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Course Information

In this web page we provide the syllabus of the course Differential Equations I, offered by the Department of Physics.

The list of the courses offered during the current accademic year is available here

The list of all courses offered by the Department of Physics is available here.

Code Φ-211
Title Differential Equations I
Category A
Hours 6
Level Undergraduate
Semester Winter
Teacher S. Sotiriadis

Monday, 11:00-13:00, Amphitheater ST
Thursday, 11:00-13:00, Amphitheater ST
Friday, 9:00-11:00, Room 3

Course Webpage
Goal of the Course

The course is addressed to second year students and has as a goal to introduce the basic concepts and solution techniques of ordinary differential equations and their applications to fundamental problems in Mechanics, Electromagnetism, as well as in research fields other than physics.


1. Ordinary differential Equations of first order: Introduction, initial value problem. The concept of General Solution, Separation of variables, homogeneous equations, linear equations of first order. (Bernoulli and Ricatti equations). Exact equations and integrating factors. Simple applications. (2 weeks)
2. Second order differential equations: linear equations with constant coefficients. Non-homogeneous equations. Variation of parameters. Euler equations. (2 weeks)
3. Newton's equations: Applications in basic problems of Mechanics. Motion under different laws of friction in a homogeneous gravitational field. Harmonic Oscillation with and without friction. Forced oscillations. Motion in a one-dimensional force field. Electrical analogues of mechanics problems. (2 weeks)
4. General study of linear differential equations: The principle of linear combination.The wronskian and its applications. Abel's formula. Calculating the second solution when one is already known. Reduction of order. Complete solution of a non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation when the solutions of the homogeneous one are known. Laplace transformation method for solving linear differential equations with constant coefficients. (3 weeks)
5. Systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients: method of Elimination and Exponential Substitution method. Applications to problems of coupled oscillators and electrical circuits. Solution methods using matrices. (Evolution operator method.) (2 weeks)
6. Linear differential equations with variable coefficients: Series solutions. Taylor and Frobenius series. Ordinary and Singular points, convergence of Series solutions. Fuchs' theorem. Applications to Bessel, Legendre and Hermite equations. (2 weeks)


Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 8th Edition, by W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima, John Wiley & Sons, (2005).