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Nature Physics offers news and reviews alongside top-quality research papers in a monthly publication, covering the entire spectrum of physics. Physics addresses the properties and interactions of matter and energy, and plays a key role in the development of a broad range of technologies. To reflect this, Nature Physics covers all areas of pure and applied physics research. The journal focuses on core physics disciplines, but is also open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics.
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- Nature Physics, Published online: 20 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02702-x Topological terms arise naturally in gauge theories but have been difficult to implement in quantum simulators. Now, a tunable topological θ-angle is demonstrated with a cold-atom platform.
- Nature Physics, Published online: 19 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02748-x Publisher Correction: Heavy-tailed neuronal connectivity arises from Hebbian self-organization
- Nature Physics, Published online: 18 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02697-5 The phonon density of states in diamond is engineered using phononic crystals to suppress single-phonon processes that induce decoherence in individual quantum emitters.
- Nature Physics, Published online: 16 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02696-6 Measurements combined with post-processing of their outcomes can be used to prepare ordered quantum states. It has been shown that they can drive a Nishimori phase transition into a disordered state even in the presence of quantum errors.
- Nature Physics, Published online: 12 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02711-w Quantum fluctuations in frustrated magnets are expected to produce unconventional emergent behaviour. Neutron spectroscopy measurements now provide evidence for emergent gauge fields in a pyrochlore spin ice.
- Nature Physics, Published online: 12 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02718-3 In systematic studies of radioactive isotopes, the so-called islands of inversion appear to be promising areas of the nuclear chart in which to look for phenomena that challenge the traditional description of the atomic nucleus.
- Nature Physics, Published online: 12 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02747-y Author Correction: Real-space imaging of phase transitions in bridged artificial kagome spin ice
- Nature Physics, Published online: 10 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41567-024-02719-2 90 years after the first production of radioactive isotopes, it’s time for the next phase of discoveries.