Astrophysics & Space Physics
- Alatalo, K., Appleton, P.N., Lisenfeld, U., Bitsakis, T., Lanz, L., Lacy, M., Charmandaris, V., Cluver, M., Dopita, M.A., Guillard, P., Jarrett, T., Kewley, L.J., Nyland, K., Ogle, P.M., Rasmussen, J., Rich, J.A., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Xu, C.K., and Yun, M., STAR FORMATION SUPPRESSION IN COMPACT GROUP GALAXIES: A NEW PATH TO QUENCHING? Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 812(2).
- Bitsakis, T., Dultzin, D., Ciesla, L., Krongold, Y., Charmandaris, V., and Zezas, A., Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - I. Nuclear activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 450(3): p. 3114-3126.
- Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Panopoulou, G., Liodakis, I., King, O.G., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Das, H., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Myserlis, I., Modi, D., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A., Reig, P., Readhead, A.C.S., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., RoboPol: first season rotations of optical polarization plane in blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 453(2): p. 1669-1683.
- Brassington, N.J., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., Lanz, L., Smith, H.A., Willner, S.P., and Klein, C., THE SPITZER INTERACTING GALAXIES SURVEY: A MID-INFRARED ATLAS OF STAR FORMATION. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2015. 218(1).
- Chakraborty, N., Pavlidou, V., and Fields, B.D., HIGH ENERGY POLARIZATION OF BLAZARS: DETECTION PROSPECTS. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 798(1).
- Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Georgakakis, A., Bernhard, E., Mitchell, P.D., Buat, V., Elbaz, D., LeFloc'h, E., Lacey, C.G., Magdis, G.E., and Xilouris, M., Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 576.
- D'Abrusco, R., Fabbiano, G., and Zezas, A., SPATIAL STRUCTURES IN THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER DISTRIBUTION OF THE 10 BRIGHTEST VIRGO GALAXIES. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 805(1).
- De Rosa, G., Peterson, B.M., Ely, J., Kriss, G.A., Crenshaw, D.M., Horne, K., Korista, K.T., Netzer, H., Pogge, R.W., Arevalo, P., Barth, A.J., Bentz, M.C., Brandt, W.N., Breeveld, A.A., Brewer, B.J., Bonta, E.D., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Denney, K.D., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Evans, P.A., Fausnaugh, M.M., Gehrels, N., Gelbord, J.M., Goad, M.R., Grier, C.J., Grupe, D., Hall, P.B., Kaastra, J., Kelly, B.C., Kennea, J.A., Kochanek, C.S., Lira, P., Mathur, S., McHardy, I.M., Nousek, J.A., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Pei, L., Schimoia, J.S., Siegel, M., Starkey, D., Treu, T., Uttley, P., Vaughan, S., Vestergaard, M., Villforth, C., Yan, H., Young, S., and Zu, Y., SPACE TELESCOPE AND OPTICAL REVERBERATION MAPPING PROJECT. I. ULTRAVIOLET OBSERVATIONS OF THE SEYFERT 1 GALAXY NGC 5548 WITH THE COSMIC ORIGINS SPECTROGRAPH ON HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 806(1).
- Edelson, R., Gelbord, J.M., Horne, K., McHardy, I.M., Peterson, B.M., Arevalo, P., Breeveld, A.A., De Rosa, G., Evans, P.A., Goad, M.R., Kriss, G.A., Brandt, W.N., Gehrels, N., Grupe, D., Kennea, J.A., Kochanek, C.S., Nousek, J.A., Papadakis, I., Siegel, M., Starkey, D., Uttley, P., Vaughan, S., Young, S., Barth, A.J., Bentz, M.C., Brewer, B.J., Crenshaw, D.M., Bonta, E.D., De Lorenzo-Caceres, A., Denney, K.D., Dietrich, M., Ely, J., Fausnaugh, M.M., Grier, C.J., Hall, P.B., Kaastra, J., Kelly, B.C., Korista, K.T., Lira, P., Mathur, S., Netzer, H., Pancoast, A., Pei, L., Pogge, R.W., Schimoia, J.S., Treu, T., Vestergaard, M., Villforth, C., Yan, H., and Zu, Y., SPACE TELESCOPE AND OPTICAL REVERBERATION MAPPING PROJECT. II. SWIFT AND HST REVERBERATION MAPPING OF THE ACCRETION DISK OF NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 806(1).
- Kammoun, E.S., Papadakis, I.E., and Sabra, B.M., Variability of the soft X-ray excess in IRAS 13224-3809. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 582.
- Kylafis, N.D. and Belloni, T.M., Accretion and ejection in black-hole X-ray transients. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 574.
- Lehmer, B.D., Tyler, J.B., Hornschemeier, A.E., Wik, D.R., Yukita, M., Antoniou, V., Boggs, S., Christensen, F.E., Craig, W.W., Hailey, C.J., Harrison, F.A., Maccarone, T.J., Ptak, A., Stern, D., Zezas, A., and Zhang, W.W., THE 0.3-30 keV SPECTRA OF POWERFUL STARBURST GALAXIES: NuSTAR AND CHANDRA OBSERVATIONS OF NGC 3256 AND NGC 3310. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 806(1).
- Leiton, R., Elbaz, D., Okumura, K., Hwang, H.S., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Valtchanov, I., Dickinson, M., Bethermin, M., Schreiber, C., Charmandaris, V., Dole, H., Juneau, S., Le Borgne, D., Pannella, M., Pope, A., and Popesso, P., GOODS-Herschel: identification of the individual galaxies responsible for the 80-290 mu m cosmic infrared background. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 579.
- Liodakis, I. and Pavlidou, V., Population statistics of beamed sources - II. Evaluation of Doppler factor estimates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 454(2): p. 1767-1777.
- Liodakis, I. and Pavlidou, V., Population statistics of beamed sources - I. A new model for blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 451(3): p. 2434-2446.
- Lu, N.Y., Zhao, Y.H., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Diaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Inami, H., Howell, J., Liu, L.J., Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Privon, G.C., Lord, S.D., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., and Van Der Werf, P.P., MEASURING STAR FORMATION RATES AND FAR-INFRARED COLORS OF HIGH-REDSHIFT GALAXIES USING THE CO(7-6) AND N II 205 mu m LINES. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2015. 802(1).
- Pannella, M., Elbaz, D., Daddi, E., Dickinson, M., Hwang, H.S., Schreiber, C., Strazzullo, V., Aussel, H., Bethermin, M., Buat, V., Charmandaris, V., Cibinel, A., Juneau, S., Ivison, R.J., Le Borgne, D., Le Floc'h, E., Leiton, R., Lin, L., Magdis, G., Morrison, G.E., Mullaney, J., Onodera, M., Renzini, A., Salim, S., Sargent, M.T., Scott, D., Shu, X., and Wang, T., GOODS-HERSCHEL: STAR FORMATION, DUST ATTENUATION, AND THE FIR-RADIO CORRELATION ON THE MAIN SEQUENCE OF STAR-FORMING GALAXIES UP TO z similar or equal to 4. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 807(2).
- Panopoulou, G., Tassis, K., Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., King, O.G., Paleologou, E., Ramaprakash, A., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Das, H.K., Feiler, R., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kiehlmann, S., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Liodakis, I., Mahabal, A., Modi, D., Myserlis, I., Papadakis, I., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., and Zensus, J.A., Optical polarization map of the Polaris Flare with RoboPol. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 452(1): p. 715-726.
- Ptak, A., Hornschemeier, A., Zezas, A., Lehmer, B., Yukita, M., Wik, D., Antoniou, V., Argo, M.K., Ballo, L., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Della Ceca, R., Christensen, F.E., Craig, W.W., Hailey, C.J., Harrison, F.A., Krivonos, R., Maccarone, T.J., Stern, D., Tatum, M., Venters, T., and Zhang, W.W., A FOCUSED, HARD X-RAY LOOK AT ARP 299 WITH NuSTAR. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 800(2).
- Pyrina, M., Hatzianastassiou, N., Matsoukas, C., Fotiadi, A., Papadimas, C.D., Pavlakis, K.G., and Vardavas, I., Cloud effects on the solar and thermal radiation budgets of the Mediterranean basin. Atmospheric Research, 2015. 152: p. 14-28.
- Reig, P. and Kylafis, N.D., A jet model for Galactic black-hole X-ray sources: The correlation between cutoff energy and phase lag. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 584.
- Rosenberg, M.J.F., van der Werf, P.P., Aalto, S., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A.S., Fischer, J., Gao, Y., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Greve, T.R., Harris, A.I., Henkel, C., Israel, F.P., Isaak, K.G., Kramer, C., Meijerink, R., Naylor, D.A., Sanders, D.B., Smith, H.A., Spaans, M., Spinglio, L., Stacey, G.J., Veenendaal, I., Veilleux, S., Walter, F., Weiss, A., Wiedner, M.C., van der Wiel, M.H.D., and Xilouris, E.M., THE HERSCHEL COMPREHENSIVE (U)LIRG EMISSION SURVEY (HERCULES): CO LADDERS, FINE STRUCTURE LINES, AND NEUTRAL GAS COOLING. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 801(2).
- Sloan, G.C., Herter, T.L., Charmandaris, V., Sheth, K., Burgdorf, M., and Houck, J.R., SPECTRAL CALIBRATION IN THE MID-INFRARED: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS. Astronomical Journal, 2015. 149(1).
- Tanoglidis, D., Pavlidou, V., and Tomaras, T.N., Testing ACDM cosmology at turnaround: where to look for violations of the bound? Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(12).
- Tassis, K. and Pavlidou, V., Searching for inflationary B modes: can dust emission properties be extrapolated from 350 GHz to 150 GHz? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 451(1): p. L90-L94.
- Tritsis, A., Panopoulou, G.V., Mouschovias, T.C., Tassis, K., and Pavlidou, V., Magnetic field-gas density relation and observational implications revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 451(4): p. 4384-4396.
- Vardoulaki, E., Charmandaris, V., Murphy, E.J., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., Privon, G.C., Stierwalt, S., and Barcos-Munoz, L., Radio continuum properties of luminous infrared galaxies Identifying the presence of an AGN in the radio. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 574.
- Xu, C.K., Cao, C., Lu, N., Gao, Y., Diaz-Santos, T., Herrero-Illana, R., Meijerink, R., Privon, G., Zhao, Y.H., Evans, A.S., Konig, S., Mazzarella, J.M., Aalto, S., Appleton, P., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Chu, J., Haan, S., Inami, H., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., and van der Werf, P., ALMA OBSERVATIONS OF WARM DENSE GAS IN NGC 1614-BREAKING OF THE STAR FORMATION LAW IN THE CENTRAL KILOPARSEC. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 799(1).
- Zezas, A., Trumper, J.E., and Kylafis, N.D., Broad-band X-ray spectra of anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft. gamma-ray repeaters: pulsars in a weak-accretion regime? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 454(4): p. 3366-3375.