Φυσική Συμπυκνωμένης Ύλης
- Bahlouli, H., Alhaidari, A.D., Al Zahrani, A., and Economou, E.N., Electromagnetic wave propagation in an active medium and the equivalent Schrodinger equation with an energy-dependent complex potential. Physical Review B, 2005. 72(9).
- Cheng, W., Wang, J.J., Jonas, U., Steffen, W., Fytas, G., Penciu, R.S., and Economou, E.N., The spectrum of vibration modes in soft opals. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005. 123(12).
- Eleftheriou, M. and Tsironis, G.P., Breather lattices as pseudospin glasses. Physica Scripta, 2005. 71(3): p. 318-324.
- Faatz, M., Cheng, W., Wegner, G., Fytas, G., Penciu, R.S., and Economou, E.N., Mechanical strength of amorphous CaCO3 colloidal spheres. Langmuir, 2005. 21(15): p. 6666-6668.
- Fyta, M.G. and Kelires, P.C., Simulations of composite carbon films with nanotube inclusions. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 86(19).
- Fyta, M.G. and Kelires, P.C., Computer Simulations of carbon nanostructures under pressure. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2005. 13: p. 13-20.
- Hadjisavvas, G. and Kelires, P.C., Critical aspects of alloying and stress relaxation in Ge/Si(100) islands. Physical Review B, 2005. 72(7).
- Kafesaki, M., Koschny, T., Penciu, R.S., Gundogdu, T.F., Economou, E.N., and Soukoulis, C.M., Left-handed metamaterials: detailed numerical studies of the transmission properties. Journal of Optics a-Pure and Applied Optics, 2005. 7(2): p. S12-S22.
- Katsarakis, N., Konstantinidis, G., Kostopoulos, A., Penciu, R.S., Gundogdu, T.F., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., Koschny, T., and Soukoulis, C.M., Magnetic response of split-ring resonators in the far-infrared frequency regime. Optics Letters, 2005. 30(11): p. 1348-1350.
- Komineas, S., Cooper, N.R., and Papanicolaou, N., Single vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 2005. 72(5).
- Komineas, S., Vaz, C.A.F., Bland, J.A.C., and Papanicolaou, N., Bubble domains in disc-shaped ferromagnetic particles. Physical Review B, 2005. 71(6).
- Koschny, T., Markos, P., Economou, E.N., Smith, D.R., Vier, D.C., and Soukoulis, C.M., Impact of inherent periodic structure on effective medium description of left-handed and related metamaterials. Physical Review B, 2005. 71(24).
- Louis, K. and Zotos, X., Spin conductance in one-dimensional spin-phonon systems. Physical Review B, 2005. 72(21).
- Mathioudakis, C., Kopidakis, G., Kelires, P.C., Patsalas, P., Gioti, M., and Logothetidis, S., Electronic and optical properties of a-C from tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations. Thin Solid Films, 2005. 482(1-2): p. 151-155.
- Papanicolaou, N., Komineas, S., and Cooper, N.R., Virial theorems for vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A, 2005. 72(5).
- Patsalas, P., Logothetidis, S., and Kelires, P.C., Surface and interface morphology and structure of amorphous carbon thin and multilayer films. Diamond and Related Materials, 2005. 14(8): p. 1241-1254.
- Perakis, I.E. and Kavousanaki, E.G., Theory of ultrafast exciton dynamics in the Quantum Hall system. Chemical Physics, 2005. 318(1-2): p. 118-136.
- Savin, A.V., Tsironis, G.P., and Zotos, X., Thermal conductivity of a classical one-dimensional Heisenberg spin model. Physical Review B, 2005. 72(14).
- Sigalas, M., Kushwaha, M.S., Economou, E.N., Kafesaki, M., Psarobas, I.E., and Steurer, W., Classical vibrational modes in phononic lattices: theory and experiment. Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie, 2005. 220(9-10): p. 765-809.
- Stoian, R., Mermillod-Blondin, A., Bulgakova, N.M., Rosenfeld, A., Hertel, I.V., Spyridaki, M., Koudoumas, E., Tzanetakis, P., and Fotakis, C., Optimization of ultrafast laser generated low-energy ion beams from silicon targets. Applied Physics Letters, 2005. 87(12).
- Stoian, R., Mermillod-Blondin, A., Winkler, S.W., Rosenfeld, A., Hertel, I.V., Spyridaki, M., Koudoumas, E., Tzanetakis, P., Fotakis, C., Burakov, I.M., and Bulgakova, N.M., Temporal pulse manipulation and consequences for ultrafast laser processing of materials. Optical Engineering, 2005. 44(5).
- Tammar, E.M., Sonnet, P., Stauffer, L., and Kelires, P.C., General trends of the carbon penetration in Si(001) surfaces. Solid State Communications, 2005. 135(1-2): p. 138-143.
- Zhou, J., Koschny, T., Kafesaki, M., Economou, E.N., Pendry, J.B., and Soukoulis, C.M., Saturation of the magnetic response of split-ring resonators at optical frequencies. Physical Review Letters, 2005. 95(22).