The computational support of the Physics Department is provided by a group of specialized staff, which designs, implements and supports the hardware and the software of the Department. The provided services are mainly the following:
- Computing Environment
- high performance computers, cluster, parallel and distributed computing
- software development platforms
- printers, scanners, faxes
- computer labs
- computing resource planning
- Central Infrastructure
- design, administrate and support the department's computer network
- provide and support services such as E-mail, DNS, IP Addressing, DHCP, File services, Virtualization e.t.c.
- Central back up services
- Software
- supply and installation of software
- central administration of software
- software updates
- user support
- Dynamic web page hosting
- create, support and extend platforms for the development of dynamic web pages
- support for the web page administrators
- management of security issues, software updates
- Technical Support
- technical support for research groups, research labs and users
- installation of virtual servers
- supply of documentation
- support of seminars and conferences held by the department