The course consists of a series of informative seminars in topics of contemporary physics. The aim, apart from updating students in modern, active topics in physics, is also to bring undergraduates in contact with the research activity of the department. Consequently the course is intended exclusively for first and second year students .
Tuesday, 16:00-18:00, Amphitheater X/P
Indicative seminar topics:
The ten scales of matter, Three enigma and their solution: The Uncertainty principle, Elementary particles and cosmology, Superconductivity, Laser cooling and Bose-Einstein condensation, Micro/Nano-electronics, Modern astrophysics, Quantum Optics, X-ray lasers.
E.N. Economou “Contemporary Physics”, 5th Eds, Vols 1+2, Crete University Press, Heraklion, 2004 (in Greek)
Popular science journals: Scientific American, La Recherche, Physics Today etc.