Papers in Refereed Journals
- 1.
- A. M. Kosevich and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Evolution of soliton-antisoliton pair
under the action of perturbations in the sine-Gordon system'', Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 8
(1982) 1270-1284 [English translation: Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 8 (1982) 644].
- 2.
- A.M. Kosevich and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Explanation of specific sine-Gordon
soliton dynamics in the presence of external perturbations'', Phys. Lett. A 98
(1983) 237-239.
- 3.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, V.V. Konotop, and Yu.A. Sinitsyn, ``Forced domain wall motion
in the presence of fluctuations'', Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 55 (1985) 1232-1234 [English
translation: Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 30 (1985) 710-711].
- 4.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and A.M. Kosevich, ``Inelastic interaction of domain walls and
relaxation of the magnetic soliton in biaxial ferromagnetics'', Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 12
(1986) 440-443 [English translation: Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys.].
- 5.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, V.V. Konotop, and Yu.A. Sinitsyn, ``Effect of fluctuations on
the forced motion and interaction of domain walls in one-dimensional magnetic systems''
Z. Phys. B 65 (1986) 209-223.
- 6.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Three-particle and inelastic effects in the
interaction of conservatively perturbed nonlinear Schrodinger equation solitons'',
Phys. Lett. A 115 (1986) 377-380.
- 7.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Three particle and inelastic effects in the
interactions of conservatively perturbed sine-Gordon equation kinks'', Phys. Lett. A 115
(1986) 381-384.
- 8.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Radiative losses in collisions of two
fluxons in dc driven damped Josephson junctions'', Phys. Lett. A 118 (1986)
- 9.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Many-fluxon kinetics in an inhomogeneous
damped dc driven Josephson junction'', Phys. Lett. A 119 (1986) 237-240.
- 10.
- F.G. Bass, Yu.S. Kivshar and V.V. Konotop, ``Diffraction of a nonlinear
spatially incoherent wave'', Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 92 (1987) 432-443 [English
translation: Sov. Phys. JETP 65 (1987) 245-250].
- 11.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, A.M. Kosevich, and O.A. Chubykalo, ``Point-defect scattering
of bound quasiparticles as a soliton problem (one-dimensional case)'', Zh. Eksp.
Teor. Fiz. 93 (1987) 968-977 [English translation: Sov. Phys. JETP 66 (1987)
- 12.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Many-particle effects in nearly integrable
systems'', Physica D 24 (1987) 125-154.
- 13.
- F.G. Bass, Yu.S. Kivshar, V.V. Konotop, and S.A. Puzenko, ``Propagation of
nonlinear incoherent pulses in single-mode optical fibers'', Opt. Commun. 68
(1988) 385-390.
- 14.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Radiative and inelastic effects in the
dynamics of double sine-Gordon solitons'', Phys. Lett. A 122 (1987) 245-248.
- 15.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, A.M. Kosevich, and O.A. Chubykalo, ``Resonant and non-resonant
soliton scattering by impurities'', Phys. Lett. A 125 (1987) 35-40.
- 16.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Evolution of a sine-Gordon breather under
the action of conservative perturbations'', Europhys. Lett. 4 (1987)
- 17.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, B.A. Malomed, and A.A. Nepomnyashchy, ``Interaction of a
fluxon with a localized inhomogeneity in a long Josephson junction'', Zh. Eksp. Teor.
Fiz. 94 (1988) 356-365 [English translation: Sov. Phys. JETP 67 (1988)
- 18.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Dynamics of fluxons in a system of coupled
Josephson junctions'', Phys. Rev. B 37 (1988) 9325-9331.
- 19.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Quasiclassical quantization and radiative
decay of sine-Gordon solitons pinned by a micro-inhomogeneity'', J. Phys. A: Math.
Gen. 21 (1988) 1553-1561.
- 20.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Comment on ``Nonexistence of
small-amplitude breather solutions in
theory'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 (1988) 164.
- 21.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and T.K. Soboleva, ``Influence of exchange relaxation on the
domain wall dynamics in biaxial ferromagnets', Fizika Metalov Metaloved. 66
(1988) 5-11 [Phys. Met. Metall. 66 (1988) 1-7].
- 22.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Interaction of a fluxon with a local
inhomogeneity in a long Josephson junction'', Phys. Lett. A 129 (1988)
- 23.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``On the dynamics of soliton excitations in coupled chains'',
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 57 (1988) 4232-4241.
- 24.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Solitons in a system of coupled Korteweg-de
Vries equations'', Wave Motion 11 (1989) 261-269.
- 25.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``On the soliton generation in optical fibers'' J. Phys.
A: Math. Gen. 22 (1989) 337-340.
- 26.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Pulse excitation of solitons in easy-plane
ferromagnets'', Fiz. Tverd. Tela 31 (1989) 209-212 [Sov. Phys. Solid State 31
(1989) 293-294].
- 27.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and V.V. Konotop, ``Solitons in fiber waveguides with slowly
varying parameters'', Kvantovaya Elektron. 16 (1989) 868-871 [English
translation: Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 19 (1989) 566-567].
- 28.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Generation of Josephson vortices by a
current pulse'', Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 95 (1989) 742-750 [English translation:
Sov. Phys. JETP 68 (1989) 421-425].
- 29.
- S.A. Gredeskul and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Generation of dark solitons in optical
fibers'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 (1989) 977.
- 30.
- F.G. Bass, Yu.S. Kivshar, V.V. Konotop, and G.M. Pritula, ``On stochastic
dynamics of solitons in inhomogeneous optical fibers'', Opt. Commun. 70 (1989)
- 31.
- A.S. Rozhavsky, Yu.S. Kivshar and A.V. Nedzvetsky, ``Dependence of elastic
characteristics of charge-density-wave conductors on the dc electric field'', Phys.
Rev. B 40 (1989) 4168-4170.
- 32.
- V.E. Vekslerchik, Yu.S. Kivshar, and V.V. Konotop, ``Damping of solitons in
fiber lightguides'', Opt. Spektrosk. 67 (1989) 963-967 [Opt. Spectrosc. 67
(1989) 566-568].
- 33.
- V.V. Afanasjev, Yu.S. Kivshar, V.V. Konotop, and V.N. Serkin, ``Dynamics of
coupled dark and bright optical solitons'', Opt. Lett. 14 (1989) 805-807.
- 34.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Interaction of solitons in tunnel-coupled
optical fibers'', Opt. Lett. 14 (1989) 1365-1367.
- 35.
- S.A. Gredeskul and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Dark-soliton generation in optical
fibers'', Opt. Lett. 14 (1989) 1281-1283.
- 36.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Perturbation theory based on the Riemann problem for the
Landau-Lifshitz equation'', Physica D 40 (1989) 11-32.
- 37.
O.M. Braun, Yu.S.
Kivshar, and I.I. Zelenskaya, ``Kinks in the Frenkel-Kontorova model with
long-range interparticle interactions'', Phys. Rev. B 41 (1990) 7118-7138.
- 38.
- S.A. Gredeskul, Yu.S. Kivshar, and M.V. Yanovskaya, ``Dark-pulse solitons in
nonlinear-optical fibers'', Phys. Rev. A 41 (1990) 3994-4008.
- 39.
- O.M. Braun and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Kinks in quasi-two-dimensional systems'',
Fiz. Tverd. Tela 32 (1990) 1399-1405 [English translation: Sov. Phys. Solid State 32
(1990) 817-820].
- 40.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and V.V. Konotop, ``Vector solitons in fiber waveguides with a
random birefringence'', Kvantovaya Elektron. 17 (1990) 1599-1602 [English
translation: Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 20 (1990) 1495-1498].
- 41.
- V.I. Gorentsveig, Yu.S. Kivshar, A.M. Kosevich, and E.S. Syrkin, ``Nonlinear
surface elastic modes in crystals'', Phys. Lett. A 144 (1990) 479-486.
- 42.
- S.A. Gredeskul and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Generation of dark solitons from
stimulated Raman-scattering'', Pisma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 16 (1990) 25-29 [English
translation: Tech. Phys. Lett. 16 (1990) 215].
- 43.
- O.M. Braun and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Discreteness effects in the kink scattering
by a mass impurity'', Phys. Lett. A 149 (1990) 119-123.
- 44.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, A.M. Kosevich, and O.A. Chubykalo, ``Radiative effects in the
theory of beam propagation at nonlinear interfaces'', Phys. Rev. A 41 (1990)
- 45.
- O.M. Braun and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Kinks in a system of adatomic chains'',
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2 (1990) 5961-5970.
- 46.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and S.A. Gredeskul, ``Dark solitons produced by phase steps in
nonlinear optical fibers'', Opt. Commun. 79 (1990) 285-290.
- 47.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and T.K. Soboleva, ``Supersolitons in layered Josephson
structures'', Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 42 (1990) 2655-2658.
- 48.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Stability of solitons in two-mode fiber waveguides with a
group-velocity mismatch'', Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 20 (1990) 1498.
- 49.
- V.I. Gorentsveig, Yu.S. Kivshar, A.M. Kosevich, and E.S. Syrkin, ``Self-modulated
nonlinear shear surface acoustic waves in crystals'', Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 16
(1990) 1472-1482 [English translation: Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 16 (1990) 833-838].
- 50.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Dark-soliton dynamics and shock waves induced by the
stimulated Raman effect in optical fibers'', Phys. Rev. A 42 (1990) 1757
- 51.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, S.A. Gredeskul, A. Sanchez, and L. Vazquez, ``Localization
decay induced by strong nonlinearity in disordered systems'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 64
(1990) 1693-1696.
- 52.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Dynamics of domain walls in elastic
ferromagnets and ferroelastics'', Phys. Rev. B 42 (1990) 8561-8570.
- 53.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Soliton stability in birefringent optical fibers. Analytical
approach'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 7 (1990) 2204-2209.
- 54.
- O.M. Braun and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova
model with impurities'', Phys. Rev. B 43 (1991) 1060-1073.
- 55.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, B.A. Malomed, Zhang Fei, and L. Vazquez, ``Creation of
sine-Gordon solitons by a pulse force'', Phys. Rev. B 43 (1991) 1098-1109.
- 56.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and O.A. Chubykalo, ``Josephson-junction dynamics in the
presence of a localized magnetic inhomogeneity'', Phys. Rev. B 43 (1991)
- 57.
- V.I. Gorentsveig, Yu.S. Kivshar, A.M. Kosevich, and E.S. Syrkin, ``Nonlinear
surface modes in crystals'', Int. J. Eng. Sci. 29 (1991) 271-279.
- 58.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and V.V. Afanasjev, ``Decay of dark solitons due to the
stimulated Raman effect'', Opt. Lett. 16 (1991) 285-287.
- 59.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Solitons in a nonlinear elastic medium'', Phys. Rev. B 43
(1991) 3493-3499.
- 60.
- St. Pnevmatikos, A.V. Zolotaryuk, A.V. Savin, Yu.S. Kivshar, and M.J. Velgakis, ``Nonlinear
transport in hydrogen bonded chains. I. Free soliton excitations'', Phys. Rev. A 43
(1991) 5518-5536.
- 61.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear dynamics near the zero-dispersion point in optical
fibers'', Phys. Rev. A 43 (1991) 1677-1679.
- 62.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and E.S. Syrkin, ``Shear horisontal elastic solitons in crystal
plates'', Phys. Lett. A 153 (1991) 125-128.
- 63.
- D. Anderson, M. Lisak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Polarization oscillations and
soliton stability in birefringent optical fibers'', Physica Scripta 43 (1991)
- 64.
- N. Gronbech-Jensen, Yu.S. Kivshar and M.R. Samuelsen, ``Stabilization of
breathers in a parametrically driven sine-Gordon system with loss'', Phys. Rev. B 43
(1991) 5698-5701.
- 65.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, D. Anderson, A. Hook, M. Lisak, V.V. Afanasjev, and V.N. Serkin,
``Symbiotic optical solitons and modulational instability'', Physica Scripta 44
(1991) 195-202.
- 66.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Soliton scattering by impurities in hydrogen-bonded chains'',
Phys. Rev. A 43 (1991) 3117-3123.
- 67.
- Fei Zhang, Yu.S. Kivshar, B.A. Malomed, and L. Vazquez, ``Kink capture by a
local impurity in the sine-Gordon model'', Phys. Lett. A 159 (1991) 318-322.
- 68.
- O.M. Braun and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Zigzag kinks in the Frenkel-Kontorova model
with a transversal degree of freedom'', Phys. Rev. B 44 (1991) 7694-7697.
- 69.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and E.S. Syrkin, ``Nonlinear surface waves in a discrete
model'', Phys. Lett. A 156 (1991) 155-162.
- 70.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``A new type of surface acoustic waves induced by
nonlinearity'', Phys. Lett. A 161 (1991) 77-79.
- 71.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear localized modes in inhomogeneous chains'',
Phys. Lett. A 161 (1991) 80-84.
- 72.
- A.S. Zeltzer, Yu.S. Kivshar, and T.K. Soboleva, ``Nonlinear dynamics and
collective excitations in layered superconducting structures'', Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 17
(1991) 766-777 [English translation: Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 17 (1991) 403-409].
- 73.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and V.V. Afanasjev, ``Dark solitons of the reverse-sign
amplitude'', Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 44 (1991) R1446-R1449.
- 74.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and E.S. Syrkin, ``Shear solitons in an elastic plate'',
Akust. Zh. 37 (1991) 104-109 [English translation: Sov. Phys. Acoustics 37
(1991) 53-55].
- 75.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, Fei Zhang, and L. Vazquez, ``Resonant soliton-impurity
interactions'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 1177-1180.
- 76.
- O.M. Braun, Zhang Fei, Yu.S. Kivshar, and L. Vazquez, ``Kinks in the
Klein-Gordon model with anharmonic interatomic interactions: a variational approach'',
Phys. Lett. A 157 (1991) 241-245.
- 77.
- R. Scharf, Yu.S. Kivshar, A. Sanchez, and A.R. Bishop, ``Sine-Gordon
kink-antikink generation on spatially periodic potentials'', Phys. Rev. A (Rapid
Communication) 45 (1992) R5369-R5372.
- 78.
- Zhang Fei, Yu.S. Kivshar, and L. Vazquez, ``Resonant kink-impurity
interactions in the sine-Gordon model'', Phys. Rev. A 45 (1992) 6019-6030.
- 79.
- S.A. Gredeskul, Yu.S. Kivshar, L.K. Maslov, A. Sanchez, and L. Vazquez, ``Kink
propagation through disordered media'', Phys. Rev. A 45 (1992) 8867- 8873.
- 80.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, O.H. Olsen, and M.R. Samuelsen, ``Hysteresis loop induced by
rf radiation in Josephson junctions: An analytical approach'', Phys. Lett. A 168
(1992) 391-399.
- 81.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Stable vector solitons composed of bright and dark pulses'',
Opt. Lett. 17 (1992) 1322-1324.
- 82.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and A. Sanchez, ``Kink decay in a parametrically driven
chain'', Phys. Rev. A 45
(1992) 1207-1212.
- 83.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, N. Gronbech-Jensen, and M.R. Samuelsen, ``
kinks in a parametrically driven sine-Gordon
chain'', Phys. Rev. B 45 (1992) 7789-7794.
- 84.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and M. Peyrard, ``Modulational instabilities in discrete
lattices'', Phys. Rev. A 46 (1992) 3198-3205.
- 85.
- Zhang Fei, Yu.S. Kivshar, and L. Vazquez, ``Resonant kink-impurity
interactions in the
Phys. Rev. A 46 (1992) 5214-5220.
- 86.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Class of localized structures in nonlinear lattices''
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 46 (1992) 8652-8654.
- 87.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, A. Sanchez, O.A. Chubykalo, A.M. Kosevich, and L. Vazquez, ``Interference
effects in the soliton scattering by impurities'' J. Phys. A : Math. Gen. 25
(1992) 5711-5728.
- 88.
- N. Gronbech-Jensen and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Inverted kinks in ac driven damped
sine-Gordon chains'', Phys. Lett. A 171 (1992) 338-343.
- 89.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and N. Flytzanis, ``Gap solitons in diatomic lattices'',
Phys. Rev. A 46 (1992) 7972-7978.
- 90.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and S.K. Turitsyn, ``Lattice solitons on a standing carrier
wave'', Phys. Lett. A 171 (1992) 344-348.
- 91.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, S.A. Gredeskul, A. Sanchez, and L. Vazquez, ``Scattering
properties of envelope solitons in disordered systems: Decay of localization effects by
strong nonlinearity'', Waves in Random Media 2 (1992) 125-140.
- 92.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Switching dynamics of solitons in fiber directional
couplers'', Opt. Lett. 18 (1993) 7-9.
- 93.
- St. Pnevmatikos, Yu.S. Kivshar, M.J. Velgakis, and A.V. Zolotaryuk, ``Breathers
in hydrogen-bonded chains'', Phys. Lett. A 173 (1993) 43-52.
- 94.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Localized modes in a chain with nonlinear on-site
potential'', Phys. Lett. A 173 (1993) 172-178.
- 95.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, O.H. Olsen, M.R. Samuelsen, and A.V. Ustinov, ``Fluxon
interaction with external rf radiation in Josephson junctions'', Phys. Rev. B 47
(1993) 5212-5218.
- 96.
- N. Gronbech-Jensen, Yu.S. Kivshar, and M.R. Samuelsen, ``Nonlinear dynamics
of a parametrically driven sine-Gordon system'', Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993)
- 97.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and S.K. Turitsyn, ``Vector dark solitons'', Opt. Lett. 18
(1993) 337-339.
- 98.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and B.A. Malomed, ``Raman-induced optical shocks in nonlinear
fibers'', Opt. Lett. 18 (1993) 485-487.
- 99.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear impurity modes in a lattice'', Phys. Rev. B 47
(1993) 11167-11170.
- 100.
- Ch. Claude, Yu.S. Kivshar, O. Kluth, and K.H. Spatschek, ``Moving localized
modes in nonlinear lattices'', Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993) 14228-14232.
- 101.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar and S.K. Turitsyn, ``Optical double layers'',
Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) 47 (1993) R3502-R3505.
- 102.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Self-induced gap solitons'', Phys. Rev.
Lett. 70 (1993) 3055-3058.
- 103.
- * N. Gronbech-Jensen, Yu.S. Kivshar, and M. Salerno, ``Solitons
on oscillating and rotating backgrounds'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993)
- 104.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and M.L. Quiroga-Teixeiro, ``Influence of the cross-phase
modulation on soliton switching in nonlinear optical fibers'', Opt. Lett. 18
(1993) 980-982.
- 105.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Self-localization in arrays of defocusing waveguides'',
Opt. Lett. 18 (1993) 1147-1149.
- 106.
- O.A. Chubykalo and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Kink-profile vibrational modes in
one-dimensional nonlinear lattices'', Phys. Lett. A 178 (1993) 123-128.
- 107.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, D. Anderson, and M. Lisak, ``Modulational instabilities and
dark solitons in a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation'', Physica Scripta 47
(1993) 679-681.
- 108.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Intrinsic localized modes as solitons with a compact
support'', Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 48 (1993) R43-R45.
- 109.
- O.M. Braun, O.A. Chubykalo, Yu.S. Kivshar, and L. Vazquez, ``Frenkel-Kontorova
model with a transversal degree of freedom: Static properties of kinks'', Phys. Rev.
B 48 (1993) 3734-3743.
- 110.
- R. Grauer and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Chaotic and phase-locked breather dynamics in
the damped and parametrically driven sine-Gordon equation'', Phys. Rev. E 48
(1993) 4791-4800.
- 111.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and M.L. Quiroga-Teixeiro, ``Light-beam propagation at planar
thin-film nonlinear waveguides'', Phys. Rev. A 48 (1993) 4750-4757.
- 112.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Creation of nonlinear localized modes in discrete lattices'',
Phys. Rev. E 48 (1993) 4132-4135.
- 113.
- O.A. Chubykalo and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Strongly localized gap solitons in
diatomic lattices'', Phys. Rev. E 48 (1993) 4128-4131.
- 114.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and D. K. Campbell, ``Peierls-Nabarro potential barrier for
highly localized nonlinear modes'', Phys. Rev. E 48 (1993) 3077-3081.
- 115.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar and X. Yang ``Perturbation-induced dynamics of
dark solitons'', Phys. Rev. E 49 (1994) 1657-1670.
- 116.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, M. Haelterman, Ph. Emplit, and J.P. Hamaide, ``Gordon-Haus
effect on dark solitons'', Opt. Lett. 19 (1994) 19-21.
- 117.
- X. Yang, Yu.S. Kivshar, B. Luther-Davies, and D. Anderson ``Is two-photon
absorption a limitation for dark-soliton switching ?'', Opt. Lett. 19 (1994)
- 118.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and X. Yang ``Dark solitons on backgrounds of finite extent'',
Opt. Commun. 107 (1994) 93-98.
- 119.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar and X. Yang , ``Ring dark solitons'', Phys.
Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 50 (1994) R40-R43.
- 120.
- A.V. Buryak and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Spatial optical solitons governed by
quadratic nonlinearity'', Opt. Lett. 19 (1994) 1612-1614.
- 121.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and S.K. Turitsyn, ``Spatiotemporal pulse collapse on periodic
potentials'', Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 49 (1994) 2536-2539.
- 122.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, F. Rodelsperger, and H. Benner, ``Suppression of chaos by
nonresonant parametric perturbations'', Phys. Rev. E 49 (1994) 319-324.
- 123.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and M. Salerno, ``Modulational instabilities in the discrete
deformable nonlinear Schrodinger equation'', Phys. Rev. E 49 (1994)
- 124.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, A.V. Savin, M.J. Velgakis, and A.V. Zolotaryuk ``Nonlinear
transport in hydrogen-bonded chains: Solitons under external fields and damping'',
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 8 (1994) 1033-1064.
- 125.
- O.M. Braun, I.I. Zelenskaya, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Diffusion in the
Frenkel-Kontorova model with anharmonic interatomic interactions'', Int. J. Mod.
Phys. B 8 (1994) 2353-2389.
- 126.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar, N. Gronbech-Jensen, and R. Parmentier, ``Kinks
in the presence of rapidly varying perturbations'', Phys. Rev. E 49 (1994)
- 127.
- M. Salerno and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``DNA promoters and nonlinear dynamics'',
Phys. Lett. A 193 (1994) 263-266.
- 128.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, M. Haelterman, and A. Sheppard, `` Standing localized modes in
nonlinear lattices'', Phys. Rev. E 50 (1994) 3161-3170.
- 129.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, W. Krolikowski and O. A. Chubykalo, ``Dark solitons in
discrete lattices'', Phys. Rev. E 50 (1994) 5020-5032.
- 130.
- O. M. Braun and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Concentration dependence of conductivity and
diffusivity in one-dimensional anharmonic lattices'', Phys. Rev. B 50 (1994)
- 131.
- Fei Zhang, Yu.S. Kivshar, and L. Vazquez, ``Internal-mode-induced resonances
in soliton-impurity interactions'', J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 63 (1994) 466-471.
- 132.
- * A.V. Buryak and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Solitons due to second-harmonic
generation'', Phys. Lett. A 197 (1995) 407-412.
- 133.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Gap solitons due to cascading'', Phys. Rev. E 51
(1995) 1613-1615.
- 134.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and W. Krolikowski, ``Lagrangian formalism for dark solitons'',
Optics Commun. 114 (1995) 353-362.
- 135.
- A. V. Buryak and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Twin-hole dark solitons'', Phys. Rev.
A (Rapid Communication) 51 (1995) R41-R44.
- 136.
- F. Rodelsperger, Yu.S. Kivshar, and H. Benner, ``Reshaping-induced chaos
suppression'', Phys. Rev. E 51 (1995) 869-872.
- 137.
- A.S. Kovalev, Fei Zhang, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Asymmetric impurity mode
in nonlinear lattices'', Phys. Rev. B 51 (1995) 3218-3221.
- 138.
- A.V. Buryak and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Dark solitons in dispersive quadratic
media'', Opt. Lett. 20 (1995) 834-836.
- 139.
- D.E. Pelinovsky, Yu.A. Stepanyants, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Self-focusing
of plane dark solitons in defocusing media'', Phys. Rev. E 51 (1995)
- 140.
- V.V. Afanasjev, J.S. Aitchison, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Splitting of
high-order optical solitons under the action of two-photon absorption'', Opt. Commun.
116 (1995) 331-338.
- 141.
- Fei Zhang, M.A. Collins, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Kinks and conformational
defects in nonlinear chains", Phys. Rev. E 51 (1995) 3774- 3777.
- 142.
- T.K. Soboleva, A.S. Zeltser, Yu.S. Kivshar, and S.K. Turitsyn, ``Nonlinear
dynamics of layered structures and the generalized sine-lattice equations'', J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn. 64 (1995) 2258-2267.
- 143.
- V.V. Steblina, Yu.S. Kivshar, M. Lisak, and B.A. Malomed, ``Self-trapped
beams in diffractive
media: variational approach'', Opt. Commun. 118 (1995) 345-352.
- 144.
- I.M. Uzunov, R. Muschall, M. Golles, Yu.S. Kivshar, B.A. Malomed, and F.
Lederer, ``Pulse switching in nonlinear fiber directional couplers'', Phys. Rev.
E 51 (1995) 2527-2537.
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- * A.V. Buryak, Yu.S. Kivshar, and V.V. Steblina, `` Self-trapping
of light and optical solitons in diffractive quadratic media'', Phys. Rev. A 52
(1995) 1670-1674.
- 146.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar and W. Krolikowski, ``Instabilities of dark
solitons'', Opt. Lett. 20 (1995) 1527-1529.
- 147.
- P. K. Chu, Yu.S. Kivshar, B. A. Malomed, G. D. Peng, and M. L. Quiroga-Teixeiro, ``Soliton
switching, splitting and controlling in fused nonlinear fiber couplers'', J. Opt.
Soc. Am. B 12 (1995) 898-903.
- 148.
- * D.E. Pelinovsky, A.V. Buryak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Instability
of solitons governed by quadratic nonlinearities'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995)
- 149.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, O.A. Chubykalo, O.V. Usatenko, and D.V. Grinyoff, ``Bright and
dark gap solitons governed by quadratic nonlinearities'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 9
(1995) 2963-2987.
- 150.
- A.W. Snyder, D.J. Mitchell, and Yu.S.
Kivshar, ``Unification of linear and nonlinear guided wave optics'', Mod.
Phys. Lett. B 9 (1995) 1479-1506.
- 151.
- F. Dominquez-Adame, A. Sanchez, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Soliton pinning
by long-range order in aperiodic systems'', Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 52
(1995) 1283-1286.
- 152.
- K.H. Spatschek, S.K. Turitsyn, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Average envelope
soliton dynamics in systems with periodically varying dispersion'', Phys. Lett. A 204
(1995) 269-273.
- 153.
- A.V. Buryak, Yu.S. Kivshar, and S. Trillo, ``Optical solitons supported by
competing nonlinearities'', Opt. Lett. 20 (1995) 1961-1963.
- 154.
- S. Trillo, A.V. Buryak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Modulational
instabilities and optical solitons due to competition of
nonlinearities'', Opt. Commun. 122 (1996) 200-211.
- 155.
- D.E. Pelinovsky, V.V. Afanasjev, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear theory
of oscillating, decaying, and collapsing solitons in the generalized nonlinear
Schrodinger equation'', Phys. Rev. E 53 (1996) 1940-1953.
- 156.
- A.V. Buryak, Yu.S. Kivshar, and D.F. Parker, ``Coupling between bright and
dark solitons'', Phys. Lett. A 215 (1996) 57-62.
- 157.
- W. Krolikowski and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Soliton-based optical switching in
waveguide arrays'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 13 (1996) 876-887.
- 158.
- D.E. Pelinovsky, Yu.S. Kivshar, and V.V. Afanasjev, ``Instability-induced
dynamics of dark solitons'', Phys. Rev. E 54 (1996) 2015-2032.
- 159.
- R.W. Micallef, V.V. Afanasjev, Yu.S. Kivshar, and J.D. Love, ``Optical
solitons with power-law asymptotics'', Phys. Rev. E 54 (1996) 2936-2942.
- 160.
- V. Tikhonenko, J. Christou, B. Luther-Davies, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Observation
of vortex solitons created by the instability of dark soliton stripes'', Opt. Lett. 21
(1996) 1129-1131.
- 161.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and V.V. Afanasjev, ``Drift instability of dark solitons in
saturable media'', Opt. Lett. 21 (1996) 1135-1137.
- 162.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, V.V. Afanasjev, A.W. Snyder, ``Dark-like bright solitons'',
Opt. Commun. 126 (1996) 348-356.
- 163.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and A. Sanchez, ``Kink drift in oscillating fields'',
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 582.
- 164.
- J. Christou, V. Tikhonenko, Yu.S. Kivshar, and B. Luther-Davies, ``Vortex
soliton steering and motion'', Opt. Lett. 21 (1996) 1649-1651.
- 165.
- H. Frauenkron, Yu.S. Kivshar, and B.A. Malomed, ``Multi-soliton collisions in
nearly integrable systems'', Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 54 (1996)
- 166.
- C. Etrich, U. Peschel, F. Lederer, B.A. Malomed, Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Origin of
the persistent oscillations of solitary waves in nonlinear quadratic media'' Phys.
Rev. E 54 (1996) 4321-4324.
- 167.
- Z. Chen, M. Segev, T.H. Coskun, N. Christodoulides, Yu.S. Kivshar, and V.V.
Afanasjev, ``Observation of incoherently coupled dark-bright photorefractive
solitons'', Opt. Lett. 21 (1996) 1821-1823.
- 168.
- V.V. Afanasjev, Yu.S. Kivshar, and C.R. Menyuk, ``Effect of third-order
dispersion on dark solitons'', Opt. Lett. 21 (1996) 1975-1977.
- 169.
- * A.V. Buryak, Yu.S. Kivshar, and S. Trillo, ``Stability of
three-wave parametric solitons in diffractive quadratic media'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 77
(1996) 5210-5213.
- 170.
- R. Micallef, Yu.S. Kivshar, and J.D. Love, ``All-optical switching and beam
self-focusing in nonlinear singlemode Y-splitters'', Electron. Lett. 33
(1997) 80-82.
- 171.
- C. Balslev Clausen, O. Bang, Yu.S. Kivshar, and P.L. Christiansen, ``Effect
of a fluctuating phase mismatch on spatial solitons in quadratic media'', Opt. Lett. 22
(1997) 271-273.
- 172.
- A.P. Sheppard and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Polarized dark solitons in isotropic Kerr
media'', Phys. Rev. E 55 (1997) 4773-4784.
- 173.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, Fei Zhang, and A.S. Kovalev, ``Stable nonlinear heavy-mass
impurity modes'', Phys. Rev. B 55 (1997) 14265-14269.
- 174.
- A.V. Buryak and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Multistability of three-wave
parametric self -trapping'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 3286-3290.
- 175.
- A.W. Snyder and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Bright spatial solitons in non-Kerr media:
Stationary beams and dynamical evolution'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14 (1997)
- 176.
- B. Luther-Davies, J. Christou, V. Tikhonenko, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Optical
vortex solitons: experiment versus theory'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14 (1997)
- 177.
- Z. Chen, M. Segev, T.H. Coskun, D.N. Christodoulides, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Coupled
photorefractive spatial soliton pairs'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14 (1997)
- 178.
- A.V. Buryak, Yu.S. Kivshar, and S. Trillo, ``Parametric spatial solitary
waves due to type II second harmonic generation'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14
(1997) 3110-3118.
- 179.
- C. Balslev Clausen, O. Bang, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Spatial solitons and
induced Kerr effects in quasi-phase-matched quadratic media'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 78
(1997) 4749-4752.
- 180.
- A. De Rossi, S. Trillo, A.V. Buryak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Snake instability
of one-dimensional parametric spatial solitons'', Opt. Lett. 22 (1997)
- 181.
- R.A. Sammut, A.V. Buryak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Solitary waves modified by
third-harmonic generation'', Opt. Lett. 22 (1997) 1385-1387.
- 182.
- O.M. Braun, Yu.S. Kivshar, and M. Peyrard, ``Kink's internal modes in
the Frenkel-Kontorova model'', Phys. Rev. E 56 (1997) 6050-6064.
- 183.
- V.V. Afanasjev, P.K. Chu, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Breathing spatial
solitons in non-Kerr media'', Opt. Lett. 22 (1997) 1388-1390.
- 184.
- A. De Rossi, S. Trillo, A.V. Buryak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Symmetry-breaking
instabilities of spatial parametric solitons'', Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 56
(1997) 4959-4962.
- 185.
- O. Bang, Yu.S. Kivshar, and A.V. Buryak, ``Bright spatial solitons in
defocusing Kerr media supported by cascaded nonlinearities'', Opt. Lett. 22
(1997) 1680-1682.
- 186.
- V. V. Tikhonenko, Yu.S. Kivshar, V. Steblina, and A.A. Zozulya, ``Vortex
solitons in a saturable optical medium'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 15 (1998) 79-86.
- 187.
- V.V. Steblina, Yu.S. Kivshar, and A.V. Buryak, ``Scattering and spiralling of
solitons in a bulk quadratic medium'', Opt. Lett. 23 (1998) 156-158.
- 188.
- P.B. Lundquist, D.R. Andersen, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Multi-color
solitons due to four-wave mixing'', Phys. Rev. E 57 (1998) 3551-3555.
- 189.
- O.M. Braun, O.A. Chubykalo, Yu.S. Kivshar, and T.P. Valkering, ``The
Frenkel-Kontorova model with a transverse degree of freedom: Kinks structure'',
Physica D 113 (1998) 152-156.
- 190.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, Fei Zhang, and S. Takeno, ``Nonlinear surface modes in
monoatomic and diatomic lattices'', Physica D 113 (1998) 248-260.
- 191.
- R. W. Micallef, J.D. Love, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear bent
single-mode waveguide as a simple all-optical switch'', Opt. Commun. 147
(1998) 259-264.
- 192.
- A. Kobyakov, F. Lederer, O. Bang, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear phase shift
and all-optical switching in a quasi-phase-matched quadratic medium'', Opt. Lett. 23
(1998) 506-508.
- 193.
- R.A. Sammut, A.V. Buryak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Bright and dark
solitary waves in the presence of third-harmonic generation'', J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 15
(1998) 1488-1496.
- 194.
- T.J. Alexander, A.V. Buryak, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Stabilization of
dark and vortex parametric spatial solitons'', Opt. Lett. 23 (1998) 670-672.
- 195.
- D.E. Pelinovsky, Yu.S. Kivshar, and V.V. Afanasjev, ``Internal modes of
envelope solitons'', Physica D 116 (1998) 121-142.
- 196.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, Fei Zhang, and S. Takeno, ``Multistable nonlinear surface
modes'', Physica D 119 (1998) 125-133.
- 197.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar, D.E. Pelinovsky, T. Cretegny, and M. Peyrard, ``Internal
modes of solitary waves'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 5032-5035.
- 198.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar, J. Christou, V. Tikhonenko, B. Luther-Davies, and L.
Pismen, ``Dynamics of optical vortex solitons'', Opt. Commun. 152 (1998)
- 199.
- M.V. Gvozdikova, A.S. Kovalev, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Resonance
properties of domain walls in ferromagnetic systems with weak exchange interaction'',
Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 24 (1998) 635-640 [Low Temp. Phys. 24 (1998) 479-483]:
Special Issue devoted Prof. Arnold M. Kosevich.
- 200.
- O. Bang, Yu.S. Kivshar, A.V. Buryak, A. De Rossi, and S. Trillo, ``Two-dimensional
solitary waves in media with quadratic and cubic nonlinearity'', Phys. Rev. E 58
(1998) 5057-5069.
- 201.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, A.R. Champneys, D. Cai, and A.R. Bishop, ``Multiple states of
intrinsic localized modes'', Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998) 5423-5428.
- 202.
- * E.A. Ostrovskaya and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Nonlinear theory of
soliton-induced waveguides'', Opt. Lett. 23 (1998) 1268-1270.
- 203.
- P.B. Lundquist, D.R. Andersen, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Parametric
solitons'', Opt. Quantum Electron. 30 (1997) 739-750.
- 204.
- R.W. Micallef, Yu.S. Kivshar, J. Love, D. Burak, and R. Binder, ``Generation
of spatial solitons using nonlinear guided modes'', Opt. Quantum Electron. 30
(1998) 751-770.
- 205.
- * A.V. Buryak, Yu.S. Kivshar, M. Shih, and M. Segev, ``Induced
coherence and stable soliton spiralling'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 81-84.
- 206.
- M. Johansson and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Discreteness -induced oscillatory
instability of dark solitons'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 85-88.
- 207.
- E.A. Ostrovskaya and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Multi-hump optical solitons in a
saturable medium'', J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 1 (1999) 77-83.
- 208.
- E.A. Ostrovskaya, Yu.S. Kivshar, Z. Chen, and M. Segev, ``Interaction of
vector solitons and solitonic gluons'', Opt. Lett. 24 (1999) 327-329.
- 209.
- A.N. Slavin, Yu.S. Kivshar, E.A. Ostrovskaya, and H. Benner, ``Generation of
spin-wave envelope dark solitons'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 2583-2586.
- 210.
- T. Iizuka and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Optical gap solitons in nonresonant quadratic
media'', Phys. Rev. E. 59 (1999) 7148-7151.
- 211.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, T.J. Alexander, and S. Saltiel, ``Spatial optical solitons
resulting from multistep cascading'', Opt. Lett. 24 (1999) 759-761.
- 212.
- * E.A. Ostrovskaya, Yu.S. Kivshar, D. Skryabin, and W. Firth, ``Stability
of multi-hump optical solitons'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 296-299.
- 213.
- A.A. Sukhorukov, Yu.S. Kivshar, and O. Bang, ``Two-color nonlinear localized
photonic modes'', Phys. Rev E 59 (Rapid Communication) (1999) R41-R44.
- 214.
- Z.H. Musslimani, M. Segev, A. Nepomnyashchy, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Suppression
of transverse instability for vector solitons'', submitted to Phys. Rev. E 59
(Rapid Communication) (1999) August
- 215.
- A. Champneys and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Origin of multikinks in nonlinear
dispersive systems'', submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (1999).
- 216.
- T. Alexander, Yu.S. Kivshar, A.V. Buryak, and R. Sammut, ``Optical vortex
solitons in parametric wave mixing'', submitted to Phys. Rev. E (1999).
- 217.
- * C. Balslev Clausen, Yu.S. Kivshar, O. Bang, and P.L. Christiansen, ``Quasi-periodic
envelope solitons'', submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (1999).
- 218.
- * Yu.S. Kivshar, A.A. Sukhorukov, and S. Saltiel, ``Two-frequency
cascading and parametric soliton-induced waveguides'', submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
- 219.
- Yu.S. Kivshar and T.J. Alexander, ``Trapped Bose-Einstein condensates: Role
of Dimensionality'', submitted (1999).
- 220.
- L. Berge, T.J. Alexander, and Yu.S. Kivshar, ``Stability criterion for
attractive Bose-Einstein condensates'', submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (1999).
- 221.
- Yu.S. Kivshar, T.J. Alexander, and S.K. Turitsyn, ``Nonlinear modes of a
macroscopic quantum oscillator'', submitted to Phys. Rev. A (1999).
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