Elias Kiritsis finished his undergraduate studies at the University of Athens in 1984. He concluded his graduate studies (Ph.D.) at the California Institute of Technology in 1988 on the subject of Conformal Field Theories. His academic genealogy tree is here.
He then worked as a research fellow at the University of California, Berkeley (1988-91) and Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (1991-92). Afterwards, he was a member of the CERN Theory Division in Geneva (1992-98). Since 1999 he is a Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Crete. In 2016 he was awarded an ERC consolidator grant entitled "Gravity, Holography and the Standard Model".
His research is concentrated in Theoretical High Energy Physics and Cosmology, with the use of Quantum Field Theory and String Theory. In particular it focuses in the non-perturbative Physics of Field Theory and of M-Theory, D-branes, Supersymmetry and Supersymmetry Breaking, Instantons in String Theory, Conformal Field Theory, Gauge Theories, Black Holes and String Cosmology.