editor of Device at Cell Press (UK)
Karadimitriou Michail Ultrafast Dynamical properties of strongly interacting systems under nonlinear coherent photoexcitation by multiple ultrashort laser pulses I. Perakis High school teacher (private sector), Heraklion, Crete
Graduation Year: 2014
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Benas Nikolaos A study of the impact of aerosols on the energy budget of the atmosphere using satellite measurements of climatic parameters and computer models I. Vardavas Research Scientist, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands
Bolpasi Vassiliki An Ultra-High Flux Matter-Wave Laser from a Highly Flexible Ioffe-Pritchard Trap P. Rakitzis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Bougas Lykourgos Cavity-enhanced Polarimetry with Signal Reversals: Applications in Atomic Parity Violation and Molecular Chirality P. Rakitzis Principal Quantum Engineer, Quantum Brilliance (Germany)
Carpeggiani Paolo Antonio Studies of 1fs scale dynamics in atoms and molecules D. Charalampidis Postdoctoral Researcher, Photonics Institute, TU Wien (Austria)
Constantinou Yiannis Radiation in Ultraplanckian particle collisions T. Tomaras Business Intelligence Analyst, trivago GmbH (Germany)
Kleovoulou Konstantinos Theory and Simulations of Silicon Nanocomposite Systems X. Zotos, K. Kelires Assistant Vice President of Strategy and Development, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus
Kolliopoulos Georgios Visualization and Control of the Electron Quantum Paths in High Field Laser-Atom Interactions D. Charalampidis Data Scientist, QIAGEN (Germany)
Maravelias Grigoris Investigation of the High-Mass X-ray binary populations in the Small Magellanic Cloud A. Zezas Private sector
Mattheakis Marios Electromagnetic wave propagation in gradient index metamaterials, plasmonic systems and optical fiber networks. G. Tsironis Machine Learning Engineer, Alcority (USA)
Psaroudaki Christina Dynamics of field induced phases in spin S=1 antiferromagnetic chains. X. Zotos, N. Papanicolaou Mitsubishi Chair in Quantum Information, École Normal Supérieur (France)
Graduation Year: 2013
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Bitsakis Thodoris Galaxy evolution in Compact Groups: an infrared perspective V. Charmandaris Data Scientist,, London (UK)
Bonfini Paolo A multi-wavelength study of the stellar content of nearby galaxies A. Zezas Leading Research Engineer, ALMA Sistemi Srl - Engineering for Space (Greece)
Dellis Argiris Quantum Measurements Spin in Alkali Atoms and Bio-molecules. I. Kominis Systems Engineer, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX (USA)
Iatrakis Ioannis Holography and the Phase Structure of Gravity Theories E. Kiritsis Software Scientist, Material Analysis, Thermo Fisher Scientific (The Netherlands)
Margaris Ioannis Ferromagnetic Josephson junction with Inhomogeneous magnetization N. Flytzanis Lecturer, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of Thessaly
Panagiotopoulos Paris Numerical modeling of the nolinear propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in transparent materials G. Tsironis, S. Tzortzakis Laser Development Engineer, Bullen Ultrasonics (USA)
Tserevelakis Georgios Nonlinear optical procedures for the diagnostics and processing of biological samples by using ultra-short laser pulses C. Fotakis Special Teaching Personnel, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Crete
Graduation Year: 2012
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Barberoglou Marios Femtosecond laser micro/nano structuring of solid surfaces: Fundamentals and applications C. Fotakis Application Engineer at Tecnotion - The Linear Motor Company (Germany)
Buchmann Lukas Dynamics of Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates and the Atom Laser P. Lambropoulos Senior Expert Software and Measurement, Hexagon AB, (Switzerland)
Konstantinidis Grigoris Diffractive Dark-Ground Imaging of Ultra-Low Atom Numbers in a Magneto-Optical Trap P. Rakitzis Private sector, Athens
Tsiakatouras George Molecular beam epitaxy of the GaN semiconductor on diamond and r-plane sapphire substrates A. Georgakilas Surface & Coatings Technologies Manager, BIC, Athens (Greece)
Graduation Year: 2011
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Abdollahpour Daryoush Nonlinear laser propagation phenomena in transparent media D. Charalampidis, S. Tzortzakis Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (Iran)
Ajagunna Adebowale Olufunso Heteroepitaxy of InN on silicon (111) and r-plane sapphire substrates A. Georgakilas Deceased 2012 (Nigeria)
Kruse Jann Eike Attosecond Metrology and Application of High Harnonics D. Charalampidis Head of Research and Development · CommonsLab, Heraklion
Manceau Jean-Michel Ισχυροί υπέρ-στενοί παλμοί Terahertz: ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογές G. Tsironis, S. Tzortzakis Researcher, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, Université Paris Sud, Orsay (France)
Pappa Melina Imaging Bose-Einstein condensates at ultra-low atom-numbers and time averaged adiabatic potentials P. Rakitzis Private sector, Athens (Greece)
Sakellari Ioanna Photonic crystals with tunable properties C. Fotakis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL/FORTH (Greece)
Skantzakis Emmanouil Generation and applications of intense isolated attosecond pulses D. Charalampidis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Graduation Year: 2010
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Fthenakis Zacharias Tight-binding molecular dynamics study of structural, electronic, thermodynamic and magnetic properties of clusters A. Andriotis, E. Economou Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Physics, University of South Florida (USA)
Katsoprinakis George Spin noise decoherence and magnetic effects in alkali atoms and biomolecules I. Kominis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Metavitsiadis Alexandros Conductivities of magnetic chains with (non-)magnetic impurities X. Zotos Quantum Technology Engineer, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt(Germany)
Rogdakis Konstantinos Experimental and Theoretical Study of 3C-Silicon Carbide Nanowire Field Effect Transistors P. Tzanetakis Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University
Selimis Alexandros Influence of molecular weight on the UV Laser ablation of polymers and related applications C. Fotakis Special Scientific Collaborator, Ministry of Education.
Sofikitis Dimitrios New methods for the production and detection of polarized atoms: Hydrogen and Chlorine P. Rakitzis Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Ioannina
Stassinopoulos Andreas Light amplification and lasing in nanostructured hybrid materials S. Anastasiadis Private sector, Athens
Graduation Year: 2009
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Adikimenakis Adam Molecular beam epitaxy of (In)AlN/GaN heterostructures for high electron mobility transistors A. Georgakilas Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete, Heraklion
Kokkinaki Olga Dynamics of phase transitions upon UV laser radiation of molecular solids C. Fotakis Postdoctoral Researcher, IESL, Foundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion, Greece
Paltoglou Vassilios Hybrid Josephson Junctions N. Flytzanis Private sector, Heraklion (Greece)
Graduation Year: 2008
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Antoniou Vallia The X-ray Source Population of the Small Magellanic Cloud D. Hatzidimitriou Assistant Professor & Preston Gott Observatory Director, Texas Tech University (USA)
Camara Νicolas Conception, realisation et caracterisation de diodes pin en Carbure de Silicium (SiC) pour applications micro-ondes de puissance P. Tzanetakis Associate Professor, EPF Montpellier, France
Deligeorgis George Construction and study of a diode laser with a variable internal electric field N. Pelekanos, A. Georgakilas Researcher, IESL/FORTH, Heraklion (Greece)
Zorba Vassilia Study of electron and ion emission mechanisms from picosecond laser fabricated Si microstructures C. Fotakis Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory & Associate Adjunct Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
Graduation Year: 2007
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Bounos Giannis Examination of the mechanisms of UV ablation of polymers C. Fotakis ΕΛΙΔΕΚ
Dimakis Emmanouil Physical Mechanisms in Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Properties of InN(001) Films A. Georgakilas Staff Scientist, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany)
Doudoulakis Christos On vortices and solitons in Goldstone and abelian-Higgs models T. Tomaras Private Sector, Athens
Garofalakis Anikitos Fluorescence molecular tomography and in-vivo applications E. Economou Application Engineer, BioSpace Lab (France)
Kapetanakis Myron Dynamic electronic and optical properties of magnetic semiconductors I. Perakis Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Physics, University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA)
Kavousanaki Eleftheria Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of the Quantum Hall System I. Perakis Instructor, EPITA: Ecole d'Ingénieurs en Informatique, Paris (France)
Lavvas Panayotis Spatial and temporal variability in the atmosphere and surface of titan: Simulation and interpretation through space and ground - based observations I. Vardavas Researcher CNRS, University of Reims, (France)
Mika Agnes Very Low Frequency EM Wave Studies of Transient Luminous Events in the Lower Ionosphere C. Haldoupis Research Scientist, ARGOSS (The Netherlands)
Spyridaki Maria Development of diagnostic techniques in Laser ablation with temporally Manipulated Ultrashort Laser pulses P. Tzanetakis High-school Physics Teacher, Crete
Graduation Year: 2006
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Hadjisavvas George Theoretical investigation of the properties of nanostructured semiconducting systems with Monte Carlo Simulations and first principles calculations P. Kelires High-school Physics Teacher, Heraklion
Panotopoulos Grigoris Cosmological evolution in brane-worlds with large transverse dimensions: Inflation and dark matter T. Tomaras Research Staff, Universidad de la Frontera (Chile)
Voultsidou Marotesa Theoretical and Computational Study of Graph Models and Applications to Mapping Brain Activity and to Image Processing G. Tsironis Data Analyst, Niometrics, Athens
Graduation Year: 2005
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Anastasopoulos Paschalis Orientifolds, Anomalies and the Standard Model Ε. Kiritsis ERC Research officer (Belgium)
Fyta Maria Theoretical investigation of the stability and mechanical properties of nanostructured amorphous carbon P. Kelires Professor, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
Giannios Dimitris Spectral and timing properties of black-hole binaries and gamma-ray bursts N. Kylafis Professor, Department of Physics, Purdue University, (USA)
Graduation Year: 2004
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Makris Michael Electron correlation effects in laser-atom interactions P. Lambropoulos Employee in Civil Aviation (Greece)
Graduation Year: 2003
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Eleftheriou Maria Statistical properties of classical nonlinear lattices G. Tsironis High-school Physics Teacher, Heraklion
Penciu - Raluca Sorina Acoustic and elastic waves in periodic and random media E. Economou Private sector, Heraklion (Greece)
Rissanou Anastasia Simulation studies on polymeric and colloidal systems S. Anastasiadis Associate Researcher (Grade C), Associate Researcher (Grade C), Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation (Greece)
Stamatiadis Stamatis Saddle-node bifurcations in the vibrational spectra of small polyatomic molecules T. Tomaras Laboratory Teaching Staff, Dept. of Materials Science & Technology, Univ. of Crete (Greece)
Tzoumanekas Christos Monte Carlo Simulations of Silicon-Germanium Alloys P. Kelires Senior Research Associate Dept. of Chemical Engineering, National Technical Univ. of Athens (Greece)
Voulgarakis Nikolaos Nonlinear localization in model systems and materials G. Tsironis Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, Washington State Univ., WA (USA)
Graduation Year: 2002
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Koubenakis Antonis UV laser ablation of molecular cryogenic films C. Fotakis Private Sector, Heraklion
Loukakos Panagiotis The influence of structure on ultrafast electron dynamics in non-stoichiometric III-V semiconductors and metallic nano-composites C. Fotakis Principal Researcher, FORTH/IESL, Heraklion
Merlemis Nikolaos Stimulated emissions and quantum interference in potassium atom-laser interaction T. Efthimiopoulos Associate Professor, Dept. of Surveying Engineering & Geoinformatics, Univ. of West Attica (Greece)
Remediakis Ioannis First - Principles Studies of Solid Surfaces. Pure and Colloyed Si(100) and NO chemisorption on MoO3(010) P. Kelires Associate Professor, Dept. of Materials Science & Technology, Univ. of Crete (Greece)
Stefanakis Nikos Josephson effect in anisotropic superconductors N. Flytzanis
Graduation Year: 2001
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Benis Emmanouil A novel high-efficiency paracentric hemispherical spectrograph for zero-degree auger projectile spectroscopy T. Zouros Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Ioannina
Karadamoglou John Bulk and Surface Spin-Flop Transitions N. Papanicolaou Laboratory Teaching Staff, Department of Physics, University of Crete
Maniadis Panagiotis Numerical investigation of discrete breather dynamical properties in several ordered and disordered nonlinear lattices G. Tsironis Private Sector, Santa Barbara, CA (USA)
Misiriotis Angelos Morphology and dynamics of spiral galaxies N. Kylafis Deceased 2008
Nikolopoulos Georgios Multiple excitations in structured radiation reservoirs P. Lambropoulos Principal Researcher (Level B), FORTH/IESL, Heraklion
Retsos Haris Investigation and modification of structure and properties of polymer surfaces and interfaces S. Anastasiadis Laboratory Teaching Staff, Athens School of Fine Arts
Spanakis Emmanuel Mechanical properties and their photo-induced changes in hydrogenated amorphous Silicon: Study of the role of hydrogen P. Tzanetakis Teaching and Laboratory Staff, Dept. of Materials Science, Univ. of Crete (Greece)
Stratakis Emmanouil Photo-induced metastable phenomena in hydrogenated amorphous Silicon. The role of microstructure from amorphous to the edge before microcrystalline material P. Tzanetakis Research Director, IESL/FORTH (Greece)
Graduation Year: 2000
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Pliakis Dimitris Asymptotic behaniour of Schrodinger and Euler Lagrange equations near singular points E. Floratos, C. Callias -
Graduation Year: 1999
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Komineas Stavros Dynamics of topological magnetic solitons N. Papanicolaou Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Univ. of Crete
Maragakis Paul Atoms in short, Intense, Laser Pulses: Application to Potassium and Helium P. Lambropoulos Researcher, Dept. of Chemistry and Biology, D. E. Shaw Research (USA)
Nikolopoulos Lampros Negative hydrogen in intense laser fields P. Lambropoulos Associate Professor, Dublin City University, (Ireland)
Xirouchaki-Pedersen Chrisa Growth and characterization of indium oxide(InOx) films G. Kiriakidis Deceased 2011
Graduation Year: 1998
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Dialinas Athanasios Studies of transport mechanisms of mesoscopic particles in periodic non-symmetric potentials and in contact with out of thermal equilibrium environments. G. Tsironis Public Sector, Heraklio (Greece)
Kopidakis Nikos Formation and properties of metastable defects induced by pulsed laser irradiation in hydrogenated amorphous Silicon 1 P. Tzanetakis Research scientist, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (ΗΠΑ)
Lathiotakis Nectarios Applications of tight-binding molecular dynamics: Studies of Ni clusters and Si-Ni chemisorption on Si(110) surface. E. Economoυ, A. Andriotis Research Director, Institute for Theoretical & Physical Chemistry, National Hellenic Research Foundation (Greece)
Vlachakis Nectarios Analytical modeling of Cosmic Winds and Jets K. Tsinganos Professor, Dept of Physics, Univ. of Athens (Greece)
Zaharioudakis Dimitris The implementation of the quadratic approximation of the theory of Korringa - Kohn - Rostoker in the study of substitutional impurities in metals A. Andriotis, E. Economou Musician and Adjunct Assist. Prof, TEI of Rethymnon, Crete (Greece)
Zambetaki Irene Study of localization in disordered systems E. Economou Private Sector, Chania (Greece)
Graduation Year: 1997
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Kafesaki Maria Scattering and propagation of acoustic and elastic waves in random media E. Economou Professor, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Univ. of Crete (Greece)
Kalosakas George Statistical and dynamical properties of polarons in the semiclassical Holstein model G. Tsironis Associate Professor, Dept. of Materials Science, Univ. of Patras (Greece)
Kottos Tsampikos Electron dynamics and transport properties in one-dimensional and quasi-one dimensional disordered lattices G. Tsironis Professor, Dept. of Physics, Wesleyan University (USA)
Mailis Sakellaris Optical signal proccessing with photorefractive materials C. Fotakis Ast. Professor, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Russia)
Petekidis George Dynamics and conformation of Hairy-Rod Polymers in Isotropic Solutions G. Fytas, S. Anastasiadis Professor, Dept. of Materials Science, Univ. of Crete (Greece)
Graduation Year: 1996
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Lagadas Michael Low temperature growth of GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs. Material study and applications A. Christou Public sector, Corfu (Greece)
Papadogiannis Nectarios Interaction of ultrashort intense laser pulses with metallic surfaces C. Fotakis Professor, Dept. of Music Technology & Acoustics, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Rethymno (Greece)
Papadogonas John Electronic and optical properrties of Si/Ce superlattices E. Economou, A. Andriotis Efaltirio Press, Athens (Greece)
Stratopoulos George Dynamics of vortices in 2-dimensional charged fluids T. Tomaras Economic Consultant Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Graduation Year: 1995
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Pavlakis Contantinos Theoretical study of OH MASERS in star-forming regions N. Kylafis Adjunct Ast. Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Heraklion
Sourlantzis George The magnetohydrodynamic nature of the solar atmosphere. Models for magnetized plasma loops with flows K. Tsinganos Deceased 2005
Graduation Year: 1994
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Mavromatakis Fotis Soft X-Ray emission from accreting binary pulsars J. Ventura Professor, Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece)
Graduation Year: 1993
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Kondilis Antonis Absorption and localization of light in amorphous semiconductor thin films and multilayers P. Tzanetakis Adjunct Ast. Prof, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Heraklion (Greece)
Shao (Yongliang) Leon Coherent and Strong Laser Field Interactions within the Atomic Continuum C. Fotakis Sr. System Admin at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (USA)
Graduation Year: 1992
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Xing Xing Interference Effects in Multiphoton Excitation Processes C. Fotakis
Graduation Year: 1991
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Dimoulas Athanasios Modulation spectroscopy and its application in the study of III-V semiconductors grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy A. Christou Researcher A, Institute of Materials Science, NCSR Demokritos (Greece)
Floudas George Density, concentration and orientation fluctuations in dense polymer systems and polymer solutions as studied by dynamic light scattering and complementary techniques G. Fytas Professor Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Ioannina (Greece)
Franghiadakis John Vacuum Deposition techniques for Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon thin fims employing neutral and partly ionized atom and cluster beams P. Tzanetakis Professor (retired), TEI of Heraklion (Greece)
Sigalas Michael Total energy calculations of solids using the apw method. B. Classical waves propagation in periodic composite materials E. Economou Professor, Dept. of Materials Science, Univ. of Patras (Greece)
Vlastou-Tsinganos Georgia 2-Dimensional structures in a triangular lattice with a nonlinear substrate N. Flytzanis Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens (Greece)
Graduation Year: 1990
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Georgakilas Alexandros Epitaxial growth and characterization of III-V semiconductors GaAs, AlxGa1-xAs and InyGa1-yAs on Si substrates A. Christou Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete (Greece)
Graduation Year: 1989
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Vegiri Aliki Potential energy surfaces and dynamics of the excited ΟΗ(Α2Σ+) in collisions with He and CO(X1Σ+) S. Farantos, E. Economou Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (Greece)
Graduation Year: 1988
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Lyras Andreas Rydberg series of autoionizing states in strong laser fields. P. Lambropoulos Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Graduation Year: 1987
Name Dissertation Advisor Current Position
Dai Bo-Nian Approximation methods in multi-photon molecular transitions. P. Lambropoulos -