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Course Information

In this web page we provide the syllabus of the course Quantum Structure of Matter, offered by the Department of Physics.

The list of the courses offered during the current accademic year is available here

The list of all courses offered by the Department of Physics is available here.

Code Φ-304
Title Quantum Structure of Matter
Category B
Hours 6
Level Undergraduate
Semester Spring
Teacher S. Trachanas, I. Karadamoglou

Monday 14:00-17:00, Room 3

Course Webpage
Goal of the Course

The course is addressed to third year students and requires the knowledge of an introductory course in quantum mechanics. It presents the practical but also detailed application of basic principles of quantum mechanics in the description of the physical properties of matter.


1. Introductory theory: Brief review of the basics of quantum mechanics. The hydrogen atom: eigenvalues, eigenstates, s- and p-orbitals. Basic theory of spin, identical particles. Perturbation theory and variational methods. (duration: 2 weeks).
2. Atoms:The notion of the effective central potential. Lifting of the hydrogen-like degeneracy. The periodic system of elements. Simple order of magnitude estimates. Approximate calculation of the ground state of the Helium atom. The real hydrogen atom. Fine and hyperfine structure. The states of multi-electron systems. Hund’s rules.(duration: 4 weeks)
3. Molecules: Introduction to the concept of the chemical bond. The double well. Structure and properties of a few simple molecules (H2, O2, H2O, NH3). Detailed study of the ammonia molecule. The ammonia maser.Orbital hybridization of chemical bonds and carbon compounds. Delocalized chemical bonds. The many well system in linear or cyclic arrangements. Conjugated and aromatic hydrocarbons (polyacetylene and benzene). A quantitative calculation from first principles: the molecular hydrogen ion.(duration: 3 weeks)
4. Solids: The one-dimensional solid and the tight-binding approximation (linear combination of atomic orbitals). Energy bands and the problem of electrical conductivity. Conductors, semiconductors and insulators. Fermi energy and the density of states. Ultradense matter and the Chandrasekhar limit.(duration 2 weeks)
5. Matter and light. Phenomenology of the interaction of light with atoms. The concepts of rate, cross-section and mean-free-path. The Fermi rule and its application to the process of resonance. Laser light and its properties. Polarized photons and polarizers.(duration 2 weeks)


«Κβαντοµηχανική Ι» – Σ. Τραχανάς (Πανεπιστηµιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο, 2007) 
«Κβαντοµηχανική ΙΙ» – Σ. Τραχανάς (Πανεπιστηµιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο, 2008)