Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Δημοσιεύσεις Ατομικής, Μοριακής και Οπτικής Φυσικής 2018

Ατομική, Μοριακή και Οπτική Φυσική
  1. Benis, E.P., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Nanos, S., and Zouros, T.J.M., Mixed-State Ionic Beams: An Effective Tool for Collision Dynamics Investigations.Atoms, 2018. 6(4).
  2. Benis, E.P., Madesis, I., Laoutaris, A., Nanos, S., and Zouros, T.J.M., Experimental determination of the effective solid angle of long-lived projectile states in zero-degree Auger projectile spectroscopy.Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2018.222: p. 31-39.
  3. Bergues, B., Rivas, D.E., Weidman, M., Muschet, A.A., Helml, W., Guggenmos, A., Pervak, V., Kleineberg, U., Marcus, G., Kienberger, R., Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., Schroeder, H., Krausz, F., and Veisz, L., Tabletop nonlinear optics in the 100-eV spectral region.Optica, 2018. 5(3): p. 237-242.
  4. Geddes, A.J., Skripnikov, L.V., Borschevsky, A., Berengut, J.C., Flambaum, V.V., and Rakitzis, T.P., Enhanced nuclear-spin-dependent parity-violation effects using the (HgH)-Hg-199 molecule.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(2).
  5. Gratsea, A., Nikolopoulos, G.M., and Lambropoulos, P., Photon-assisted quantum state transfer and entanglement generation in spin chains.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(1).
  6. Kannis, C.S., Katsoprinakis, G.E., Sofikitis, D., and Rakitzis, T.P., Nuclear-spin-polarization dynamics of H-2, D-2, and HD molecules in magnetic fields.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(4).
  7. Mondal, S., Shirozhan, M., Ahmed, N., Bocoum, M., Boehle, F., Vernier, A., Haessler, S., Lopez-Martens, R., Sylla, F., Sire, C., Quere, F., Nelissen, K., Varju, K., Charalambidis, D., and Kahaly, S., Surface plasma attosource beamlines at ELI-ALPS.Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2018. 35(5): p. A93-A102.
  8. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., Effects of field fluctuations on driven autoionizing resonances.European Physical Journal D, 2018. 72(12).
  9. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., Revisiting photon-statistics effects on multiphoton ionization.Physical Review A, 2018. 97(5).
  10. Mouloudakis, G. and Lambropoulos, P., Autoionizing states driven by stochastic electromagnetic fields.Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 2018. 51(1).
  11. Nayak, A., Orfanos, I., Makos, I., Dumergue, M., Kuhn, S., Skantzakis, E., Bodi, B., Varju, K., Kalpouzos, C., Banks, H.I.B., Emmanouilidou, A., Charalambidis, D., and Tzallas, P., Multiple ionization of argon via multi-XUV-photon absorption induced by 20-GW high-order harmonic laser pulses.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(2).
  12. Rivas, D.E., Major, B., Weidman, M., Helml, W., Marcus, G., Kienberger, R., Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P., Balogh, E., Kovacs, K., Tosa, V., Bergues, B., Varju, K., and Veisz, L., Propagation-enhanced generation of intense high-harmonic continua in the 100-eV spectral region.Optica, 2018. 5(10): p. 1283-1289.
  13. Simitzi, C., Harimech, P., Spanou, S., Lanara, C., Heuer-Jungemann, A., Manousaki, A., Fotakis, C., Ranella, A., Kanaras, A.G., and Stratakis, E., Cells on hierarchically-structured platforms hosting functionalized nanoparticles.Biomaterials Science, 2018. 6(6): p. 1469-1479.
  14. Sofikitis, D., Kannis, C.S., Boulogiannis, G.K., and Rakitzis, T.P., Ultrahigh-Density Spin-Polarized H and D Observed via Magnetization Quantum Beats.Physical Review Letters, 2018. 121(8).
  15. Sofikitis, D., Suarez, J., Schmidt, J.A., Rakitzis, T.P., Farantos, S.C., and Janssen, M.H.M., Exit-channel recoil resonances by imaging the photodissociation of single quantum-state-selected OCS molecules.Physical Review A, 2018. 98(3).
  16. Tzallas, P., Bergues, B., Rompotis, D., Tsatrafyllis, N., Chatziathanassiou, S., Muschet, A., Veisz, L., Schroeder, H., and Charalambidis, D., Time gated ion microscopy of light-atom interactions.Journal of Optics, 2018. 20(2).