Professional Activities
- 1.
- Editorial Activities:
- Editorial Board, Physical Review E (1998-1999)
- Associate Editor, Physical Review E (1999-2001)
- 2.
- Organization of Meetings
- OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (Dijon, September
1999): Chair, Spatial Solitons Subcommittee
- OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (Victoria, April
1-3, 1998): Member, Program Committee
- BRIMS Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Nonlinear Optics
(Bristol, September 2-3, 1996): Co-organizer
- IQEC'96 Satellite Meeting ``Guided-Wave Propagation and Devices''
(Canberra, 12-14 July 1996): Member, Organizing Committee
- Workshop on Nonlinear Guided Waves (Sydney, July 1995):
Member, Program Committee
- A Study Center of the European Science Foundation ``Nonlinear Optics and Guided
Waves'' (Edinburgh, August 1-20, 1994):
Member, Organizing Committee
- Workshop on Nonlinear Guided Waves (Canberra, July 1994):
- 3.
- Member of Professional Societies: The Ukrainian Physical Society, 1987-1990;
American Mathematical Society, 1989-1993; Optical Society of America, 1993 -present;
Australian Optical Society, 1995-present; Australian Institute of Physics (Fellow),
1996-present; American Physical Society (1998-present)
- 4.
- Reviewer: Physical Review Letters; Physical Review A, B, and E; Physics Letters
A; Physics Reports; Physica D: Nonlinear Physics; Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and
General; Journal of Physics: Solid States; Optics Letters; Journal of Optical Society of
America B; Optics and Quantum Electronics.
- 5.
- Book Reviewer: Z. fur Mathematik, Mathematical Reviews, Optics and Photonics
News; Physics Today (for Springer-Verlag)
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