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Course Information

In this web page we provide the syllabus of the course Physics Laboratory II - Electricity, offered by the Department of Physics.

The list of the courses offered during the current accademic year is available here

The list of all courses offered by the Department of Physics is available here.

Code Φ-207
Title Physics Laboratory II - Electricity
Category A
Hours 3
Level Undergraduate
Semester Spring
Teacher Ch. Baharidis

Section A: Tuesday 10:00-13:00 
Section B: Tuesday 14:00-17:00 
Section C: Wednesday 13:00-16:00

Course Webpage
Goal of the Course

The course "F-207 Physics Laboratory II - Electricity" is addressed to second-year students. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with concepts of electricity, as well as with procedures and techniques for measuring electrical quantities through a series of ten experiments. Each student should come well prepared and informed on the topics of the experiment she/he will perform, using for her/his study the notes of the laboratory guide and the corresponding literature.


Measurements of DC electrical quantities. Measurement of AC alternating electrical quantities. Study of RC, RL and RLC circuits with DC excitation. Study of RLC circuits with AC excitation, series and parallel resonance. Study of electric filters. Study of AC and DC bridge circuits, zeroing systems, capacitance, inductance and resistance measurement, ohmmeter. Study of semiconducting diode pn, AC voltage rectification. Measurement of the force between the parallel plates of a flat capacitor. Electrolysis and Voltameter. Development and measurement of magnetic field in a solenoid coil. Measurement of the e/m ratio reviving the Thomson experiment.


The experimental exercises and the necessary theoretical background are contained in two independent textbooks by C. G. Bacharides published in 2020 and updated in 2023. Students can also choose the following bibliography:
Physics For Scientists & Engineers, R. A. Serway, Electromagnetism.
Physics, Halliday – Resnick, Part Β.
Συνήθεις Διαφορικές Εξισώσεις, Στέφανος Τραχανάς, Τόμος 1.
Statistical Physics Berkeley, Frederick Reif , Volume 5.