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Condensed Matter Physics Publications 2006

Φυσική Συμπυκνωμένης Ύλης
  1. Chovan, J., Kavousanaki, E.G., and Perakis, I.E., Ultrafast light-induced magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic semiconductors. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 96(5).
  2. Ciudad, A., Sancho, J.M., and Tsironis, G.P., Kinesin as an electrostatic machine. Journal of Biological Physics, 2006. 32(5): p. 455-463.
  3. Dani, K.M., Kavousanaki, E.G., Tignon, J., Chemla, D.S., and Perakis, I.E., Nonlinear optical studies of the transient coherence in the Quantum Hall system. Solid State Communications, 2006. 140(2): p. 72-82.
  4. Dani, K.M., Tignon, J., Breit, M., Chemla, D.S., Kavousanaki, E.G., and Perakis, I.E., Ultrafast dynamics of coherences in a quantum Hall system. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 97(5).
  5. Dani, K.M., Tignon, J., Breit, M., Chemla, D.S., Kavousanaki, E.G., and Perakis, I.E., Dynamics of the collective excitations of the quantum Hall system. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2006. 34(1-2): p. 206-209.
  6. Franghiadakis, Y. and Tzanetakis, P., Explicit empirical relation for the monthly average cell-temperature performance ratio of photovoltaic arrays. Progress in Photovoltaics, 2006. 14(6): p. 541-551.
  7. Fyta, M.G., Remediakis, I.N., Kelires, P.C., and Papaconstantopoulos, D.A., Insights into the fracture mechanisms and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 96(18).
  8. Gundogdu, T.F., Tsiapa, I., Kostopoulos, A., Konstantinidis, G., Katsarakis, N., Penciu, R.S., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., Koschny, T., and Soukoulis, C.M., Experimental demonstration of negative magnetic permeability in the far-infrared frequency regime. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 89(8).
  9. Hadjisavvas, G., Remediakis, I.N., and Kelires, P.C., Shape and faceting of Si nanocrystals embedded in a-SiO2: A Monte Carlo study. Physical Review B, 2006. 74(16).
  10. Ivic, Z. and Tsironis, G.P., Biphonons in the beta-Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena, 2006. 216(1): p. 200-206.
  11. Kapetanakis, M.D., Manousaki, A., and Perakis, I.E., Three-body correlation effects on the spin dynamics of double-exchange ferromagnets. Physical Review B, 2006. 73(17).
  12. Kavousanaki, E.G., Dani, K.M., Tignon, J., Chemla, D.S., and Perakis, I.E., Correlation effects in the ultrafast dynamics of the Quantum Hall system close to nu=1. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2006. 243(10): p. 2397-2404.
  13. Lazarides, N., Eleftheriou, M., and Tsironis, G.P., Discrete breathers in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 97(15).
  14. Louis, K., Prelovsek, P., and Zotos, X., Thermal conductivity of one-dimensional spin-1/2 systems coupled to phonons. Physical Review B, 2006. 74(23).
  15. Marder, M. and Papanicolaou, N., Geometry and elasticity of strips and flowers. Journal of Statistical Physics, 2006. 125(5-6): p. 1069-1096.
  16. Miller, J.K., Qi, J., Xu, Y., Cho, Y.J., Liu, X., Furdyna, J.K., Perakis, I., Shahbazyan, T.V., and Tolk, N., Near-bandgap wavelength dependence of long-lived traveling coherent longitudinal acoustic phonons in GaSb-GaAs heterostructures. Physical Review B, 2006. 74(11).
  17. Paltoglou, V., Margaris, I., and Flytzanis, N., Andreev spectrum and supercurrent in a multilayer ferromagnetic clean Josephson junction. Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and General, 2006. 39(31): p. 9861-9880.
  18. Penciu, R.S., Kafesaki, M., Gundogdu, T.F., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Theoretical study of left-handed behavior of composite metamaterials. Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, 2006. 4(1): p. 12-16.
  19. Remediakis, I.N., Jesson, D.E., and Kelires, P.C., Probing the structure and energetics of dislocation cores in SiGe alloys through Monte Carlo simulations. Physical Review Letters, 2006. 97(25).
  20. Sonnet, P., Stauffer, L., Tammar, E.M., and Kelires, P.C., Stress modifications induced by dimer vacancies in the Si(001) surface: Monte Carlo simulations. Surface Science, 2006. 600(18): p. 3600-3605.
  21. Soukoulis, C.M., Kafesaki, M., and Economou, E.N., Negative-index materials: New frontiers in optics. Advanced Materials, 2006. 18(15): p. 1941-1952.
  22. Spanakis, E., Chimmalgi, A., Stratakis, E., Grigoropoulos, C.P., Fotakis, C., and Tzanetakis, P., Atomic force microscopy based, multiphoton, photoelectron emission imaging. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 89(1).
  23. Spanakis, E., Stratakis, E., and Tzanetakis, P., Metastable photoexpansion of hydrogenated amorphous silicon produced by exposure to short laser pulses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2006. 352(5): p. 429-433.
  24. Su, B., Schroter, P., Heitmann, D., Perakis, I.E., Wegscheider, W., and Schuller, C., Ultrafast spectroscopy of the quantum Hall ferromagnet. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2006. 34(1-2): p. 381-384.
  25. Zhou, J.F., Economon, E.N., Koschny, T., and Soukoulis, C.M., Unifying approach to left-handed material design. Optics Letters, 2006. 31(24): p. 3620-3622.
  26. Zorba, V., Persano, L., Pisignano, D., Athanassiou, A., Stratakis, E., Cingolani, R., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Making silicon hydrophobic: wettability control by two-lengthscale simultaneous patterning with femtosecond laser irradiation. Nanotechnology, 2006. 17(13): p. 3234-3238.
  27. Zorba, V., Tzanetakis, P., Fotakis, C., Spanakis, E., Stratakis, E., Papazoglou, D.G., and Zergioti, I., Silicon electron emitters fabricated by ultraviolet laser pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 2006. 88(8).
  28. Zotos, X., Microcanonical Lanczos method. Philosophical Magazine, 2006. 86(17-18): p. 2591-2601.