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Applied Physics Publications 2013

Εφαρμοσμένη Φυσική
  1. Anton, C., Liew, T.C.H., Tosi, G., Martin, M.D., Gao, T., Hatzopoulos, Z., Eldridge, P.S., Savvidis, P.G., and Vina, L., Energy relaxation of exciton-polariton condensates in quasi-one-dimensional microcavities. Physical Review B, 2013. 88(3).
  2. Askitopoulos, A., Ohadi, H., Kavokin, A.V., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Lagoudakis, P.G., Polariton condensation in an optically induced two-dimensional potential. Physical Review B, 2013. 88(4).
  3. Coulson, C., Christmann, G., Cristofolini, P., Grossmann, C., Baumberg, J.J., Tsintzos, S.I., Konstantinidis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Savvidis, P.G., Electrically controlled strong coupling and polariton bistability in double quantum wells. Physical Review B, 2013. 87(4).
  4. Cristofolini, P., Dreismann, A., Christmann, G., Franchetti, G., Berloff, N.G., Tsotsis, P., Hatzopoulos, Z., Savvidis, P.G., and Baumberg, J.J., Optical Superfluid Phase Transitions and Trapping of Polariton Condensates. Physical Review Letters, 2013. 110(18).
  5. Daskalakis, K.S., Eldridge, P.S., Christmann, G., Trichas, E., Murray, R., Iliopoulos, E., Monroy, E., Pelekanos, N.T., Baumberg, J.J., and Savvidis, P.G., All-dielectric GaN microcavity: Strong coupling and lasing at room temperature. Applied Physics Letters, 2013. 102(10).
  6. Dimitrakis, P., Normand, P., Bonafos, C., Papadomanolaki, E., and Iliopoulos, E., GaN quantum-dots integrated in the gate dielectric of metal-oxide-semiconductor structures for charge-storage applications. Applied Physics Letters, 2013. 102(5).
  7. Dimitrakis, P., Normand, P., Ioannou-Sougleridis, V., Bonafos, C., Schamm-Chardon, S., BenAssayag, G., and Iliopoulos, E., Quantum dots for memory applications. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2013. 210(8): p. 1490-1504.
  8. Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Lotsari, A., Kehagias, T., Ajagunna, A., Georgakilas, A., Karakostas, T., and Komninou, P., Structure and interfacial properties of semipolar s-plane (1-101) InN grown on r-plane sapphire. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2013. 210(1): p. 199-203.
  9. Germanis, S., Beveratos, A., Gauthron, K., Stavrinidis, A., Konstantinidis, G., Hatzopoulos, Z., and Pelekanos, N.T., Recombination dynamics in piezoelectric (2 1 1)B InAs quantum dots. Microelectronic Engineering, 2013. 112: p. 179-182.
  10. Itskos, G., Xristodoulou, X., Iliopoulos, E., Ladas, S., Kennou, S., Neophytou, M., and Choulis, S., Electronic and interface properties of polyfluorene films on GaN for hybrid optoelectronic applications. Applied Physics Letters, 2013. 102(6).
  11. Katsidis, C.C., Ajagunna, A.O., and Georgakilas, A., Optical characterization of free electron concentration in heteroepitaxial InN layers using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and a 2 x 2 transfer-matrix algebra. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013. 113(7).
  12. Kavouras, P., Lotsari, A., Kehagias, T., Georgakilas, A., Komninou, P., and Dimitrakopoulos, G.P., Influence of defect characteristics on the nanoindentation response of a-plane GaN thin films. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 2013. 210(1): p. 213-217.
  13. Kehagias, T., Dimitrakopulos, G.P., Ajagunna, A.O., Koukoula, T., Tsagaraki, K., Adikimenakis, A., Komninou, P., and Georgakilas, A., Growth mechanism and microstructure of low defect density InN (0001) In-face thin films on Si (111) substrates. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013. 114(16).
  14. Kioseoglou, J., Koukoula, T., Komninou, P., Georgakilas, A., Androulidaki, M., and Kehagias, T., Nanostructural and electronic properties of polytypes in InN nanocolumns. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013. 114(7).
  15. Motaung, D.E., Mhlongo, G.H., Kortidis, I., Nkosi, S.S., Malgas, G.F., Mwakikunga, W., Ray, S.S., and Kiriakidis, G., Structural and optical properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by aerosol spray pyrolysis: Candidates for room temperature methane and hydrogen gas sensing. Applied Surface Science, 2013. 279: p. 142-149.
  16. Nkosi, S.S., Kortidis, I., Motaung, D.E., Keartland, J., Sideras-Haddad, E., Forbes, A., Mwakikunga, B.W., Kiriakidis, G., and Sinha-Ray, S., Optical constants correlated electrons-spin of micro doughnuts of Mn-doped ZnO films. Applied Surface Science, 2013. 280: p. 79-88.
  17. Nkosi, S.S., Kortidis, I., Motaung, D.E., Malgas, G.F., Keartland, J., Sideras-Haddad, E., Forbes, A., Mwakikunga, B.W., Sinha-Ray, S., and Kiriakidis, G., Orientation-dependent low field magnetic anomalies and room-temperature spintronic material - Mn doped ZnO films by aerosol spray pyrolysis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013. 579: p. 485-494.
  18. Pecz, B., Toth, L., Barna, A., Tsiakatouras, G., Ajagunna, A.O., Kovacs, A., and Georgakilas, A., Structural characteristics of single crystalline GaN films grown on (111) diamond with AlN buffer. Diamond and Related Materials, 2013. 34: p. 9-12.