Ph.D. Physics Yale 1983, M.Phil Physics Yale 1979, M.Sc. Physics Yale 1976, B.S. Physics MIT 1974. His academic genealogy tree is here.
Post doctorate fellow: Yale (1983), HMI - Berlin (1984 - 1986), Kansas State University (1986 - 1990). Department of Physics, University of Crete: Assistant professor (1990 - 1996), Associate professor (1996 - 2013), Professor (2013 - present). Adjunct professor, Kansas State University, JR Macdonald Laboratory (2000 - present). In 2006 he was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society. He retired in 2018. From 2013, his research continues in the field of accelerator-based atomic physics at the 5MV tandem accelerator at the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics at the National Center for Scientific Research – Demokritos in Athens, where a beam line dedicated to atomic physics has been developed and a unit for the high resolution Auger spectroscopy of Projectile Ions has been setup funded through the program APAPES ( – ESPA 2007-2013).
Accelerator-based atomic physics, high resolution Auger electron spectroscopy of highly charged ions, electron scattering from highly charged ions, electron spectrometry of high-Z relativistic highly charged ions within the planned Stored Particle Atomic Research Collaboration (SPARC) at GSI-Darmstadt. The SPARC collaboration is organizing the SPARC 2015 international workshop in Fodele Crete 23-26/9/2015.
In 2011-2013 he organized the Erasmus IP CPOTS: Charged Particle Optics - Theory and Simulation, an intense two week summer school funded by the EU in Heraklion Crete.
Since 2015 he collaborates closely via the APAPES project with experimentalist Prof. Manolis Benis at the Univ. of Ioannina and theorist Prof. Alain Dubois at the Sorbonne, Paris, on measurements and dynamic calculations of three-electron systems using energetic He-like ion beams in collisions with He targets. Such (quasi) three-electron systems, while simple enough to allow for the identification of individual excitation processes and the calculation of their cross sections, are also complex enough to present a real challenge to ab initio non-perturbative theoretical approaches.
Prof. Zouros continues to be active in this collaboration even after his retirement.