Theoretical High Energy Physics
- Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Tsagli, V., and Zhukov, V.A., LAERTIS, a multidisciplinary station. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 468-473.
- Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E.B., Bourlis, G., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Leisos, A., Ludvig, J., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Staveris, T., Tsagli, V., Tsirigotis, A., and Zhukov, V.A., Recent results from NESTOR. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 452-456.
- Anassontzis, E.G., Aggouras, G., Ball, A.E., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., and Green, C., Towers and KM3NeT. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 538-544.
- Anastasopoulos, P., Bianchi, M., Dudas, E., and Kiritsis, E., Anomalies, anomalous U(1)'s and generalized Chern-Simons terms. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(11).
- Anastasopoulos, P., Dijkstra, T., Kiritsis, E., and Schellekens, B., Orientifolds, hypercharge embeddings and the Standard Model. Nuclear Physics B, 2006. 759(1-2): p. 83-146.
- Buchbinder, I.L., Fotopoulos, A., Petkou, A.C., and Tsulaia, M., Constructing the cubic interaction vertex of higher spin gauge fields. Physical Review D, 2006. 74(10).
- Cafarella, A., Coriano, C., and Tomaras, T.N., Searching for extra dimensions in high energy cosmic rays. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 2006. 151: p. 351-354.
- Coriano, C., Irges, N., and Kiritsis, E., On the effective theory of low-scale orientifold string vacua. Nuclear Physics B, 2006. 746(1-2): p. 77-135.
- de Haro, S. and Petkou, A.C., Instantons and conformal holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(12).
- Kiritsis, E., Product CFTs, gravitational cloning, massive gravitons and the space of gravitational duals. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(11).
- Kiritsis, E., D-branes in standard model building, gravity and cosmology (vol 421, pg 105, 2005). Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, 2006. 429(2): p. 121-122.
- Kofinas, G., Panotopoulos, G., and Tomaras, T.N., Brane-bulk energy exchange: a model with the present universe as a global attractor. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006(1).
- Petkou, A.C. and Siopsis, G., Noncritical M-theory and the Gross-Neveu model in 2+1 dimensions. Physics Letters B, 2006. 640(4): p. 209-213.
- Tomaras, T.N., Centauros and/or Chirons as evaporating mini black holes. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 2006. 151: p. 367-370.
- Tsagli, S., Aggouras, G., Anassontzis, E.G., Ball, A.E., Chinowsky, W., Fahrun, E., Grammatikakis, G., Green, C., Grieder, P., Katrivanos, P., Koske, P., Ludvig, J., Markopoulos, E., Minkowsky, P., Nygren, D., Papageorgiou, K., Przybylski, G., Resvanis, L.K., Siotis, I., Sopher, J., Staveris, T., Tsagli, V., Zhukov, V.A., and Collaboration, N., Recent measurements on the Hamamatsu 13 in., R8055, PhotoMultiplier Tubes. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006. 567(2): p. 511-514.
- Tsamis, N.C. and Woodard, R.P., Dimensionally regulated graviton 1-point function in de Sitter. Annals of Physics, 2006. 321(4): p. 875-893.